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why vandalize???

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posted on May, 22 2006 @ 08:29 PM
i really dont understand why people vandalize. ill give you an example of the kind of idiocy that happens in my city and it always seems to happen in the north end of the city, good thing i live in the south.

about a month ago a 14, 15 and 18 year old went on a tire slashing spree and cut the tires to almost 70 cars, some of them had all four tires cut. and what do the courts do??? give them community service, all of them. thats like a SLAP on the wrist! why the hell would anybody wanna go around and slash tires? must have half a brain or something.

now, again few days ago, teenagers, again in the north east decided, hey guys, lets all grab our hockey sticks, and smash the windows of about 50 cars in our own neighborhood! and they even got caught on camera. what kind of an IDIOT DIP STICK goes around smashing car windows for fun??? omg it reaks of stupidity.

someone please tell me why vandalize when you eventually will get caught?

[edit on 22-5-2006 by worksoftplayhard]

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 01:30 PM
I think that those fools get an adreniline rush out of it, but that is only a guess! Are there any members here who vandalise, I just want to know why you do it?

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 01:42 PM
My girlfriend used to live in ecadour and told me a bout a plane crash there. Instead of people helping others, they stole everything from the damaged plane. Including the props. When the guy who stole it was interviewed he said that he thought he could sell it and make some money.

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 02:02 PM
Vandalism though despicable is more than just wanton destruction of property.

The psychological factors include alienated youth seeking an identity and saying "Im here and I matter. See I just #up your car, house, etc."

or maybe it'S just a bunch of yahoos, drunk and crazy. Either way it sucks when it's your stuff that gets trashed.

When adults enguage in vandalism it's usually for revenge or envy.

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 02:12 PM
Link to newspaper article

LYNN -- An off-duty officer arrested two men and a woman Sunday night after they broke into a change machine at Three Cs car wash, according to police.

Sloan E. Tank, 35, Robert J. Garrett, 45, and Deborah Larimore-Shonkwiler, 50, all of Muncie, were being held at the Randolph County Jail on Monday on charges of burglary, theft and criminal mischief under a $10,000 bond.

It's not just limited to kids. Look at the ages of the people in the above external quote. Lynn is a very small town so they were going to get what? $20 or $30, if that?

And these were supposed adults!


posted on May, 23 2006 @ 07:10 PM
well imo, i think they just failed to mention the fact that they were mad drunk at the time of the incident. now we all know we do strange things when we r drunk, dont we...

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 01:37 PM
ok were getting somewhere, so far i hear "drunkeness" and "alienation" contribute to vandalism.

but what if your not drunk or alienated and you vandalize anyway, like the teens that slashed all those tires in my city, they were not drunk. why would a ordinary person do something so stupid?

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by rottonralph101
I know one of the people in this article and no they were not drunk they were just in a jam and needed money to pay for everyday things like food. All of you people who sit there at a computer desk who have time to argue about some teenagers acting stupid (duh they're teenagers) or some people who needed some money so they wouldn't starve to death make me sick. Put yourself in their situation, you are homeless, you have no money to buy food, and your family has deserted you. Thats what the person i know was going thru at the time. Don't you think that you might do something stupid like break into a coin machine. If any of you people are christians than your are going to hell ,because correct me if i'm mistaken but doesn't the bible say (which is the word of god) thou shal not judge. So who are you to say these people are stupid when in turn doesn't that kinda make you look dumb for doing exactly what god said not to do.

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 06:28 PM
First off random vandalism is pointless. It proves nothing. Yet had these kids in your town gone and slashed 70 car tires of people who were harming your city, that would be different. Instead of looking for something to destroy people should look at what NEEDS to be destroyed. It sounds like these teenagers do not understand why they are vandalizing but have an urge for change. It is nice to see some compassion in our generation even if it is for just slashing tires. We need more people who are willing to stand up for what they believe in even if it is wrong.

