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How long before microchip implants are mandatory?

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posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 01:09 AM
It's very popular, especially these days, the belief that a micro chip will be the mark of the beast, simply because we have the technology for it. Also, because of a looming threat of a supposed "NWO" and Martial Law it's even more reason to believe that a micro chip would be a possibility...

However, when put under biblical scrutiny can we truly say, without a doubt, that the mark of the beast is a bar code or a micro chip? If literal Israel was SOOoOo blind concerning the coming of the Messiah that they could not see that Christ was the Messiah, then isn't it possible that Spiritual Israel ( the church ) will be blind concerning Christ 2nd Advent?

I ask this because if you contrast the Mark of the Beast with the Seal of God, which everyone WILL have, one or the other, before Christ 2nd coming, is it logical to assume that if the Mark of the Beast is a micro chip will the Seal of God be a microchip or a bar code from God himself??

Or could it possibly, just maybe... that the mark on the hand or forehead could be symbolic? Notice this verse...

Deut. 6: 5And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
6And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
7And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
8And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.

If this text is saying that you should love the Lord with all your heart and it shall be a sign upon thine hand and a frontlet between thine eyes ( forehead ) would i be off base to say that by our works and thoughts are we sealed either with the mark of the beast or the Seal of God? Consider these other verses....

Isaiah 59:6 Their webs shall not become garments, neither shall they cover themselves with their works: their works are works of iniquity, and the act of violence is in their hands.

Also... have you guys noticed that you can only get the Seal of God with the forehead, while you can get the Mark of the Beast in the forehead OR the hands? The reason for this is the proclamation Luther made during the Reformation, "Justification by FAITH alone" It is by grace are we saved through faith, and not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast! Ephesians 2:8-9

If you're like me and do believe we are certainly living in the endtimes, then i implore you to study the bible and Prophecywith the help of the Holy Spirit, and he will lead you to all truth.

edit : I would like to also add that you cannot take anyone's word for it just because he's your longtime pastor or popular. Christ did say in the endtimes that in the last days there will be many that will come in his name and shall deceive MANY. I believe this prophecy has been fulfilled with the many church denominations who profess Christ and has the Bible as thier final authority and yet they all differ to some degree in doctrinal issues.

The bible should be our final authority, the bible says to "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15

I would finally give a tip, using the bible and the bible only, while studying prophecy, especially Revelation. Out of the 404 verses in the book of Revelation, 278 of them could be found word for word in other places in the Bible, therefore we should use the bible to interpret the symbols, not let someone else interpret them.

An example of this would be, in refering to Jesus "And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength." Revelation 1:16. Are we to assume that when we see Jesus that he will have a literal sword out of his mouth? Or is this a symbol for something, and if it is a symbol, how can we interpret this symbol? Obviously, Revelation is a book plagued with symbols, therefore how do we interpret this symbol? By letting the bible do it, and searching somewhere else in scripture to determine what it means.

If you read Hebrews 4:12 the verse says "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."

Therefore, by using the bible, i think it makes sense to say that when I see in Revelation 1:16 that Jesus has a twoedged sword in his mouth, it represents the word of God.

Hope this helps anyone who is studying prophecy.

posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 02:40 AM
Seems we also have a perfect explanation for the alien abduction phenomenon

These chips must have been around for a good 30-40 years(albeit in a more cumbersome form early on)

What better way to test ! wear silly masks - drug and implant some random stranger on a roadside. mess up his/her head and then see if you can keep track of them for 20 years???

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 11:19 AM
The original greek word for " mark " thats used in revelation concerning the mark of the beast refers to an " etching " or " scratching " and i think it talks about the way lasers are used in the making of RFID chips etc...
I think there will be an event that will cause a worldwide economic disaster and a man will appear and will seemingly have all the answers. The governments of the world will give him authority because he will be the only one who'll know how to get us out of the mess -- chipping will be forced via law , mass propaganda , threats etc......
If you do take this mark , it will be GAME OVER for you because you allign yourself with antichrist and are more committed to money and fear of having none , therefore siding with the antichrist , rather than siding with God.
the LOVE of money is the root of all evil , therefore antichrist will control finance and access to it , to exorcise control over the masses. By taking the mark , you are saying " I want the antichrist as my master " and thats why you'll be doomed if you take it.
Dont take the chip !!!! Prepare to live off the land , or fish , or whatever , but dont take the mark friends !!!

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 07:59 AM
chips will make our lives much easier
unlock, disable alarm, start car with no key
access ATM machine, withdraw or deposit money, with no card, just your pin and your presence
open your house, open your garage, all without keys
access businesses or if given security clearance, specific areas once again with no ID card

i think people are freaking out for no reason.

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by beerbaron105
chips will make our lives much easier
unlock, disable alarm, start car with no key
access ATM machine, withdraw or deposit money, with no card, just your pin and your presence
open your house, open your garage, all without keys
access businesses or if given security clearance, specific areas once again with no ID card

i think people are freaking out for no reason.

