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Possible Tried and Failed Abduction?

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posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 12:50 AM
About half a year ago I was sleeping in my bed, I'm usually a heavy sleeper but any kind of light can wake me up. Anyway, at about 2am I was woken up by a red light hovering above me. I stared in disbelief as the red light turned into a face which was looking straight at me. IT wasn't a human face, it wasn't even an alien face. It looked remarkably like an Aztec face, like the ones that can be seen on the walls of Aztec temples. With the bold outlines for the facial features and such. Although the red light looked 3D, this face was (or at least looked) 3D. After I stared at the face for a couple of seconds it started talking to me. It had a booming, deep voice. I tried to make out what it was saying but it was in a language I have never heard before. It just sounded like gibberish. I hadn't tried to move while the previous stuff was happening but when I tried to swipe at the face with my arm, I realised that I couldn't move. I wasn't a case of total paralysis as I could still feel the rest of my body, I was just unable to move. It was as if I was being held down but I couldn't feel any pressure on me. All I managed to do was move my head.

After realising that I couldn't move and this entity was still talking to me, I tried to talk back. This time I found out I couldn't talk, I could make moaning noises but not talk. So there I was, trying my hardest to move my arms and legs (but failing) and making loud moaning noises.
Just before I was ready to give up I decided to try to use all my energy and try my absolute hardest to say something. Even though it just came out as a very loud moan, the red face hovering above me stopped talking, stared at me and faded away.

Seconds later, I heard a low rumbling sound. As if a large passenger jet was flying overhead. Although there was no way it was a jet as there has never been a low flying passenger jet going overhead, I've lived in this house for 17 years and every single plane that has gone overhead has been too high to hear. The noise took about 2 minutes to sound like it had passed over my house and gone about 10 houses down the street. Once it was about 10 houses down the noise suddenly stopped. There was no gradual volume change that would indicate that it kept going and flown out of hearing distance. First the sound was there, then it just stopped. It wasn't until the noise had stopped that I regained the use of my arms and legs and the ability to talk.

There is no way it was a dream as I got up and walked downstairs after all this happened. Is it possible that this entity (or entities) had tried to abduct me but decided to move on when I began to resist?

posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 01:00 AM
That must have been a really disturbing experience!

I have a friend who has had experiences similar to this, though on the occasion he does actually see shapes rather than just feeling menace, they're shadowy figures that terrify him. Seeing him after one of these experiences happen is like looking at a ghost or shell of who he normally is. It's almost how I perceive the "stare" that veterans talk about when a soldier's seen the [poopy].

From what I understand, though, these things do happen to people and have been scientifically documented. Some call it night terrors, others sleep paralysis. The one thing that my buddy would always tell me, as a cousin of mine experienced as well, is that there is a seamless blending into reality when it ends. They are convinced they were not asleep, but were awake through the whole thing.

If you want to learn more about it, this article is a great starting point for finding out more. It gives you a layman's explanation of what it is and what can happen, including seeing faces and hearing things. It might help you to discover the deeper questions to look into to find the answers specific to your experiences.

posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 09:58 AM
It wasn't really disturbing it was kind of a, "Wow! Did that really just happen?" feeling.

I saw a TV show on sleep paralysis a couple years ago. The people on the show that had it happen to them said it happened fairly often, like every could of days or every week. But for me it's only ever happened once.
It does sound like that is what happened, although I only seem to have had a couple of the sensations that have been said to accompany the hallucinations.

posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 03:49 PM
That's really interesting. Fortunately, I have a wife next to me, because I have odd experiences like that.

I woke up one night and saw a spindly, 10 legged appendage, spider like, dropping down on me from the ceiling. It was "really there" and I started saying "oh my god!". My wife, who is used to me having these things happen, grabbed my shoulder and talked to me. As she did so, the spider thing faded away.

My interpretation of my experience (which was far less interesting than yours) was that my dreamworld was blending with my awake world. It was an odd experience to watch the spider thing sort of fold up and fade away after it had been so real.

But I'm one of those freaks who considers the dream world to be as 'real' as the waking world So anyways, back to your regularly scheduled program.

posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 04:20 PM
Wow!...These stories have really gotten my interest. Recently, (about one hour ago, and about 3 months ago) I have had somewhat similar experiences.

The first one happened early in the morning. I had just woken up. I heard what sounded like an electronic buzzing. It seemed very close to me;on the side of the bed, near the wall. Yet, it (the sound) seemed to be eminating right in the air. I heard it three or four times. Then the bed seemed to be vibrating...And I thought , "Oh my God! I don't want to be abtucted! As the vibrating stopped, I looked out of the window at the skyline. Near a phone tower? I saw red blinking lights in the dark morning sky.

