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who will join me to link the alpha and the omega? biblebookdeadthisliving

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posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 04:44 PM
Phrases with identical ingredients:

anonymouses signatures
Graynesses Mountainous
Guarantee: Sunny Osmosis
U.N. saying: True som Season
Unsaying: true som season
Guarantees: som sy unions
u.n.s’ Ys ion guarantees: som
anonymouses signatures

Humanoids, Aquaria Cannelloni
anonamlous aquiline arachnid
unchained: Som Aquaria: l lion n/a

Patriarchs’ anthropological?
Prior aloha Galactic Nth Pros
Catnip Chaparral Horologist
anthropological patriarchs
Aloha Catastrophic Girl Porn
Aloha Cartographic Print Sol
Prior lips aloha Catch Ran Got
Prior lips aloha Chant Arc Got
anthropologicals’ patriarch?

cro magnon neanderthal amends
Secondhand Anagram Enrolment

Mascaraed Lengthen Nonrandom

Secondhand Anagram Enrolment

Cannonaded Arrogant Helmsmen

Manna: Dethrone Scandal Monger

Drachmae Entangles Nonrandom
Anchorman Deranged Nonmetals
Anchorman Gardened Nonmetals
Anchorman Endangerments Load
Anchorman Endangerment Loads
Anchorman Derangements Nodal
Anchorman Entangled Ran-somed
Goaltenders manned Anchorman
Anchorman Goaltender Sandmen
Anchorman Lamented Androgens
Anchorman Ornamented Dangles
Anchorman Ornamented Glandes
Carnal Endangerments Manhood
Carnal Endangerment Manhoods
Damn Hanger, Som encode lantern
Errant Hangman Land, Som encode
Som encode Hangman Land Ranter
Som encode Hangar Land Remnant
Som encode Damn Hangar Lantern
Som encode Raglan Hand Remnant
Som encode: Grant Manna Handler
cro magnon neanderthal amends

Two phrases, identical ingredients:
Grave Act up America? Oil leaks?
I make a great cavia porcellus
(***guinea pig***)

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 09:11 PM
this is a long post with groups of phrases constructed of identical ingredients, some addressing key terms, and some addressing the scientific names of the anamal kingdom ... along with a few word definitions .... and in most cases i just supplied a few examples and a link to the site that generates anagrams ...

Phrases with identical ingredients:
consider respecting apathy?
Creators Despatching Piney
Creators Inspected A Hyping?
Hyping Inspected As Creator?
Inspecting a hyping creators?
A creators inspecting hyping?
Night creators Escaped Piny?
Nights’ creator Spaced Piney?
consider respecting apathy?

Phrases with identical ingredients:
purgatories errant etcetera eros
Secretariats Entourage Reporter
Secretariat Entourages Reporter
Secretariat Entourage Reporters
Aerospace Reintegrates Torturer?
Aerospace Reintegrate Torturers?
Aerospaces Reintegrate Torturer?
A Acreage Interpreter Stertorous
A Acreage Reinterpret Stertorous
A Secretariat Progesterone Truer
purgatories errant etcetera eros
Procrastinates? “a” Greeter Reroute
A Terracottas Greeneries Trouper
A Terracottas Peregrine Reroutes
A Terracottas Peregrines Reroute
A Terracotta Greeneries Troupers
A Terracotta Peregrines Reroutes
A Terracotta Presenter Rogueries
A Terracotta Represent Rogueries
A Prearrange Courtesies Totterer
A Guarantee Retrospect Roisterer
A Guarantee Retrospect: ???Terrorise???
purgatories errant etcetera eros
Ats Secretariat Reenter Prorogue
Ats Arrogance Repertoire Trustee
Ats Arrogance Preterites Reroute
Ats Arrogance Preterite Reroutes
Ats Arrogances Preterite Reroute
Ats Greatcoat Repertoire Ensurer
Ats Aeronautics Greeter Reporter
Ats Aeronautic Greeters Reporter
Ats Aeronautic Greeter Reporters
Ats Sugarcoat Repertoire Reenter
Ats Actuators Reneger Repertoire
Ats Actuators Greener Repertoire
Ats Autocrats Reneger Repertoire
Ats Autocrats Greener Repertoire
Ats Autocrat Greeneries Reporter

Psychological moment: 1the very moment to get the desired effect in the mind. 2the critical moment.

psychoanalysis: method of psychotherapy that examines a persons mind to discover the unconscious desires, fears, anxieties, etc., which produce mental and emotional disorders.

