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RIAA sues 12 year old girl for file sharing

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posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 03:39 PM
this one's gonna blow up in their faces:

the kid's an honors student, a little girl, and her mom paid some sort of fee for use of the service. they couldn't have picked a worthier target. :p the media's gonna have a field day.

(sorry for another file sharing thread, but this one was too good to resist)

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 03:42 PM
I hope to god this destroys RIAAs lil witchhunt.

Heil Mein Furher!

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 03:42 PM
That will be their downfall...

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 03:47 PM
Stupid bastard's just scrwed themselve's BIG time now

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 03:51 PM
Their downfall was when they decided they were big and greedy enough to turn on the population.....they got some nerve

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 03:54 PM
lol stupid bastarsds, they'll never stop the file sharing network lol, espeically if their going after lil girls, they need to hit the big warez suppliers and the peolpe ripping cds fer sharing n such, but they won't be able to shut everything down lol, such as diret connect cuz the servers are on ppls computers and more ppl will jsut start servers lol, also i dun understand why they should be complaining when they charge ya 20 bucks fer a cd which cost them like ten cents to make, they're the ones stealing from us so # them haha

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 04:03 PM

# riaa.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 04:10 PM
One would think it's not wise to sue customers.

I am sure everyone that file shares also buys a cd every once and a while... or did before the SS i mean RIAA got greedy

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 04:18 PM
LMAO Fury.........
So true, they'll use Communism to ward you off anything........

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 04:24 PM
I thought kazaa was free to use. What did the mother pay 25 bucks for?

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 04:26 PM
Also do not use kazaa right now. Use bittorrents. You may not find as much stuff but they have mostly rescent stuff.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 04:27 PM
kazaa lite ++ works fine

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by ilovepizza
Also do not use kazaa right now. Use bittorrents. You may not find as much stuff but they have mostly rescent stuff.

much luv for bittorrent.
protip: make friends with other bittorrenters. they can hook you up. IRC is a good place to hang out for this purpose.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 04:37 PM
It wouldnt surprise me if they press on with this lawsuit to prove thier intelligence.

I agree 100% with Fury, # RIAA.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 04:40 PM
My question is- if you have a firewall how can the RIAA and its stoolies look inside your computer to see if you swap music? Or do they just go by the registration IPs on Kazaa?

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 04:53 PM
This is great, it will destroy them. Fury, that pic rocks so much.... I stole it..... don't sue me!

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 06:03 PM
Dude, file sharing isnt stealing, thats a load of crap.

90% of the songs i downloaded over the years between napster and Kaaza I already owned the cd, and i downloaded them simply to have the mp3s on my computer so id have music to listen to. I already paid for the damn songs. And i dont have a coverter program to transform my cdas into mp3s. The othet 10% were songs i downloaded to see if i was even interested in getting the paticular cd.

Riia is a bunch of #ing money grubbing pieces of #. Hell, the artists make like very little themselves off the percentages and stuff, until they have made a name for themselves and have gotten big and recorded a few records, they dont make squat.

file sharing is little different than say recording a cd for your friend. are they gonna put tv monitoring in to see who is recording shows off the history channel next?

I hope RIIA falls on thier asses for this. especially suining a little girl, a girl who is a good student, and whose momma actually paid for the service.

I would enjoy seeing a massice plummet in sales to really hurt the record industry and show them that people aint gonna put up with this #.

i shal;l boycott any recorded media from now on. almost all my favorite bands are dead or broken up anyway, so i dont feel bad at all.

its time to start downloading!

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 06:04 PM
Um, how do they know you downloaded the music? Unless they hack(illegal) into your computer, no way they can say you did. For all they know you just download pictures of pretty little puppies or some such thing.

Second, RIAA is screwed blued and tatooed with an Idiot stamp for good. A 12 year old? What next? A black albino blind deaf mute with no arms or legs being sued by a bowling pin making company because he looks and acts to much like a bowling pin?

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 06:07 PM
Lets see, would this be a good tim for a


posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 07:34 PM

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