The second time happened about one hour ago. I was sleep and having a dream. In the dream I "saw" some skin discolorations on certain areas of my body. I was wondering about the medical reasons for this blotchy skin.
Then i woke up. I felt a sensation in a couple of places on my arm. There was an electronic buzzing associated with the physical sensations. Then,
I felt, and heard the sounds and sensations as they travelled up my abdomen. It was rising toward my upper chest. I felt like I was being "probed". I didn't want it to reach my head. For some reason, I was afraid of having my brain probed, so I started fighting it. At first I couldn't move, but as I continued fighting the physical sensations and sounds stopped.
(The physical sensations, could be "felt" under the skin... as if actual organs were being probed.)

I have never "seen" an actual E.T., but I have "heard" and seen UFOs. Once was near a military base in Florida, but I know, from the events , that it was not a conventional aircraft.

posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 04:55 PM
Sleep paralysis can happen only once or twice in ones life. I don't think it was a failed abduction due to the nature of the experience i would have to say it was just a hallucination (if not a scary one).

BTW I have only experienced sleep paralysis two or three times in my life but never have I hallucinated during these experiences. However, it is very common to hallucinate as I've know 2 or 3 people who have.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 01:58 PM
Maybe they were trying to communicate rather than abduct?
Are you sure you weren't dreaming?

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 02:09 PM
That's the tought part to answer, in my experience. When your sleep dreams blend in with reality it can become very hard to distinguish until you fully wake up, which can take a few minutes. But I don't know about these other folks experiences. Mine, I know, are dream events. But they seem VERY VERY real.

In fact, if I DID have an alien in my bedroom. I would probably assume I was just dreaming and miss out.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by Dr X
Maybe they were trying to communicate rather than abduct?
Are you sure you weren't dreaming?

I'm about 99.9999999% sure I wasn't dreaming. It was 100% until junglejake said that sometimes there is seamless blending of reality and dreaming. I'm sure it wasn't a dream but if there's seamless blending then I guess there's a slight possibility it was.

If it was a communication attempt, surely they would try English (assuming they know it) or maybe by telepathic communication (I have heard some aliens have this ability)? And not talk in what sounded like no language I've ever heard before.
But then again, they're aliens with intelligence far beyond our own maybe they had a reason for doing whatever were trying to do.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 07:34 PM
I had an experience somewhat like that as well, but i believe it to be a dream. i "dreamed" that i had been taken from my house, and was somewhere unfamiliar, but felt like a hospital because everything looked sterile. i felt like i jsut awoke, and there was what can best be described as an alien, because it was about 4 to 4 and a half feet tall, and it had a bluish grey face. it didn't look like a regular grey alien, because it had more than one pair of eyes (i can't recall how many it had, but was fewer than 3 pairs, or 6 eyes.) and it had a mouth, though i never heard it verbally speak any sounds.

when the alien became aware that i was awake, it turned and faced me, and i ran toward it because i knew i was somewhere i probably didn't want to be. then i just froze in my tracks,and i knew that the alien had stopped me with his mind.i couldn't move at all. i couldn't speak, because my mouth was frozen, so i screamed in my mind, hoping that it would hear me, and i screamed "Where am I?" then i was not paralyzed anymore, as if the alien heard me, and the alien walked toward me, and said "you are in our home, and now you're eyes are opened. soon there will be one that will come from the sky with many lights, but this is not us, and there will be a great war."

it was at that point i awoke in my bed, and i woke my wife up and asked her if she was ok, and she said that everything was fine, which is why i feel that it was all a dream, but i usually forget my dreams. this one is as clear in my mind now 2 months later as it was when i awoke that night. im not making this up, and im not saying that i was abducted or anything, just that ive never remembered a dream so vividly in all my life. it was that dream in fact that drew me to this website, as since i have become interested in alien life forms.

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 02:55 PM
Wow. That's really interesting.

I'm a frequent dreamer, so I am sort of the opposite. I usually remember dreams from any given night.

One that sticks out of my mind is from when I was around 10 years old. Everyone around me was looking kind of glum and wandering around aimlessly. I asked why, and they all said because the end was coming. I started talkng to my mom, and she explained to me that in 202X an asteroid was going to hit the earth and kill us all. I asked her why we didn't fight it or how it could be possible. She just smiled and said that I needed to accept it.

