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[HOAX] 'ET' False Flag Operation to Begin in August [HOAX]

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posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 05:53 PM
Thank you Thank you Springer for declaring this a hoax. It was long overdue.

Kudos again to greatlakes and others for their fine work

Now one question; are we gonna have a public hanging

[edit on 6/26/2007 by shots]

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 05:54 PM
Fear? Don't make me laugh! I've faced down the monster in the abyss long ago and got to the other side thanks and fear not. I'm ready to go any day of any week. What have I got to fear anyway?

I don't care if the thread is shut down or not either I just asked about the T&C issue is all.

GhostRaven is not beyond any means to be touched, as he clearly understands himself.

My problem? Yes if I have one here I do seem to have a mental disconnect on the issue of his Fessed up felonious activity that just doesn't sit well with me. Life human and other is pretty precious to me and you'll find me standing up to whoever wants to take it from innocents whatever the weather.

I simply cannot condone or subscribe or sit by and allow someone to get away with the taking of anothers life if its in my power to do something about. If I stand in the way of the bullet so be it. That's my moral standpoint and from that viewpoint I find the OP's stated cold blooded planning of such ops offensive.

Sorry if that bugs you

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 05:54 PM
Yeah... there's no way I can read all of this in a timely manner to see if he ever posted another response (I got to like page 8 before I realized it was this long). However, I would like to mention, in case no one else has thought of this, if this intention of disclosure DOES exist, is it truly meant to mislead as this person says, or is this the disinformation? How do you get around the possibility that if this is true, this GhostRaven could simply be a knowledgeable person, a spy for a radical group, or (not to sound crazy, but it's good to look at possibilities) ET himself? Could this not simply be an attempt to deceive us into believing that a hostile group isn't truly hostile? If we are to believe that these extraterrestrial creatures actually exist and that those that have or have not been shown to the governments are actually sentient, conscious beings, then we can not rule out the possibility that they could use propaganda just as well as any human, if not better. What better way to enter a war than to have your enemy's most knowledgeable civilians (in regards to extraterrestrial life) claiming to be sure that there is no real threat? What if the world governments show an ET threat to the public, but the ufology community does its best to show that they are lying? What happens when through the methods of these experts, and the current declining trust in our governments worldwide, the majority of the world believes that our impending destruction is purely fabricated? I'm not saying not to pay attention to these claims, but be wary around anything involving a war, even more wary than with most of the claims made on these forums. Keep an open mind, but don't let your guard down.

Now on another note... something that truly disturbs me. If these claims are true and the governments of the world do plan to begin false abductions of civilians, who better to abduct than those who are prepared to meet their lies with even an ounce of truth. In a case like this, I think that anyone outside of their trusted members who could possibly even begin to disrupt their plans would be considered an enemy in most countries in today's world. In today's world, their arsenal for destroying our base of knowledge and our ability to spread the truth, or even live comfortably is almost unlimited. If this does happen, be careful how you try to approach the issue. Any government crazy enough to try something like this should never be treated as a direct enemy, unless you don't enjoy your life. So... masochists, go right ahead, but everyone else, just be careful with this kind of stuff.

While the idea of finally knowing of extraterrestrial life is exciting, I hope that this topic, in its entirety is moot come September.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 05:55 PM


Very sorry for the one-liner, but I'm elated and vindicated. Again,


posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 05:56 PM
Damn. A hoax? That sucks. I was really hoping something cool would happen in August. Last year was so boring. Maybe someone will set off a nuke or something this year. That'd be cool.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 05:56 PM
Its like watching a long putt approach the cup........little slower now.....easing up to it......its gonna' drop!!! maybe not.....

Oh My God!!!....its literally on the edge of the cup.....everybody jumps up and down trying to somehow cause some tremors.....enough to cause the ball to fall and cause everyone to erupt in wild cheering and celebration......

But alas....the crowd exhales a communal "aaahhhhhhhhh"......its not to be.....

Some goofball comes here, makes this huge dramatic show, everyone clamors to add their 2 cents, and finally....bogus......

Ah but still....the buildup and the tension....thrills...

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by Tiloke

It is a DNA map. I have no idea why he posted this or what relevance it has to this thread.

What makes you think it is the human genome?

