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What, me Welfare?

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posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
That is the difference between conservatives and liberals. Another thing, the liberal measures success by the number of people he has fed today (thereby controlling and owning that person), whereas the conservative measures success by the number of people he has helped in feeding themselves (thereby freeing that person).

Well, the conservatives need to recalibrate their plan and align it with Clinton's because Bush's policies have just deprived 3 million people of jobs with unemeployment at 6%, while Clinton created unprecedented job gowth with the lowest eunemployment EVER during his tenure.

The conservative ideology can be described by one word: BACKWARD

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by Colonel

And I don't write it off on my taxes. No one knows but me, the homeless guy, and God.

Uuhhh...and us?

A couple of times now. I believe you've tooted this horn before.

Colonel, Here are my charitable givings per month currently...haven't missed a month in YEARS:

$700/month. Not one single month in 4 years. I know that for sure because that is when I committed myself to not missing a month ever again. Now, of course, 4 years ago it wasn't this grows every year.

Here is the amount of that money that is taxable charitable gifts:

$5-$25/month (it varies according to who has their hand out). The rest is given directly to those who need help. It runs from paying some one's electric bill, to buying medicine for some one who cannot. To going on a grocery-shopping spree and leaving the bags on the front porch and running like hell.

and the amounts quoted here are my commitment - not my limit. I do not turn people down when I find out they need help, even if I have met my commitment.

You guys are so full of baloney...and so wrong in your views about others.

I commend any efforts you give toward helping should do the same for me...even if we are politically askew.


posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by Colonel
Clinton fixed the welfare with his welfare to work program---so you can drop the "welfare queen" mentality.

yeah buying votes with welfare. at least they put a 2 year limit on it thank god. with welfare you discourage peoble from getting jobs cause they get money from the government for doing nothing. thats bs.

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 09:46 AM
Wait, I'm not through. To drive my point home I add:

That $700/month in charitable giving is AFTER I have averaged, in round numbers for this year:

$1200/month in Federal Tax
$110/month in Medicare
$500/month in Social Security
$380/month in State Tax

Not to mention property, excise and all the sins I commit (like buying gas to go to work). AND with all that said...

guaran-damn-tee you I'll have to pay in at the end of year.

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 09:49 AM
link round numbers that is $2900/month. MOST OF WHICH, I do not get any personal benefit from.

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 09:52 AM
Val: So, if you give so much to people as you do, why are you giving a backhanded slap to them?

"Yeah, I give to the poor, the shiftless bastards."

You understand the conditions that got them there---and it wasn't because of being lazy. Sometimes, life is a bitch. To me, you have too much compassion to be with the repugnants. Come out of the Dark side, girl. Don't believe the LIES, stop watching Faux News, and get with the good guys.

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 09:58 AM
No, Colonel, you will not be allowed to twist my words with your perverted liberal methods.

I have NOTHING against those who are down at luck and need the rest of us to assist them to a better life.

I have EVERYTHING agianst those who are lazy and have chosen a life that leads to absolutely no positive input to society, but instead a drain on the resources that could be used to better the lives of those trying.

That difference is extremely clear to me. I don't understand why it is not to you. I don't regret the $700 I give...I regret the other $2200 I give...the majority of it. Because the majority of it is being spent on the worthless, on the pork-fat abundant in our over-bloated government, and on things I probably don't even want to know about. THAT is what is a burr in my saddle. BUT ABOVE ALL - I resent the social security and medicare the most. I am being robbed two times a month. Taxation without representation - courtesy of the Democrat party.

Get thee behind me Satan.

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 10:00 AM
You're all as bad as each other.

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 10:00 AM
To all Conservatives waging war here- the battle is over. We are winning the war. Rest easy.

The enemy always fights the hardest when defeat is in sight.

Fear not.

The rancor, insults, petty thinking, victim mentality; anger, hatred
, paltry defenses of Great Society poverty and accusations (NATAS) of being of Cain are just the death throws of a party that has no message, no independent thought, no idea of self sufficeincy, no new ideas to help people, no nothing but hate hate hate for anything or anyone who opposes and wishes to climb out of the pit of slime that is the New Democratic Party ethic.

Their paltry Nine have shown a propensity to implode. They seem only to bicker amoungst themselves in between shots of BS and HATE thrown at Bush and conservatives in general that amount to ant hills mostly.