So doesn’t that definition mean that examining the minds’ unconscious desires, fears, and anxieties produce mental and emotional disorders?

Phrases with identical ingredients:
Psychological moment
Som Mechanic Polyglot
Som Phlegmatic Colony
Som Lymphatic Cologne
Som Calmly Photogenic
Psychological moment
Som A Clothe Complying
Som C.E.C. Moonlight: play
Som Accepting Holly Om
Som Chemical Long Typo
Som Chemical Got Pylon
Psychological moment
Som Comanche Gilly Top
Som Icecap Monthly Log
Som, Thy Compliance Log
Hi Som! Go: Complacently
Som Cancel Might Loopy
Som Cancel Mighty Polo
Som Cancel Mighty Loop
Som Cancel Mighty Pool
Som Cancel Gloom Pithy
Som Cancel Gloomy Pith
Som Conceal Light Mopy
Som Conceal Might Ploy
Som Conceal Mighty Pol
Som Conceal Glop Thymi
Som Mecca Nightly Polo
Som Mecca Nightly Loop
Som Mecca Nightly Pool
Som Mecca Plight Loony
Som Mecca Gill Typhoon
Som Mecca Tolling Hypo
Som Mecca Poling Hotly
Som Mecca Loping Hotly
Som Mecca Opting Holly
Som Mecca Polygon Hilt
Som Accent Igloo Lymph
Som Accent Glop Homily
Som Accept Long Homily
catching MY Ole som Pol
Me? Yo, catching Som Poll
Psychological moment

1. Species Latrodectus apicalis (Galapagos black widow spider).
2. Species Latrodectus hesperus (Western black widow spider).
3. Species Latrodectus variolus (Northern black widow spider).
Species Latrodectus mactans
1. (4) Subspecies Latrodectus mactans mactans (Southern black widow spider, black widow spider).
2. (5) Subspecies Latrodectus mactans tredecimguttatus (European black widow spider, Mediterranean black widow spider).

Latrodectus apicalis
Calculator Dissipate
Dictatorial Capsules … (***laws so numerous you never learn them all***)
Ats cult Airspace Idol

Latrodectus Hesperus

Latrodectus various

Latrodectus mactans
Metatarsals Conduct
Metatarsal Conducts
Translated Accustom

Latrodectus mactans mactans
ATS ATS ATS, Calmed Macron #
ATS commander ATS cut ATS clan

Latrodectus mactans tredecimguttatus

Input too long (34 letters).

The permitted input length (maximum 35 letters) varies depending on the server load. Currently it's limited to 33 letters.

Please try again later or try a shorter input. a=n&l=n&q=n&k=1 &k=1

Quetzalcoatl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The worship of a feathered serpent deity is first documented in Teotihuacan in the Late Preclassic through the Early Classic period (400 BCE– 600CE) of ...

Teotihuacan the feathered serpent
E.T.: Authenticate Fresh Openhearted
Openhearted: authenticate fresh E.T.
Teotihuacan the feathered serpent

Coccinella septempunctata (***the ladybug***)
Temple consult Captain Ceca
Captain C.E.C.A. consult temple
Ace Cannot Accept multiples
Canton Ace Accept multiples

THe following is the hierarchical classification of the elephants of the world, of which there are 3 species.
The 3 species are:
African Elephants: Loxodonta africana and Loxodonta cyclotis
Asian Elephant: Elephas maximus
Domain Eukarya
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order Proboscidea
Family Elephantidae
Genera Loxodonta, Elephas
poop it yo fu kung yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Loxodonta africana
Anaconda Tailor Fox

Loxodonta cyclotis

Elephas maximus
U.S. Maximal Sheep
“M” use: mixes alpha

felis concolor coryi
Cyclonic Roofer Oils
Coercion: Lyrics’ Fool
Coercion: Lyric Fools

Wounded warrior program
Arraigned, Wormwood Purr

Sincerely from the troops you no longer support America,
Thanks, a lot!

