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There's not ONE piece of SOLID evidence that the destruction of the WTC's were terrorist attacks!!

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posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 12:46 AM
There!!!!! I said it. Debunkers please challenge me. Say anything. Let's see if even one debunk attempt stands up. Let's not forget the put options and financial gains of september 11th and the proceeding war were not even discussed in "Debunking 9/11 Myths", a garbage book my mom bought me to shut up. I read it just so I can be a fair critic, but my decision about it has only solidified further...
So please, where's the proof?

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 12:56 AM
How about you reading the hundreds of threads on this website.. which should take you several weeks and then come back and make the same assertive statement? We have people here that agree with you and fight for hours every day to diss anything said against the 911 official story but I know that may have a future that depends on the official 911 story remaining valid.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 01:01 AM
funny. very funny.

trauma, what kind? head?

People are on video and recordings talking about how they planned it, and how they pulled it off. Numerous people.

the day it happened,

tens of thousands of people throughout the middle eastern countries celebrated in the streets, and screaming hate saying agianst america.

sorry about making fun of your head injury.

it was rude of me.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 01:13 AM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
People are on video and recordings talking about how they planned it, and how they pulled it off. Numerous people.

I believe that Osama stated that he was surprised that the buildings fell.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by Trauma
There!!!!! I said it.

What would you consider to be solid evidence? Bin ladin admited to it on tape, the peopel captured, like Khalid Mohammed, admited to it, al qaida declared war on the US and had previously attacked it, other muslim zealots that were part of al-qaida's wider circle had previously attacked the WTC, and even promised to knock it down next time, there were peices of the hijackers ids, with the hijackers on tape, money trails, motive, means, documents, confessions, etc.

What would you consider 'solid' evidence for it? I mean, how much solid evidence is supposed to be left from a secret plot like this?

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 01:24 AM
And so it begins... I assume you're talking about the Osama Bin Laden confession tape with a guy that looks nothing like him, etc. Or maybe the recently released tape that they've had 5 years to make. (weak attempt)
As for the middle eastern people rejoicing the day of september 11th (which has nothing to do with proof), maybe it's because the U.S constantly makes excuses to invade them and bomb them all to hell. I'd hate the U.S.A too.
Esoteric Teacher, you have quite a few points on this website so I'm assuming you've got more proof to back up your statement. Care to address any of the other evidence?

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
tens of thousands of people throughout the middle eastern countries celebrated in the streets, and screaming hate saying agianst america.

One thing that really surprised me when I talked to a Muslim friend about 9-11 was how he believed Muslim terrorists carried out the attacks. No matter what I showed him to the conterary.

But he doesn't believe the official story because he didn't think the US government would do such a thing, but because he wanted to feel that the Muslims were giving the US a black eye. He trusts the US gov no more than I do.

Point is the Muslims you mention that celebrated feel the same way. They know no more about what really happened than we do. But they want it to be Muslims because it makes them feel like they struck out at an opressor. Not that they know more than we do about what really happened, infact I'm sure they know less.

So your comment proves nothing.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 01:27 AM
What originally linked the attacks to Al Queda when we invaded?

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 01:33 AM
I tell you what. Take the time to go to Ladder 3 in NYC and see what they have to say. Many of them were around in 93 too. Funny how everyone from the WTC security to the PA to the FDNY knew after 93 they would try again and next time, suceed.

There are your first 12 solid pieces of evidence.

Stop and research and find that in 93 AQ attempted to topple one tower into the other. This did not work. In 2001 they suceeded.

There is not ONE piece of SOLID evidence that you bring anything other than trolling to the table either.

Like the previous posted stated, there are 100's of threads, even it's own forum for jus such things. Once you can debate and use knowledge you didn't jsut google but read in a book you should be OK.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by Trauma
And so it begins... I assume you're talking about the Osama Bin Laden confession tape with a guy that looks nothing like him,

The guy in that video is pretty damned clearly osama bin laden. But, tell the truth, if they annonced that they caught bin laden, and he was alive, and he said 'yeah I did it', would you even beleive that?

etc. Or maybe the recently released tape that they've had 5 years to make. (weak attempt)

If bush did 911, why the heck would he blame it on some guy that he doesn't have in his possession? Why hire some actor who, you say 'doesn't look like bin ladin', to play bin ladin? Why not just ahve that actor be the guy that you are blaming in the first place? And why wait until after the attacks to start making 'fake videos'?

As for the middle eastern people rejoicing the day of september 11th (which has nothing to do with proof),

Its an illustration of motive.

maybe it's because the U.S constantly makes excuses to invade them and bomb them all to hell. I'd hate the U.S.A too.

Yeah, a person in that situation might even, oh, i don't know, get some guys together, hijack a plan, and smash it into some americans no?

Esoteric Teacher, you have quite a few points on this website so I'm assuming you've got more proof to back up your statement. Care to address any of the other evidence?

