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Prophet Yahweh summons UFO's..

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posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 09:24 AM
Actually, UFOs can be called through space time telepathy. Ascended masters can also travel in light vehicles that are created by higher frequency bodies. Often people here on earth can be confused when seeing ORBs of light thinking they are UFO (mech) because thats what our brains are used to understanding. Check out the Mer-Ka-Ba this is a meditation from long ago that allows people to shift energetically into higher frequency vibrations. It was a tool, its really not necessary to practice in this time.
It is possible that this prophet is able to work with other aspects of himself, calling a light show to the world would be very simple. I hope this helps a bit, I would definitely let go of the balloon theory *weak*, thats just weak and closed minded.
I personally have never heard of this guy out in L.V. Im not here to validate him personally. I have seen people call UFOs and they have done it using similar methodology.

[edit on 1-6-2007 by Here Now]

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 09:45 AM
I'd make now something of it like, beings of consciousness and healing. have to see this in a different mindset.


posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 01:34 PM

You are entitled to believe in what you like but when this story first broke almost 2 years ago, a lot of people invested time & research looking into him, if you were about at that time on ATS then you would realise that people got sick fed up of his false claims & his lack of evidence.

He said that there would be a spaceship landing on a specific date, he then charged extortionate amounts of money to his website only for it to come to nothing.

I had hoped he was the real thing but unfortunate he seems to be a fraudster only looking to fleece money out of gullable folks.

Whether you want to listen to any of us, that is your choice but for me he discredits all that is good in ufology.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 02:37 PM

Actually, UFOs can be called through space time telepathy. Ascended masters can also travel in light vehicles that are created by higher frequency bodies.

Then why the hell am I driving a car to work? I'm off to Ascended Master school...I can save a ton in gas alone and no car payments! I want a light vehicle in's pretty...

Sorry for the tongue-in-cheek response, but did you actually read what you posted?

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 02:46 PM

could be that, I heard of wilhelm reich, and using his orgone (must have resemblance with chi and universal energy, offcourse) generators, he manifested also light orbs or beings of light he saw, and to me that's a great deal of exposure. in any way, this man coul'd have to be like, a chosen one, or sumt'n, someone special.

still I do believe in fact this could be possible. hm, well yeah, my imagination I believe in. wicked world, of science and spirituality. greatness shall overcome, thos who seek for it. hm

still we have our own drive to things. wich we should accept. ohm

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 03:21 PM

could be that, I heard of wilhelm reich, and using his orgone (must have resemblance with chi and universal energy, offcourse) generators, he manifested also light orbs or beings of light he saw, and to me that's a great deal of exposure. in any way, this man coul'd have to be like, a chosen one, or sumt'n, someone special.

If he can really do this, he should definitely call up Randi and collect his million dollar prize! Somehow...I don't think Randi should expect company though...

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 04:12 PM
Yeh the guy Yahweh is a fraud.

I think he was sectioned / detained for his mental health a while back.

He must have been mad 'cos he wanted to try for Randis million dollar challenge

Randis guys got bit concerned when Yahweh was talking about getting some armed personal security at the test event. I think Randis lot thought he was a goofball...but I suppose most of the "believers" think Randi is a goofball too....

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 04:16 PM
Yeah, I've seen that before up here on ATS.
At first, I was intrigued but then I got to thinking (yeah, I know...terrible habit that thinking...)
If he really could summon ufo's, then why not bring them down?
Why not have them land in a public place and be like "hey, we're here! Anyone want to partay?!"
So, the balloon theory is highly plausible.
Still, with no definitive proof, it's hard to tell.
Can anyone else provide any information on this yaweh joker and his hoax?

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
I want a light vehicle in's pretty...

Make mine blue please.

And if you can, include a little dashboard hot-alien-chick figurine.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 04:22 PM
Forget this Africano. He just to make a living out of Americans.