No one asked for my opinion. So here it is. Material people, like my homie above, will ofcourse take the chip. I do not know how to explain this, & I wont attempt to try. All I can say is, life is soooooo much bigger than what most people think. You're in for a shock.
As for the bible; there are many, many parts of the bible that have been edited. Parts lost, parts misinterpreted. Parts changed, because some people would not consider it "Godlike" enough. That being said, the bible is not a reliable source of information when it comes to certain things. What you read in the bible, is what people want you to read. For those that don't know. The people who have books in the bible (Luke, Paul, etc.) did not write those books. Their stories were told, many times over & recorded decades after they died. Try whispering a bit of information to a collegue. Then ask him to pass the info on, like a chain & let that info come back to you. You may be surprised as to what you might here. You may hear something that sounds nothing like the info you initially gave. Trust me, it works like that. I am not saying that what is spoken of in revelations is not true. It could be metaphorical, it could be literal. It could even be wrong. Dealing with the Anti-christ; I doubt very much that he/she(or group of people) are stupid. They will know what to do, when the time comes. What does the bible say about the people who are forced to take this chip, or unknowingly carry it? 'Casue like it or not, that will be the case for some people. If you have the audacity to defy God, you are certainly not afraid to tell someone; "Well, after we removed the glass from your abdomen & repaired your apendix, we put a little microchip inside of you while you were under the anaesthetic. Don't worry, you'll be safer this me, we're doctors"
Personally, I will die before you can put a chip into me. If I don't know the chip is being put there, or I'm tied down & force fed it...then, that's another story.

[edit on 9-5-2006 by sdrawkcab]

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 11:03 AM
I started a thread, no responses though, that Wisconsin is trying to pass a law that you can not be forced to take the chip with or without your consent.

There are links to the news article and to the bill. Currently the bill has passed the house and legislature and is awaiting approval of the governor.

If you don't want it I suggest contacting your government representative.

posted on Jun, 16 2006 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by BlackOps719
Many corporations are already beginning to have this done to their employees under the guise that it will create a safer environment for its workers. Microchips are easier to maintain and more efficient than access cards or retinal scans. Less opportunity for deception. Veterinarians do this on a daily basis with family pets and other animals to track their whereabouts. My question is this. Being that we are in a constant state of fear with the ongoing war and worldwide terrorism threats, how long will it be before the governments of the US and EU begin requiring a microchip implant to be inserted into all of its citizens under the guise of the Patriot Act or under the premise of personal identification and protection from terrorist infiltration? IMO I think that this WILL happen, just when and how that remains to be seen. If these chips are inplanted, what information will they contain? Will it contain just basic info such as medical conditions, name, address, credit history etc? Or will it include your criminal record, political affiliation, or worse? Will there be a sattelite remote tracking device so that you can never hide from the authorities? Are Americans fearful enough and trusting enough of the government to allow this to happen? Or will this lead to chaos and martial law and have to be done by force? OR will it be done secretly when you go in to the hospital for a routine operation? ATS'rs...what will YOU do when big brother comes for you?

[edit on 1-3-2006 by BlackOps719]

All of us are so scared of having a microchip imbeded into us. What are we so scared of if we don;t want it inbedded in us you don't think we could wear it around on a Bracelet ??? Or something ??? Come on Kiddos .. Let's use are heads here ... Or maybe something under your skin that activates the bracelet when you put it on .. But the part under your skin does nothing else. That would keep peopel from ... trying to steal ... your Bracelet .. Your idetity LoL >... Anyways .. this is such a joke ...

posted on Jun, 16 2006 @ 01:08 PM
they can put a chip in me over my dead rotting carcass!!!!

I will not sit back and let them implant me or my family. Fortunately I already have departure plans for when the crap hits the fan. Luckily Im in a place that affords a quick and quiet escape.

We are already being "sold" the chip...aka GPS. It kills me that people would not only so willingly give up their rights to privacy and freedom; but that they would actually pay for it....what is this nation coming to?

Well US govt good luck with the chipping. Of course like I said...youll have to kill me to implant me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Live Free or Die!!

posted on Jun, 16 2006 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by TONE23
they can put a chip in me over my dead rotting carcass!!!!

I will not sit back and let them implant me or my family. Fortunately I already have departure plans for when the crap hits the fan. Luckily Im in a place that affords a quick and quiet escape.

We are already being "sold" the chip...aka GPS. It kills me that people would not only so willingly give up their rights to privacy and freedom; but that they would actually pay for it....what is this nation coming to?

Well US govt good luck with the chipping. Of course like I said...youll have to kill me to implant me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Live Free or Die!!

What about if they made you put it on the a bracelet and wear it around ?????

[edit on 21/6/2006 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Jun, 18 2006 @ 03:43 AM
Not until those 20 suitace nukes go off, or whatever the next terror attack will be. Biden already said they will rule on that "mark my words", but they wait. What's the holdup? Why not rule on it now? Oh wait, the tracking system capable of tracking us all now isnt ready, nor is 300+ million implants, nor is the population ready to accept it. Why else would they say they'll certainly rule on it, but then not do so? Firs tehy have to get the National ID fully implemented, then there's only a couple increments left to get everyone to take it. National ID should be the greatest fight to stop, it's already passed for 2008, and if we cant stop it within a year it's all too late.

