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Mom, Dad? Why did they point guns at me?

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posted on Sep, 23 2007 @ 12:08 PM
Call this post a warning to anyone with parental instincts and a desire to ensure the future of our children by protecting them from ANYONE who would influence them. This includes our so-called government, along with state and local ILLEGAL police procedure.

As many of you may have noticed, the sheer number of reports of police brutality in the last 2 weeks have been escalating. Police do not serve AND protect those that actually pay their salary. In fact, they are very much like security guards that have by far overstepped their bounds when it comes to just how much power they are alloted.

On top of that, we have people we didn't elect in command of America's military might that don't give a damn about who they hurt, so long as there is profit to be made from the deaths of our fighting men and women. They give us our opinion through the influence of the news room, plain and simple.

I am 21 years old, and a citizen of the nation that was once consider the land of freedom and equality. Sadly, we lost our nation with the passing of the patriot act. To anyone without their head in their bowels, the chain of events in the last 100 years is more than proof that something is amiss.

In the event of a draft, which is inevitably going to happen, I will be in total refusal to fight on the grounds that it is illegal. We didnt learn that we cant punch things we cant see from Vietnam, where it was more than obvious that FEAR was the choice weapon to drive the American war-machine into that mess.

From the false election, to the fake attacks on the WTC, to the gustapo tactics that our police forces use today. According to them, you don't have any opinions other than the views presented to you. Unless you a psychic and know everything, you cannot deny the world we live in is being manipulated.

Control is what they dont want to loose, and if they know they will lose it, they will do ANYTHING including nuclear "dirty bomb" attacks on the US just to gain your trust again by declaring martial law in the interests of homeland security.

The point of this topic is suttle:

Do you prefer your children to live afraid to do anything without the approval of someone that is 300-1000 mi. away? Do you honestly think that you are doing them a favor by supporting blood-shed in the name of profit?

I completely understand now why so many in the world hate us, and perhaps one day someone else will wake up like me and see that we are wrong. If the whole worlds against us, then obviously we are the ones in the wrong so long as we allow the leadership in place to just sit back and let things happen.

I will not fight against another country for any man's profit, nor should others be sent and forced to fight in my sted. I pray I will never see the day that I have to fight my own countrymen just to defend rights I earned by being born here. My forefathers fought for the rights of others in every major conflict starting with World War I, and its in their name that I would stand for the cause of freedom in our homeland against the Facist pigs who use that freedom to further their own corrupt and illegal agendas.

Just imagine for one second that your child is on the floor of a school, and a cop is bearing down on them with a gun demanding drugs, and you tell me what you would do. It goes without saying that the cop is a dead man, as drawing and pointing a weapon at an unarmed child in a school where it is against FEDERAL LAW to carry a firearm constitutes a breach of the patriot act on grounds of terrorist action.

A terrorist is ANYONE who uses fear to gain a strategic or profitable advantage over another person, be it man, woman, or child. This includes people from this country that wear a badge, and make decisions that can affect a person for life. If that person chose to execute that power to commit an illegal action, it is within the bounds of the constitution of the united states to defend yourself.


[edit on 23-9-2007 by Knightshadowz]

posted on Sep, 23 2007 @ 11:25 PM
If there was going to be a draft it would've happened a long time ago.

posted on Sep, 23 2007 @ 11:36 PM
hippies and draft dodgers, man oh man..

i agree 100% about the police. as for the high brass running things. they didnt become generals because they look good on camera. to become high brass there a number of things that have to happen. first and for most, combat experince. these guys in control now have seen things that would make most of us run crying to our mothers. maybe you should learn more about them before you make such claims. i was in the military i some what know how these things work.

btw. the military is not a democracy like the rest of this country..

posted on Sep, 23 2007 @ 11:47 PM
I have to say, I totally agree. There's some stuff going on right now that's completely unacceptable.

