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Bush accepts full responsibility for Katrina response.

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posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by TxSecret
bush is nothing more than a finger puppet for fascist demons.

"Finger Puppet" that cracks me up!
NOt eve a full puppet! I'm going to start propagating this expression ASAP.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Timcouchfanclub
If we want the Federal Government to solve everything then why do we have State and Local Governments?

[edit on 13-9-2005 by Timcouchfanclub]

Utterly classic sippery-slope argument. Tsk.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by Timcouchfanclub
If we want the Federal Government to solve everything then why do we have State and Local Governments?

[edit on 13-9-2005 by Timcouchfanclub]

your sounding like a mouth piece to what republicans have been saying through all this.
why do we have federal government? ah yes, to assist in needs that are too big for the local and state .. and that's why i get taxed more by them for that security.

look at this objectively, try to not use FOX opinions to base your own opinion of the matter. yes the local govt. couldve assisted aid 1-2 days before more before the storm hit and maybe they wouldve gotten there in time (if you believe 1 day isn't enough pre-warning to have the best nation in the world deploy aid in a region in their own back yard) and prevented some of the horrors we are seeing on tv.

even the real aftermath which was the levee collapsing causing it the flood couldve been prevented on a federal level if it got the money it needed to complete it. which i hope you know well by now was cut by the current administration.

even the president, a man who has never taken blame for anything negative, has now spoken out to say it's his fault and he's going to try to fix this for the future. which i don't personally believe he was being sincere, more like cutting his losses and hope for some compassion from the country.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 03:33 PM

bush is nothing more than a finger puppet for fascist demons.

Your telling me that comment isn't slippery slope? Right.
If my question is so slippery slope then answer it.

By no means am I a Bush lover. But this is getting out of hand. Lets say it was Bush's fault...Then were the hell was the accountability. Why wasn't senate or Congress in session saying "Bush get of your Butt?" Because its not their problem. Lets say it was all the Governors fault. Why the hell wasn't Bush like " Blanco get out of my way, I am in control of this town?" If it was the Mayor's fault then why before the storm hit wasn't Blanco like " Nagin get those Buses moving we have a storm on the way."

Naaaa why would anyone take responsibilty when you can just blame Bush. Oh but did Bush take some responsibility? Can't be. Even though I don't believe Bush had to do that he still did. Now all I have to do is wait for Nagin and Blanco to apologize to their residents for not having a good plan setup in NO.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 03:44 PM

even the real aftermath which was the levee collapsing causing it the flood couldve been prevented on a federal level if it got the money it needed to complete it. which i hope you know well by now was cut by the current administration.

Well lets talk about the past. How about the fact that the City should have never have been there in the first place. Or that The Mississippi was redirected to go through NO. The city was destined for destruction a long time ago.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by Timcouchfanclub
Well lets talk about the past. How about the fact that the City should have never have been there in the first place. Or that The Mississippi was redirected to go through NO. The city was destined for destruction a long time ago.


so a great strategical port of a city shouldn't even be there in the first place? i find that quite odd. can i presume your also saying you hold no compassion to the people who lived in the area because they were silly enough to live in a city below sea level? and if memory serves me right they are other cities out there that exist that live below sea level and they are doing just fine.

so this city was destined for destruction, i wonder why this administration didn't take heed of this knowledge and stop it's cuts to prevent a large scale destruction by actually allowing the levees to be finished to it's requested heights, thus avoiding this whole situation in it's entirety.

let's do some math, shall we?

the army corps requested 11 million to maintain and add to the levee system (only got 5)
we have now requested over 50 billion to help reconstruct

see the fatal mistake?

we don't live in a utopian society. some land characteristics have to be worked around to maintain life on it and we as humans are able to create things to prevent nature's wrath and still live in those places.

this was a failure in many levels, none to be given to the inhabitants of the region because it was a place that, if funded properly, was able to withstand a catagory 4 hurricane for a few hours with an underfunded system.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 06:55 PM
Finally after taking a ground level tour of N.O. Bush NOW, in week 3 of this disaster is taking responsibiity for the government's lack of response. Wonder if the 57% of Americans (according to an ABC news poll) who disapprove of how he's handled the situation will suddenly change their minds about it?

