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Parasite Makes Victims Commit Suicide

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posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 03:47 PM
Hey david2012, you seem to know a lot about this, you scared the hell out of me, haha, I mean I feel really uneasy now.

My cat has got worms, So I got some de-wormer spot on thing, that gets rid of them, but it seems to maybe come back after a few months, so I re-apply to keep them away just incase, anyway what scares me is, can this somehow spread to humans!!! Man that scares me!

Do I have to be careful, because Ive seen these things in the cats Poo, and they are scary!! the thought of that inside me makes me sick haha.

[edit on 5-9-2007 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 03:47 PM
More proof that parasites rule the world....

"It didn't seem possible at first," says Werren, professor of biology at the University of Rochester and a world-leading authority on the parasite, called wolbachia. "This parasite has implanted itself inside the cells of 70 percent of the world's invertebrates, coevolving with them. And now, we've found at least one species where the parasite's entire or nearly entire genome has been absorbed and integrated into the host's. The host's genes actually hold the coding information for a completely separate species."

Wowza... more here.

posted on May, 30 2009 @ 10:54 AM
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posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 12:23 PM
Personally I am more scared of this!

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 12:47 PM
There is some sort of parasite that when it effects cats it makes them more social. I can't remember what it is though.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by kindred

While I know that the medical establishment says what I have to say next is bunk - I don't care, because it worked.

My mother has flashes and floaters. I started getting them a couple of years ago.

I used an eyebright tea like Dr. Christopher's and added cayenne to it. I washed my eyes with it for a week and a half several times a day. I used castor oil on my eyeballs to soothe them before bed.

No more floater or flashers. Gone.

Started again a couple of years later. Did the same thing, and again - gone.

I got on mine right away, so I don't know if you'd need to do it for longer if your case has been around longer.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by halfmask
That's some creepy stuff. Imagen if there are ones that use humans. Isn't there one that infects cats and humans? I swear I read that some where.

G'oulds ?????

2 lines

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 01:16 PM
Every one thinks i'm nuts on this subject...

But I believe the Greys are a form of termite or other insect that uses a hosts DNA to replicate a faux insect hybrid.

Initially this was done I believe to control a large host creature to come to the nest to be fed upon but when humans were first infected, these hybrids developed intelligence and became and actual caste

I.E. the Greys are an insect parasite not unlike the parasitic wasp from right here, in the Earth that developed intelligence FROM us...

Sweet Dreams

[edit on 3-6-2009 by mopusvindictus]

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 01:24 PM
Reminds me of the movie "The Happening" that just recently came out...just parasites instead of plants.... scary stuff...

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 02:05 PM
Maybe the cricket committed suicide because the parasite was causing it so much pain it wasn't able to live (function) anymore. Suicide isn't unheard of in animals or insects. The male black widow will give up it's life for sex. I would think that would be another interesting post but I wouldn't write it because I don't have enough points or flags yet. Either it would be ignored by most or someone with a gazzilion points would kill the thread immediately. It is interesting how man, animal and insect all do it yet so many want laws against it. I would flag that if someone would write about it.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 02:35 PM
You might want to reflect in the title that this is for INSECTS and other lesser creatures, not humans. I already knew about the other things, but I thought you were talking about people, which would be a huge discovery.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by halfmask
That's some creepy stuff. Imagen if there are ones that use humans. Isn't there one that infects cats and humans? I swear I read that some where.

I saw a tv program about these parasites and humans do get them. A lot of people have them. It doesn't make you want to commit suicide, but makes you jaywalk more frequently, taking more unnesary risks.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 02:49 PM
The Horsehair Worm - Aka this topic of coversation

Spinochordodes tellinii. A variant of the nematomorph or horsehair worm. It is a parasite, but hardly an orthodox one. This little outrage, after making it's way into it's hosts body (which it proceeds to eat until adulthood) punches part of itself (that round sharp mouth, perhaps?) into the host's brain. Into this brain it begins to secret proteins which control the host's actions for the rest of its existence. That existence comes to a fairly sudden halt when the worm turns its host toward the water and makes it jump in. The host drowns and the now-mature nematomorph swims away to find a mate. It's offspring will then somehow end up in the innards of another host (a cricket, grasshopper, etc.) where it will mature until returning to it's aquatic lifestyle to spawn.

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