Most interesting is that nothing much is known at all about what "The Japanese fishermen who caught the first specimen of Mitsukurina in the "Black
Current" off Yokohama called it tenguzame, which means goblin shark."
Yeah, not a big fan of the ocean. I figure why poke my nose were it does not belong? Creatures like this constantly prove that we know nothing about
what is down there. And when people say that a (insert mythical sea creature here) is not possible I say look at things like this, if that can exist
why not (same mythical sea creature)?
Well, wow..thats what I have to say..thats a amazing. They are currently finding out about deep sea species, such as the giant squid and such. But,
one thing, on the bottom picture that you posted (the close up) Is that a horn that it has? Looks like a horn with teeth underneath that with a green
eye lol...COOL!