I really think that you need to explain what you standard of proof is here, I mean, again, there is video of people preparing for it, video of the leaders admiting to it, documents outlining the attacks and their preparation, surveillance footage of the hijackers getting on the planes, money trails connecting them to al qaida, video of them working with al qaida, bodies recovered from some of the attack sites of the hijackers, matched, where possible, to the hijackers, ids, from the hijackers, and CONFESSIONS, not on video this time, but from captured BTOs within the attack itself. If none of that is 'solid evidence', what are you defining solid evidence as?

What originally linked the attacks to Al Queda when we invaded?

When we invaded afghanistan? There were the recovered documents, the declarlation of war on the part of al qaida, the fact that they're one of the few organizations that could've carried it out and that have carried out complex international terrorist attacks on US targets, the identifies of the hijackers as being people working with al qaida (if not themselves al qaida), the movements of al qaida operatives, the finances of the organization fronting for the operation, etc etc.

Point is the Muslims you mention that celebrated feel the same way. They know no more about what really happened than we do.

Its pretty clear that no one is saying that the jubliations over the attacks were carried out by thousands of muslims who were in on it. Its clearly not solid evidence of the attack, but lets be realistic, they were ecstatic that it happened, do you think, maybe, that at least illustrates that they have the motive to do it? I'll agree, lots of people could have the motive to do it, but you agree, right, that they are one of those people that have motive to carry it out?

[edit on 18-9-2006 by Nygdan]

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Its pretty clear that no one is saying that the jubliations over the attacks were carried out by thousands of muslims who were in on it....

The point the poster I replied to was implying was that the Muslims were celebrating because they knew it was Muslims that did it.

Being ecstatic about it happening doesn't mean Muslims did it.
I'm not denying they had motive, but motive isn't everything.

The US government also had lots of motive to do it, and have gained much from it.

[edit on 18/9/2006 by ANOK]

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 01:57 AM
Don't even bring the firemen into this. When they finally released the tapes of the firemen in the wtc, it seems that they had the fire under control and were going to attempt to "knock it down with 2 lines". The raging inferno then caused the collapse of the building that had burned for less time in near freefall speed, as well as the next tower, and wtc in the same manner that evening.
Why were the hijackers names not on any of the lists of passengers. How did they get on? Some of them are still alive and well as I recall.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by Trauma
And so it begins... I assume you're talking about the Osama Bin Laden confession tape with a guy that looks nothing like him, etc.

I'm done with this thread.

I'm in the Air Force, have been for over 8 years.

I know personnally 2 of the guys who were present when they retrieved the tape in question. I was at the same base with them, and i was there when they returned, and heard all about it from them.

So, should i believe your opinion over my experiences?

Do you expect for me to honestly disregard my own senses, and believe you?

"And so it begins"

what rock did you crawl out from under?

Go crawl back under it.

thanks for disregarding my truth.

thanks for judging with your great mind that my experiences are somehow evil.

tell ya what:

if you judge things as "false" and "evil" and "deceptive" you will choose to ignore them.

judge enough things as evil and you will become:

hear no, see no, speak no evil.

and you will then have a lot in common with a monkey.

have fun with this thread.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 02:37 AM
the real bin laden denied responsibility for the attacks.
that is most certainly not bin laden on the confession tape.
maybe, some real soldiers found that tape in a real cave, but that does not mean it wasn't really planted there by real al cia duh operatives.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 08:37 AM
Bin Laden, as early as the last few years, has admitted to AQ's role in 9/11.

The war started a few days prior to 9/11 with the death of a leader in Afghanistan, killed by operatives dressed as journalists.

There was no fire under control in the WTC, ever. You are quoting someone who said that they "should be able to knock it out" and be on thier way. No one knew the extent of the actual damage.

Even if you do not beleive it, you should read the 9/11 commission report. There are alot of intereseting facts in there.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 01:51 PM
Your TRUTH HAS NO PROOF so it's easy to disregard, Esoteric Teacher. What am I just supposed to take your word for it? And why are you getting so frustrated? All I asked was to discuss proof. Now that the tapes are done, what next? Let's stick to the physical stuff, rather than word of mouth.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 01:57 PM
And the 911 commission report is loaded with b.s. Why would they tell us the wtc 7 collapsed in 18 seconds?

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 02:09 PM
Trauma, I'm going to waste two words on this because I'm feeling playful:

Nuh uh.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 02:32 PM
Man trauma, seems like the meds are not filled for the next month on this one.

The 9/11 comission report is not BS, and the statement you make fills itself with enough ineptitiude that is seems unfair to even respond to the remarks you make. Please take the time to attempt to post some of your own views and maybe some sense can be made of the anger you exude, and we can work out some of the questions you have.

Where is your anger coming from? The government? Your priest? Your parents?

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 04:19 PM
There is plenty of proof that Al-CIA-DUH did infact pull it off. This does not neglect the theory that the U.S. may have been involved. Remember the '93 bombing? It's a known fact now that a U.S. agent infilltrated the bombers. Now, if the U.S. didn't want these sorts of things to happen, why didn't he try and stop the bombing?

If it was perpetuated by the U.S. government or some faction you think they would have their hands in on it? Heck no. Plausible Deniability. The risk of getting caught would be too great. Think of the mob. Does a mob boss actually kill people himself? Other than Tony

[edit on 9/18/2006 by Griff]

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