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Al-Jazeera airs another Bin Laden tape

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posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 07:40 AM
Bin Laden has released another tape, this time referencing the funding issue for Palestine. Brings the time frame for him being alive more up to date.

DUBAI: Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden said the international isolation of the Hamas-led Palestinian government is proof of a "war by crusaders and Zionists against Islam," according to an audiotape attributed to him and aired on Arabic television on Sunday.

The tape was broadcast on Al-Jazeera, and was the first purported recording by the Western world's most wanted man in three months.

In the recording, the Western world's most wanted man speaks about the "situation in Iraq, Palestine and Sudan," and what he describes as a "crusade against Islam," the satellite channel said.

Al-Jazeera airs purported Osama bin Laden audio tape that contains reference to Western cut-off of funds to Palestinian Hamas-led government.

Now this statement directly holds each citizen responsible for their government. Sounds like a justification attempt at killing civilians to me.

"I say that this war is the joint responsibility of the people and the governments. While the war continues, the people renew their allegiance to their rulers and politicans and continue to send their sons to our countries to fight us," bin Laden said.

[edit on 23-4-2006 by valkeryie]

posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 08:06 AM
Excellent post Valkyrie. I fear you are right in that Bin Laden is attempting to justify a terror attack(s) Al Qaida is about to unleash on the US. His rationalization for cruel intent fits like a glove with earlier diatribes given by Zawahiri and Rakan Ben Williams. All Americans and all the people living under the flags of its allies need to be extremely vigilant and prepared for just about anything Bin Laden can send our way. The sand is running out...

posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 08:12 AM
Ding ding ding.popularity ratings are going down for bush and how do you want it to go up?.Well you get the picture.This administration is the cheapest administration i have ever seen.I doubt that bin laden is even alive and with all this cg and sound tech you can fool anyone.

posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 08:59 AM

1. Def. seem's he trying to justify an attack.

2. or as another person posted....seem's funny that Bush's rating at lowest rating ever....and not to mention the cost of oil is $75 per tin

I've always had this feeling that it's coming....later then sooner....and it's def. hook'ed up with the price of when they do attack will push the price past $100 per barrel.

But what type of attack......hmmmmmm......I wonder if they do nuke a City in the US ....what would happen to the other Cities....would people head for the mountains.

Just don't know what to think anymore

As always y'r Canadian friend,

posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 09:11 AM
Aren't you sick of all of this too????

I'm not saying our government is doing terrorism, but, I believe that in alot of cases they are doing NOTHING to prevent it. Especially in other countries. I mean really, think about you think our government is going to waste a phone call to let another country know about a possible terrorist attack...if its in our governments interest NOT to say anything and let innocent people get hurt.

posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 10:12 AM
A nuclear device being detonated on American soil by Al Qaeda would be the total and complete death of Islamofascist terorism as we know it. It wouldn't bring us to our knees, it would give the entire country a pair of cast iron balls, and the rest of the world would go into "oh sh1t" mode. Terrorists would be rounded up the world over out of fear for their own country at the hands of a now thoroughly unified and really p1ssed off United States.

Remember, we own the world's oceans. We do so with absolute supremacy. Because of this, we can do something no other country can do without our agreement, which is park our entire military wherever we want, whenever we want.

Even the most hippied out dove would be all to willing to melt the entire Middle East if those idiots set off a nuke in one of our cities, and our enemy knows this, which is why they won't do it.

posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 10:30 AM
I agree, this is more along the lines of 'assignation of blame' and/or justifying continued killings in act/name of ‘resistance’ etc…more rhetoric containing more warnings which have been released before and not just against the US. OBL’s last message for the US was for a ‘truce’ which contained warnings; before that a warning and so on…as to a future terrorist attack in the US, IMO the odds are that one will occur.

Originally posted by warthog911
Ding ding ding.popularity ratings are going down for bush and how do you want it to go up?.

Does this mean the US should be also looking to every member of congress also for this type of unfounded, unscrupulous activity? Or will the US see a sudden rise in Bush’s approval rating because of this release…no.

I am personally no great ‘fan’ of Bush, however….

Realistically, Bush’s approval ratings may be low, but his scores are not the lowest in presidential history not to mention he is a lame duck president with considerable congressional influence…on that note: Bush happens to rate much higher than congress and historically Bush has maintained this trend.

