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Why I became interersted in Area 51

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posted on May, 6 2007 @ 11:55 PM
Here is why I became interested in Area 51:

My first interest in Area 51 began in 1987 when I received from a Los Angeles-based writer named Bill Moore a copy of a satellite photo of Groom Lake taken by the Russians.
He sent me a 10-page research paper on the secretive military base. I was quite fascinated by it. Subsequently I met Bill Moore at one of his lectures in Los Angeles.
In the same year, I attended a private presentation (which was held at a private residence in Los Angeles) by Bill Steinman who had written a book entitled "UFO Crash at Aztec" in which a chapter was devoted also to the mysterious base in Nevada.

Here is the rest of my story:

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 12:34 AM
It's good to see your return to the public limelight. I even have a thread here on A.T.S. asking what became of you. Glad to see you here, sir. You can add much to the quality of A.T.S, I have no doubt.

[edit on 5/17/2007 by TheAvenger]

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 09:42 AM
It's an Honor to Meet you Mr. Hayakawa! I have followed your work for many years and Have even posted replies to one of your threads here on ATS. I've taken the greatest intrest in your research related to Area 51/Groom Lake.


posted on May, 20 2007 @ 11:05 AM
Norio Hayakawa, what an interesting man you are! I will become a watcher of your threads and posts now. If I may ask a question or two, I wonder how you see the difference between the early nineties and now for research in Ufology? Also has the Japanese TV station commissioned you to do more work for them? I like the line up of people that you associated with back in the 80's and nineties, there were so many airyfairy newagers on the scene at the time but it looks as if you kept to a pretty elite group. I was invited by Cooper to come check out his library in the verde valley on several occasions. I was not too interested with the scientific or conspiracy end at that time, I was too young and having so much fun going outback and experiencing first hand the black helicopters and being contacted by alien races which I kept private about back then. I was always afraid to come forward and discuss with the public at large and I also thought that by doing so my experiences may end. I am just now possibly remembering you...I have at least read an article about you discussing and dispelling some thoughts on W. Cooper. Hum, well good to meet you and I am so happy you are here on the forum sorry this is so long. Antar "Rishu"

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by antar
what an interesting man you are!
well good to meet you and I am so happy you are here on the forum sorry this is so long. Antar "Rishu"

Hello, Antar and also TheAvenger and Ghost01

Thank you all so much for your comments!
I am so glad that you think that I am an interesting man. LOL
I am simply a rabble rouser. LOL
I have not done any more work with Japanese TV networks since and, besides, I had never been employed by them. I simply was helping them produce interesting programs.
In any case, I sure am so glad to occasionally post things here at this site.

Norio Hayakawa

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 10:38 PM
What is your current thinking on U.F.O.s ? The last I read you had about given up on finding out anything new about Area 51. I have read reports about the Area 51 birthday party. Pretty cool. Wasn't Peter Merlin there too?

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by TheAvenger
What is your current thinking on U.F.O.s ? The last I read you had about given up on finding out anything new about Area 51. I have read reports about the Area 51 birthday party. Pretty cool. Wasn't Peter Merlin there too?

Hello, TheAvenger
Thanks for the post. My current thinking on UFOs has not changed that much from before. It's almost 60 years since the first publicized report of the sighting of UFOs in the modern era (in 1947, with the famous Kenneth Arnold sighting), but, sadly, we have not come up with any physical, tangible, concrete, irrefutable evidence that UFOs are physical spacecraft from elsewhere. I still concur with Dr. Jacques Vallee and John Keel's approach to this entire phenomenon.
As far as AREA 51 is concerned, the last time I saw the base physically with my eyes was a few years ago when I climbed the Tikaboo Peak. It's not that I gave up researching on AREA 51. I still try to keep up with the latest.

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 08:34 PM
I recently saw some UFO footage that credited you for a video. Evidently you have videotaped UFOs somewhere, sometime.

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