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 02:55 AM

"Is it possible that the Bird Flu emergency epidemic that has been forecasted is not merely an accidental disease but a planned "biological terror attack" foisted by the NWO so that all humans will be forced to accept a "shot" that will contain an almost unseen RFID chip injected into the body unknown to the recipient? IF so, how many have been made now? Is it possible that the reason Bird Flu didn't materialize as an epidemic yet is because the NWO crowd is waiting on the manufacture of enough vaccine and chips? Could it be that a manufacturing delay has delayed the disease itself?"

How small are the RFID chips? Is this possible? Are they really THAT small?!

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 01:27 PM
I thought the bible said you have to ACCEPT the mark, so they cannot give it to you if you don't know about it.

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 02:36 PM
A local school to the DFW area is about to institute the chipping of problem children in order to cut down on truency cases. This isn't a joke. My wife will be doing the PR for the company doing the chipping. More details later as I get them.

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 02:41 PM
Additionally, heard on NPR that retirement homes are now chipping elderly inmates in order to more easily monitor their location, health, etc. and significantly increase staff reaction times to critical situations.

All this chipping is, of course, being done legally, with the intention of a greater good in mind... yay.... greater good.... wheeee....

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by thelibra
A local school to the DFW area is about to institute the chipping of problem children in order to cut down on truency cases. This isn't a joke. My wife will be doing the PR for the company doing the chipping. More details later as I get them.

Are they going to put them in their skin?! Don't you have any local protest over such an action or any proposed legislation to ban this?

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by sdp333

Originally posted by thelibra
A local school to the DFW area is about to institute the chipping of problem children in order to cut down on truency cases. This isn't a joke. My wife will be doing the PR for the company doing the chipping. More details later as I get them.

Are they going to put them in their skin?! Don't you have any local protest over such an action or any proposed legislation to ban this?

If I understand correctly, the chips will either be implanted or alternately worn as an ankle or wrist bracelet (I think they're still deciding this factor). The legislation is seen as currently unneccesary, as a judge has given the mayor the go ahead in the program. Their intention is to keep it quiet at first, and then later do a PR campaign to the state legislature about its effectiveness, and make it mandatory for chronic truancies in Texas. My apologies for a lack of further details, my wife hasn't received the full details of the account yet.

posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by BlackOps719
What if its a matter of take the chip or go to prison...take the chip or be deported....take the chip or get locked away in som GITMO type camp where laws and reason dont apply and you may never even get a trial? Im telling you...these homeland security laws will soon be the demise of all of our personal freedoms. What do you do?

Kill yourself. I dont want to live with a computer inside my head reading and transmitting all my thoughts, tracking me. Also what if whenever you try to do something illegal it automatically shuts down brain control to that area of your body? What if suicide was illegal? You wouldnt be able to kill yourself then would you. So I say take your life before you wear the mark, Im sure God would justify this action.

posted on Jun, 24 2006 @ 03:04 AM
If the Gov. wants to implant everyone, they will. People are against it now, but the gov. will slowly change people's minds through a series of events/crisis' so that everyone will be willing/begging to get a chip. Hopefully some of you will get out of U.S. before it happens, I guess I would probably get out of Britain as well. If they threaten to deport you if you oppose, wahey you get a free plane ticket!

But I don't know why everyone is looking to the bible for answers. It sounds like some people think the bible is going to dictate exactly how this will turn out,


Originally posted by Patronas
I thought the bible said you have to ACCEPT the mark, so they cannot give it to you if you don't know about it.

So what? It doesn't mean the bible is right!?

posted on Jun, 24 2006 @ 03:17 AM
What if the chips are already planted with you, and you don't even know your Cell Phones? Think about it. What better way is there to find out what and where people go and do, than by following their cell phone patterns. Everyone uses one, your cell phone is like a personal chip with your information. You carry it around with you everywhere. Now they are practily giving away cell phones. Just think about all the stuff they can do with a cell phone, that makes it the mark of the beast. Oh Yeah!

posted on Jun, 24 2006 @ 03:20 AM
I just bought a new car a few days ago. One of the selling points the salesman had was this "cool" device that tracks you by satelite that knows where you are at all times. It's really good for if you lock your keys in your car, get stuck in a ditch, have a heart attack, etc. If you're in trouble, just press the help button and you'll get to talk to a LIVE OPERATOR! WOW - that's the coolest thing! Just imagine, you can have help to you in NO TIME!

My husband and the salesman looked at me and were waiting on my response to the hyped up stuff the guy said. I thought about it a minute - should I or shouldn't I? Am I afraid to look like a nut ? or does it matter when I sign the papers????/mmmmm OK, here's what I said:

I don't believe that was the intended purpose for installing those things in cars, do you? They are called government controlled population movement and traffic control tracking devices. They can turn that speaker on at any time and listen to your conversations, speak to you, whatever. Is that really so cool?

soooo, my husband about fainted from embarrassment - the salesman said, oh, ok and switched the topic LOL

I got my new car - government controlled population tracking and all :-)

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