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posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 08:57 AM

Support the troops. Help to bring them home.

They do not want to be in Iraq or Afghanistan. They certainly don't want to go to die in Syria or Iran. They want to be at home, safe, with their families, where they belong.

They know that most of the world opposes their presence in Iraq. They are doing their duty in the most difficult of circumstances.

There was no legal or moral justification for attacking and occupying Iraq. The propaganda used to raise false support for the aggression was a flimsy patchwork of lies and distortions. Attacking Iraq and Afghanistan has made them both much, much worse places to live.

Too many have died on both sides, for lies and for oil and for Israel.

Too many have died from the hatred that all stems from the illegal occupation of Palestine and US imperialism. That hatred gave birth to the desperation of the terrorist. The desperate and deplorable acts of the terrorist have been used as an excuse to attack oilcountries that oppose Israel.

It is easy for armchair warmongers to shout their support for the criminal bloodshed without any understanding of the suffering of the victims and their families on both sides.

They think their blind ignorance makes them patriots.

Cheering as your countrymen are sent to die is not patriotism.

Like parrots these brainwashed fools repeat the nonsensical propaganda-soundbytes of oilfunded puppets like Bush. They use the same ridiculous, dramatic, simplistic, childish and misleading phrases like "War on Terror". And Axis of Evil".

War on terror? The so-called "War on Terror" has elevated the threat of terrorism to unprecedented levels. There are more terrorists than ever before. They are now more furious, better funded, better peopled and more determined than ever before.

Axis of Evil? The threat from the "Axis of Evil" was created almost exclusively by the US government. The US government has funded and armed Afghanistan terrorists. They have armed and funded Iraq; Iran; Syria; and many others.

The United States government STILL helps to fund and arm Saudi Arabia - the so-called "Kernel of Evil" - according to the US government. Saudi is the homeland of Osama bin Laden. Most September-11 terrorists were Saudi. Saudi is the spiritual heart of Al Qaida.

Yet Afghanistan was attacked for the Centgas Caspian Sea oil pipeline. Then Iraq, with no links to terrorism whatsoever, was attacked for their oil. Now terrorists are flooding into Iraq, eager to kill Americans. Still more terrorism, thanks to the "war on terror."

They lied to us about September 11. They lied to us about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. They will lie to us about attacking Syria and Iran and others.

Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians have died as a result of attacking Afghanistan and Iraq (together with a decade of sanctions and bombing of Iraqi civilians). Little wonder that Iraqis do not want to be "freed" by the United States military. They do not want to live under an illegal foreign occupation. They do not want the US oilgovernment to monopolize their oil.

It's not just foreign innocent people that are dying. (They do not count in politics or the media because their deaths cannot be used for propaganda... 3000 on September 11: Tens of thousands in Afghanistan.)

Our troops are dying. Our civilians have died and will continue to die in terrorist attacks born of US & Israeli aggression.

The United States government doesn't want to send any more Americans to their deaths because it's bad for propaganda. Instead they want to send more British, Italian and other men to fight America's wars for her.

If you want to be patriotic then don't stand for the lies and corruption that have become institutionalized within the Western establishent.

Don't let the world's biggest criminals get away with it just because their crimes are so immense or because they occupy prominent positions. They are subject to law and justice and humanity like everybody else.

If you want to support the troops then help to bring them safely home to their families, where they belong.

Don't stand by while more people die for a lie.

Acheson Intelligence Group

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by AchesonGroup

They know that most of the world opposes their presence in Iraq. They are doing their duty in the most difficult of circumstances.

There was no legal or moral justification for attacking and occupying Iraq. The propaganda used to raise false support for the aggression was a flimsy patchwork of lies and distortions. Attacking Iraq and Afghanistan has made them both much, much worse places to live.

So I suppose Saddam hanging people by their pinking toes for 48 hours and then disemboweling them in front of their families is no moral reason? Having fathers kill their sons who MIGHT have been traitors to the state and then making them kiss Saddams hand and smile and swear to Saddam is no moral reason? Gas chambers, mass graves, secret police, and genocide against the Kurdish people is no moral reason? Or how about this one hombre... Saddam was a physco path that had no business running that country. I'll guaran-damn-tee that any solider who has to uncover any one of these things, is going to want to stay in that country.

I'd say we made those places better. People can now go to the center of the streets and yell "# SADDAM" or "# THE TALIBAN".

I have one thing to yell "# YOU!"

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 10:34 AM
Thank you Joshua
Well said

AchesonGroup is yet another non thinker
Who loves to repeat what hes told
By Idiots An Manipulators of Truth

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 10:36 AM
Why Are We in IRAQ ?

