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Can ghosts hurt you physically? eg cuts, bruise

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posted on May, 3 2007 @ 09:42 PM
I havent been on this site since 2005 but I was wondering if anyone can tell me whether a spirit can physically harm cuts, bruises etc

Why you ask is...Ive been wondering for a while now about a couple of cuts I received on a "ghost hunting" expedition I went on with my boyfriend and my cousin.

We managed to get into one of Melbournes most reportedly haunted jails (and majority of melbournians can back me on this) PENTRIDGE..

While climbing the fence I tore my pants...two little slits above the knee...nothing painful or out of the ordinary about it.

But at the end of the expedition..I went to remove my pants and noticed that I had two deep cuts near the two slits in my pants...
the strange thing about it is they were three centimeters below where my pants had the slits...but in order to make the cuts and rips in my pants line up..i have had to been wearing the pants at below buttock area..meaning my crotch & butt would have been showing...

Alot of strange things happened that day but the cuts baffled me the most as now they have scarred.....

Anyone have any ideas?

(Please authentic comments only)

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 01:31 AM
It's nearly impossible for mere ghosts to hurt anyone physically. It takes to much "energy" for them to be able to interact with something physical. Simple ghosts lack the amount necesary.

The cuts are 3inches below the hole in your pants. 3 inches isn't a lot. If you happen to walk pas a sharp rock or other object in a specific angle it's not strange that you get a cut higher or lower then the hole in your pants. And it isn't odd something like this might've occured since it happened to my own expeditions as well. You're a bit less aware of such things.

Then again I can't entirely dismiss the possibility of something else cutting you, but it surely wouldn't be a mere ghost. To me I had sharp claw marks which occured during an experimental ritual with a certain Goetia. But Goetia aren't even near the "level" of a simple ghost.

If I sound demeaning to is because I am. They are the same people except they lack a physical body. Ghosts are in no way enlightent or have special knowledge and still contain their human ego's. They're junk that should be send to where they belong and for the rest be ignored.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 02:03 AM
It depends on your definition of a ghost. Supposedly poltergeists can hurt you. (More probably when they "throw" objects at you...)

Then there's the (probably an urban legend) of the man of the house being scratched by a ghostly girl (which according to the legend was abused by her father)... This was shown on a paranormal TV show, and they "showed on camera" how the scratches appeared.

Some believe that ghosts aren't really from this dimension, therefore they don't have power over anything in our physical world. Other claim that ghosts can only emotionally harm you and not physically.

Logically a ghost is not capable of physically hurting a living person simply because they do operate on a different plain of existence. They do not have as solid a physical state as we do; while they may manifest themselves in a way we may recognize in terms of dress and mannerisms, the image is one that has no actual physical substance.

If they are able to harm you, however, they would have to take some physical form, which means you can harm them in return?

I don’t see why a ghost (if they exist and have the power to harm you) would harm you just for kicks. In most “cases” of physical harm it happened to the inhabitants of the house over some amount of time.

But that's my opinion, and based on nothing else but opinion.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 04:40 AM
thanks for that guys...

but yeah the only thing i came into contact with was the fence...we had to climb over it in order to get into the prison (coz it was private property)

it was an awesome experience knowing i was steep in history
alot of prisoners were hung and buried there..i find it morbid that they are now building apartments there!

but again thank you for your opinions..I truly appreciate that they were genuine!

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 04:46 AM
oh and one more thing..i forgot to be more specific...
what i meant to ask is, can any unknown or unseen entity cause harm?


posted on May, 4 2007 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by Enyalius
It's nearly impossible for mere ghosts to hurt anyone physically.

I strongly disagree with this statement.

Most ghosts don't physically hurt people. But there are ghosts that can move objects and thus injure people in that manner (throwing things at them - I have had that happen to me). There are ghosts that can spiritually injure people. The intense feelings of sorrow, depression, etc .. that can drive a person to suicide. And there are ghosts that can injure people. It DOES happen.

Read the book 'the ghost that haunted itself'.

Watch the reruns of 'ghost hunters' and you will see Grant get smacked by a ghost.

I have been touched many times by spooks- sometimes while ghost hunting and sometimes while not. If they can touch .. they can hit and scratch.

It DOES happen.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 09:35 AM
The Bell Witch is the only case on record that has a ghost killing let alone harming someone. From the Wikipedia article:

John Bell died on December 20, 1820. A small vial containing an unidentified liquid he had apparently ingested was found near the body. When the remaining contents were fed to the family cat, the animal died immediately — at the family said later they heard a voice say "I gave Ol' John a big dose of that last night, and that fixed him." Later, at Bell’s burial, funeral guests reported hearing a voice laughing and singing.

Of course, the Bell Witch was a classic poltergiest case. Poltergiests CAN and often WILL hurt you by hurling things, making things appear out of thin air, moving stuff, etc... A classic ghost on the other hand, cannot do any physical harm besides making you shat bricks.

