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What I See Wrong With America, And How To Fix It Part 1

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posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 01:50 PM
Free trade:

Nothing in our history has hurt the American worker more than free trade has. When the USA did away with tarriffs to goods intering our country they took away the last defense of our well paid manufacturing driven economy. Free trade makes it harder for American companies to compete in the global market, how can a USA company compete in a world economy when the America worker makes $15.00 a hour compared to a Chinese worker that makes $2500.00 a year?? Well bottomline you can't so what are American companies to do?? They wish for More immigrant workers legal or illegal, because they will work for Far less money than a US citizen will. This of course creates a strain on public resorces at the local and state level, education, medical, and welfare systems.There is more to say about this. Both Democrats and Republicans are responcible for this mess.


Understanding that the USA is the great melting pot, illegal immigration is destroying our country. For some reason our government has caved in and is catering to the Hispanics that chose to come here, goto any ATM machine and you will get the question of press 1 for English press 2 for Espanol call any call center and you get the same question. Now you can garrentee that if there was no option of language, these people would attemt to learn English, but why should they TV and Radio in Espanol where availible... Multicultural societies in the past have allway fallen. When my ancestors came to America they wanted to learn English, because it meant being American....they Wanted to be American, They wanted to conform to our society and our way of life. What I see with all of these protests, witch BTW seem to be mostly Hispanic protests is them wanting to bend the USA to there will, nothing about them wishing to be or to become Americans themselves. There is much more to say about this... Both Democrats and Repubicans are to blame for this mess. But where would these protest have been if they didn't have Spanish speaking radio and TV for them to orginize??


Globalization seems to be focusing on two main topics, Money and Military control of the people of the world. People of ATS this kind of globalization is a very bad thing, as it serves the people in politics, corperations, and the NWO or anyother secret societiys that may or may not exsist. Globalization is the reason that Free Trade agreements exist plus the reason for most of our immigrations issues. There is much more to say about this. Both the Democrats and Republicans are responcible for this mess among others worldwide.

American Wars

America War against Terror. Ok American has declared a war against terrorism. Terrorism is a tactic, How can we fight a Global War against a tactic??? Americas War on Drugs. Drugs are a product, so America has declared war against a product, witch by the way are largely consumed by who?...Americans. My point is How much money has the USA spent on these war efforts...and to date how much closer are we to winning these Wars......? There is much more to say about this... Both Democrats and Repubicans are to blame for this mess.


I will start with the now famous Hermann Goering quote about War and the loss of personal liberty:

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."

With the decline in personal freedoms in the Western world, USA, UK, Australia, are you begining to see where all the above are tied together? Your with us or you with the terrorists. The patriot act bein voted in without anyone reading it at 3am on a Sunday mourning....The reacting the patriot act earier this year?????
Fixing what is wrong with the USA:
VOTE for anyone other than a repubican or democrat, Both of these parties are not serving the interest of our country or its citizens. Get rid of free trade impose terrriffs on all goods made by cheap labor worldwide, when these countries start paying there citizens more, then we could start eazing the terriffs. The way it is, these other workers in other countries will never get more money for working. Get rid of the catering to Espanol, if these people wish to live here make tem learn English, just like any French, Korean, Russian had to do. End the wars against products and tactics...if you wish to fight a war...LIST NAMES, or all we have is war without end.
I would love to hear some opinions about the topics I have brought up

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 03:33 PM
How does free trade make it harder to compete globally? I see your point if you mean to say competing domestically, but globally? It is an agreement that opens doors for global trade.

How can the USA compete in a world economy? By participating in it. You don't see Nike building its shoe manufacturing plants on the Texas/Mexico border, hoping for illegal immigrant labor, no they put them in Asia where the legal, consistent, and also cheaper labor is.

Maybe I can understand your ideas here better if you can elaborate on this economic stuff.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 03:47 PM
The problem with free trade is that US borrow very high amounts of money from third world countries.

Actually any country that US does business with, if they have a change of hard and currency it will affect us in a way that many financial gurus don’t want to even touch.

We have a very high trade deficit perhaps the highest ever and US keeps on borrowing money.

The deficit with China jumped by 8.9 percent during the month to a record $20.1 billion in September last year.

We are a nation of consumers we buy more than we export and most of our manufactured sector has been outsourced to third world countries the same countries that US borrows from.

So who is benefiting actually from free trade? Mostly all the corporations that have taken their businesses to another countries where cheap labor is more profitable.