Okay so someone copy it quickly now that we have all looked at it and send it to a genetic specialist and see what he/she says it is...if its something weird, I am sure the genetist will write back and say WTF? or "Is this some kind of joke?"

But I did not see this code either

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 05:59 PM
kick, I only meant that I don't think it's productive to waste energy on something one has no control over.

I too have my standards that I fight for, and I too have faced the darkness and found the strength to proceed.

I see that this is now labeled a hoax, so there seems little more to learn.

Peace kick. You're gonna' make your blood pressure go up dude.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 05:59 PM
I have a thought..?

What if this site was so popular & powerful in connecting and starting to awake and unite people across the globe, that the powers (government , illuminati, bankers, or whatever?), drop in to discredit the site..?

How would they do this...?

Knowing that so many people come here wanting answers, genuine regular peeps,
Like you, me, your friends and your family, arriving with open minds and open hearts.

What if a nerve was hit on..? what if 'They' decided that this site actually was educating and opening peoples minds to theories and notions of freedom of expression ect..?

They could instigate a post via research to give hope, fear, unity, and then break it in a moment. That very ideal... Time and time again, until the readers get annoyed, or indifferent enough to stop visiting the site...?

It's just a thought. I am not saying this is a fact.
It's just a thought.

I hope this hoax or whatever it is does not impulse peeps to no longer visit the site.
I hope this type of thing does not make people start to think in a negative way towards this fantastic site. A hoax is a hoax, and does not mean that there are genuine peeps with genuine stories and /or sittings, experience, knowledge and facts that are honest and unexplainable.
I for one, am very annoyed at the amount of attention seeking small minded hoaxers out there. But it does not stop me from being an individual with an open mind. An individual that wants to seek truth and learn from others. Whatever the lesson that may be learned.

I am myself a newbie (visiting for way to long before I posted) and I just want other newbies to not be put off by negative or otherwise hoaxes.

One hoax must not stop people who are honest and genuine from posting real experience and knowledge.
I for one love this site, even if mostly I am an observer.

I said my bit.
Love , peace and a beer or 8 :-)
beyondplanetearth. Over and out.

P.S. GR if you have used this site as a marketing toy or sick hoax, may the curse of a thousand warts upon your left testicle be upon you...

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by apc
Damn. A hoax? That sucks. I was really hoping something cool would happen in August. Last year was so boring. Maybe someone will set off a nuke or something this year. That'd be cool.

i new it was a hoax and apc why do you want nukes to go off its not nice to see war etc

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 06:02 PM
lol nah I'm spiritually equalized.

Hoax aha! I wonder if that will rile GhostRaven into spilling some beans?

It was interesting how off key his posts were today as well as his real time responding. A definite entropy.

peace to all you out there too.

[edit on 26-6-2007 by kickoutthejams]

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by kickoutthejams
The burden of proof isn't on us it's on him, you can't expect people (especially here) to swallow that kind of story without any kind of supporting evidence.

Plus I'm really tired of hearing what a great guy he was laying it on the line. This is the guy who plans to make your own fellow innocent citizens 'disappear' possibly die. Is involved with that planning and expresses no remorse or conscience about it, in fact expresses more fear for his pension than for the lives he is allegedly (self-confessingly) involved in planning the end of.

I repeat to the Believers this time, how does that sit well with your own personal value system?

[edit on 26-6-2007 by kickoutthejams]

Wow lets think about this logically. If GR is telling the truth, he made it clear that this "operation" was not in his original job description, and this "information leak" was the result of new "orders" being given to him. Im not sure where you got the idea that he was somehow involved in the planning stages.

So considering his position, if he is telling the truth, what are his options?

a) he could quit his job - this could be detrimental to his family and ultimately would to nothing to stop the government's future plans which would take many (not all) of us totally by suprise.

b) he could turn to the Mainstream media to get his story out - i think its safe to rule out even the most remote possibility he will get coverage.

c) he could "lay it all out on the line" for us here at ATS, and when he gets wasted by the government we would all have our "proof"

d) He could to what he has been doing here at ATS, leaking info while being discrete about his identity and then when, according to him, # hits the fan, he can continue to leak us info.

for all you "skeptics" who require proof, NOBODY IS ASKING YOU TO BELIEVE ANYTHING AT ALL, JUST WAIT 2 MONTHS, otherwise please dont ruin it for the rest of us who actually might want to hear what this person has to say before jumping to conclusions.

