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UK royal family...

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posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 03:06 PM
If people read my first post thoroughly and see for themselves the hidden mechanics behind the Royal family, maybe you'd understand.

Like I said before Diana knew exactly what she would be getting herself into.

Compare it to Lincoln or JFK and Monroe. If powerful people are afraid of you they will take you out. I beleive it happens more than we notice!

There is no propaganda in the Royal Family against Muslims, It's in cold hard text to read. The Royal family are and must be Church of England, again read my first post to see the facts.

The Queen is not above the Law she is in fact THE law.

As I also mentioned before I "beleive" the royal family is the power at force that is fighting against the new NWO. The Royal family is the old world order!

The UK has a constitutional Monarchy, so it works with parlimant who are elected. So no it doesn't go against democracy. In fact the Queen stays out of the day to day politics.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 03:09 PM
The royal family is pointless.

Anyone who says we need them, or it makes them feel more complete or more british hasn't actually considered why they are needed.

As someone here said, they are nothing but legitimate thieves.

If we are going to move into the future, or claim to be high tech society, then we need to ditch these prehistoric traditions.

The royal family, hell, even the Union Jack (flag) are not needed, they are merely symbols of the past that need disposing of.

Who care about "Britishness". We need to be uniting with each other (but not in the style of the NWO wants), not keeping the old boundaries and divisions between us.

It amazes me that countries have flags, yet humanity as a whole does not have one
whos rooting for the good of mankind? No one as far as i can tell.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 03:27 PM
Im against the Royal Family 100%, no one deserves to tax its own people because of their DNA, its 2007! They represent fascism and greed, and have killed hundreds of thousands if not millions of people in the past. The only reason they are still there is tourism and propaganda, even the news has Royal Correspondents. Most of them are not in touch with reality living in ridiculously large mansions and have guards stand outside all day in furry hats doing nothing. They are a waste of time and all it does is supports greed, people seem to link supporting the Queen as being "British", they couldn't be further from the truth and its all down to propaganda and the way they have manipuliated people into that way of thinking. Just look at our national anthem "God save the Queen" this is sang at every football international bringing this message that the Royals are the chosen ones to the masses. Monachy is something that should stay as history, it has no room in the future. Hey with all the new laws that Tony's bought in, wouldn't suprise me if I get arrested under for terrorism for being "Not British" as some may have to you believe.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 03:28 PM
Shrunken Simon,

To be pedantic but accurate, the "Union Jack" is actually called the Union Flag. The "Jack" is only displayed by Naval vessels and is then known as the Naval Jack.

So that makes all of your last post complete unsubstansiated rubbish.

I've also heard that guy on TV who says they are lizards...... Thats much more belivable.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by IntoTheVoid
the power to conclude treaties..

Makes me think of, "He will confirm a covenant with many." Seriously though, dead weight wouldn't be kept up and babied around unless there were a bigger plan for it.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 03:36 PM
There will always be a power in control of us we as a species need structure, like it or not, otherwise things get ugly very quickly. I believe our Royal Family have its citizens well being at heart.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 03:39 PM

I've also heard that guy on TV who says they are lizards...... Thats much more belivable.

David Icke?

I believe our Royal Family have its citizens well being at heart.

Well, history shows the contrary...

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by WiseSheep

Originally posted by IntoTheVoid
the power to conclude treaties..

Makes me think of, "He will confirm a covenant with many." Seriously though, dead weight wouldn't be kept up and babied around unless there were a bigger plan for it.

I agree wholeheartedly

But I beg everyone to read up about the Privvy Council and the High Sheriffs then you will see whats going on behind the scenes of the royal family.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 04:04 PM
Jimmy answer me this, would you behead someone for stealing a apple because the Queen/King ordered it? because thats what the Royals did only 300 years ago.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by IntoTheVoid
Shrunken Simon,

To be pedantic but accurate, the "Union Jack" is actually called the Union Flag. The "Jack" is only displayed by Naval vessels and is then known as the Naval Jack.

So that makes all of your last post complete unsubstansiated rubbish.

I've also heard that guy on TV who says they are lizards...... Thats much more belivable.