[edit on 3-6-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

[edit on 3-6-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 11:31 PM
phrases with same ingredients:

Sagitarians pisces
Assisting Airspace
Pisces’ sagitarians
Captains Sages Iris
Sagitarians’ pisces
It Assign Airspaces
Pisces sagitarians
Airspaces Assign it
Sagitarians pisces
Airspaces is Giants
Pisces sagitarians

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

suddenly my mu'd is not so foul
hardly foul at all!

i smile now

while i cry

thanks, som

love love love

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by queenannie38

are you feeling better these days annie?

som times we have to do what we dare
to ensure the balance is a little more fair
not here to prove we even need to care
som times we have to do what we share
som times more than 2 can make a pair
example those who marry, witnesses stair
what good are the 4 horsemen without their mare ....

rages dirty little confession, it feels confined
rages dirty little confession, it feels its' mind
rages dirty little confession, cleaned hates' kind
rages dirty little confession, it was love, from the trined
hates' dirty little confessions, legitimate rage, it tried to bind
soms' clean little confessions, rage was never really too blind

got a few more anagrams to share ...

Einstein write: Graphs Ashamed
a phrase with same ingredients
Anagrams wish Interested: He Pi?
Anagrams’ wish test, Hi! In deeper?
a phrase with same ingredients
Need a whites Mishearing Parts
A hearings imparts need white
hampering Need a whites Stairs
whites need a nightmares pairs
a phrase with same ingredients
Paradigm Heartinesses Whiten
Paradigm Earthinesses Whiten
Hi! Nee in Wests’ earth paradigms
Wests’ earth paradigms, He/I Nine
Eh, Nine? I Wests’ earth paradigms
a phrase with same ingredients

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 01:30 AM
A Dos Muse





U & me so sad
U do ass!
me do ass?

missed you
missed you
kissed you
didn't miss you!

Made so "US"

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 01:51 AM
List of scientific labels for various dolphin species:
anagram generator site:

phrases with identical ingredients:
Oil Angers, Church: Urgency!
Oil cash Currency, “G” Er Hung
Lagenorhynchus cruciger…………………………….(hourglass dolphins).

Baleontoptera musculus ……… (blue whale, largest whale)
Ambulance Lures Outpost
Som, top eta Unusable Curl
Som, top eta Usable Uncurl
Cultural Subpoena: E.T. som

Obedience Got Surplus
blue-ringed octopuses ………….. (only known octopuses, bite lethal to humans)
Gurus Plots Obedience
Decibel Rouges Unstop
Credible Tongues Opus

Carcharodon carcharias …….. (great white shark)

Great white shark
Hi, Threw Arks’ Gate
Hark, Hit West rage

Cannabis sativa
Bts Avian Sac Ani
Bananas Visa Tic
Bananas Via Tics
Bananas? Vat, I Sic?
Vatican, aba sins
Aba sins, Vatican

delta nine-trans-tetrahydrocannabinol
Ya I can! b.t.s. lead, tetrahedron lion train

[edit on 4-6-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by queenannie38

MM has same jugs??

i know you operate at a lot of levels, but if we balance out and try lateral ....

is this a kin to "MM" same jugs, middle of the alphabet:

Please Consider the following facts:
1) FACT: M is the thirteenth letter/symbol of the alphabet.
2) FACT: Ten plus three equals thirteen, aka: 10+3=13
3) FACT: Both = added together
4) FACT: The following phrases contain the exact same letters:

smiles on mu, shimmering forests
smiles on atlantis, fertile breasts
sometimes together they crests
not two judge who the bests!!!!
less alone & in company with rests