While we the consumer pay the same prices for cheaper manufactured goods from third world countries.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 03:59 PM
1) Amend our Constitution to provide for a unicameral legislature and adopt the parliamentary system.
2) Amend our Constitution to provide for 100% publicly financed elections
3) Amend our Constitution to prohibit the legislature from micro managing the government, and establishing the bureaucracy as a 4th arm of government.
4) Amend our Constitution to dis-establish the theory of states’ rights. Make this ONE country.
5) Amend our Constitution forbidding an MBA from ever holding a public office again.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by Novise
How does free trade make it harder to compete globally? I see your point if you mean to say competing domestically, but globally? It is an agreement that opens doors for global trade.

How can the USA compete in a world economy? By participating in it. You don't see Nike building its shoe manufacturing plants on the Texas/Mexico border, hoping for illegal immigrant labor, no they put them in Asia where the legal, consistent, and also cheaper labor is.

Maybe I can understand your ideas here better if you can elaborate on this economic stuff.

And why is it cheap labor??..Do you think the cheap aspect of this will ever change? if so why? They have no reason to change, instead of the USA giving countries reason to change, we have justified it with free trade. Free trade is killing our country, we cannot continue to be a custumer/services based economy, Laws/tarriffs need to be enacted so the USA becomes a Manufacturing based economy. We can use tarriffs to drive up wages globally, if your company doesn't want to pay the tarriffs, fine, guess what will happen.....A American owned company will make them here and sell them here....tell me enacting tarriffs would hurt the US How?...We don't export hardly anything anymore???

What im saying is if countries and there corperations have no reason to increase wages, they Won't. If they wish to sell there products here, the playing field needs to be level for all The US and other countries...You think its cool that in asia they can pay someone $2,500 a year then turn around and sell there shoes here for $70 or more?? Shouldn't the free trade thing make these shoes much cheaper??? when they made the shoes in the USA they were $70 or more????but Americans were making $15 a hour and they were spending there money Here in the USA .....But those kinda jobs in America are gone. Now if countries make strides to improving workers pay, the tarriffs could be eased...if each countries workers are more competitive/comparible wage wise....This conversation would not be taking place if the average Asian worker made $10 - $15 an hour like here in the USA....Then Free trade would be a good thing for American Workers...American made products would be cheaper for Americans, American Manufacturing would be profitible...AND IT WOULD EXIST!!!!

Capital’s relentless search for cheap labor constantly alters the flow of surface transportation in North America with widespread consequences. The end-of-century deindustrialization of the United States and importation of cheap commodities from the Far East through the West Coast reversed historical east-west transportation patterns and established Los Angeles and Long Beach as the largest ports in the nation. To minimize transportation costs, which for many products are higher than the cost of production, intermodal transportation of containerized imports was developed

The deindustrializationof America Is a Very Bad thing.

[edit on 14-4-2006 by LDragonFire]

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by donwhite
5) Amend our Constitution forbidding an MBA from ever holding a public office again.

Good one!

Maybe if we just wised up! See a person running for office that is rich, born into money, or is willing to take a huge pay cut to hold an elected office. Don't vote for him he's more then likely a crook.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by DiRtYDeViL

Originally posted by donwhite
5) Amend our Constitution forbidding an MBA from ever holding a public office again.

Good one!

Maybe if we just wised up! See a person running for office that is rich, born into money, or is willing to take a huge pay cut to hold an elected office. Don't vote for him he's more then likely a crook.

Amend our Constitution forbidding people that Never served there country in War declare war on others

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by LDragonFire
how can a USA company compete in a world economy when the America worker makes $15.00 a hour compared to a Chinese worker that makes $2500.00 a year?? Well bottomline you can't so what are American companies to do??


Thems the breaks. If ya can't compete, ya loose out. Guess the american companies had better become better companies.

Understanding that the USA is the great melting pot, illegal immigration is destroying our country.

Destroying it? Illegal immigration is a problem, but its not destroying the country.

For some reason our government has caved in and is catering to the Hispanics that chose to come here, goto any ATM machine and you will get the question of press 1 for English press 2 for Espanol call any call center and you get the same question.

That has nothing to do with illegal immmigration. These are also not government agencies.

Now you can garrentee that if there was no option of language, these people would attemt to learn English, but why should they TV and Radio in Espanol where availible... Multicultural societies in the past have allway fallen. When my ancestors came to America they wanted to learn English, because it meant being American....they Wanted to be American,

The hispanics that immigrate to the US do the same. They learn english, and go about their business.

They wanted to conform to our society and our way of life.

Everyone I know who's parents came from italy were rasied in a household where italian was spoken, in addition to english. Hispanics do the same thing.

