Apparently, what I stumbled upon in my daily stupor is the exception and not the rule.
But, nonetheless, I think it is a real concept to be considered.
That is why search engines are blossoming at the rate of 25%
per quarter. There is gold in them thar hills. It is not how fast or accurately
you can deliver the truth (well, that is a loose term, I mean can my site
be considered truth? What credentials do I have? Absolutely none)
But, they are flourishing profit-wise. There must be something besides
extraterrestrial life that pushes someones button. I have tried numerous
searches like ancient text and crop glyphs, free energy like cold fusion,
and apparently the oil companies or religions aren't behind search engine
'filtering'. What other subjects can we think of that would be a big
no-no? Maybe, what John Lear said the other night on C to C about
757's and 911. About the Penn. flight being shot down or maybe flight 800.
Does anybody else have any other ideas? I have been at this for 3 years
and it never occurred to me until the evidence was in my face for over
a month. (I am pretty slow as you will learn). So, I am waiting for inside
info. In the meantime, use your imaginations and find some anomalous
search results between popular and (un)popular search engines.
Maybe, planet X, maybe volcanoes (Yellowstone, Rainier, Shasta, etc.) There
must be something else they don't want public.