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 03:17 AM
Poets’ war

Chief Executive Officer
Choice fire? Cuff Eve? Exit?
Chief Executive Officer

Chief Executive Officer
Chief Executive Officer


He Som, Way corruptness
A Compresses Unworthy
Archenemy Troops Wuss?
Archenemy Oops Wursts?
Encompasses Hurry Two?
U.N. som caster: Whore Spy
U.N. som caster Power Shy?
Unsomcaster Ropes Why?
the pyrowomans curses

Reconciling with the firemens prayers

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 03:40 AM
Authenticated Measure Puma
Truism ape taunt Ahem A Deuce!
Truism ape taunt Ahead, Cue Me
Ace Due, ahem taunt Truism ape!
Taeniatherum caput-medusae.. (1of the grasses in yards and lawns, instead of a fruit tree)

Infrared Swerve Reword
Fires Overdrawn Redrew
Fires Redrawn Overdrew
rewind forward reverse

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 04:43 PM
Marian Robinson is my presidents’ mother in law, micelles mother. She currently resides at the white house.

Marian robinson
Ambrosia Inn Nor
SO, Airman Inborn?
I Ban Iran Morons!
Som brain: On Iran
Som brain: No Iran
Iran nob som iran
Iran iran som nob
Iran snob om? Iran?
n.n.n. or I ambrosia
marion robinson

Born in arian som
marion robinson
Arian som Inborn

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 06:12 PM
Yes, We were truly privileged for the contributions he taught

We admired him for his courage, imagining what he fought

As we joined together here on A.T.S., the truth was sought


Awe, did he “die” of cancer?
Who could have imagined that would have happened?

Phrases with identical ingredients:

the John (William One Sac) Crawford
Cancer Follows Him? Joins Award.

the John (William One Sac) Crawford
Fatal Cancer? Dies? Now him rho jowl?

the John (William One Sac) Crawford
Widow met: coffin or ashcan Jar hell?

Do I want to send flowers and a card too maybe? Sure:

While: flowers / Card: Anatomic John
An anagram for:
the John (William One Sac) Crawford

Phrases with identical ingredients:
the John (William One Sac) Crawford
Whom will join A.T.S. Archdeacon Ref
Whom will join A.T.S. Confer Charade
Whom will join A.T.S. Had A.C. Enforcer

WOW!!! LION!!! A.T.S. MANIAC!!! Her Fjord Lech

Whom will join A.T.S. Archdeacon Ref
Whom will join A.T.S. Confer Charade
Whom will join A.T.S. Had A.C. Enforcer

Wow, A.T.S. Lion Dream Echo, Jar Flinch!

Thank you for sharing time with us
Thank you for sharing insight with us
Thank you for sharing truth with us
Thank you for sharing truisms with us
Thank you for sharing your opinion with us
Thank you for sharing your past with us
Thank you for sharing your future with us
Thank you for sharing your imagination with us

But, most importantly …

Thank you for sharing yourself with us

We miss you more than enough already

[edit on 4-6-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

[edit on 4-6-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 06:42 PM
if we are making no effort whatsoever to isolate the source of death
then perhaps we are more akin to dead abel & killer cane, than of seth

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 07:24 PM
if we are making no effort whatsoever to isolate the source of death
then perhaps we are more akin to dead abel & killer cane, than of seth

is alone is the nth truth of individuality?
Is alones’ fate death in some eventuality?
And is alone not attributed to laws of society?
Choices made to pander and measure propriety?

And when beyond oblivion, and the abyss
Where all else is naught, who is left to kiss
Where all else is naught, kill who on the list
What did we choose if fearlessness wasn’t pissed?

