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Nuclear Power Has A Bright Future

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posted on May, 2 2007 @ 05:14 PM
the money should go to solar and other green renewable electic facities...not that fusion is not amazing, or possible to achieve, but hey solar is safer, you got to admit that.

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by win 52
If they were smart enough to get here before we found them snoozing, do you really think we could win that fight? It isn't Hollywood Toto. We should be learning how to bow, not fight.

Well it's like I said previously, just because a species has the technology
to get here, does'nt mean they have highly advanced space guns, I mean
if they evolved as a very peaceful pacifist species, they're weapons may
not be much more advanced than our own, heck they may not even have
ever developed nuclear weapons.

Originally posted by junglelord
the money should go to solar and other green renewable electic facities...not that fusion is not amazing, or possible to achieve, but hey solar is safer, you got to admit that.

Not really, Fusion powerplants are not dangerous, Nuclear Fission plants
are, yes, but Nuclear Fusion plants are not.

[edit on 5/2/2007 by iori_komei]

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 06:08 PM
It is the next stage tITER is a joint international research and development project that aims to demonstrate the scientific and technical feasibility of fusion power. The partners in the project - the ITER Parties - are the European Union (represented by EURATOM), Japan, the PeopleĀ“s Republic of China, India, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation and the USA. ITER will be constructed in Europe, at Cadarache in the South of France.

The ITER device
What is fusion?

Fusion is the energy source of the sun and the stars. On earth, fusion research is aimed at demonstrating that this energy source can be used to produce electricity in a safe and environmentally benign way, with abundant fuel resources, to meet the needs of a growing world population.
o fusion power,

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 08:17 PM
What a waste of money for unproven technology!

For a fraction of that cost we could be building Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS) which are in effect sub critical nuclear reactors. Their nuclear reactions are not self sustaining and must be initiated by proton accelerator devices.

This means they can be switched on or off and have no potential whatsoever for runaway melt downs like Chernobyl.

They burn Thorium for fuel and thus without a source of neutron or Proton bombardment cannot sustain a chain reaction. A small percentage (30%) of the power output must be drawn off to drive the accelerator device, but that is a small price to pay for what is essentially ultra safe fission nuclear power generation.

Of course the nuclear power industry will not tell you about the promise of these ADS devices because they so simple any country could build one. You can't justify spending 7 billion Francs on a fusion super colider when some dude down the road could generate the same power from a much cheaper ADS system. Think of all those scientists who would have to find a real job.

The other unmentioned quality of an ADS system is that it can rehabilitate dangerous nuclear waste like Plutonium and render it as safe and harmless U238.

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 08:56 PM
It is still a site better than the alternative, coal for the next two hundred years!

I know about your ADS, it is all good too. I myself am an advocate for EST technology, fusion generators that quadruple as exotic matter storage systems, energy storage systems, propulsion systems and weapons systems.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 06:03 AM
The ITER device


Before a technology could be reliable someone must invest to overcome the difficulties, and to try to bring under control that new technology. About ADS the EU is also working on this filed see this report from the European Technical Group on ADS, or this short article.

About the amount of many invested in the project, maybe the EU Oil reserves will be a justification.

ITER Starmakers - The nuclear future (clarifying)

More resources:
. (fun club)


edit: link change to external image

[edit on 3-5-2007 by brotherthebig]

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