I don't live in the USA, but I know what it's supposed to be. It's the land of liberty, home of the brave, right? The Land of Liberty, where your phone lines may be tapped for security purposes, and if you are thought to be a terrorist... Well... The Home of the Brave, where attacking third-world countries like Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan in the name of "Freedom" is completely acceptable. I'm not trying to say that Americans are like this. But the governing body sure seems to be.

A democracy is a place where the people's will is the law. Rhetorical question: How many people believe that the soldiers' lives (It takes guts to die for a cause that people believe in, it takes real heart to die for a cause that few people do) and the last several years have actually made Iraq a better place to be? And if the majority doesn't, why is there a war?

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by Knightshadowz

Children will not grow up afraid. Trust me. The video games and movies these days makes them use to fear. Thus, they will never be afraid of mere terrorists and the likes if they are shooting them 7 hours a day.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 01:49 AM
From the false election- No.
to the fake attacks on the WTC - No.
to the gustapo tactics that our police forces use today - Good job generalizing tens of thousands of Americans. No.
According to them, you don't have any opinions other than the views presented to you. -No.
Unless you a psychic and know everything, you cannot deny the world we live in is being manipulated. - No.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 02:15 AM
take it from someone whos been arrested and then released on lack of evidence several time the cops would much rather jsut have something to do naw but wuhat gets me is how can one american look at another american and say i have the right to take your freedom away you arent any better than me you just got back up on the radio i got back up down the street but we aint runnin up with guns pulled cause you maced a dude that didnt even do nothing then you found out later he was telling the truth we dont do nadda when you and the millitary start training to take cities under martial law (operation urban warrior) imean some people throw on a badge and actually try to do the right thing others act like this is miami vice my friends moms fiancee was shot to death by officer roman romero (robocop as we affectionately named him) he was put on a admin leave for a few months and now hes back out here arresting people after he shot that man 12 times while he was still in the car

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 02:23 AM
I disagree with the original poster completely. I have served in the military for four years and got out. I was well aware of the dangers that were involved when I signed up. I did not sign up simply because I got a college GI bill afterward, I signed up because I live in this country and feel its the duty of at least all males that live in the United States to serve at least 2 years in the military.

It should never be a matter of what your view is on public matters its whether or not you live in the United States. Do you live in the United States? If so then with out a doubt if there was a draft you should sign up, not because you agree with the president but because you love your country. Could you imagine if everyone thought like you? We wouldn't have a military and without a military there is no country.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 02:27 AM
If you dont want to get drafted than get fat, and you will get the boot should the draft come. That or do a huge line of blow the day you are suppose to report. Stay up for a week before your date and get wasted. Show up naked or with a gay pride shirt on.....There is ALWAYS a way out. Just have to leave any pride behind.

As for the above I dont agree. We will have enough type a guys wanting to blow stuff up in SF...That and nukes can do much to end our problems.

[edit on 24-9-2007 by TXMACHINEGUNDLR]

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by Knightshadowz

ok , lets get to the bottom of you claim :

Just imagine for one second that your child is on the floor of a school, and a cop is bearing down on them with a gun demanding drugs, and you tell me what you would do. It goes without saying that the cop is a dead man, as drawing and pointing a weapon at an unarmed child in a school where it is against FEDERAL LAW to carry a firearm constitutes a breach of the patriot act on grounds of terrorist action.

please cite which federal law prohibits on duty LEOs from carrying thier service weapon on school premises

because the rest of your post is barely coherent ranting

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by illusion987
I disagree with the original poster completely. I have served in the military for four years and got out. I was well aware of the dangers that were involved when I signed up. I did not sign up simply because I got a college GI bill afterward, I signed up because I live in this country and feel its the duty of at least all males that live in the United States to serve at least 2 years in the military.

All of which are choices of your own free will, You don't determine the life of another man he and he alone decides his fate, anything which prevents man form making his own choices and takes his freewill out of his hands and forces him to do something he didn't chose to take upon himself is unconstitutional

It should never be a matter of what your view is on public matters its whether or not you live in the United States. Do you live in the United States? If so then with out a doubt if there was a draft you should sign up, not because you agree with the president but because you love your country. Could you imagine if everyone thought like you? We wouldn't have a military and without a military there is no country.

