posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 02:23 PM
Originally posted by FULCRUM
I am 100% with you on this..
Womans place isnt in the Police force or in the military..
Your assumption that female disclusion from combat arms being due to physical weakness is false.
I would fully support induction of a female into an operator slot on a special team. With training, size of an opponent can be overcome. It is a
Primary reasons for the policy:
1. Health risk posed by lack of sanitary facilities during sustained operations (eg. defense). A special team that does not conduct sustained
operations (SF, SFOD-D, SEAL4-5, DevGru) would not be compromised by a well trained female.
2. Effect on male psyche in event of brutal enemy interrogation tactics on female. It has been proven that protective instinct of a male will
override the adherence to the Code of Conduct in this POW situation.
I kid you not,