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Pet food recall widens amid cross-contamination (Human Food)

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posted on May, 6 2007 @ 05:34 PM

Pet food recall widens amid cross-contamination (Human Food)

FDA has expanded its investigation to include livestock feed that contained tainted pet food and made its way to some 6,000 hogs and as many as 3.1 million chickens.
Wheat gluten and rice protein concentrate are also used in human foods such as bread and pasta, but there is "no evidence that it has ended up in baby food.

(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 05:34 PM
I don't remember which news source I read last week they said they don't need to recall any chickens, because it wasn't harmful enough for humans.

Now this week they are. They have put a hold on some livestock.

Could it be a little too late? How many of us have eaten contaminated chicken or hogs or both?
This don’t look good for those of us who have already eaten the food.

The article says out of 700 samples tested, 400 tested positive for melamine. It was traced back to, two Chinese Companies.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 06:02 PM
This is scary stuff! I haven't read anything here in Canada about it possibly being in our livestock.We did hear about the expanded recall of pet food though. I rarely buy chicken anyway, and I never buy pork because I feel it's disgusting. But if it's going to show up in our bread or cereal now thats something else.Are these Companies in China going to be shut down or are they labeling this an accident? I was lucky that the brand of food we buy for our kitties was not affected.

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 06:42 PM

the FDA was continuing to hold vegetable-based proteins from China at the border pending further inspection as well as testing samples of pet foods and ingredients already in the United States. ....FDA investigators are in China working with officials there, Acheson said.

I don't know yet. It just says that the FDA is investigating this. Just like peoples pets died from this stuff before they told us. I have the same feeling here. People are getting sick or worse and they just haven't talked yet.

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 06:55 PM
How do we tell if our chicken is safe? Any way to investigate our chicken?

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 07:11 PM
I really don't know how to answer that question.

Did you give them the same kind of feed that these other ones had?

Check all the articles and read the FDA links.

I think they need to come out and tell us what kind of symptoms to look for in ourselves. So that people know when to go to the hospital or not. Or they just waiting for 1000’s of deaths.

I know they are saying it's safe. Thats not the first time we would be lied too though.

[edit on 6-5-2007 by Shar]

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 07:21 PM
Just another reason I'm glad I'm Vegan.

Seriously though. Almost all contaminates and diseases come for the way Livestock is treated, fed, bred, and hacked up for consumption by the unknowing masses. And 'pet food'? Give me a break, there's no such thing. Our animals suffer from malnutrition as much as we do now, because of the make believe lab substances, and sub-par food that goes into making it.

I've always tried to stay to myself w/ my veganism (as I don't like to be preached to either), but when cases like this arise, or madcow, or ecoli on my spinach, and contaminated peanut butter. It's all because of the meat industry. Eating meat is not bad for you, but most of what is consumed now-a-days I wouldn't consider real (or healthy) meat. So I just avoid it. And I haven't been sick once since I took it up.

Per the topic. I hope those chinese companies get slammed. But we all know they won't...

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 07:25 PM
Im sorry, but does anyone else find it odd that this is happening right after, or during the whole "glossy paper" thing?

I havent bought chicken in a while because it costs an arm and a leg. I must say, though, Im going to think twice before picking any up tomorow at the grocery store. I think Im just going to stick to fish.
cant seem to go wrong far.

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 07:42 PM
The FDA is stating that it's not harmful to humans only to cover their own asses. There is no amount of toxic chemical that is 'safe' for humans. What about for animals? Yes, my dog eats chicken because he is allergic to dog food. I already had to take him to the vet because he suddenly started getting sick after consuming his meals.

As for the vegan people... it's good that you are not eating meat, but be sure to purchase organic vegetables, buy local, or grow your own. The pesticides are running rampant as well and are also in the water supply.

No one who eats is safe (ok except for those elite who are consuming "protected" food).

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by mrsdudara
I think Im just going to stick to fish.
cant seem to go wrong far.

Nope, not even safe there, the fish has mercury in it.
Well, at least here it did/does.

Anyways, perhaps this will get people to stop buying stuff from China,
and start buying clean, organic and local food instead.

Much tastier fresh than being vacuum packed and sent half-way across
the world for a month.

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by annestacey
As for the vegan people... it's good that you are not eating meat, but be sure to purchase organic vegetables, buy local, or grow your own. The pesticides are running rampant as well and are also in the water supply.

No one who eats is safe (ok except for those elite who are consuming "protected" food).

You know it! I try to buy as much local stuff as I can. And to my surprise, sometimes it's actually cheaper (as rare as that is). It's also better for the economy. I read some where that it takes like 2-4 times as much energy and resources to grow meat than it does veggies, fruit, nuts, and legumes. And because of that cost, the meat produced is always of low quality, and makes non-meat more expensive (needing it for animals that we kill for meat).

But ok, now I'm really getting off topic.