Of course, there are some ghosts that only appear when there is a death in the family...

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Read the book 'the ghost that haunted itself'.

If it is written, then it must be true.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 05:34 AM
this is no explenation or fact of any kind, but I believe ghosts can't hurt you if you don't let them. Let me explain: If you are afraid for the possibility of beeing hurt by something you don't understand it's like having a guilty look on your face when facing your parents, it's just asking for trouble. This is our world, we're in our natural element here. They can't hurt you in your element. Unless you let them to by doubting your own capability to defent yourself mentally and indeed physically.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 05:46 AM
The fact is that ghost hunters around the country report spooks that have slapped and/punched them. This is reported all the time. Some ghosts CAN hurt humans.

[edit on 5/5/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 12:45 PM
I beleive that ghosts or whatever you want to call them can hurt them. when me and my friends went to a cemetary that weve frequented due to its activity, one girl felt extremely uneasy in one spot of the cemetary and ended up getting scratches on her back, much like if you got scratched by a cat, yet her shirt was fine. She also happened to be the only girl there.

I also saw the program where the guy reported getting scratches that would form and dissapear, and they showed them forming right in the camera, which was pretty convincing, but then again, it is tv.

All of these physical marks only seem to be very simple like scratches. Ive never heard of someone being seriously injured like being pummeled or stabbed. And most of these marks come after the fact. The initial injury is usually never felt, which would bring up more speculation.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 06:51 PM
Awesome guys..thank you for your responses, theories and stories all taken into account.

Ive had a few scratches, cuts and stuff in my lifetime, but these two scratches i got at this paticular venue have annoys me to look at them.
they werent deep scratches either.
only reason i realised i had them was, i was showing my cousin my how i my favourite jeans had been ripped.
i slipped one of my fingers into the part that had been torn and realised it was bleeding a little too much for a scratch...

but i totally agree with one of the posts (sorry forgotten who it was) about being emotionally vulnerable.

thanks again

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 08:41 PM
Yes, ghosts can harm you depending on what they are. Human Entities who cant reach a higher plane, are less likely to harm you because they have to figure out there own problems on how to reach the light.

They are the ones who'll leave warnings such as strange Noises , fallen objects, etc. They can, on some occasions harm you. Especially if they were bad people when they were living.

Non Human Entities, or demons, seek to destroy and scare. They are the ones who come in private moments and do things like bed movements, sleep paralysis, breathing in your ears and suffocation.

There has been cases where non human entities force human entities to do their work. They are called Legions. But they are likely to roam in grave sites and/or Ouija doorway openings.

An ancient tip when coming from a gravesite, burial ground, funeral etc. Carry salt with you. It doesnt matter if its small restaraunt packs. But before you enter your car or home, throw the salt over your left and right shoulder. They say that spirits follow you from behind, and prey on you. They NEVER lead, but follow. The salt "blinds" them or force them to flee because its a pure ingredient from the earth. Some say water does it too.

I hope I helped a little.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 08:47 PM
Padre Pio suffered his entire life from beatings administered by demons. There are people who would flee the monastary after hearing him being beaten in his room by unseen demons. It probably won't happen to you or me because we do not bear the stigmata of Christ and do not go around harassing demons.

Padre Pio Biography

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 09:01 PM
I was going to start a new thread but i figured ill just post it here.

All the replies Ive had are really helpful.

Another thing i wanted to bring up was my children..I have a 6 year old and a four month old.
Last year my daughter did alot of drawings (as they do at that age) but some of her drawings disturbed me.
One of them (she explained to me) was of Lin'e (my uncles dead wife)..her drawing consisted of grass and a road and a square...I asked her what it meant and she said "Lin'es buried there, shes dead"...
Lin'e died when my daughter was 2..but what struck me as odd was the fact she knew where Lin'e was buried..
Shes buried in Samoa (where my parents are from) now in Samoa the dead are buried in the front of their houses (that explains the road running next to the grave)...
I dismissed this as maybe she heard it from someone.
But then she started talking about my fathers aunty (who died well and truly before she was born) I asked her to describe her 'imaginary friend' and her description matched my fathers aunt.
She spoke of a boy/man in the toilet (and she refused to go to the toilet unless accompanied)
One night I awoke because i felt someone with stubble rubbing their chin on me..I assumed it was my partner who mustve got home..but I opened my eyes, noone was there. I even had a rash from where the stubble was rubbing.

Ive talked to my friend on many occasions about this and shes told me not to acknowledge whatever it is..but does anyone have any advice? Or maybe an explanation?

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 09:52 PM
It could very well be the spirits of your late family. My oldest brother was the only one born when my grandpa died. He was 3 then, but saw him until he was 11. He told grandma things about them no child should no, and on occasion, in the morning while we were prepping for school, he'd say "grandpa is watching." bt my other bro and me couldnt see him.