The Nine Dwarfs will split the dem party once again, and conservative dems will bolt to Bush once again assuring victory in '04. Fear not.
We don't even need Nader....

We will see the true racists, uncle toms and house servants emerge into the light for the boot lickers that they are and are afraid to see for themselves.
The mirror will be harsher for some............

Have a nice day

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by Tyriffic
To all Conservatives waging war here- the battle is over. We are winning the war. Rest easy.

The enemy always fights the hardest when defeat is in sight.

Fear not.

The rancor, insults, petty thinking, victim mentality; anger, hatred
, paltry defenses of Great Society poverty and accusations (NATAS) of being of Cain are just the death throws of a party that has no message, no independent thought, no idea of self sufficeincy, no new ideas to help people, no nothing but hate hate hate for anything or anyone who opposes and wishes to climb out of the pit of slime that is the New Democratic Party ethic.

Their paltry Nine have shown a propensity to implode. They seem only to bicker amoungst themselves in between shots of BS and HATE thrown at Bush and conservatives in general that amount to ant hills mostly.

The Nine Dwarfs will split the dem party once again, and conservative dems will bolt to Bush once again assuring victory in '04. Fear not.
We don't even need Nader....

We will see the true racists, uncle toms and house servants emerge into the light for the boot lickers that they are and are afraid to see for themselves.
The mirror will be harsher for some............

Have a nice day

Amen, brother! Pass the plate! Very well said T.

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by Tyriffic
To all Conservatives waging war here- the battle is over. We are winning the war. Rest easy.

The enemy always fights the hardest when defeat is in sight.

Fear not.

The rancor, insults, petty thinking, victim mentality; anger, hatred
, paltry defenses of Great Society poverty and accusations (NATAS) of being of Cain are just the death throws of a party that has no message, no independent thought, no idea of self sufficeincy, no new ideas to help people, no nothing but hate hate hate for anything or anyone who opposes and wishes to climb out of the pit of slime that is the New Democratic Party ethic.

Their paltry Nine have shown a propensity to implode. They seem only to bicker amoungst themselves in between shots of BS and HATE thrown at Bush and conservatives in general that amount to ant hills mostly.

The Nine Dwarfs will split the dem party once again, and conservative dems will bolt to Bush once again assuring victory in '04. Fear not.
We don't even need Nader....

We will see the true racists, uncle toms and house servants emerge into the light for the boot lickers that they are and are afraid to see for themselves.
The mirror will be harsher for some............

Have a nice day


posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 10:06 AM
You should thank us, a country without a loud opposition is a terrible place, where the government gets away with murder (literally) and actions by them go unchallenged.

You hate us but you need us, just like we need you.

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by Valhall
No, Colonel, you will not be allowed to twist my words with your perverted liberal methods.

I have NOTHING against those who are down at luck and need the rest of us to assist them to a better life.

I have EVERYTHING agianst those who are lazy and have chosen a life that leads to absolutely no positive input to society, but instead a drain on the resources that could be used to better the lives of those trying.

That difference is extremely clear to me. I don't understand why it is not to you. I don't regret the $700 I give...I regret the other $2200 I give...the majority of it. Because the majority of it is being spent on the worthless, on the pork-fat abundant in our over-bloated government, and on things I probably don't even want to know about. THAT is what is a burr in my saddle. BUT ABOVE ALL - I resent the social security and medicare the most. I am being robbed two times a month. Taxation without representation - courtesy of the Democrat party.

Get thee behind me Satan.

What lazy people do you know that are homeless? Have you met any? Or is that just the evil repugnant rhetoric that I hear year after year like a mantra?

Pork-fed legislation? I thnk you should blame your repugnant comrades for that b/c Bush has bloated this government (particularly the defense department) from the streamlined government we used to have---then spent all the money on tax-giveaways to the rich that our children will have to pay.

So, that when the times comes to fund a decent federal program---like fixing our roads, SBA programs, and thelike (the programs you hate so much), he can say that there is no money b/c of the war on terra (when it was really the tax cut AND Iraq).

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by Tyriffic
To all Conservatives waging war here- the battle is over. We are winning the war. Rest easy.

The enemy always fights the hardest when defeat is in sight.

Fear not.