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 08:04 PM
well i am not sure its linked to the contaminated chicken but i went to 5 diffent super markets in two diffefent towns and all of them had removed all the cans of lachoy chicken chowmein from their shelves, they had all the regular lachoy products but they said the chicken chowmein was ordered pulled. will investigate.

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 09:22 PM
I hate to say it, but almost everything we eat today, meat, fruit, vegetables and everything, is altered in some way. We know all about the meat. Mad cow, bird flu, now pork and chicken with this and mercury in the fish. Even farm grown food that is supposedly fresh is not in its natural state. Try to find grapes that aren't seedless and watermelons are almost as difficult to find normal now. Most seeds that are used in planting today have been genetically altered not to allow the fruit they create to germinate so that the farmers have to buy more seed the following year. If you think this doesn't affect the food, I would say you are wrong.

It seems to me to be a deliberate attempt to develope a food shortage as well as an atmosphere of fear. That way we can all be 'saved' by our government. Just a thought.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 05:43 AM

The article above was from October 10-2006. I think I ended stopping on it because it was constant. I wish I would of kept up with it. However,
we all know and have been following our food being poison right in front of us.

I don't believe the government is going to do anything about it. It's possible they want this to happen.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 06:40 AM
The phrase "want this to happen" is an understatement. The poisoning of the public was planned and put into effect over 100 years ago. Check out the "Slippery Slope Index" here from a book titled "The Hundred Year Lie" by Randall Fitzgerald:

Here are the five stages of the slippery slope index:

1. 1900 Onward: A synthetics belief system emerges.

At the outset of the 20th Century our food supply became an initial testing ground for innovations in the emerging ‘better life through chemistry’ belief system. Chemists work with food processing companies to create artificial sweeteners, a butter substitute, taste enhancing additives such as MSG, and the first partially hydrogenated vegetable shortening. These synthetics set the stage for the revolution in food processing that is to come.

2. 1940-1961: Synthetics transform lifestyles.

In Stage Two of the Slippery Slope Index, our lives are fundamentally altered by a series of synthetic chemical discoveries made in the years before and after World War Two. The pharmaceutical, pesticide, and fluoridation industries sink deep economic roots during this period and synthetics in food and clothing and household products become widely accepted as necessities of convenience.

3. 1962-1973: Synthetic Toxins Migrate.

In Stage Three of the Slippery Slope Index, a watershed event in public policy comes in 1962 with the publication of Rachel Carson's book, Silent Spring, documenting how toxic synthetic chemicals migrate through the environment and into the flesh of fish and animals. The spread of toxic chemicals is not limited to pesticides, but as later studies will show includes a wide range of common synthetic chemicals that begin to contaminate all human bodies.

4. 1874 Onward: Food quality deteroriates.

In Stage Four of the Slippery Slope Index, most meat, fish and dairy products by the 1970s, if factory farmed, are laced with growth hormones, antibiotics, and a range of pesticides and other toxins. Processed foods have exploded in the sheer numbers of products on grocery store shelves and most are composed of synthetic chemical additives, such as colorings, preservatives, sugar substitutes, and taste enhancers. Fast food franchises have also emerged as the primary restaurant dining experience for most Americans.

5. 1998 Onward: Health impacts acclelerate.

A study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association reveals that 106,000 people die each year in American hospitals from the side effects of prescription medications. Another 2.2 million people a year have serious but nonfatal reactions to prescribed drugs. Adverse drug reactions have become the 4th leading cause of death in the U.S.

As of this date, 75,500 synthetic chemicals are registered as appearing in consumer products, agriculture and industry. The EPA has over 24,000 pesticides registered and the FDA oversees 8,000 chemicals used in cosmetics and as food additives.

The Journal of Epidemiology publishes a study showing serious negative side effects from chlorine byproducts found in drinking water. Chlorinated tap water in three regions of California increased miscarriages among women who drank more tap water containing chlorine than bottled water.

There is a very long toxicity test you can take on the website:

Here is a very interesting video of Randall Fitzgerald speaking:

His statements are frightening.

Then be sure to check out one of the most frightening documentaries ever made: The Future of Food

The future of humanity is determined by the future of food
What's at stake here is not merely control over today's food profits. The actions taken by Big Agriculture are systematically destroying the very agricultural biodiversity that will one day be desperately needed to save us from a global food crash. And at the same time these multinational agricultural giants are destroying our food biodiversity, they're also patenting seeds, then using imperialistic intellectual property law to extort profits from farmers, universities and research institutions all over the world.

Source: Review: The Future of Food, a must-see documentary that exposes the biotech threat to life on our planet

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 12:44 AM

I agree that it seems to be way more than coencidence that almost every type of food group is being tainted in some way or another.


That is a good find. I will read more as I get more time.

All of our food and medicine (or the lack therof) will, at some point, be used as a weapon against us.

[edit on 8-5-2007 by lonewolf37]

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