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CNN 9/11 footage that offers good non-conspiracy evidence

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posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by piacenza
no you are mistaking show me the PROOF of why wtc7 collpased show me how scientifically flight 93 pulverized please show me scientifical proof.
The proofs right now are against you totally I have nothing to prove you have.
Please no conspiracy but real evidence.
Please explain me what can cause the meteor found (made of molted metal) please please please explain me I am soooo curious.
You conspiracy theorist please show us the proof

K... Ahole mode Coven On...

DUDE LEARN ENGLISH BEFORE YOU TYPE IN IT! or at least calm down enough to type a slightly coherent statement... If you believe so vehemently that the Government Faked the Attacks of 9-11 and Blew up the Trade center the burden of proof is on you... We agree with the jist of the government story, planes brought down the trade center... the only thing any of us question is if flight 93 was crashed or shot down. So before you go on a tyrad please read and RE-READ the POST... once your sure you understand it, then respond... Otherwise... Keep it to yourself... Christ I got a headache trying to figure out what your are TRYING to say...

Ahole mode off....

Coven Out

Edit: By We I Mean Those of us who came here to discuss the LACK of conspiracy on 9-11

[edit on 14-3-2007 by coven]

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 12:05 AM
EDIT.. posting new topic..

[edit on 15-3-2007 by gopher mines]

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 01:01 AM
911 was an inside job, it is crystal clear, I agree that anyone with some modern discernment would be able to figure it out, because not one strand of the official 911 story fits with another, and completely defies all logic.

I think the official story insults the intelligence of a 10 year old. For anyone who cant see that the only people to benefit from 911 was the government, well then what can I say?

And no they didnt take advantage of it, they planned it, orchestrated it, and carried it out. It was written about in the PNAC documents years before 2001.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 01:16 AM
Man, we could just look at the nice verticle collapse of the 3rd tower alone, and we know something is wrong with the official story.

Then we add squibs and nice verticle collapses on the first two towers.

We know something is wrong with the official story.


posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by whiterabbit
The plane knocked the fireproofing off the columns of the two towers, FYI.

Ok but im talking about WTC 7. No planes hit that.. what happen to its fireproofing?

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by whiterabbit

Originally posted by Smack
Anyone with a modicum of discernment can see that 9/11 was an inside job.

There is zero--none, nada, zip--actual physical evidence of any conspiracy.

That's your opinion.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by Connected

Originally posted by piacenza
Guys stop the fight it was obvious that WTC7 was going to naturally collapse.

ITS WAS OBVIOUS???!?!?!?! Why on Earth are their multiple quotes of firefighters saying they had no clue even the WTC 1 and 2 would collapse? Let alone WTC 7?? You are insane to say such a thing.

Originally posted by piacenza
Probably around 3 to 5% of the building was damaged (unfortunately we have no evidence of that for now) but once a building its damaged more than 1% it will fell on its own footprint as history shows.

Are you joking?!?!!?!? WTC 1 2 and 7 were designed to withstand Earthquakes, Jet impacts, hurricans, super storms and winds, and terrorist attacks. No structural engineer in the world would design a building that would fall with only 1 to 5% damage. You have to be totaly out of your mind.

Originally posted by piacenza
When they naturally collapse they usually fell at free fall speed instead when they are demolitions as the stardust they dont.

No, if they naturally collapse they naturaly fall on top of the rest of the building, causing RESISTANCE. Free fall speed = no resistance. There is absolutly no single way in this entire universe for a building to collapse without resistance, unless it is a controlled demo.

You are pretty much saying that if a sky diver had to land in a thick forest, he would fall right through the trees and hit the ground without even slowing down. Thats insane, because everyone knows the trees would cause significant resistance and slow him down before he hits the ground.

Originally posted by piacenza
When the firefighter said it was going to blow they were referring to the natural collapse which causes blowing air to break windows as it actually happened on wtc7.
So yes it did blow: Blow air outside of the window.

Which firefighter said it was going to blow? Please show your evidence. Also, the windows used on sky rise buildings are SAFETY GLASS WINDOWS. They have a protective film layered inside of them so that they do NOT shatter into huge pieces and land on pedestrians on the ground. They are also designed to NOT blow out, like you and many others claim. They are designed to shatter into 10000's of pieces but stick together. There is no air pressure pushing outside through the windows, because the building's floors are NOT air tight.

WOW there should be an age limit on ATS.

I had to laugh at his because of the obvious sarcasam but he took it so serious... lol.

The only question i really have is how could the core of WTC1 and 2 not provide any resistance. you think the core would at least be standing if the floors were collapsing at freefall.

[edit on 15-3-2007 by krackedkid]

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 06:57 AM
Hey Coven once you write and speak 6 languages please come back to me and start criticizing my English.
Its kind of obvious why you stand on your position, I would do the same if I were on you.
There are obvious conflict of interest and you are doing what is best for you and the people like you.

