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no more sheeple

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posted on May, 8 2007 @ 09:41 AM

How can 90% of earthlings be in a weak position? Your post just doesnt make much sense to me, with all due respect.
We're talking the minority are sheeple, not the majority. The vast majority sees what is wrong, unlike the 10 or 20% who dont see it.

BTW, i have never used the word sheeple that i can remember, so this is just my putting in my 2 cents just for kicks. Again, as i said, its almost cult-like.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 09:44 AM
I didn't say 90% of people use it. I said that every time I've seen someone call someone else names in a debate, it's because they're coming from a weak position, at least as far as they're informed, especially when the term "sheeple" comes out.

If you're debating someone and have to resort to name calling, you've lost the debate.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 09:50 AM
I think when most people use the term "Sheeple" here on this board it is not always calling another member a "Sheeple" but instead making a generalization about about certain groups of people. I think it used pretty loosely here on this board anyways. Yeah, for most it is a tad offensive and isn't really the best term. I actually prefer "Mindless Zombies" myself. LOL

I know that when I'm off this board and on others, I get offended when people generalize us as "Tin Hat Wearing Kooks"! But, I guess that is there way of grouping us as people who don't go along with the mainstream and seek deeper answers and who question everything. But I think banning the word sheeple is a little extreame.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 09:52 AM
thats calling has no scientific strength or logic, may I say, like a woman on her cycle...
I am not aware of the % of sheeple but they exist and will always be there.
I believe thats one reason why war is possible.
What would happen if no one showed up?
Throughout history the strong have controlled and lead, the weak have followed and history repeats itself, time after time.
Sheeple...Might makes right, and an evil nature perpetuate the human condition.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by junglelord
I believe thats one reason why war is possible.

You're assuming everyone would believe (I'm assuming, based on this comment) as you and think that no cause is worth giving your life for

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by junglejake

Originally posted by junglelord
I believe thats one reason why war is possible.

You're assuming everyone would believe (I'm assuming, based on this comment) as you and think that no cause is worth giving your life for

no of course not the army is never every single male....female, child.
although child army in africa...sad
so it never everyone.
and we know there are soldiers who do not agree with the wars they have been in or are in.
why would you make my statement all inclusive...its only directed at the sheeple...again I do not know that percentage and I am not gonna guess.

[edit on 8-5-2007 by junglelord]

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
i have never used the word sheeple that i can remember, so this is just my putting in my 2 cents just for kicks.

Yeah, what dgtemp said. I've been called plenty worse than "sheeple". It does tend to be a human characteristic to "follow the flock" whichever little clique you identify as your own. I don't see the big deal.

Jesus equated men with fish, no one told him that was derogatory. Are sheep really so much worse than fish?

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Just out of curiosity, what would you call people who follow blindly and continue to follow blindly at any cost, no matter what happens, no matter how obvious, no matter how bad things get, how unbeleivable things seem and these people still rally around refusing to see the truth?

I personally call them NeoCon Republicans.

Originally posted by dgtempe
I think the terminology "sheeple" is respectful.

Well you do have a right to your own opinion, I however do not see ware calling some one sheeple is any type of respect. in fact I find it very disrespectful. Its something you would expect to hear from a 9 year old not an educated free thinking adult .

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by Implosion

Yeah, what dgtemp said. I've been called plenty worse than "sheeple". It does tend to be a human characteristic to "follow the flock" whichever little clique you identify as your own. I don't see the big deal.

The big deal is its name calling period read the post above to see the big deal. Its not the word itself its how and why its being used. It has no place on ATS.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 10:46 AM
I say we replace the term "sheeple" with "your momma"!


posted on May, 8 2007 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by angryamerican
Its not the word itself its how and why its being used. It has no place on ATS.

Well, yeah, but that's always been the case.

No more scoffing and ridicule...

If you feel the need to scoff at, make fun of, or ridicule a member because he made a post or started a thread that you don't agree with, or that you think is stupid, crazy, too out there or ridiculous. Do not post anything.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by Dr Love
I say we replace the term "sheeple" with "your momma"!


I say you're a genius.

Peace and love to you also.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 11:30 AM
I for one am getting real sick and tired of the constant attacks on sheep.

They are fluffy and warm hearted and certainly don't deserve being compared to some people I know.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 11:37 AM
Hey now! I actually like being compared to something fluffy and cute once in awhile. If I called someone a mule would that be derogatory? What about something related to a mule, that may sometimes refer to something more explicit? They're all animals aren't they? Imagine if I called you a blubbering maggot...would that not offend you? It's just another creature...But if I called you a fox you would be quite happy about it....why do people have to discriminate against animals like this?

[edit on 8-5-2007 by laiguana]

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 04:07 PM
Everybody can be put in the catagory of "sheeple" for believing or argueing for what they believe in!