Congress Approval at 12-Year Low
April 17, 2006

The current 23% approval rating for Congress is a near-record low for the institution. Gallup's trend for this question, which started in 1974, shows lower approval scores on only three other occasions: October 1994 (21%), March 1992 (18%), and June 1979 (19%).

A majority of Republicans, as well as most independents and Democrats, disapprove of the job Congress is doing today. Only 37% of Republicans approve, compared with 19% of independents and 13% of Democrats.

Congress Trend Consistent With Bush Approval

The Gallup Poll

Wow, 23%!, great job guys....


posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 11:02 AM
I don't think that because you have the world's mightiest armed forces that you are not vulnerable.Just the thought of OBL renewing the cause for jihad will cause the stock market to react on monday.Drive up the cost of doing business in the U.S. and in my country Canada and you can bring us to our knees without firing a shot.Break the bank,have the country go into a depression and then launch a lethal terrorist attack is probably a more likely scenario that will have a more devastating effect

posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 11:03 AM
Well i dont want to repond to newbies at ats cuz they know nothing about what really happened on 9\11.For starters goto\media.html and download martial law 9\11: rise of the police state by alex jones.I know we should have discussion about 9\11 from both the sides but now every single senior member at ATS knows that 9\11 was an inside job for NWO.Whenever they feel that the public is not in fear they use this FEAR propaganda to keep us in submission.It is they who are desperate and not us and we the vox populi would prevail as eg you can see in nepal as the king is being overwhelmed by pro democracy suppoters.
people shouldn't be afraid of their govt's,govt's should be afraid of their people

[edit on 23-4-2006 by warthog911]

posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by steve99
A nuclear device being detonated on American soil by Al Qaeda would be the total and complete death of Islamofascist terorism as we know it. It wouldn't bring us to our knees, it would give the entire country a pair of cast iron balls, and the rest of the world would go into "oh sh1t" mode. Terrorists would be rounded up the world over out of fear for their own country at the hands of a now thoroughly unified and really p1ssed off United States.

I agree- but I think what the majority oipinion here on ATS is- that this "action" on the part of AQ, OBL, any Islamofascist group, would immensely benefit the Bush administration. Maybe OBL is dead and we ARE just using him as the scapegoat. Hell- I think 911 was a front job- and I think 911 did exactly what Bush wanted it to do. Can you imagine a NUCLEAR 911???

posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 11:38 AM
Also- why are all OBL tapes now AUDIO ONLY????

posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 12:07 PM
I am not a new person on ATS and don't agree that all these actions are "an' in-side-job"......and have debated ( with my good spelling
)...specificly the Towers falling down due to an inside job/TNT.

But I feel the next attack will be at a large scale event.....this is from reading and reading and reading the net etc.....over the years....and the a few things that sticks out ....

1. What was about this talk/type about BinLaden's Const. Co. "purchasing" boats (something like 30 of em').....why no NEWS on this anymore? (read this couple years ago) And could the US Navy stop a boat that comes to the coats line and fire a missle???? Would they even "detect it".

2. The Administration saying they have stoped 10 (or so) attacks already?
(Terrorist set ups' for the "cause" to root out all the "spys" for the BIG attack.)...just a guess.

The issue of the US would have steel balls' and be pissed...if nuked....uhm....w'r they not pissed when the Towers' came down???? And still to this day...we have not got Osam or any TOP guy in the group?? So why would a Nuke be any different??? and I just have a feeling they would use this as blackmail after the first one....something like "we will detonate one per month" if the West don't leave our holly lands (in full video colour).

Anywho......y'r Canadian friend,

posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by steve99
A nuclear device being detonated on American soil by Al Qaeda would be the total and complete death of Islamofascist terorism as we know it. It wouldn't bring us to our knees, it would give the entire country a pair of cast iron balls, and the rest of the world would go into "oh sh1t" mode. Terrorists would be rounded up the world over out of fear for their own country at the hands of a now thoroughly unified and really p1ssed off United States.

Remember, we own the world's oceans. We do so with absolute supremacy. Because of this, we can do something no other country can do without our agreement, which is park our entire military wherever we want, whenever we want.