The rancor, insults, petty thinking, victim mentality; anger, hatred
, paltry defenses of Great Society poverty and accusations (NATAS) of being of Cain are just the death throws of a party that has no message, no independent thought, no idea of self sufficeincy, no new ideas to help people, no nothing but hate hate hate for anything or anyone who opposes and wishes to climb out of the pit of slime that is the New Democratic Party ethic.

Their paltry Nine have shown a propensity to implode. They seem only to bicker amoungst themselves in between shots of BS and HATE thrown at Bush and conservatives in general that amount to ant hills mostly.

The Nine Dwarfs will split the dem party once again, and conservative dems will bolt to Bush once again assuring victory in '04. Fear not.
We don't even need Nader....

We will see the true racists, uncle toms and house servants emerge into the light for the boot lickers that they are and are afraid to see for themselves.
The mirror will be harsher for some............

Have a nice day

Get off the crack.

The nine are battling it out to see who will be the nominee. This IS expected. After one is chosen, the rest of the eight will fall in line and support the one.....

And that one will be president.

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 10:13 AM
Oh well, my bull# meter just peaked in the red again!

later.......streamlined government.............hehe....

Hey colonel, how about this booming economy???

Dean??? Hmmm, do you have a confederate flag in your back window??

Who's backin the wrong horse now??
You may be breakin bread with your oppressors soon- pickups, shotguns and cornpone for ya soon.........

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Colonel

What lazy people do you know that are homeless? Have you met any?

I'll be damned, there you go again, Colonel! Read every one of my posts again and tell me the post number where I said I know lazy people who are homeless. What orifice did you pull that out of???

I don't know any lazy people who are homeless. I wish I did. But they're not homeless because of the majority of the $2200/month taken from me. That's my whole point. Every lazy, worthless bloke out there OUGHT TO BE homeless. THEN, the monies being spent on entitlement would be going to those who are NOT LAZY WORTHLESS BLOKES. You obviously are not going to get that concept, are you?

Concerning the bloated government and its spending. You are not going to get an argument from me concerning the fact that this problem is bi-partisan. BOTH PARTIES are part and parcel to this issue.


BUT, does anybody on this thread have a link that breaks down percentages of government spending to the different buckets (entitlements, military, infrastructure, etc). If so, I would surely appreciate it being posted so that we can see where the biggest bloat is.

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by Tyriffic
Oh well, my bull# meter just peaked in the red again!

later.......streamlined government.............hehe....

Hey colonel, how about this booming economy???

Dean??? Hmmm, do you have a confederate flag in your back window??

Who's backin the wrong horse now??
You may be breakin bread with your oppressors soon- pickups, shotguns and cornpone for ya soon.........

those who fly the confederate flag are still American and their votes count just as much as mine. So, I don't see a problem here.

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by Valhall

I'll be damned, there you go again, Colonel! Read every one of my posts again and tell me the post number where I said I know lazy people who are homeless. What orifice did you pull that out of???

I don't know any lazy people who are homeless. I wish I did. But they're not homeless because of the majority of the $2200/month taken from me. That's my whole point. Every lazy, worthless bloke out there OUGHT TO BE homeless. THEN, the monies being spent on entitlement would be going to those who are NOT LAZY WORTHLESS BLOKES. You obviously are not going to get that concept, are you?

So, you know no homeless people who are lazy but you assume this is so b/c of entitlements (read hand-outs)---when I already said that Clinton created the welfare-to-work program to destroy this. ok.

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 10:24 AM
I know no homeless people, Colonel.

Furthermore, I have not made ANY statement about homeless people.

If this is how you react when finding yourself in a teetering position - employing obfuscation and inuendo - then you will never be required to show me your voter registration card in order to prove you are Democrat. Your behavior here proves it beyond a doubt.

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by Valhall

Furthermore, I have not made ANY statement about homeless people.

If this is how you react when finding yourself in a teetering position - employing obfuscation and inuendo - then you will never be required to show me your voter registration card in order to prove you are Democrat. Your behavior here proves it beyond a doubt.

You need to get out of the ether and see reality for what it is. Your repugnant leaders have consistently lied to you since the day they took office starting with "compassionate conservatism" to their handling of 9-11 to Iraq and the billions they are looting from the US Treasurry.

Why do you LIKE being LIED to on a daily basis?

Get out of the Dark Side!

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