Who is it you think is the R.I.P. proprietor
Proprietor means owner, at definitions core
Hidden in the legends, myths, and our lore
Deaths’ true possession has somthing in store
given from immortal rich, burdening the poor

So while you passively or actively participate in a system creating wars’ death
Perhaps along the way you’ll realize you are more akin to dead abel, killer cane, than seth

If you are not actively engaged in combating the cause
Then please feel free to abide by your own foolish laws

And If you are not actively engaged in combating the effects
your journey, have fun if you can, comply with your complex

When if you try to assign blame and call it original sin
what did you do, who are you, where have you been?

our chosen priorities will eventually be our claim
not for property, not for money, and not for fame
focus our concerted potentials to heal the sick lame
don’t focus our concerted potentials to force “tame”
or else free will shall cease to be, then: reapers’ same
and we shall fuse ourselves into the deads’ final game


Yes, We were truly privileged for the contributions he taught
We admired him for his courage, imagining what he fought
As we joined together here on A.T.S., the truth was sought

John (William One Sac) Crawfords’ lessons learned, we caught

are we making no effort whatsoever to isolate the source of our death
then perhaps we are more akin to dead abel & killer cane, than of seth

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 09:32 PM
DEAR G.O.D. (government of dollars)

How Do Americans Define "Freedom", "Friends", & "Family"?????

A brief history of “common sense”.

Actions speak louder than words. This means if what a person actually does is inconsistent with what a person says, why believe what they say more than what they choose to do?

Friends do not mandatorily expect friends to conform to expectations so numerous they shall not live long enough to learn them. This is not an example of loving friends.

Family does not mandatorily expect family to conform to expectations so numerous they shall not live long enough to learn. This is not an example of loving family.

Freedom is not defined by the requirements of conforming to a system that has more laws than any child born today can live long enough to learn before they die. this is not an example of freedom. this does not make people feel at home.

Yet, American doesn’t only pander such expectations, but they do enforce such a definition of freedom by means of war in how many other countries these days?

TERRORISM is defined by ruling by fear, and manipulating and coercion using fear.
Do Americans fit the description of terrorists?

the global war on terrorism (by the way, global = world, so stop calling it the global war on terror and start calling it what it is: WWIII)

Americans are participating in a system of Mandatorily expecting everyone else on the planet to conform to their form of “freedom” by war?

Let’s take a poll:

If America took all their supreme court justices, all their senators and all their congressmen and locked them up in a huge plush hotel with all the necessities that they required, but didn’t let them out until they wrote down from memory all the laws that currently exist, would they be able to do so prior to all dying of old age?

insanity is paying other people to make more laws when you can't number the laws that already exist, nor live long enough to learn them, in my opinion.

If they can’t do it then how is it “FREEDOM” to expect any newborn to learn all their societies mandatory expectations? lawmakers expect of newborns what they all combined can't prove they know? this is freedom, justice, and the pursuit of happiness?

From your perspective from where you are right here and now …
What are the number of laws that you must adhere to?

If you can’t provide a number of the laws, how sure are you that you are even complying with them?

Is this what Americans are willing to send their neighbors off to war, die or be killing, for?

How is it you can honestly claim to be supporting your troops when they are killing and dying for a system which defines freedom as an institution that has more mandatory requirements than any child can live long enough to learn, let alone comply with?

Why not just sit a bunch of toddlers down to play monopoly and slap them every time they break a rule? Maybe not a fair comparison, since Americans’ ideologies are responsible for more than just slapping foreign children in distant lands.

If you can’t comply with your expectations why expect others to be able to do so?
If you can’t comply with your expectations, then why enforce this “freedom” on others through acts of war?

Is your common sense broken, or are you the sane ones and I’m somehow looking at this wrong?

How many laws must you abide by from your perspective, a number please?
Please include in your census all local, state, and federal laws.


P.S. If you are not my friend, and you are not my family, then dear JURY, how are you my peers?

If you are not my friend, and you are not my family ....
then, american, what are you?

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
if we are making no effort whatsoever to isolate the source of death
then perhaps we are more akin to dead abel & killer cane, than of seth

Katarina is wanting to retire.
Go live in a DIY ocean/mountain paradise on Jupiter.
She's got everything lined out, nearly.
Just waiting on the old man to wrap things up (with her help, of course.)