I doubt they (the name callers)make the facts up that they are argueing for, they are relaying somebody elses information (news source), some political ideals, or maybe even Michael Moore, therefore they themselves are also "sheeple" because they too are taking what there source says as truth and argueing for them (read: being led = sheeple)

I find the term offensive myself due to the fact that what the person is trying to say is, (1) you can't think for yourself (2) or make your own decisions about things or events, so (3)you just follow the crowd.

No more "SHEEPLE"

[edit on 8/5/07 by Keyhole]

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Keyhole

I find the term offensive myself due to the fact that what the person is trying to say is, you can't think for yourself or make your own decisions about things or events, so you just follow the crowd.

That's essentially what the typical definition of a "sheep" is, yes. It is basically someone who buys into the "official" explanation for everything, hook, line and sinker.

[edit on 8-5-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 09:16 PM
When I initially came across this thread, I think I somewhat agreed with what the author was saying. But then I've thought about it for a few days, and I have to disagree and here's why.

This board is enormous. It is the best of the best and we are all lucky to be a part of it. We are permitted to express our views on anything and everything, and enjoy tremendous luxuries along the way. With the demographics of our board, there is a wide variety of races, nationalities, etc. So at some point, somethings are going to offend some people while others continue on as if nothing was said.

Offending people is inevitable. Some of us are thick skinned, others could use a few more layers. How is one to determine how to reprimand an individual for an "insult" on someone who may have very "thin skin"? What if nobody understands why the individual was insulted or offended?

The point I am trying to make is, offense is something we are going to take from time to time. The outright banning of a specific term is a very bad move in my opinion, and not one anyone should ever come to lightly.

Above Top Secret is a neutral body that has no stance. The individuals that run it have an opinion, the staff that run it have an opinion, and the members who contribute have an opinion. However, Above Top Secret itself is neutral. For it to outright ban a specific term, I think that would be taking some sort of stance.

While some of us may disagree with the usage of the term, and others may outright despise it, I don't think it is the position of ATS to ban it altogether. Now keep in mind that if someone is using derogatory terms in order to insult our fellow members, that is a blatant violation of the Terms & Conditions Of Use, and the member should, and will, be held accountable for those actions.

But anyone who participates in our discussions need to understand that passion is something that comes with the territory. We expect a little bit of "thick skin" when discussing the issues, but nobody should have to tolerate personal insults.

Whether "sheeple" is a personal insult, that is up for the individual to decide, not Above Top Secret. (In My Opinion)

At the end of the day, if you have a problem with another member, it is best to submit a Complaint and have the staff take a look.

All The Best,

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 10:00 PM
Chissler, I must disagree with you on this. although “sheeple” has yet to enter the general population, in the conspiracy theorist world it is viewed as a derogatory term. And can be used to insult a whole group of people with an opposing view.
On ATS we encourage debate using reasoned arguments out insulting is not beating your opponent here. In fact that will get you in trouble, as it should. The word sheeple is nothing more then an insult and should be looked at as so. Beat the argument not the poster.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 10:48 PM
So are you saying that "everyone" is insulted by the term sheeple?

Retarded is a word that I absolutely despise. Get sick to my stomach every time I hear someone say it. I am deeply offended by it at times. And for the most part, when it is used, the speaker means no negative connotation whatsoever. But, the term comes with a meaning to me that I do not appreciate.

But, that is my opinion. It might not be your opinion.

I don't think that Above Top Secret is going to openly ban the word "Retarded" because it may offend some people.

Our goal here should not be to ban the term "sheeple". Our goal should be to treat one another with respect, and approach these issues with an open mind. All members need to understand that Courtesy Is Mandatory, and derogatory terms are completely unacceptable.

Above Top Secret expects a level of etiquette on it's boards, and the staff are prepared to enforce the Terms And Conditions Of Use in order to maintain this level of civility that we all expect.

I agree that "sheeple" is a term that some people should not use. But the same can be said for the other side of the coin. We've had this same discussion in the past on the term "CTer". Members were up in arms over this screaming that it needed to be banished from our boards. As far as I know, nothing of the sort was ever considered.

Words are just that, words. If someone says something that offends you, submit a Complaint.

[edit on 8-5-2007 by chissler]

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 11:03 PM
The problem in comparing the words sheeple and retarded is, the word retarded can be used in a innocuous way, how can anyone use “sheeple” in an inoffensive manner?
My understanding is that “sheeple means that you will fallow/believe whatever someone tells you with out any thought on the issue. On a board like ATS how can that be seen as anything but offensive?
Yes someone could use this term against someone else, and the victim of the insult could complain, but often what happens is the insult is reciprocated and a fight starts. By adding “sheeple” to the censor could not many fights be killed before they fully start?

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