What I see with all of these protests, witch BTW seem to be mostly Hispanic protests is them wanting to bend the USA to there will,

Is this really one of the biggest problems that the US faces today? Worse than illegal wiretapping or AT&T spying on the public for the government? Worse than the president lying about not having made a decision to go to war? Worse than a radical dictatorial regime building nuclear weapons?

Globalization seems to be focusing on two main topics, Money and Military control of the people of the world.

Globalization is the extension of the free market to the global scale, its the breaking down of nationalist barriers to trade and the free flow of capital and cash.

People of ATS this kind of globalization is a very bad thing, as it serves the people in politics, corperations, and the NWO or anyother secret societiys that may or may not exsist. Globalization is the reason that Free Trade agreements exist plus the reason for most of our immigrations issues.

THis is actually incorrect. Under a more globalized US, there wouldn't be an illegal immigration issue, becuase you'd want people to be able to easily and legally come to the US to work.

Ok American has declared a war against terrorism. Terrorism is a tactic, How can we fight a Global War against a tactic???

The same way that the US successfully fought against the tactic of piracy in the Tripolitan Wars. The same way that the US fought against the ideology of fascism in WWII.

Fixing what is wrong with the USA:
VOTE for anyone other than a repubican or democrat,

And how would this work? DO you think that these parties are inept and have problems because of political ideology of the party itself? What the heck makes a Green Candidate or a Reform candidate any better?
Also, lets be realistic. The overwhelming majority of the type of people that would agree with all the above stuff you've said, and would be willing to vote for a third party, are (again, mostly) people that wouldn't vote for the republicans anyway. So all the whole 'don't vote for the dems or repubs' message is doing is resulting in less vots for the dems, and thus resulting in greater control for the republicans. The whole 'don't vote for these 2' message isn't going to change anything, the republicans were smart enough to get most people on national security isssues, and then bring in their own outliers with social conservatism and religious issues. The 'don't vote' message just means less democratic voters.

Both of these parties are not serving the interest of our country or its citizens.

No party ever does or ever will. They never have, and they won't in the future.
The people need to get behind a good leader, and good politicians, regardless of their being republicans or democrats.

BUt thats not possible, because everyone is completely polarized with respect to the parties. Your average democrat will not vote for a good moderate republican, simply because he is republican, and vice versa.

The way it is, these other workers in other countries will never get more money for working.

Why would making trade barriers in the US accomplish that?

Get rid of the catering to Espanol, if these people wish to live here make tem learn English,

And how do you propose doing that? Having the police destroy ATMS that have spanish language options? Arresting call center operators that speak spanihs?

I would love to hear some opinions about the topics I have brought up

The US should be aiding globalization, not restricting it, get the government out of the markets. Not completely, not totally, obviously a mixed economy works pretty well, but on the international level, we don't even have that.

If the jobs go to thailand, move to thailand and work for pennies. Anyone not willing to do that needs to learn a new skill and make themselves workable in the economy they are next to.

As far as illegal immigration, the problem with it isn't that it brings in people into the US. The problem is that because of all these people that want to cross the border illegally, a human smuggling industry has popped up. Truly Viscious gangs like MS-13 from El Salvador have gone international and are thriving because of human smuggling at the US -Mexican border. Other gangs are too. This creates and fuels a criminal empire, much like how rum running fueled the growth of the mafia. ANd just like the mafia, these groups aren't sticking just to one enterprise, they're spreading, they're growing more powerful, and they're utterly depraced and criminal. These groups need to be stopped. They can't be stopped by putting a million guards on the border, they'll use boats, dig tunnels, and allways be able to find ways to get around.
So just cut their legs off. Get rid of the immigration quotas, and permit anyone that wants to come into the US and can, say, show that they're not a criminal, in.
That'll pull the rug out from under them.
Other than that, the other problme with illegal immigration is complex. Illegals use resources, don't pay taxes, BUT they do contribute to the economy by permiting people who can't afford to pay high legal wages have a business. On the other hand, there's an issue of justice. Illegal immigration creates an underground of economic abuse, like in Florida, where there are, literally, slave plantations, they use ignorant illegal aliens to do the work. On the other hand, many people seem to think that its perfectly fine to use slave labour as long as their tomatos are a few dimes cheaper.

As far as political reform, the US is a two party system, that means that it works with two parties, not 6, and certainly not one. Right now, we effectively have one party, the republican party. The democrats are absolutely inept and incompetent, they have no influence within the government. We need to either replace the democrats with a new party that can actually win some elections, or, ignore all that, and just vote for the people that can be good at governing, regardless of party affiliation.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 07:58 PM
The U.S.A. is the only country who went from pre-historic time to decadence, without passing thru civilisation, LOL.

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

P.S.: it is obviously not true.

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