Even the most hippied out dove would be all to willing to melt the entire Middle East if those idiots set off a nuke in one of our cities, and our enemy knows this, which is why they won't do it.

I think you are watching too much American action movies.

If a nuclear bomb was drop in an American city (God forbid), after the initial World wide sympathy action from the world communities, those nations will basically return to their own business (which will had been made worst by economic meltdown + oil price skyrockect), they have enough with their own problem without taking American concerns on top of everything else.

Then what do you do, nuke every countries where there is a potential terrorist acting against the USA, that will make a lot of countries (if not all of them).

posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 02:35 PM
If a nuclear bomb was drop in an American city (God forbid), after the initial World wide sympathy action from the world communities, those nations will basically return to their own business (which will had been made worst by economic meltdown + oil price skyrockect), they have enough with their own problem without taking American concerns on top of everything else.

Then what do you do, nuke every countries where there is a potential terrorist acting against the USA, that will make a lot of countries (if not all of them).

Do you really think that American allies would return to bussiness as usual.They could be the next target.
The US would eventually find out where the nuclear device came from.
I didn't say that they would nuke every country that housed terrorists,but I think they would be "straightened out".
I also think the gloves would be off and the US wouldn't fight a politically correct warthis time around.

As for 9/11,for someone as dumb as you make Bush sound, he sure got a lot of people together to oull off 9/11.

[edit on 23-4-2006 by steve99]

posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by steve99

As for 9/11,for someone as dumb as you make Bush sound, he sure got a lot of people together to oull off 9/11.

[edit on 23-4-2006 by steve99]

He basically managed to loose ALL the sympathy that the whole world HAD at that time (We were all Americans - at heart, following (9-11)).

So he took that situation (which he could have use to his avantage) and managed to get most everybody against him, quite an achievement.

posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by warthog911
Well i dont want to repond to newbies at ats cuz they know nothing about what really happened on 9\11.For starters goto

And you do, great!!!…

Well... I personally can not wait to review your pending lawsuit against the US government etal. as you obviously hold all the cards with all of your presumed ‘facts’ and vast supportive internet links… because you know, you know! "what really happended"...pfft!…no reason to stay tuned because it will not happen, will it? (this is a bianary ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question)…

..personally I won’t hold my breath for the answer, but hey!…you are more than welcome to…please!

As far as being a “newbie” to this site, yes…I will give you that because I am, however you assume far too much…”cuz” my life is not centered around “ATS” nor is my cognitive scope strictly limited to prejudgments and assumptions; rather what attracted to me to this site was a conspiracy discussion site adhering to a motto: “deny ignorance” which is well moderated and open and inviting to everyone...simply, not just about 'you'.

…although, apparently some choose to just “deny” period... deviating from prescribed and advertised genre, which obviously makes some opinions, (yes opinions), at very best…extremely average...and thankfully not the norm for us 'new' members...


posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 05:11 PM
This tape is released just when Condoliza has gone to Europe to seek alies for the coming Iran war. What a coincidence!!!

I wonder when people will wake up and realize on who's side OBL really is.

posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by masterp

I wonder when people will wake up and realize on who's side OBL really is.


posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by masterp
This tape is released just when Condoliza has gone to Europe to seek alies for the coming Iran war. What a coincidence!!!

And the proof for your statement can be found where? Where has C. Rice been shown to be specifically seeking “allies” for this presumed upcoming “Iran war”. Where?!


posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 08:11 PM
Interesting, have not heard about a new tape from Bin Laden. Audio, means he is prolly running out of resources. Not that the President does not know the truth. Reality is the President does not want Bin Laden found, after all it would upset his good friends in Saudia Arabia, and they would withdraw their support for him and his family. I still am in the dark as to where Bin Laden is and if he is still alive. And I am also kind of wondering why we have not found him. If the US police can find a serial killer half way across the country, with only one tip, why haven't they found Bin Laden? Only reason I can believe is that the President does not want him to be found and probably has directed the various intelligence organizations from finding him. I would also not be surprise if there was not another attack on the US. How else do you think the President is going to take our attention away from him? It seems as though when ever a Bin Laden tape shows up, we go look, and the President gets away with a bit more.

Just my take on things, still watching the presidents movements.

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