Have you ever bothered reading the very document you swore to protect?
The only duty Government has is to protect the unalienable rights of man, the muscle of this protection is the military, its purpose is to protect these rights, you didn't take an oath to protect the United States, you took and oath to protect the Constitution of the United States, because within this constitution are the very rights our founders fought to insure.

As stated Governments job is to protect these rights, Yet congress asserts powers it doesn't Constitutionally have, as the does the President, while doing so they take these very rights they swore to protect away, while the arm of this protection stands by and takes orders which violate the oath they took, they enforce unconstitutional acts even though they took and oath to protect this country from all enemies foreign and domestic, Do think the founders were talking about Al'qaida when they referred to domestic enemies? No they were referring to internal threats to liberty, Government which surpasses its powers and carries out things which violate the rights of the individual.

Forcing a man against his will to fight a battle he doesn't believe in is simply disgusting, If the fight truly is for freedom if the fight is to protect the rights protected by the constitution, you bet the people will fight it, this has been proven time and time and time again, Iraq isn't a threat to my Freedom and liberty, Iran isn't a threat to my freedom and liberty, Al'qaida isn't a threat to my freedom and liberty, The threat to my freedom and liberty are those which take it away, None of these entities took away my Freedom or my liberty, But the very Government who swore to protect these things is the very Government who ask us to sacrifice a little freedom and liberty in order to "protect" us, Sacrifice what they swore to protect in order to protect what they swore to protect? Thats makes a lot of sense.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
because the rest of your post is barely coherent ranting

I have to differ with you I feel it was all rant.

I sure hope the post vented all of his/her problems or did he/she perhaps have a bad saturday night out where the draft was discussed and turned into a draft dogger?

[edit on 9/24/2007 by shots]

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 09:27 AM
What does the title of this thread have to do with your rant man? You have a choice, and there is no draft. Not one coming, no need for one. Police brutality is not a new thing, it has existed since the beginning of time. However, to make them all out to be sadists is not right.

I have had enough contact with Law enforcement that I know they will lie, but at the same time some of them make it possible for you to live in safety and not constant fear. There are bad doctors, lawyers, teachers. politicians, grocery baggers, etc.

I always said that cops were guys that were to scared to join the service but still get the chance to wear a uniform. This is true. To many it is ego, but to many it is a career and to some it is a job.

This is a time we live in where 8 y/o kids shoot each other and college kids go on rampages and shot a dozen or so kids. A time where a person can walk into a store and shoot a clerk for no reason. A time where a simple traffic stop can turn deadly instead of a lecture and a ticket.

I know good cops, and a few dirty cops, but like I said, that is in every profession.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 09:47 AM
Was it a rant? Yep.
Was it for the most part accurate? Yep.
We as Americans are children of the greatest human revolution the world has seen. We are the Children of the Age of Reason yet we refuse to see the actions that have been taken by the elitist politicians and bankers to control and corrupt our society. We rail against Communism and cry Freedom every July 4th yet we do not flinch at the fact that we are subjugated by a central banking system or that 40% of the fruit of our labor is confinscated and redistributed. This is a Marxist model. We do not flinch when the Federal Government controls many of the major industries directly and regulates the use of private resources through regulation and licensing. This is Socialism. Our nation was born under the philosphy of Locke and the idea that all men are born with rights granted to us by our existence yet we do not cry out when our rights are confinscated by a ever more powerful central government. The Federal Reserve and the globalist bankers who run this institution have a singular goal, the subjugation of humanity and the maximizing of power into the hands of a few key families. Do we not question that the so called Axis of Evil hapen to consist of the only major Countries in the world that do not have a Central Bank run by the very same bankers that run every other Central Bank in the World? Why do we not question the fact that we even have a Central Bank when one of the primary reasons of our Revolution was that the British were subjugating us with theirs? Instead of marching along like good little soldiers and saluting the flag whenever it is raised how about we begin to question and hold accountable the powers that control our lives. This invisible hand that manipulates our economy and our welfare. To deny that their has been a plot against freedom since 1776 is to wholly and truly be suffering from the worse form of Rectal Cranial Inversion. our freedom truly began to be eaten away as soon as the Articles of Confederation were cast aside and the Constitution was implemented. From th emoment Alexander Hamilton advocated a central bank we were done for. He was a staunch Monarchist and somehow the elite who have inherited his legacy have worked him in as an American hero.
We must fight through the lies and see the truth, or we are all screwed.
Is it any wonder that almost every single American President claims to be Descended from William the Conqueror?