So to answer your question, people vandalize for countless reasons. The only people who could explain to you why those teenagers did that would be them.

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

You can take your Bible and chew on the quote "Thou Shalt Not Steal".
You Bible thumpers make me sick when you use little quotes from a poorly written piece of fiction to proselytize to the rest of us that try to understand the world without using ancient and false mumbo-jumbo.:shk:

I have a vandal that destroys trees and plants on my property.
I've called the police twice, I had mental health services visit him, and I have a restraining order against him to not trespass, but he breaks it.
All they tell me is that he's mentally ill and under the care of a nearby mental health facility and they won't take any action other than putting further restrictions on him.

Screw him, I want payback.....
My trees are still dead and this mental case is still walking around with no repercussions.

Judge not, lest ye be judged.

That's just a little saying out of a book that causes more harm than good, and I'll pass judgment whenever the hell I please.

It's people like you "Anonymous ATS" that can go burn in the Hell of your own delusional making.
You passed judgment while quoting "not to judge", so that makes you a total hypocrite.

[edit on 2/10/2008 by anxietydisorder]

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by anxietydisorder
If you would have read what i wrote carefully than you would have seen that i put "If any of you people are christians" i didn't say that applies to everyone because im not even religous myself but to the people that this quote does apply to you should think about it. To you anxietydisorder maybe instead of geting revenge on someone who is mentally ill maybe you should try and help them out because that person probabily faces more problems in one day than you have in your whole life. Maybe if there was less people in the world who believe in getting revenge on a mentally ill person because they damaged some trees on your property and more people who actually cared about the big issues that one day we can possibly "understand the world" but until the day comes that people quit being ignorant and intolerant to people who are different, we will never "understand the world"!!!

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 12:29 AM

Originaly posted by Anonymous

To you anxietydisorder maybe instead of geting revenge on someone who is mentally ill maybe you should try and help them out because that person probabily faces more problems in one day than you have in your whole life. Maybe if there was less people in the world who believe in getting revenge on a mentally ill person because they damaged some trees on your property and more people who actually cared about the big issues that one day we can possibly "understand the world" but until the day comes that people quit being ignorant and intolerant to people who are different, we will never "understand the world"!!!

You have no idea of the amount of work I do in my community to offer aid and assistance to the mentally handicapped.
It's extensive, and I even represent some in court and act as an advocate and mediator for no charge when I'm called on or see a situation that requires intervention.
But some people belong under tighter supervision than they receive.

I have my own failings that I struggle with, but if I damage property I'd be held responsible the same as anyone else should be. I don't want revenge, that's the last thing I want. I want accountability for the actions of the person regardless of their mental capacity.
Part of helping people like this is showing them their errors and assisting them in understanding how they're responsible for those actions.
Letting them walk on a crime is a dis-service to the whole community and being totally irresponsible to the person that requires care.

I'm neither ignorant nor intolerant of people with mental disabilities. It's my job to understand them, and my vocation to assist them when I can.

I also have a priority responsibility to my tenants to keep their building safe, clean, and aesthetically pleasing for everyone to enjoy.

Don't judge me too harshly by my words until you walk a day in my shoes.

EDIT: Whoops...........
I think I just bypassed a Mod's job to put your post through. :shk:

[edit on 2/10/2008 by anxietydisorder]

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 10:03 PM

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 11:51 PM
To me, having your property vandalized is like being raped. If I catch anyone doing so on my property they will have hell to pay.

I am all for public stocks being implemented for crimes like theft, vandalism and battery. It would even cut down on the number of jailers needed as two officers could guard 50 prisoners. easily.

If you had to have your arms and head locked down in a stock in public view it just might deter you from doing anything to get in that position again.

This is wishful thinking as the ACLU would call foul. It seems criminals have more rights than honest victims. The scales of justice seem to be very unbalanced.

[edit on 20-10-2008 by dizziedame]

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