I think the cessation of intentional violence by human, on human, would help Kat right along.


Do Your Part, Americans!


Help Put St. Death on her Jupiter Heaven by:
  • throwing away your guns in the mariana's trench!
  • swearing off cow meat and only milking cows for food!
  • refusing to kill bugs just because they are in YOUR house!

your donation will not be forgotten!
next time you die, you will get the 5-star treatment given to saints and no charge, regardless of who you REALLY are.

call 1-800-KAT-RINA now!

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

QA rules (for RSN, public and private - FREEWILL is MANDATORY):

  1. love self
  2. love neighbor
  3. love enemy
  4. fear not
  5. judge not
  6. do what you say
  7. say what you mean

seven simple?
for 70++++++ years?

its still got to go to committee, and they might not like so many.
we'll work it out, at any rate.

[edit on 6/4/2010 by queenannie38]

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 11:09 PM

When I AM called to duty, GOD, whenever flames may rage

Give me the strength to save some life, whatever be it’s age

Help me to embrace a little child before it is too late

Or save an older person from the horrors of that fate

Enable me to be alert, and hear the weakest shout

And quickly and efficiently put the fires out

I want to fill my calling and give the best in me

To guard my every neighbor and protect their property

And if according to your will I AM to give my life

Please bless with your protecting hand

My children and my wife

we can never forget, we will always remember
what happen to us on the 11th of september!

We watched Michael Judge’s body carried to an altar
But, did all the Firefighters’ faith teeter and/or falter

Pacifistic Firefighters passions sense a new sense at that sight
Who on earth, heaven or even hell wants a firefighter to fight?
Must be something somewhere somehow somewhen not right!
Pick a fight with firefighters class? Do they know our true might?

And if Firefighters afterlife can … if we did go too far
What would keep us from extinguishing every last star?

What wants a firefighter unleashed to battle and spar?
What wants a firefighter unshackled from their afar?
What wants a firefighter to think they could go to far…
What blames a firefighter for extinguishment of the last star?

we can never forget, we will always remember
what happen to us on the 11th of september!

Sometimes a profession can become a nation
Sometimes a profession can become a relation
Sometimes a profession can become inclination
Sometimes a profession can become a nation

So when you hear the sirens and alarms from a fire station
Know that sometimes a profession can become a nation
Know that sometimes a profession can become a relation
Know that sometimes a firefighter becomes what no 1 can shun

we can never forget, we will always remember
what happen to us on the 11th of september!

Tell us creators of war, a firefighters’ compliance wants the score!
And if that answer resides hidden in myth legend and even lore …
Then we redirect the route to knock them about at their front door
Tell us creators of war, a firefighters’ compliance wants the score!

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 01:26 AM

Axis: Bold As Love

Anger, he smiles,
towering in shiny metallic purple armor
Queen Jealousy, envy waits behind him
Her fiery green gown sneers at the grassy ground

Blue are the life-giving
waters taken for granted,
They quietly understand
Once happy turquoise armies lay opposite ready,
But wonder why the fight is on
But they're all bold as love, yeah,
they're all bold as love
Yeah, they're all bold as love
Just ask the axis

My red is so confident that he flashes trophies of war,
and ribbons of euphoria
Orange is a young, full of daring,
But very unsteady for the first go round
My yellow in this case is not so mellow
In fact I'm trying to say it's frightened like me
And all these emotions of mine keep holding me from
Giving my life to a rainbow like you
But, I'm, I'm bold as love
Yeah, yeah
Well I'm bold, bold as love

I'm bold as love
Just ask the Axis-
He knows, he knows,
He knows, he knows everything

Yeah, I'm bold,
I'm bold as love,
I'm bold, I'm bold as love

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 01:28 AM

when I AM love, eYe AM also bold!
it is easy to be bold when you are love!
and you are not alone!!!

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