As usual no one really answers any of the most obvious discrepancies of 911.
They are impossible to be answered:

Please give us an explanation of the Meteor found at the basement.
PLease give us a scientific explanation of why WTC7 felt. Or at least give us a credible source.
So do you agree that flight 93 was brought down?
Thats a first.
Please explain me the 5 Israelis jumping and having a blast on 911.
Did you as well made a party that night?
They were there simply documenting the event.
I repeat I do not care at all if 911 truth comes out it might actually be better to let the events unfold and just keep watching.
What I cant stand is that people like you that know very well the truth try to push their own agenda for political interest.
So just move on. Nothing you can prove in here. NOTHING.
This goes as well for your little friends with the same motive as yours.

By way of deception, thou shalt do war

[edit on 15-3-2007 by piacenza]

[edit on 15-3-2007 by piacenza]

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 08:11 AM
or is it "use anger to throw them into disarray"?

You see, I have no idea where the meteor in the basement comment came from, but that is a first. Next, I am not pushing an agenda, I am trying to wake people up and have them move on from something that is uct and dry, and look at what is going on around them. You are so concerned about thermite and holographic images that you are not thinking for yourself and researching true cover ups that the government has pulled off.

First, if you want some of the steel from WTC 1,2 and 7, there are tons, TONS, rusting in a field in a small town in the Midwest. You see, it was donated to create a civic center for the town and was never used. If the 9/11 Truth movement and the rest would take some of the money they waste on keynote speakers and would pack up a van, they would be able to find the evidence they want to find.

Second, NIST released information about WTC 1 and 2, as well as other reliable enginnering and architectural publications that explain the collpase. Watch the video I posted, and look at the fires. The impact.

Third, NIST will release the information about WTC 7 this year. The information is there, you just have to find it. Stop absorbing extremist 9/11 propoganda on the web and read a few books. THen come back with a position on something is your own.

Fourth, it is easy to say "they did it" or " what about the Israelis?" All the questions you ask i have researched, and I have debunked myself.

You see, what I have never understood os how the Israelis could have been in a van, when they filmed is from a roof top in NY. The report of men in a white van was from NJ, across the bay. Later, a truck filled with 5 jewish workers was stopped and this led to the 'urban legend' of the JEws dancing around white van chanting death to America. You have to read ALL of the stories, seperate the truth and bs, and make it a fact.

Now, this thread was about the video and how it shows how horrendous this attack was.

link to NOVA 9/11

HEre is another that will show you how the towers failed. I implore you to at least sit through it. I sat through Loose Change.....

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
The day I see true physical evidence is the day I change my mind. 3000 people died because of a fanatical view of religion not becasue Halliburton needed a good fiscal qtr.

Amen! Finally someone else understands my feeling that no matter how greedy our politicians may be, they would not kill Americans for profits!!

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by turnblom79

Originally posted by esdad71
The day I see true physical evidence is the day I change my mind. 3000 people died because of a fanatical view of religion not becasue Halliburton needed a good fiscal qtr.

Amen! Finally someone else understands my feeling that no matter how greedy our politicians may be, they would not kill Americans for profits!!

Hmm really?? Tell this to the 3000 soldier killed in Iraq.
Sorry why were they killed?
Have respect for the dead.


posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
or is it "use anger to throw them into disarray"?

You see, I have no idea where the meteor in the basement comment came from, but that is a first. Next, I am not pushing an agenda, I am trying to wake people up and have them move on from something that is uct and dry, and look at what is going on around them. You are so concerned about thermite and holographic images that you are not thinking for yourself and researching true cover ups that the government has pulled off.

First, if you want some of the steel from WTC 1,2 and 7, there are tons, TONS, rusting in a field in a small town in the Midwest. You see, it was donated to create a civic center for the town and was never used. If the 9/11 Truth movement and the rest would take some of the money they waste on keynote speakers and would pack up a van, they would be able to find the evidence they want to find.

Second, NIST released information about WTC 1 and 2, as well as other reliable enginnering and architectural publications that explain the collpase. Watch the video I posted, and look at the fires. The impact.

Third, NIST will release the information about WTC 7 this year. The information is there, you just have to find it. Stop absorbing extremist 9/11 propoganda on the web and read a few books. THen come back with a position on something is your own.

Fourth, it is easy to say "they did it" or " what about the Israelis?" All the questions you ask i have researched, and I have debunked myself.

You see, what I have never understood os how the Israelis could have been in a van, when they filmed is from a roof top in NY. The report of men in a white van was from NJ, across the bay. Later, a truck filled with 5 jewish workers was stopped and this led to the 'urban legend' of the JEws dancing around white van chanting death to America. You have to read ALL of the stories, seperate the truth and bs, and make it a fact.

Now, this thread was about the video and how it shows how horrendous this attack was.

link to NOVA 9/11

HEre is another that will show you how the towers failed. I implore you to at least sit through it. I sat through Loose Change.....

