thank you airrikka
i just wanted to make sure about the photo.
i cannot tell you if holly came to see you or you have just been dreaming but i can tell you for defaintly, that my friend came too see me that
saturday morning and i cannot be the only one that this has happened too.
when i do dream, i always dream of living people that i have known for the last 20years, i might not have seen the person (who i was dreaming about)
for 20 years but i must still think about them, but i have never had a visit or a dream about her since that morning and i actually feel sad about
that. i must remember not too squeal like a little school
i hope you carry on having NICE dreams about holly (thats if you want too) and i would not discredit your first dream or anything else, thats strange,
you never know
and you need to sleep for awhile, to sort out them eyes and your mood
i hope it goes good for you and thank you very much for sharing your dreams, i would like too hear if you have any more or anything else you have too
i now realize what i had said
I and my father are one, spliffy! It is AWESOME!
stupid of me too ask, sorry
i do believe we have someone watching over us, as i said, i had too many accidents and near misses, which i cannot explain nor can my friends who
witnessed these events. i do not count myself lucky because if i was truely lucky, the big accidents would never have happened but they did and i am
here writing about it. i have seen pro motor bike racers dying or severly handicapped with slower and less violent accidents. i do suffer with a lot
of pains now and i am paying for my stupid life style but i cannot change that.
i would like to think my friend now watches me, she was very smart and had a very level head and she done me a lot of good, i can only hope.
i try to figure out everything that happens in my life and sometimes i cannot explain strange things that happen but i do not believe in god or the
devil. i will not say why i think that because i do not want too offend anybody.
but i do believe we are HELPED through our life and that we are watched by demons, ghosts, ghouls, angels, fairys (and the list goes on). call them
what you like, i have only MET one nice demon or fairy or what ever you would like to call her......
thank you very much queenannie38
i will have to go back to alpha and omega
it is very gooood