This hoax could only happen in America where the meaning of Freedom and Democracy is a laugh to the world.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 05:19 PM
Yes, I know exactly what I said and Im sorry you arent understanding it.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 05:21 PM
Wow cing-lung, you really do the whole "deny ignorance" thing justice.
How obnoxious you are.
That attitude won't go over well here, just so you know.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 06:02 PM
Hate to ruin hope but I remember this from my OLDEN days here on ATS. Its a fraud.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by Here Now
Yes, I know exactly what I said and Im sorry you arent understanding it.

and to me, that sounded reasonable! no kidding. still, it needs some thoughts. but it could fit my perspective perfectly!

there must be this difference between UFO's like spaceships. and UFO's like orbs. I once got a video, with two or three ufo's, orbs, lightballs, smaller ones, flying some meters above a grainfield, and because of them flying over there it created circles in the field.

this one here: video

I have a thought on this one, these 'beings' have a certain 'mind set' they resonate on, send through and such thing creates these forms. hm

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 06:02 AM
If you believe he is a fraud because the giant spaceship didn't land in las vegas, well what a pitty!

are these light-)things he calls up fake, then to me he is a fraud..

only untill then , i didn't check other threads on his, but is it concluded in there that even this is.... fake burp, then to me it was not real at all what he tolds us, or could do for us.

STILL, I have a gut feeling on this one..

[edit on 2-6-2007 by etherical waterwave]

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 12:27 PM

i didn't check other threads...

Why DIDN'T you check the other threads?? We've beaten this dead Yahweh-horse so many times already on ATS it isn't even funny anymore.

Etherical; with all due respect - Please - do us all (including (especially) YOURSELF) a BIG favor and search and then kindly review some of the many threads on your "Prophet" Yahweh-dude. The video/topic you've posted has already been posted, analyzed, and regurgitated ad nauseum.

My suggestion would be to the mods that this thread is closed and readers simply redirected via links (or ATS search) to our thoroughly debunked and completely prophetless charlatan.

Just a couple of cents...

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 01:07 PM
squiz: great video! Oh man, I am STILL laughing! Hahahaha.... forget Greer and PY, that Raelian cult looks like the most fun!!! ;-)

Quick question: Did anybody ever confirm beyond a shadow of a doubt that PY's UFOs were balloons, like shoot one down and find it, or catch the alleged friend secretly releasing them? In many of his videos, the UFOs demonstrate flight patterns and things that could NOT possibly be achieved with ordinary balloons....

Also, about this prediction that a huge UFO would come on a certain day.... I mean I believe the future is never set in stone, it's all about possibilities and choices.... many "psychic" types make that mistake, of prophesying that something will happen at an exact date and time. But just because PY made a dumb mistake, that doesn't necessarily mean his UFO vectoring isn't real.

Clearly he is at least half deranged, and some members say he is racist, but those things alone do not prove that the UFO vectoring isn't real.... is there any more conclusive proof that the UFO vectoring is a hoax?

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 04:53 PM
Okay, someone wanted a good video link for PY's UFO vectoring.

In this video he seems especially cogent and rational, and several of the UFOs have shapes and flight patterns that could not be achieved with ordinary balloons - nor ordinary aircraft, for that matter.

Also, as some members requested I have gone back and reviewed older threads on PY. There was some speculation that he has an accomplice miles away who releases balloons while he does his prayer, but I found no conclusive evidence of this - like someone actually catching the accomplice in the act, or shooting down one of the "balloons" and retrieving the material.

There was a lot about his promise to have a large UFO land in Las Vegas which he didn't live up to, which is understandably upsetting and would no doubt lead many to believe he is a con artist, but that doesn't change the quality of his vectoring footage - which is far better than anything Steven Greer or CSETI have produced....

I don't know, folks.... a lot of people were very quick to say that he's a hoaxer and has been thoroughly debunked, but I couldn't find any proof of that.... where's the accomplice releasing the "balloons"?

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by millerman
Okay, someone wanted a good video link for PY's UFO vectoring.

In this video
I don't know, folks.... a lot of people were very quick to say that he's a hoaxer and has been thoroughly debunked, but I couldn't find any proof of that.... where's the accomplice releasing the "balloons"?

Dont be lazy and check the other threads please.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by manastin

Originally posted by millerman
Okay, someone wanted a good video link for PY's UFO vectoring.

In this video
I don't know, folks.... a lot of people were very quick to say that he's a hoaxer and has been thoroughly debunked, but I couldn't find any proof of that.... where's the accomplice releasing the "balloons"?

Dont be lazy and check the other threads please.

As I said, I DID check the other threads... I saw a lot of complaining that he didn't live up to his promise of having a large UFO land, which is understandably upsetting, but I didn't see any evidence that he is hoaxing the UFO vectoring.... did anyone ever catch the accomplice releasing the balloons? Or retrieve one of the balloons?

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