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 12:02 PM
It guys like Knight that no one takes this site seriously. Just a bunch of ranting anti-"whoever is in charge" conspiraphiles complaining about elaborate crack-pot theories using twisted "facts".

BTW, the law makes exceptions for individuals to carry a firearm onto school grounds.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 12:52 PM
Well, Welll, Well.

It is not hard to see where "knight" gets his views from and how he formulates his "opinion" of this GREAT NATION. It's nice to have an opinion especially one like yours.

You are too young to be so "jaded". I believe this was purely an "anti - anyone in power" rant to score points here on ATS.

My response to you or my "suggestion" is, if you are going to stay in the U.S.A. I don't know if your going to like it --- You might want to look for someplace else to live - if you think it's that bad here.

Your ranting about the Patriot Act is uncalled for. How can you talk about rights that have been "given up"? My life has not changed one bit. I go the same things today that I did before the "Patriot Act".

I guess if your a criminal of any sort - the patriot act is not for you. (not that I'm saying your a criminal). Then again, all laws are not for you.

Good luck to you.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 01:13 PM
I feel every man and woman should serve 2 years in the military like Israel does. Not only would that give the general populace a better understanding on how things are done, but the whole nation would be trained to fight encase of an invasion or a major terrorist attack.

In the event a draft is ever implemented again I feel nothing but shame and contempt for those who tuck tail and run because they feel its unlawful and unjust. Thats just fancy words to cover their cowardices. I served, my brother served and I have my youngest brother who has 4 more years before he retires from the army. He has taken rounds in Bosnia and served two tours in Iraq.

As far as the poster who claimed making someone do something that they don't want to is unconstitutional. Where do you get that from? Hell people everyday are forced to do things they don't want to like pay taxes but it still has to be done. It comes with the territory of being a citizen.

Just man up and do it already.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 01:41 PM
Wow. It's hard to blieve so many people on a site like this are such Statist Fascist types.

If you don't like it in America leave? Funny, good thing ourunders did not believe it. Best part is this comment was directed at Knight who clearly has an understanding of the concepts our nation was founded on. How bout this. If you want things like the Patriot Act and DomesticSpying and the reduction in our rights, how about you leave? You go live in Communist China or Cuba or the UK and you can have all the police protection you need. Leave America alone and let us have it back who want to be free.

As far as mandatory service? We tried that once, it was calledslavery. It did not work and people did not like it. A volunteer service is perfect and it falls in line with the concept of men being free. If you CHOOSE to serve you do. If you CHOOSE not to serve you do not. That makes men free. CHOICE.

Who the hell do these people think they are that they actually believe that someone should be FORCED through threat of MURDER to commit MURDER? We live in America!!!! What is so hard to understand about freedom. Freedom has risks that go hand in hand with being free!
He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither. I served in the Army as a combat engineer , 12B at the time, and it makes me ashamed that someone else who served could possibly believe the drivel that is posted here.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 01:50 PM

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by uberarcanist
If there was going to be a draft it would've happened a long time ago.

why do you say that?

I think Iraq is in bad shape from us but also its not enough to call a draft, maybe if Iran did get invaded by us, which I hope is just rumors or fear mongoring

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