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Is the moon a hollow sphere, or is it made of swiss cheese?

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posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 11:21 AM
Believe it or not, the following are facts about the moon: it is either hollow, or made of something considerably less dense than rock. (Cheese anyone?)

Studies and calculations, based on mass, centers of gravity and composition have led many scientists to come to the startling conclusion that the moon is about half the density that it sould be. As well, the moon rings like a hollow bell when struck.

Seismometers were set up on the moon's surface by the astronauts of Apollo XII. When the Lunar module had taken off, heading back to earth, the astronauts discarded the ascent stage of the lunar module, dropping it on the moons surface, smashing the craft and creating a tremor that was picked up by the seismometers. When the NASA scientists heard the data stream, they couldn�t believe what they were hearing: the moon was ringing like a bell and continued to do so for around an hour, the creshendo of which was about six minutes after the impact- exactly the same resonant behaviour (albeit many hundreds of thoudands of times larger) as a spherical bell.

After they had had a chance to analyse the seismological information, NASA declared (to themselves) that the moon seemed to be a hollow sphere with a uniform, solid metallic layer around 34-40 miles below the surface.

Next is the fact that the densest metallic rocks, which are usually found molten at the cores of planets and large moons, was spread across the surface in the form of marias, or seas, the dark patches visible on the surface of the moon. The official line on this is that they are cooled lava seas from an earlier, volcanically active period in the Moon's history. But there is so much lava that the volcanos must have excreted the planetlet's entire molten core, leaving it, yes, that's right, hollow! No natural process is known to be able to do this, so I am suggesting to you that this was done by some ancient civilisation, many billions of years ago.

There are other mysteries surrounding our moon: The fact that the same side ALWAYS faces us, with absolutely no variation whatsoever. The official story from NASA is that the moon 'budded' off from the earth creating this effect, despite the fact that, again, no known natural process is able to explain this, and the fact that the composition of the moon is entirely different to that of earth. If you look at the artificial hypothesis, one can see that this would have practical implications. If one side always faced the earth, then it would maximise the efficiancy of ferrying between the moon and our planet. As well, anamalous images by orbiters of structures on the surface, NASA sensored conversations between crews of apollo missions, and the whole 'faked landing to conceal truth' theory add to the evidence.

My conclusions, and one which is shared by many others, are that the moon was a small planet hollowed out in some other star system by an advanced civilisation, then somehow piloted here as an 'Ark'. Arriving at the earth, the population living inside, which could have numbered millions, left their world, and colonised ours. There is evidence of such a colonisation, in ancient texts, the moon is described as arriving, and there are times described before the moon's arrivial. This can be coupled with the ancient astronaut theory, which suggests that alien intelligences spawned civilisation here on earth many thousands of years ago, but that their own civilisation was destroyed by some massive disaster on earth, a sad end to a monumental adventure across space.

Read the first chapter of Jim Marrs's Alien Agena for more info.

posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 11:40 AM
Dont forget that the moon has not always been up there in Earth orbit, millions or even billions years ago a big ateroid hit earth almost destroting Earth and huge amounts of rock went into space over time it formed up to be the moon very long time. The moon is artificial satalite thats a fact, but if its hollow i dont know it could be hollow in parts though.

posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 11:43 AM
Fascinating read and thanks for posting it. The Moon does indeed hold many mysteries. I too have read and enjoyed Alien Agenda. Might I suggest this book too:
Extraterrestrial Archaeology: Incredible Proof we are not Alone by Richard Hatcher Childress. The ISBN number for it is: 0-932813-21-6.
The moon could very well have been an artificial construct for an advanced race of space travelers using it to observe the Earth. I don't feel humans are the only "game" in town. At one time our solar system could have been (and may still be) a bustling place of activity.

---Matty (mattywhelz)

[Edited on 1-18-2004 by mattywhelz]

posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 11:45 AM
Wouldn't that, blobby, mean that the moon was made of the same stuff as the earth, which it isn't? As well, rocks on the moon are billions of years older than those on earth, making it OLDER than the earth!

Geological records show that the tides only began a few thousand years ago (marking the arrival of the moon) and ancient writings also suggest that the moon only arrived a few thousand years ago, at least within the memory of humankind.

[Edited on 18-1-2004 by lordlefty]

posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by lordlefty
and ancient writings also suggest that the moon only arrived a few thousand years ago, at least within the memory of humankind.

[Edited on 18-1-2004 by lordlefty]

Good point lordlefty

---Matty (mattywhelz)

posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by lordlefty
Geological records show that the tides only began a few thousand years ago (marking the arrival of the moon) and ancient writings also suggest that the moon only arrived a few thousand years ago, at least within the memory of humankind.

What caused these findings if the moon only arrived a few thousand years ago?

posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 01:06 PM
look i hate to burst your bubble but we ALL know the moon is made from cheese...and not swiss cheese either, if it were it would be both hollow and made of cheese. simple.....dense core of Tasty covered in a layer of bluevein then surfaced in cream cheese....sheesh!

posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 01:22 PM
I don't know about the moon, but this thread fairly closely resembles swiss cheese.

Lefty could you please provide any sort of background to this?

Also the moon is always facing us due to tidal forces slowing its rotation to exactly the same time as its orbit. The same forces are slowing earth and moving the moons orbit further away. There are modern theories explaining the moons composition also.

posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 01:37 PM
For your reading pleasure or displeasure.

Pravda article

Moon map

---Matty (mattywhelz)

---Matty (mattywhelz)

[Edited on 1-18-2004 by mattywhelz]

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