I would hardly recommend you watch the documentary broadcasted by the Israeli television where the 5 innocent workers where stopped.
They were actually the one filming (for documenting purpose) the event.
2nd) you have no idea about the meteorite?
Well its there so you owe us an explanation.
PLease find it and come back to us. I a very curious about what the explanation might be.
Also answer this small question:
Would you give more money investig a act of oral sex or the worst crime in human history?
If you say the worst crime in human history guess what ?? You are a conspiracy nut case.
Yeah no answer to those questions right?
Sure sure I am the one that should be readig the books...
I read a few books about fairy tales the best one I can recommend you its about some Arabs going to walmart spending 10 USD in cutters and hijacking 4 planes.
Thats a great book have you read it. Its a funny one.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by Connected
Ok but im talking about WTC 7. No planes hit that.. what happen to its fireproofing?

No, but a bunch of debris from one of the main towers did.

Plus, WTC 7 had its lower floors allowed to burn unimpeded for 6-7 hours, not to mention the debris put a 20-story hole in the building. That's something that's never happened to a building in history. It's not surprising that it gave out.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by NegativeBeef
That's your opinion.

No. There is no evidence.

There is no evidence of explosives.
There is no evidence of thermite.

When you get right down to arguing with these conspiracy theories and debunking them, it always comes down to, "Well, it LOOKS like a controlled demolition!" Yeah, it does look like a controlled demolition. That doesn't mean it was one.

Besides which, our government pulled off the biggest conspiracy and covert operation EVER, but they were too stupid to set the bombs off one at a time and make the building fall unevenly? That's hard to swallow.

There is not one actual piece of physical evidence to support explosives or thermite. It is PURE 100% guesswork.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 08:50 AM
piacenza, for a person who names himself after a place of the arts, you are not very articulate nor do you make much sense. I will not write this off to a language barrier either since anger and ignorance are coming through fine in your ramblings.

I would hardly recommend you watch the documentary broadcasted by the Israeli television where the 5 innocent workers where stopped.
They were actually the one filming (for documenting purpose) the event.
2nd) you have no idea about the meteorite?
Well its there so you owe us an explanation.
PLease find it and come back to us. I a very curious about what the explanation might be.
Also answer this small question:
Would you give more money investig a act of oral sex or the worst crime in human history?
If you say the worst crime in human history guess what ?? You are a conspiracy nut case.
Yeah no answer to those questions right?
Sure sure I am the one that should be readig the books...
I read a few books about fairy tales the best one I can recommend you its about some Arabs going to walmart spending 10 USD in cutters and hijacking 4 planes.
Thats a great book have you read it. Its a funny one.

1. I do not want you to recommend anything, I was simply stating that it is a conglomeration of stories to create an urban legend\

2. As far as the 'meteorite', are you referring to the metal that was subjected to thermite reactions that hardened in the lower levels of the towers? Get is straight man, stay on target...

3. The Clinton/Lewinsky investigation lasted six months, and cost taxpayers 6 to 7 million dollars. The 9/11 commission started with a budget of 12 million, and this did not include the cost of NIST, ACSE or FEMA investigations.

4. Fariy tales. I have on,"the little boy who cried wolf". Eventually, people will not care what your thoughts are because they are not your own.

3000 troops have died in Iraq since the war has begun, and I do not see how that fits into this thread. THere is no disrespect here to those fallen soldiers, so go hijack another thread.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 08:50 AM
Again whiterabbit PLEASE ANSWER:
What caused the meteorite looking thing?

Do you or do you know believe there was molten metal that day?
Yes or no.

Would you spend more investigating 911 or oral sex?

What about raytheon employees in 3 different flights? What do you call that?
Please answer now.
Can you?

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 08:57 AM
sorry it did not cost 6 to 7 million USD but aroud 80 million:

Please explain this and answer the following question:
Would you spend more investigating a BJ or the worst crime in human history?

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by piacenza
Again whiterabbit PLEASE ANSWER:
What caused the meteorite looking thing?

I'm going to have to tell you the same thing the other guy did: I don't know what you're asking.

I know you said English isn't your primary language, so are you using the wrong word or something? I don't know what you're talking about with this meteorite stuff.

Do you or do you know believe there was molten metal that day?
Yes or no.

Sure. You can see it in the video. Most likely molten aluminum.

As far as I know, there was no molten steel (on September 11).

Would you spend more investigating 911 or oral sex?

If there was ANY evidence that the official story wasn't true: 9/11. But there isn't.

What about raytheon employees in 3 different flights? What do you call that?

Really unlucky.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 09:29 AM
Kenneth Star spent about 50 million over the course of years for an investigation into CLinton and his associates, including Whitewater with the infamous 'suicide'. It was not just for the bj. He spent about 7 million on the bj research. Again, this is how facts are taken apart and people raed and beleive it.

Watch the video, listen to the reaction of the newscasters, and remember that day. Look up Khalid Mohaaamed and Yamzi Rousef. There you have the men, who with the advice of Osama, caused the destruction in the video link.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by ConnectedPlus, WTC 7 had its lower floors allowed to burn unimpeded for 6-7 hours, not to mention the debris put a 20-story hole in the building. That's something that's never happened to a building in history. It's not surprising that it gave out.

And maybe herein lies the answer to a question someone (you?) asked earlier in thread about why WTC-7 was left so long before collapsing. If it was a controlled demolition, to have brought it down sooner would have raised more questions than answers, since without the 6-7 hour fires, the 'steel weakening' argument would have no foundation.

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