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Don't Taze Me, Bro!

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posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 09:27 AM
"Don't Taze Me, Bro!"

Appearantly, This is the new thing to print on shirts and make fun of. The innocent tazer event at the Kerry speech is the newest laughing stock and internet craze. The quote, "Don't taze me, bro!" was pulled directly out of the tazer video and printed on many t-shirts, jackets, and many other merchandise.

It's things like this that make me think that we (the people that KNOW things are going on behind our backs) are making no progress in our attempts.

This student made a bold and gutsy attempt to actually confront Kerry face to face (sorta) and ask him questions that no one else would. For his attempt to give the people knowledge, he was quickly silenced and beat/tazered.

So what do the people do? The SAME people that he was trying to inform, end up making shirts and merch MOCKING his attempts to make a difference. This is what is making me feel as if we (or those who are actively trying to make a difference) are not making a difference.

So I don't know, I guess I was just wondering if anyone caught on to this whole thing that the people do. Instead of people catching on to this stuff, like the Kerry speech incident, they just label the guy as 'nutcase,' and make shirts to make money of off this 'foolish act.'

It just bothers me, makes me feel likie no one knows what's going on. And they don't even want to know.

Guess i'm trying to say people are ignorant.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 10:08 AM
yes, it's pretty common to be mocked when actually exercising your rights, as opposed to just knowing they exist, but not using them.

It takes a big man (or group of people rather) to mock a minority...

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 10:13 AM
I'm sorry. But am I the only one that feels like this is blown way out of proportion?

Here is a guy that is a known prankster. He started to get riled and loud while asking Senator Kerry, a well known politician, and then started shaking a book at him. The police asked him to calm down, he didn't and then they started to remove him, AS THE SHOULD HAVE DONE because he was a potential threat and that is their job.

Instead of cooperating, he began to run and dance around to try and make a spectacle. This is also know as resisting the police. Had he stayed still or quietly left, there would have been no problem. But he CHOSE not to. The officers warned him to stay still or they would taser him - and he CHOSE not to stop, and even brought a sophomoric tone to the situation by yelling "DONT TASER ME BRO", which illustrates that he was not taking ANY of this seriously.

So they tasered him. As they warned they would.

Good. Make shirts. IMO he should be laughed at.

I have a hard time buying that this is a sign of a police state.

Word for the wise - if the police say they will taser you if you don't stop resisting, STOP RESISTING and let justice run its course. If you choose not to stop, then don't wonder why you get "Tasered Bro".

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 10:21 AM
my problem with that reasoning (he was a known prankster) is that there is no way these cops all knew that...

so that's basically implying that guilty until proven innocent is the new standard? I mean, who know he was a "jokester" while asking the questions? they didn't sound like jokes to me, not at all.

So what if it turns out he wasn't a jokester, and was asking these questions for a legitimate reason (I still think he was)? going on his character AFTER he was assaulted, is just crazy. That's not how things are supposed to work in this country... of course, things don't work the way they should - just an observation.

This is all very close to ad hominem.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 11:08 AM
I am not basing my justification on the tasering because of his history, but it gives insight to his character. The police there obviously thought he was getting a little too excited and they have to keep a very close eye on that stuff.

Had he calmly asked those questions, Kerry I am sure would have answered and the session would have moved on, but again, the guy CHOSE to make a commotion and when he was asked o stop, he did not.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 11:10 AM
i can agree to a certain point. i even have a hard time debating the tasering...

but where I am really appalled is how they turned his mic off, and attempted to handcuff him before he did anything, but ask a question. there was no struggle whatsoever prior to them putting their hands on him and attempting to restrain him with handcuffs.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 11:46 AM
Agreed 100%. I do not agree with the way he was apprehended, and while there could have been a MOUNTAIN of reasons why the police had a bad feeling about him, we could debate that for eternity. It was probably unfair, but we don't know the full story behind it either.

My only point is that when it reaches that critical level of police telling you to stop or else you're going to get a big ol' bucket o' taser, then he made his choice then and there to get tasered because he CHOSE not to stop. Simple as that.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by TruthWithin
I'm sorry. But am I the only one that feels like this is blown way out of proportion?

