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Shalit's WTC review???????

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posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 09:49 AM
Did anyone see Gene Shalits review of Stone's WTC movie. This was the first time he completely was void of any criticism of a film. It was more of a story telling promotion of the film. He emphasized twice the term 'true story'. There was no evaluation of any actor , script or direction. I can only deduce he opted to shed praise on the film himself or was directed to give it a soft sell job. Will seek out a link.

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 04:24 PM
I cant say that I have. I wasn't even aware Oliver Stone was doing a movie about it.

Is it an offical story movie or are there conspiritorial aspects to it? Sorry, I don't pay much attention to Hollywood and the entertainment industry anymore since they produce mostly crap.

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Is it an offical story movie or are there conspiritorial aspects to it? Sorry, I don't pay much attention to Hollywood and the entertainment industry anymore since they produce mostly crap.

From what I have been reading Skadi most if not all critics have said that this film was nothing in comparision to any Oliver Stone film. No conspiracy theories and no controversy.

The reviews I've read have been mixed. A guy on Fox said it felt like it was a tv movie, some said bad, some good. I'm not seeing it any time soon.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 11:44 AM
I went to the movies last night to check out World Trade Center and I was overly impressed.

The tagline for the movie reads...

The World Saw Evil That Day, Two Men Saw Something Else

This is a great tagline because it hits the nail right on the head. It shows what happened on 9/11 from an insiders perspective. If you were in the tower when it went down, you didn't know who hit it, how or why it went down, nothing. You were left in the dark fighting for your life, and this is the tale that is told.

We have some patriotic moments where a Marine throws out a line or two, but it is minimal which contributes to the success of the movie in my opinion. No hidden agendas in this movie, no inside plots, just a story of two cops who were trapped inside the towers when they went down.

I found myself choked up a few times and at the edge of my seat for the rest. Everytime It showed that bright blue sky of that morning, it brought me back to where I was on 9/11.

Stone did a great job on this movie, any critics of this are solely basing it upon the fact he is tackling the 9/11 story. After watching the movie its apparent its no money grab, it was done with respect to all those involved.

Here are the two men that the movie is based on:

John McLoughlin

Will Jimeno

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