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by sensfan
Real leadership? If Bush is taking full responsability for the disasterous response to Katrina, then he should resign. The response was nothing short of another disaster. Some leadership that is.

Just curious, in your point of view, what was the latest American President that showed great leadership?

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by Timcouchfanclub
If we want the Federal Government to solve everything then why do we have State and Local Governments?

In this particular case, the sheer scope of the disaster is above the local level and touches deeply on national economy and security. There is little question the local govt screwed up (NYT wrote on that matter, too) but there must have been, absolutely must have been a federal response. There was nothing of that sort.

If there is in fact any national emergency plan (and we the taxpayer sure expected there to be one, in the view of possible terrorist attacks etc), why wasn't it implemented? Where did the money go? What does the HS dept do? Collects paychecks?

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 07:36 PM
Guys listen the president should not resign over something as trival as a hurricane. This was not his fault, this was a whole systems fault people who want him out of office for his foolishness have most of the time sided against him, but people who want him in office wont care. For those who want him out because he is conservitive should NOT fight against him to kick him out. In american society we have almost always voted for someone who was in power before if he is impeached it wont matter. The american public will most likely vote republican again

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 08:24 PM
I a random citizen from Seattle take responsibility for Hurricane Katrina and our government's slow response. I do this in a effort to stop the finger pointing and finally get us to focus our attentions on the relief effort and the rebuilding of the effected areas.

...okay, now what did that accomplish?


Same as Bush accepting responsibility.

[edit on 13-9-2005 by CuriousSkeptic]

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 08:50 PM
So, can we use this as a confession in his Negligent Homicide trial. I would say half the death count in New Orleans should be his charge count.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 12:19 AM
Flash Fantasy Did you not read the article I put in my post? bush blaming has nothing to do with conservative or liberal. It has to do with piss poor leadership, selfishness and arrogance.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 09:13 AM

If there is in fact any national emergency plan (and we the taxpayer sure expected there to be one, in the view of possible terrorist attacks etc), why wasn't it implemented? Where did the money go? What does the HS dept do? Collects paychecks

Good question. Where did the money go? Before 9/11 there was virtually no evac plans setup in cities. After 9/11 the Federal Government sent out money to get these plans or "Exit" strategies in place. That was something that had to be done on a State and Local level. There is no way the federal government could have done it all. I am sure that FEMA probably assisted in the process. Now I am guessing that probably just like every other state that money went to other things and hardly any went to an evac plan. In fact I am 100% sure. Because if you read New Orleans evac plan in a nut shell it says personal veichles will be the primary way out. Then they would use other veichles ( school buses..ect) to get everyone else out. WoW!!! I am sure those great thoughts took millions of dollars.

the army corps requested 11 million to maintain and add to the levee system (only got 5)

They admitted that levee was NEVER going to withstand above a level 3 hurricane.

so a great strategical port of a city shouldn't even be there in the first place? i find that quite odd. can i presume your also saying you hold no compassion to the people who lived in the area because they were silly enough to live in a city below sea level? and if memory serves me right they are other cities out there that exist that live below sea level and they are doing just fine.

You are right there are other areas below sea level in the United States. 3 to be exact. Only one is populated...New Orleans. the others are Death Valley and a Lake in Texas where the Rio Grande goes into the Gulf. Of course they are doing Ok. No one lives there.

I must be a bad reader because I couldn't find the part in my post where I said I have no compassion for the people. You completely missed the point. People want to bring up the past then lets look at the past. That city was doomed when the Army Core of engineers redirected the Mississippi to go through New Orleans in order to maintain it being a large Port. I never blaimed the citizens one bit. I say we quit worrying about the blame and worry about the future of this city. It is a terrible place to have a city but we made it into One of the largest import and export ports in the world. We kind of need it.

What are you all trying to accomplish by pointing the finger??