They Ploted the Deaths on NonIslamic people just for thrills

They Treat Women as Property

They Support efforts to attack the US by any means
[not that we are guiltless]

They seek to Destroy Isreal [not that they are guiltless]

They Make Payments to Keep the Suicide Attacks going

They Torture their Own Citizens

They Conduct Ethnic Cleansing

They made any non-Ba'thist political activity illegal

They made membership of any other political party punishable by death

They tried To annex Kuwait and raped and killed its citizens [its the same war we gave them a chance to
ammend their actions ,,they didnt]

They tried to create Weapons of Mass Destruction
[which they proved their willing to use]

They used Chemical Weapon on Women and Children

They devasted the Mesopotamian marshes and its People ..5000 years of culture gone

They Killed other Moslems because their were of another sect

They violated the Geneva Convention

They expelled U.N. humanitarian relief workers

They forcibly deport Kurdish and Turkomen families

They videotaped the rape of female relatives of suspected opposition

They decapitated women and men in front of their family

They Killed the most senior Shi�a religious leader in Iraq

They amputated the tongues of persons who criticized Saddam Hussein

They made Amnesty Internationals "world�s worst record" for numbers of persons who have disappeared

They do not permit freedom of speech or freedom of the press

They suppress the of freedom of thought expression information ...association.. and assembly

They Continued to execute the Kurds


If you still think We had No buisness there
I say you simply dont think............

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by Joshua
So I suppose Saddam hanging people by their pinking toes for 48 hours and then disemboweling them in front of their families is no moral reason? Having fathers kill their sons who MIGHT have been traitors to the state and then making them kiss Saddams hand and smile and swear to Saddam is no moral reason? Gas chambers, mass graves, secret police, and genocide against the Kurdish people is no moral reason? Or how about this one hombre... Saddam was a physco path that had no business running that country. I'll guaran-damn-tee that any solider who has to uncover any one of these things, is going to want to stay in that country.

I'd say we made those places better. People can now go to the center of the streets and yell "# SADDAM" or "# THE TALIBAN".

I have one thing to yell "# YOU!"

Actually, spoken extremely poor & overly misinformed.
But, I guess you would be in the right, while nearly every military vet on the board is in the wrong, on the cost/benefit analysis of the Iraqi invasion?
Hopefully, you're young enough to participate in the up coming military draft so you can prove us all wrong.

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 11:12 AM
joshua could not have said it any better and those men and woman out there will do there duty.

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 11:13 AM
The whole "Bad People, must Defeat" for the greater good is no where in our country's charter - if so all you have to do is swap out the area specific names & it applies to more than half of our trading partners and convenient/strategic allies.

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 11:13 AM
Are you saying that life in Saddams Iraq was puppy dogs and humming birds?

And about the draft hombre, I am enlisting after I graduate anyway

[Edited on 14-11-2003 by Joshua]

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 11:19 AM
Are you saying that an invasion that will cost a trillion dollars before all is said & done, of a country that has less Human Right violations brought against them than numerous Asian/African/Former Soviet Bloc countries who are our allies, is worth it?

Too much in this forum alone to bring you up to speed, look it up.

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 11:24 AM
Bout Time.............
To Get Your Mind Right Id Say.....
And your facts

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 11:28 AM
of a country that has less Human Right violations brought against them than numerous Asian/African/Former Soviet Bloc countries who are our allies, is worth it? quote bout time

perfect point!!!

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 11:29 AM
we sure didnt help out cambodia during the infamous POL POT regime !

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 11:33 AM
Did I ever say we shouldn't help these countries! You assume to much (to assume makes an ass of you and me my friend). Before the war I was against it. I wanted to see some weapons before we want in there, we didn't see any WMDs, so I was skeptical, I still am, I am not happy with this war and no American should be. Believe me I realize what is happening out there in this big wide world but we can't do everything for all those small third world nations that our allies. Our govenment chose to go into Iraq and we have to finish what we started 1 trillion dollars or not!

And please, next time Bout Time, we all know that peopel around the world are starving, but have you sponsored a child in africa for less then 10 cents a day? If you haven't shut your hole!

One last thing. I was watching a show about boot camp, one of those Discovery Channel documentries. Anyway, they were following these recruits and then 9/11. Then Interveiwed one pouting young recruit who said "When I joined the Army I never expected to go to war"

So yes, some of our boys and girls don't want to be there, but we are there and we gotta finish up.

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 11:36 AM
america [our goverment] dosnt help anyone unless there is something in it for us.

[Edited on 11-14-2003 by sirCyco]

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 11:38 AM

We arn't the worlds police men! We sometimes try to be! BUT WE ARE NOT! THEIR PROBLEMS ARE NOT AUTOMATICALLY OUR PROBLEMS!


posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Joshua

We arn't the worlds police men! We sometimes try to be! BUT WE ARE NOT! THEIR PROBLEMS ARE NOT AUTOMATICALLY OUR PROBLEMS!

lol no # einstein ..only when they make alotta money off it.....war profiteering

[Edited on 11-14-2003 by sirCyco]

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 12:00 PM
You don't seem to understand how the world works.

It's money not gravity that makes the earth go round.

War profittering, that;s probably why your free, we didn't want to pay taxes... so we started a war about it...

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by Joshua
You don't seem to understand how the world works.

It's money not gravity that makes the earth go round.

War profittering, that;s probably why your free, we didn't want to pay taxes... so we started a war about it...

LOL...damn need some help

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 12:05 PM
How so? I am presenting the facts on how I see them based on what you said.

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 12:08 PM
War profittering, that;s probably why your free, we didn't want to pay taxes... so we started a war about it... quote joshua

you call that a fact???

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