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Why do folks fear the NWO ?

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posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by graphicsman1977
great read....unfortunately, I live in Maryland. Ft. Meade is hardly a concetration camp. In fact, it's quite accessible to the public. Perhaps that conspiracy theorists might want to verify their looney toon facts, hmmm?

So you've been on a tour of every inch of Ft. Meade then? If you haven't, then please do so, just to give theorists factual evidence that their "loony toon facts" are indeed that.

My family and I used to live just north of Sacramento, California -- a few blocks from Mather AFB. That base, along with a few other bases in Sacramento was shut down, but the public could still see thru the fences. And when we went back to visit friends and family, I checked out Mather, and sure, it still looks the same as it always did. Except for a new fence that surrounds it, pointing in and much higher, different than the regular chain link fence they used to have surrounding it. Not sure what the cameras are for on top of the new fence, every so many feet. There's just weeds, as far as anyone can see. So yes, I totally understand what you are saying. Doesn't look anything like a concentration camp is there, and I'm sure Ft. Meade is the same way.

But the thing is, not everything IS as it appears to be. For example, at many of the bases that house these camps, there are innocent looking bldgs, such as a barn at one of them. To anyone looking, it looks like a frigging barn, no big deal. They cannot get NEAR the barn though, even though the base is open to the public. And why not? Inside the barn are 4 train cars which have been totally sealed (verified by those who did the work, then were fired), and made over into gas chambers. Now I ask you... WHY would that be there? And on other bases, the front or accessible areas DO appear to be innocent enough... There are, however, people who have driven around and found the 'back 40', off of roads that aren't so easy to find, as well as those who have flown over the bases and taken aerial photos. Some have gotten close enough to see the actual gates and guard shacks, along with signs. Some of these are brand new signs that are in Russian, Chinese, German, as well as being in English. Now I ask you... WHY the different languages?

Americans are blind! Or we are asleep! Things are happening all around us if we would just open our eyes and look at them and see them for what they are! The gov't doesn't want us to know the truth yet. They want us to be blind and ignorant of what is going on around us, until it's too late for us to do anything and then we'll be caught like mice in traps we didn't see. There is only so much they will 'let' the media tell us, that's why we haven't heard about any of this stuff.

Check out this site for pics and lists of these camps and a lot more info:


**edited cuz I'm tired and my brain wants to shut down for the night. lol
[edit on 1/12/2007 by NotOnMyWatch]

[edit on 1/12/2007 by NotOnMyWatch]

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 08:03 PM
russian and chinese troops on american soil, I seriously doubt that. Show me the proof. Show me a town nearby with an interview with the local townspeople who see them on a daily basis. Show me some pics of russian and chinese troops leaving a camp for the local bar. Show me some evidence besides a conspiracy website.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by admriker444
russian and chinese troops on american soil, I seriously doubt that. Show me the proof. Show me a town nearby with an interview with the local townspeople who see them on a daily basis. Show me some pics of russian and chinese troops leaving a camp for the local bar. Show me some evidence besides a conspiracy website.

With that attitude, who could 'prove' a dang thing to you? Do an online search if you're really interested. Just type in FEMA Concentration Camps, or simply Concentration Camps, scroll down and look for those that refer to having foreign troops.

Am surprised at you, being on this website, demanding proof of anything, for pete's sake, open your eyes!


posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by NotOnMyWatch

Originally posted by admriker444
russian and chinese troops on american soil, I seriously doubt that. Show me the proof. Show me a town nearby with an interview with the local townspeople who see them on a daily basis. Show me some pics of russian and chinese troops leaving a camp for the local bar. Show me some evidence besides a conspiracy website.

With that attitude, who could 'prove' a dang thing to you? Do an online search if you're really interested. Just type in FEMA Concentration Camps, or simply Concentration Camps, scroll down and look for those that refer to having foreign troops.

Am surprised at you, being on this website, demanding proof of anything, for pete's sake, open your eyes!


Ive looked around the web on the subjects you suggested. I saw much conjecture but little actual proof. Folks seem to think if a statement is posted enough times it must be true.

Again, I ask where is the proof. If there were actually foreign troops stationed somewhere in the heart of America I can guarantee you it would be noticed.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 11:07 AM
what does the goverment or whatever it is win on doin all those things u said

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by admriker444
I admit I dont know much about the alleged intentions of the NWO.