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 09:23 AM
Whether or not he takes full responsibility, it does not change a thing.
search "miserable failure"
hit i'm feeling lucky

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 09:53 AM

What are you all trying to accomplish by pointing the finger

Trying to make sure those who are responsible for the lack of help are held accountable. You must find the root of the problem and fix that so the problem never happens again.

These are our people. Tax paying citizens. is that why we pay taxes so we can starve to death because our almighty leader cant make a decision.

You ask what we hope to accomplish. justice, justice in the name of all the dead who died after the storm was over because our leader didn't lead.

He wasn't afraid to step on toes in starting yet another war, but he was afraid to step on toes when asked to help those in his own back yard.

Now I ask you why aren't you pointing fingers. Why defend a man who has made so many obvious mistakes?

As for helping I'm doing that two. I've donated money and items to as many groups as I could to help out my fellow country men. Bring attention to the root cause is yet another way of helping.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 10:07 AM
You know, the newspaper headlines about this today are ridiculous. They seem to be painting Bush as a real responbile leader with headlines like "Bush accepts full responsibility"---the fact is , he did nothing of the sort and still tried to parcel out the blame. His exact words were that every level of government beras some responsibility! While I actually agree with that statement, there is plenty of blame to go around, it hardly sounds to me like a guy accepting full responsibility. The free ride this guy gets from the press is just amazing---how about some mention that even if he were taking "full responsibility"---which he wasn't---it's over a week too late? More pathetic, sycophanitc treatment for the imbecile-in-chief from our corporate press.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 10:22 AM

Trying to make sure those who are responsible for the lack of help are held accountable. You must find the root of the problem and fix that so the problem never happens again.

Your right Blaming Bush and getting him out of office will fix the problem. It will stop all future hurricanes, It will make people listen and everyone will evacuate next time, the states will spend their money given to them by the federal governement for evacuation plans on actual evacuation plans. Hell you never know that levee might have decided to hold up, or better yet once Bush is out of office we can just snap our fingers and everything is back to normal. The blame game does nothing but throw gas on a political @#$% storm. That is not what we need right now.

Good for you, we are all appreciative for helping out and donating to the cause. ( I am being sincere there) I have also done so.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 10:44 AM

Now I ask you why aren't you pointing fingers. Why defend a man who has made so many obvious mistakes?

Its not that I am trying to defend him. The thing that makes me angry is the fact that a majority(Not all) want to lay the brunt of this disaster on him. And then there are stupid arguments like he hates Black people so he left them be. Give me a break. Some people really believe that Bush is to blame and he did it purposely. HAHAHAHHAHAHA. Talk about common sense.

I really believe that the most critical errors in this disaster were made by the local and state people. That Hurricane was coming and they knew it. They knew the levees would not withstand above a CAT 3. They knew this thing was on a direct course for them( the only thing they didn't know was would the get the right front quad). They knew all those people would be at the Superdome with NO FOOD OR WATER. They know that City would proabaly flood, They could have used all their school buses and stuff before the thing hit. They could of had provisions setup at the superdome before hand. There wa a lot they knew before that could of helped them prepare. And they didn't.

That is enough of playing the blame game for me.

[edit on 14-9-2005 by Timcouchfanclub]

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 10:47 AM
I can't speak for anyone else Timcouchfanclub, but it's just... icky. No other word for it. Failure after miserable failure from this president for half a decade and the first thing he takes any accountability for is an Act of God.

It's just a contrived focus group response anyway. Move the FEMA head and when that doesn't work ask him to resign and when that doesn't work accept some responsibility just to change the news for a day. This is supposed to fix things? I mean it's nice the Bush bubble has finally been pierced with a dose of reality after all this time. And I applaud the bold tactitian that had to take this brave new idea to Bush's handlers... uh, how about we accept some responsibility for a change?

But it's sooooo over already. Just go Bush. We'll let you collect your check and cut deals with your friends to rebuild New Orleans, but please, at this point, just stay on vacation. Not even worth bashing. Just go. I'd put him on global ignore if I could. The world already has.

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