Which made me think...I always thought when you die, it was either heaven or hell. Then i learned that even souls have free dominion of where they want to go until Judgment Day comes. (Book of Elijah explains this better) So family members can stick around 10-25 and even 100's of years after death. As long as your child is in no threat, dont be alarmed. Tell the soul to leave and they'll cease to bother you.

When my uncle died in '86, at night when i slept, i use to let my right arm hang over the mattress. but later, something would grab my arm and wake me. After several months, i told my mom and she said "Its just your uncle Richard. Tell him to stop and he won't bother you again." Needless to say, it worked the next time I was grabbed. But i still refuse to sleep with my arm hanging out! lol

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 06:09 PM
again thanks for that.
my friend and i discussed how i should approach this matter with my daughter.
I didnt want to say 'They dont exist baby..its not real' because I dont want my daughter grow up thinking that I wouldnt believe anything she has to tell me.
But then again I didnt want to encourage it too.
So I wasnt too sure what approach to take.

But I agree with your theory about being loved ones hanging round.
I know this may sound strange but I feel that after my grandmother died three years ago (and an avid believer in spirits) I feel she may have tweaked me?? Does that sound like it makes sense?
Like I feel shes made me more aware of a unseen beings...

After she died that night I dreamt that I was at her house, and I was talking to her but she looked like she was in her late 30s..but I couldnt hear her, so I had to read her lips.
I asked how she got there and she pointed to this painting she has hanging in her lounge (which is of a forest with a with a river running thru it) and upon close inspection of the painting, there was a what i can only describe as a portal..but it was just a little bit bigger than a pin prick.
I asked what it was like..and she replied 'wow'..then i awoke...

Many other things I have experienced since my grandmothers death..not just sensing her, but i also sensed my partner's grandfather..who made it clear that he was watching over my partner's mother...

But there have also been unwanted presences...I dont see them..I feel them and their characteristics materialises in the back of my mind (i can explain it in detail if youd like to know)!

Please dont think im a kook lol..Im 23 and I have two kids..I go out and party with friends, Im not a hermit with a cape...(although Ive seen goths at the park wearing capes and doing crazy stuff0 but Im not like that..

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 06:37 PM
Regarding the original topic

Wasnt that film "the entity" about a woman who was repeatedly raped by a ghost ? and if i remember correctly it was based on a true story.

I guess if a ghost can move matter then it can possibly hurt you.

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 10:01 PM
It does makes sense that your Grandma may have tweaked your senses and I dont think you're a kook. lol

I'm not one to judge, because your experiences are similar to mine. Through my eyes, I've seen both human and non hman entities as a child and I prayed for the ability to fade. Now I've lost most of the "visual" ability, but I can still sense when a good/bad presence is near.

Another example: I've heard of the "Crossroad at Midnight" story all my life, but paid it no regard. In highschool, my cousin and I used to go walking late night (because there were alot of girl in our neighborhood, and we couldnt visit until their parents were in bed :O)

On our way towards a neighborhood, we were approaching a crossroad about 70 Yards away and my hard starte beating fast. The cross around my neck started to itch and my cousin doubled over in pain. He couldnt breath and the cross around my neck started to burn so much that I snatched it from my neck and helped my cousin up. Ahead, we saw an Dark entity, it looked like a walking silhoutte of man aproaching us.

My first instinct was to run and leave my cousin behind, lol. But I held my cross and recited the Lords Prayer. The entity turned away and walked back to the center of the crossroads, then vanished. My cousin instantly got better and we ran back towards our home.

Needless to say, we couldnt tell the girls, so we made excuses. But my cousin, when we start talking about ghosts and such, he always bring that situation up. The point of the story is, when its just the two of us talking, We admit to eachother that the entity was so evil, that it shook our very spirits. We believe that it would have killed us had I not reacted, and still to this day i've never sensed that feeling of Hate, Evil and Death all at once. You know, that copper taste you get in your mouth when you escape a deadly situation or accident? I had that the whole night!

Ultimately, YES I believe some entities can kill you. I've even heard that some cause Spontaneous Human Combustion. One of theses days...I'm going to write a book about my childhood vision and experiences...I thought I was the kook! lol

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 11:19 PM
I figure a dull edge can scratch sensitive skin through the clothes without damaging the clothes. If you bump hard into an object, that can give you a bruise as well without tearing up your clothes.

I remember being invited by 3 girls into a cemetary one time. They were shouting at everyone to come visit but everyone seemed to be ignoring them except me. I finally decided to go visit them. I was exercising and kept bicycling past them for most of an hour. The cemetary seemed like a strange place to be eating chicken. They said they had 100 pieces of chicken and asked if I wanted some. I told them no thanks but I always thought there was something odd about them. They had been in the cemetary for over an hour waiting for someone to visit them. It seemed to be a bit creepy to be offered free chicken in the middle of a cemetary. Made me wonder what they really wanted. I was thinking if this idea was put on the show called Supernatural, they could be called the chicken phantoms.

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