Anyways, that was a dream I had 20 years ago, and I remember it to this day, so, I know what you mean. Some 'dream' experiences are just so real. The people or creatures say such important things (many dream beings in my life have given me personal advice of value) and we remember them for a very long time, quite vividly.

Then again, 99% of my dreams are just downright stupid.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 01:18 AM
wow man now that is one hell of an experience and I'm sat here trying to visualize it and have got very worried at what I'm imagine, i just want to have contact.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by Godlesswanderer
I'm about 99.9999999% sure I wasn't dreaming. It was 100% until junglejake said that sometimes there is seamless blending of reality and dreaming. I'm sure it wasn't a dream but if there's seamless blending then I guess there's a slight possibility it was.

There is a 0% chance that you could tell if it was a dream or not unless you are hooked up to a polygraph machine. A hypnagogic hallucination can seem to be just as real as anything else that you experience in the real world. It is basically your dreams intruding upon your mind that is now awake. The hallucination can include sounds, visions, and even physical components, and seem just like anything else that you sense in the real waking world.

Originally posted by Godlesswanderer
I saw a TV show on sleep paralysis a couple years ago. The people on the show that had it happen to them said it happened fairly often, like every could of days or every week.

You may have Sleep Paralysis only once in your life, you may have every now and again, or you can have it on a regular basis. It sort of depends on what caused the event to occur to begin with.

Originally posted by junglejake
From what I understand, though, these things do happen to people and have been scientifically documented. Some call it night terrors, others sleep paralysis.

Pretty good post there Jake
, but I am going to correct you on one point here. Sleep Paralysis and Night Terrors are not the same thing as they do not occur in the same stage of sleep. Night terrors occur in slow wave sleep, stages 3 or 4, while sleep paralysis must occur in REM sleep as this is the stage when your muscle tone is decreased to the point of being paralyzed.

Originally posted by sandman692
it was at that point i awoke in my bed, and i woke my wife up and asked her if she was ok, and she said that everything was fine, which is why i feel that it was all a dream, but i usually forget my dreams. this one is as clear in my mind now 2 months later as it was when i awoke that night.

Originally posted by Ectoterrestrial
One that sticks out of my mind is from when I was around 10 years old. Everyone around me was looking kind of glum and wandering around aimlessly. I asked why, and they all said because the end was coming. I started talkng to my mom, and she explained to me that in 202X an asteroid was going to hit the earth and kill us all. I asked her why we didn't fight it or how it could be possible. She just smiled and said that I needed to accept it.

Look up prophetic dreams. Prophetic dreams are generally dreams that are about something significant and can be recalled with complete clarity 10’s of years later. I don’t work much with the dream aspects of sleep, but this is one bit that I am interested in as it also happens to me. A few of them have actually been prophetic, as in they contained information that I had no way of knowing at the time, and came true many years down the road. They may not come true in the exact way that it was in the dream, as the dreams tend to be more fanciful, but the general theme, outcome, and many of the details will be contained within the dream.

Ectoterrestrial, several of the dreams I have had seem to be along the same line of the “End is Coming” and it often involves it coming from the sky. Look up D4rkNights thread and I believe I mention this there as well. Prophetic dreams are often recurrent dreams, and if not exactly the same, then at least the theme, outcome, and some details will be the same.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 02:17 AM
It has all the tell-tale signs of sleep paralysis mate, sorry to burst your bubble.

I get it all the time and i know how real it can be, but it isn't.

Lights, loud strange sounds, paralysis, inability to speak... definite SP.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 02:30 AM
wow you can really have such an real imagation/dream from sleep paraysis, but we cant rule out that it wasnt real because it might have been for all we know.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by Alienhunters
wow you can really have such an real imagation/dream from sleep paraysis, but we cant rule out that it wasnt real because it might have been for all we know.

Yeah, i agree.

You can't label every experience as sleep paralysis. I'm sure there are some experiences people have that are something more, but the vast majority can be easily explained by this condition.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 12:38 PM
i vote 1 for sleep paralysis and mixture of dream and reality.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 01:51 PM
Hehe I wasn't expecting this to get revived. This was almost a year ago and I've pretty much ruled it out as sleep paralysis by now.
I had never experienced SP before so it was a bit of a shock and I jumped to conclusions.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 03:42 PM
I don't think it was SP.

IMO you were being programmed and when the time comes you will know exactly what was told to you.

I am sensing things are happening (not contact) but preparredness.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 04:30 PM
could it have been something where you new you was awake and could see everything around but you dream was continuing and coming to life in front of your eyes and making it seem like a reality i rule out Sp

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