From what Ive read, the NWO advoctates limited population. I dont agree with the rumors of murdering folks but china does have it right in my opinion. There are simply too many dang people around.

Correct in the first sentence.

If you do feel there are too many people then how should a list of those to be eliminated first be compiled fairly???

So, should we start eliminating the country that causes the most pollution per head in the world. That would mean eliminating USA first.

Or should we eliminate the country with the most overweight overfed greedy population that are eating more than their fair share.
That would be USA first again.

Or maybe we should first eliminate the country that the world fears is the most dangerous for World Peace... That would be USA first again.

Or maybe the country most unwilling to sign up to the Kyoto agreement and make a positive change towards saving the environment...again USA first on the list.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 03:14 PM
The USA government began steps to rearrange the protocol for delegating authority. Homeland Security will be under local control (sure hope everyone is in a good neighborhood). The banking system will change in order to prevent collapse and a repeat of the depressions market crash. All is being done for the NWO. My question for the New World Order is: Can corruption birth uncorruption?

The steps will be:

1. A complete irresolvable collapse of Middle Eastern peace.
2. Vatican city will fall to religious terrorists.
World-Wide Crack Down on all religion. All Religions will be banned.
3. United Nations will establish an interm one world government state, followed by a declaration of worldwide peace and security.
4. Sudden and systematic collapse of Great Britain, Chinese and the United States Governments. The rest of the world will fall into anarchy. Billions will perish. Only those of good-will, and followers of the truth will survive.
5. New system government of 144,000 members and 6 million plus subjects will take control.
6. Massive cleanup operation will commence as New World is created. Eco-systems will be restored. Infrastructures re-built. Sickness and disease will be eliminated. Aging will be reversed and the aging process itself will cease. A New restored human family will gradually bring the earth into paradisaical conditions under theocratic rule.
END OF AGENDA's%20NWO%20Agenda.html

Initially, industry and government will be faced with the major challenge of educating consumers about all of their various payment system options and the pros and cons of each. There will be a challenge in educating consumers about the features of multifunction chip cards and the different features of cards that may have a similar appearance and perhaps the same corporate logos but very different functions. Consumers will need to be informed of their potential liability for the use of new types of electronic money, so they can understand how it differs from cash, credit cards and possibly ATM and debit cards.

Children: Gathering information from and about children raises a sensitive set of issues. Many of these issues are unique in the electronic environment, where marketers now or will soon have the ability, which they have rarely had before, not just to send messages directed at children, but to interact with children individually and glean information directly from them.

…with constitutional protection of our rights, to an international government, where our citizens' rights are threatened by treaties we haven't ratified, like the Kyoto and International Criminal Court treaties. We cannot depend on controlling the world government at some later date, even if we seem to be able to do that now.

We must prepare for the day when our financial bankruptcy and the failure of our effort at world domination are apparent.

[edit on 13-1-2007 by Siren]

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 06:05 PM
I had to laugh at some of those points:

First. there is this:

2. Vatican city will fall to religious terrorists.
World-Wide Crack Down on all religion. All Religions will be banned.

Then it says:

A New restored human family will gradually bring the earth into paradisaical conditions under theocratic rule.

Which is it?


Sudden and systematic collapse of Great Britain, Chinese and the United States Governments

Which is it? Sudden or systematic? Both are completely opposite to the other.

Me thinks this guy is a little crazy....

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 06:35 PM

Which is it? Sudden or systematic? Both are completely opposite to the other.

I do not really know, he MAY be saying that it is by design and will happen suddenly. I tried searching the government sites for a concise clarification on the New World Order and did not find one. There are several documents, however there is nothing in one place.

Do you know what the NWO agenda consists of and how they plan to bring it to fruition?

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 06:45 PM
Of course I don't, assuming there is even a plan.

What I was laughing at was the obviously overly paranoid individual that wrote that article who didn't proof read what he was saying.

Banning religion then having a Theocratic government? Contradiction there.

If anything, the Government of a NWO would likely be Technocratic, if they plan to eliminate disease and poverty, as the guy said they would. I cannot see any successful NWO being a Theocracy, it just wouldn't work.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 08:20 PM

Of course I don't, assuming there is even a plan.