No, you are not. He was acting like a jackass. The assertion that he was removed and tased because of the questions he asked is ridiculous.

I am by no means a fan of the police. I have had my fair share of run ins with bad cops. There are many incidents of police abuse all over. But for the people screaming police brutality, big brother and police state, I just don't see it in this case.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 12:01 PM
It's just another cute CafePress bear to add to the collection.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 12:03 PM

"Don't taze me, bro!" That is just hilarious... Congrats to the people with a sense of humour monetizing on this one.
I also don't think this kid was taking it seriously, with a catchphrase like that.
It does seem to me, no matter what his intentions, he was not cooperating with police officers who wanted him to calm down. This whole thing HAS been blown way out of proportion.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 12:06 PM
And Bill O'Reily is giving away Don't Taze me Bro Bumber Stickers with every order!

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by LostNemesis

"Don't taze me, bro!" That is just hilarious... Congrats to the people with a sense of humour monetizing on this one.
I also don't think this kid was taking it seriously, with a catchphrase like that.
It does seem to me, no matter what his intentions, he was not cooperating with police officers who wanted him to calm down. This whole thing HAS been blown way out of proportion.

so as he was screaming out "help" and "dont tase me" that was all part of the act too? Now who is sounding crazy...

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 12:24 PM
Lets all remember that this was all after the kid got in front of the microphone and just started spouting off questions with out letting Kerry answer. He was asked to let Mr. Kerry speak and said that " Kerry has been talking for 2 hours, i think it is my turn". He was very disrespectful and they asked him nicely.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 01:44 PM
It sounds to me like this young gentleman had previous experience with 10,000 volts of electricity flowing thru his neurons. In the old days they would just pull the billy clubs.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 06:51 PM
actually, standard grade for law enforcement is at least 50k. if you have ever been shocked with a 50k for 5 consecutive seconds (not just a quick zap for testing, but a REAL tase) you would know it's not something you would ever intentionally do.

It is literally so painful and overwhelming, the only thought on your mind is "when is this going to stop!?"

I have read a few people claim it's no big deal. bullpoop. obviously lying about knowing how it feels. now 10-20k, perhaps. My friends used to zap each other for fun with those downtown.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 07:14 PM
I keep hearing people say that he was acting like a jackass, out of control, disrespectful, the cops asked him to calm down and then I hear people make excuses for the tasering, joking about it. Well, everyone's entitled to their opinion, but lemme just ask: if the goal is to be heard ( when exercising freedom of speech [which seems to be forgotten all of a sudden]) then is it better to stay completely calm and monotone and not rock the boat ( like, say, Sen. Kerry - nice campaign, by the way. Too bad you didn't win.), or should freedom of speech still defend those who, God forbid, feel passionately enough to slip in more than one question, and then try to avoid being manhandled by law enforcement gorillas?
My next question would be: at what point ( if not incidents like this and the others in the last couple weeks ) do we assume that a police state is manifesting right before our eyes? Personally, the Patriot Act was my undeniable wake-up call.

But, then again, maybe I should get tazed for even suggesting that our benevolent government would do anything but what is best for everyone.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 11:57 PM
He was not a known prankster That is the media smear campaign one joke video doesnt make them a prankster.

Like you never made a stupid video in your life.

He probally was trying to copy punked.

Even if he was a prankster he would of got naked or something.

Not ask him a serious life ending question!

They Rushed to the kids you myspace and stole his video. And labeled him a prankster.

Its kinda stupid.
Anyone got his myspace post it lol

[edit on 26-9-2007 by infamouskiller]

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by TruthWithin
I'm sorry. But am I the only one that feels like this is blown way out of proportion?

Here is a guy that is a known prankster.


Yeah, it does seem a bit out of proportion doesn't it.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 12:39 AM

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 08:40 AM
OK - the fact that he was a prankster was irrelevant. What is RELEVANT is that he just kept spouting stuff out and was on his THIRD question after not letting Kerry respond at all and then used the term "b---w job", right before he said skull and bones. Thats why he was asked to leave.

It is disrespectful. Particularly when Kerry was willing to answer these questions.

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