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US Congress: Soon To Be Dissolved?

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posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 10:50 PM
The staggering poll numbers for US Congress job approval sits at %14.

Anyone notice how it always manages to stay just below President Bush's job approval rating. And where do these ratings come from. I cannot believe these stats. To me they seem desperately managed and spun. I do not know anyone who disapproves of Congress more than the Executive branch.

I believe there may be a more sinister use for this "lack of approval" of Congress. It could be a lever for the NWO/'Powers That Be' to use for a easier deconstruction of Congressional Powers and eventually Congress itself. The power of the Legislative/Congressional branch of government has been seriously reduced in the past 8 years under Bush, no one can deny that. We can only guess that it will continue to weaken. Would this spin of statistics keeping Congress below Bush be influenced? My feeling is "Yes!".

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 12:07 AM
I believe the poll numbers on Congress, and I am not a big fan of polls. All one needs to do is watch CSPAN for a couple of hours to see Congress is a bunch of rich fat cats that like to listen to themselves speak. If we want to save the institution they need to implement term limits. There is no reason someone should be a Congressman/Senator for 30 years. These career politicians have no clue what it is like in the real world anymore, and have been completely corrupted by the money and power of the office. Lets get some real people in there that can make a difference for our great nation.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 03:29 AM
The reason that Congress is at an all time low is first they overeached on Iraq. The democrats didn't get elected to appease the left wing of their party. They were elected because Senator Biden and Congressman Rahm Emmanuel found moderates to run in republican districts. Senator Reid and Speaker Pelosi overeached and the democrats looked not just anti-war but anti-military. If you read the rest of the article you will see the military is at 69%. Reid recently talked in negative terms about Generals Petraeus and Pace and Hillary Clinton was booed at a democratic gathering when she mentioned the military doing a good job.

Second, the illegal immigration and amnesty deal. This has truly shown that members of Congress are not listening to the American people. What do people expect though? It's money that elects our Senators and Congressmen not the voters. The people in Washington know that all they have to do is raise enough money and they will not be challenged in the election unless they face a millionaire or someone with name recognition. The voters are only paid lip service and they will do what the money tells them to do because it's the money that keeps them in power not the vote.

I'm a conservative and I'm all for free speech but congress has to be reigned in and we need to suspend lobbying and go to public financing of campaigns for at least 5 years. This has to be so the men an women in Washington will win elections based on ideas and not based on how much money they raise.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 03:47 AM
The lobbyists have corrupted the political system. It costs so much money to run for office today that a system of corporate campaign financing has developed. That leads to politicians who have vested interest in corporations rather than the public.

Last year in California we had a proposition that would have shattered this practiced in our state. It was proposition 89 and it was a system that would finance political campaigns equally through a .2 percent increase in business tax, it would have also imposed strict limitations on contributions. It didn't pass and I still can't understand why anyone would vote this down.

Initiative Statute - Proposition 89

Political Campaigns. Public Financing. Corporate Tax Increase. Contribution and Expenditure Limits. Initiative Statute.
Proponent: Deborah Burger c/o Michael Lighty (510) 273-2200

Provides that candidates for state elective office meeting certain eligibility requirements, including collection of a specified number of $5.00 contributions from voters, may voluntarily receive public campaign funding from the Fair Political Practices Commission, in amounts varying by elective office and type of election. Increases income tax rate on corporations and financial institutions by 0.2 percent to fund program. Imposes new limits on campaign contributions to state-office candidates and campaign committees, and new restrictions on contributions and expenditures by lobbyists and corporations. Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local governments: Increased revenues (primarily from increased taxes on corporations and financial institutions) totaling more than $200 million annually to pay for the public financing of political campaigns for state elected offices. (SA2006RF0015.)

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 02:23 AM
The OP link no longer exists. Keep tabs on the BUSH vs Congress approval ratings at FoxNews

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:34 AM
Dems are mad because the congress they elected isn't doing what they said they would.

I don't know a single republican who likes the democrat congress.

Dems will turn on their own - thus the lower approval ratings. Some republicans will never turn on their own, so it saves Bush a few pts.

That's my crackpot theory.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:56 PM
Those numbers reflect Congress as a whole. If you break those numbers down you will see most Americans like their local Congressman. Break them down even further and you will see most Americans will vote for the Democratic candidate if the 2008 Congressional elections are held today, which means: People disapprove Congress, but they think Republicans are the problem. Not a good position to be in.

Anyway, how the hell would Congress be dissvoled?

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