Jsut because i called the flag incorrectly that makes my whole post unsubstansiated? whatever you say mate

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 04:14 PM
Oh Simon,
What i mean is, if you got that little detail wrong, you might be not accurate in other details. You just managed to prove you're not very clever as well as being ignorant. So to avoid embarrasing yourself further, be a good boy and go to bed.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by estar
Jimmy answer me this, would you behead someone for stealing a apple because the Queen/King ordered it? because thats what the Royals did only 300 years ago.

People were not beheaded 300 years ago for stealing apples!

Please this topic got off to a good start, lets not get silly now!

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by IntoTheVoid
Oh Simon,
What i mean is, if you got that little detail wrong, you might be not accurate in other details. You just managed to prove you're not very clever as well as being ignorant. So to avoid embarrasing yourself further, be a good boy and go to bed.

Whoa hold up, just because i got one little detail wrong doesn't mean i was wrong about every other thing i said (although i may be i dont know). I mite come across as ignorant, but only because my communication skills aren't great, and as u have probably already noticed my spelling isn't grand.

I think the Royal Family is a waste of space, although i do think its good that William wants to get out into the battle field, shows that he isn't just gonna sit back and do nothing.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 07:07 PM
no they weren't - they were deported to Australia if they didn't want to be hung - and this was still going on much more recently than 300 years ago. In fact the only crime that still officially carries the death sentence in the UK is for "High Treason" and for it to be construed as such must be perpetrated against the ruling (?) monarch.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 09:23 PM
I'm Pro Royal, like it or not they are part of my heritage and i'd rather have them than 'Presidente Blair' the man who sent 3000 US 200 Uk and 600,000 civillians killed in Iraq.

I'm also anti EU bigtime. Just the next step to the NWO and anything, even symbolic standing in that way is OK by me.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 10:19 PM
Personally, I despise the Royal family. They are the ultimate symbol of inequality. Ordain by God to rule??? Blue-Blood?

Her face is depicted on the Canadian’s currency - it makes me sick. The royal family and her governor general should be abolished.

Thanks for the info Jimmy1880, although I’m not getting why you are not advocating the abolishment of the monarchy? I’m I missing something? Why do you like them. And why do you believe the Queen is fighting the NWO? You provided many evidence that she was part of it. Is she secretly fighting the forces of globalization?

I’ve noticed the Royal’s PR people are marketing Prince William as a movie star. (photographed with them, dates them) Now that they can’t sentence you for treason for not obeying them, they are content with people just standing by tradition and simply liking them.

IntoTheVoid, could you possibly be any ruder??

The Union flag is commonly referred to as the Union Jack. Telling shrunkensimon to “be a good boy and go to bed” is uncalled for. IMO, his post’s content was not voided by his Union Flag comments.

The Sunday Times lists the Queen as Britains's 192th richest person. Is this legit? (ps they have Lord Rothschild at 111th, which makes me doubt its validity)

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by ConspiracyNut23

IntoTheVoid, could you possibly be any ruder??

The Union flag is commonly referred to as the Union Jack. Telling shrunkensimon to “be a good boy and go to bed” is uncalled for. IMO, his post’s content was not voided by his Union Flag comments.

Can i get any ruder? Yup and I haven't even got to profanities...

I didn't get that from Wiki' and as usual, Wiki is WRONG. I don't care what your average dimwit in the street says, most Americans pronounce Jaguar, "Jag-Wah". Doesn't make them right. My definition was 100% correct so stop trying to pick holes in it.

Yes looking back it was a bit rude and i'll admit his whole post was not rubbish so Simon, I apologize.

Normally I'm supportive of anti-establishment ideas but he just seemed a bit brash and we need to have a balanced view of things to get anywhere here. Simply denouncing the royal family as theives isn't answering the question of whether they are controlled or infiltrated by the Illuminatti.

You're right for saying they are legitimized theives: No one voted for them and no one can vote them out, they just spend our money and rule us like the pigs we are...

In a perfect world, we wouldn't have them, but better the devil you know.

Tony Blair is definetley a puppet for the NWO and Builderbergers if there is a difference. You can say what you like about him. It doesn't matter what because chances are it will be true. Murderer, whore, criminal, theif, etc..........

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 08:02 AM
Just a Little relevant new piece of news from the bbc:

Catholic monarch ban 'should end'
Bishop Harper said it was "time to move on"
The ban on Catholics becoming the British monarch should be abolished, according to the incoming Church of Ireland primate.

Full Story (BBC)

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