The quotes listed below are very suggestive that there are plans and that there have been plans for a very long time. Some of the proposals are obvious while some appear to be shaded.

New World Order Quotes

"Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." - Woodrow Wilson

"The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the American Branch of a society which originated in England ... (and) ... believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established."-- Professor of History Carroll Quigley, Georgetown University, in his book "Tragedy and Hope".

Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change it's perceptions." -- Henry Kissenger, World Affairs Council Press Conference, Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel , April 19th 1994

"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent." -- Statement made before the United States Senate on Feb. 7, 1950 by James Paul Warburg

"All of us will ultimately be judged on the effort we have contributed to building a NEW WORLD ORDER."--Robert Kennedy, former U.S. Attorney-General, 1967.

"Fundamental Bible-believing people do not have the right to indoctrinate their children in their religious beliefs because we, the state, are preparing them for the year 2000, when America will be part of a one-world global society and their children will not fit in." --Nebraska State Senator Peter Hoagland, speaking on radio in 1983.

"If a nation values anything more than freedom, then it will lose it's freedom; and the irony of it is that if it is comfort and security that it values, it will lose that too. Unknown Americans must decide : Are we to be governed by Americans or by an International organization ? I, for one, owe no alliegence to the United Nations nor will I give it any. I obey only the U.S. Constitution. You had better think about this issue, for if the U.N. can violate the Sovereignty of Haiti, Iraq and other countries, it can violate ours...The United States may not be the top dog 15 years from now. U.N. security council resolutions, backed by say chinese soldiers, could be aimed at us."-Charley Reese-Orlando Sentinel

[edit on 13-1-2007 by Siren]

[edit on 13-1-2007 by Siren]

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 10:33 AM
The whole point that NWO is a definite bad thing is for the simple reason it takes away more and more freedom of the average guy. The government wants absolute power and once it has it will become absolutely corrupt.
Here in England there cameras everywhere now, on every bus and there’s even talk about putting massive microphones on main roads.
Sad times ahead.
Just like Chris Rock say’s you don’t pay taxes, they TAKE your money lol

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by admriker444

Originally posted by NotOnMyWatch

Originally posted by admriker444
russian and chinese troops on american soil, I seriously doubt that. Show me the proof. Show me a town nearby with an interview with the local townspeople who see them on a daily basis. Show me some pics of russian and chinese troops leaving a camp for the local bar. Show me some evidence besides a conspiracy website.

With that attitude, who could 'prove' a dang thing to you? Do an online search if you're really interested. Just type in FEMA Concentration Camps, or simply Concentration Camps, scroll down and look for those that refer to having foreign troops.

Am surprised at you, being on this website, demanding proof of anything, for pete's sake, open your eyes!


Ive looked around the web on the subjects you suggested. I saw much conjecture but little actual proof. Folks seem to think if a statement is posted enough times it must be true.

Again, I ask where is the proof. If there were actually foreign troops stationed somewhere in the heart of America I can guarantee you it would be noticed.

Well I s'pose anyone could write anything on the net. I just start paying more attention when I see pictures, because that to me is more proof than simply talking about something. I didn't reply back at once cuz I was going thru page after page after page after page of pics and info that I have bookmarked about these camps, trying to find the exact ones I was speaking of earlier, that have foreign troops. I found two links about the Russian troops that has pics, am still looking thru to find one about Chinese troops in the LA area that has pics. You could go to the following link if you'd like, and read what it says there, as well as check out the pic with the flag near the top of the page. If you click on that pic it will take you to the original site of the pic, where there are more. I'll include the link to the original site 2nd, just in case the link on the pic doesn't work or something. When/if I find the other pic I was speaken of, with signs at the gate in Chinese, I'll send that link in as well.
I didn't write these sites, am just saying what I keep hearing in all these pages. And trying to find the pages with pics that back what they're saying up.

Now don't you know that EVERYTHING we read on the internet is true? hehe..
If there were only a couple of pages written on this, I'd be very skeptical too. But because of the sheer VOLUME of stuff about this, that's why I sat up and started paying attention.

Here's the links:


[edit on 1/17/2007 by NotOnMyWatch]

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