[edit on 26-6-2007 by Meatclown]

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by apc
Damn. A hoax? That sucks. I was really hoping something cool would happen in August. Last year was so boring. Maybe someone will set off a nuke or something this year. That'd be cool.

Thats just disgusting.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by rickjamesia
Yeah... there's no way I can read all of this in a timely manner to see if he ever posted another response

Sure there is...

Go to his first post... at the bottom of it you will see a list of terms... click posts and magically all posts in this thread from that poster are displayed in sequence...

HAZZAH TO THE MODS WHO ADDED THIS FEATURE!!!! I Missed that until this thread... that is going to make it so much easier finding relevant data in any thread..

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by BuzzingOn

1.Would it be fair to blame the death of every person caused by the convicts from the Penal Settlement of Sydney on its modern citizens now?

2. Or blame all the deaths on todays Australian citizens caused by Great Britain in it's past conflict's, (shall we mention its failed promoted conference that ended up helping in the sparking of WW1), just because Australia still today holds and honors the monarch of Great Britain?

3.Do we blame Australian's now of all that "Blair" does?

4. Do we blame the Australian citizens for the actions of over 6 million immigrants that have entered and stayed in Australia since WW2 whose ever become a criminal and killed locally or in the Armed Forces through-out time?

5. Do we call Australia land already controlled by NWO just because it forces its people to vote regardless if they like any candidate or be heavily fined? Lets keep it a shortened list is right. The point is ....No.

The point that you seemed to miss by me is that as "human beings" facing an "ET attack", (no matter where its at), will all other humans around the world come to aid those being attacked or try to take advantage of it? To turn your back on your fellow man during an ET invasion because your possibly bitter over earths history of death makes you no better then the ones who helped cause all th

To answer your questions.

1. No, but i dont see the relevance, i am being critical of the American Government, not the American Citizens and also referring to modern history. You really dont understand why many people would love to see the American Government fall do you?

2. No we can blame it on our own Government (its called taking responsibility, something both YOUR and my Government have a problem doing). Secondly, many Australians dislike our links to the British Monarch but i dont see what this has to do with what i was saying (see my point regarding taking responsibility for the consequences to our own actions).

3. Dont need to, John Howard willingly sends our troops nowadays to fight in Americas wars or, as they can be defined as they qualify within the very definition - terrorist attacks. (This also means Australia is a terrorist, just like America (again see my point about taking responsibility).

4. Again, my issue is not with American citizens, its with the Government. So no.

5. "force" is an interesting word. You can be issued with a fine of approximately $70AU, however, you must enrol prior to being fined. That being said, i know many people who never vote, are enrolled, and dont get fines.

Hey if you want to have a go at Australian Government feel free to do so, we have just as many problems as your Government, but, have definitely not murdered as many innocents in the pursuit of our own interests however, we are guilty of that charge too. Given our much smaller population, its just on a smaller magnitude.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 06:08 PM
you can bet your bottom dollar that in a war humans from Earth vs the Aliens the humans from Earth will still be killing its own kind too.

Like Ripley says in Aliens (with naughty word subbed) 'You don't see them screwing each over for a percentage'

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
Go to his first post... at the bottom of it you will see a list of terms... click posts and magically all posts in this thread from that poster are displayed in sequence...

HAZZAH TO THE MODS WHO ADDED THIS FEATURE!!!! I Missed that until this thread... that is going to make it so much easier finding relevant data in any thread..

Alternately (and I find its better) clicking on "THREAD" below the sig area will give all of the posts of a member made to that specific thread.

[edit on 6/26/2007 by greatlakes]

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 06:09 PM
OK, Springer, would you care to step to the front and tell us your information and reasoning?

Inquiring minds want to know.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 06:10 PM
Haha confirmed HOAX.....suckahs

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by apc
Damn. A hoax? That sucks. I was really hoping something cool would happen in August. Last year was so boring. Maybe someone will set off a nuke or something this year. That'd be cool.

How does that suck that it's a hoax?

The world is a huge place teeming with possibilities and excitement- physical, intellectual, and spiritual. Go experience it!

A NWO takeover, an armageddon, or a nuke doesn't have to occur to make things interesting...

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