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The Threat

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posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 03:30 PM

Over the last few months, there has been alot of bashing, either for some eastern nations or for that matter western nations. This trend, has been unnerving for some, annoying for many and funny for a few, but to be honest, I have been thinking about where these fears come from, and with your help I would like to do a brief suvery with you, the membership.

The Survey

Purpose: What nation do you feel is the greatest threat over the next 10 years. I want to see if your geographic location effects your response, not to mention how to understand how you each select or identify a nation as a threat.

Rules: No bashing, if there is any rude or offensive comments on ANY nation, Western or not, I would ask that it is removed or editted blank. You need to post your reply in this order.

- Threat Country
- Why is that Country a threat to you

- Phil

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 03:31 PM
I suppose I should start

Threat Nation: China
Threat to me: I suppose the reason for this is simple. While I understand that china as a nation can not directly attack my nation or me, I feel that while this doesn't directly affect me, I can see that China will always have its crosshairs on Tawian, and while I would hope that both these nations could come to some agreement, I can see that China will never agree to any thing less than coming under the red banner, as one china.

If it comes to it and China attacks Tawain with Military Force, I would one would support any military action that my nation chose to enforce.

- Phil

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 03:35 PM
Threat Natiion: Pakistan

I can see Pakistan succumbing to Arab terrorism in the next few years. If that happens it gives extremists a good sized Nuclear arsenal and a big grudge with their next door neighbour. Also Pakistan has a better moilitary than any of the other major terroist staes so it could easily be a hotbed of new fighting.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 05:05 PM
I have two countries not one.


If Iran is allowed to continue it nuclear program un-monitored I fear they will develop nuclear weapons and may not hesitate to sell them to terrorist organizations eager to use them on the west.


China I believe will not accept anything less than a total unconditional re-unification with Taiwan. I believe that this could only be accomplished by military aggression by China. In a potentional conflict with Taiwan major powers would get involved and escalate the scale of the war.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 05:58 PM
Threat Nation: North Korea
Crazy Kim still in command here, sooner or later he will attack us...with nukes.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 06:05 PM
I'm not so sure I trust Putin. He's too quiet, just like an old KGB operative would be and I know he's highly intelligent, so what is he up to? The fact that there is a growing relationship with China is also worrying to me, but I distrust a wounded bear more than a growing dragon.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 06:21 PM

why???, well for the best scenarie it will be the Irans best friend!!.......thanks mr. Bush!!!!!!

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 06:45 PM
The Survey

Purpose: What nation do you feel is the greatest threat over the next 10 years. I want to see if your geographic location effects your response, not to mention how to understand how you each select or identify a nation as a threat.

Rules: No bashing, if there is any rude or offensive comments on ANY nation, Western or not, I would ask that it is removed or editted blank. You need to post your reply in this order.

- Threat Country
- Why is that Country a threat to you

I think that Russia as the one who could be a thorn , as for China , well China needs our money and technology to buy more oil for itself. China is growing at a rapid pace and needs to sell what it makes and have countries like ours that send over manufacturing tools and machines to make a cheaper product to sell in our stores. Now Russia is another matter , while Russia is in the Middle east bedding up with Iran and Syria to have them to buy their products of war , causing insteadbilty accross that area. Sorry for my spelling. Point being , Russia has less to lose than China , so there for we should fear a country that has nothing to lose than to one that wants to climb out of what they already have.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 06:55 PM
Threat Nation: United States of America

Why? Being Canadian, the United States brings other global threats to us. They ask us to join their war on terror, we then become targets of these so called "terrorists" as well.

My opinion.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 07:17 PM
Country: China

Reason: They show a desire to create a massive blue water fleet, I find this threatening since most of the things comeing into britain come by sea. They also show no hesitation in throwining thier weight around , my opinion.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 07:46 PM

Russia has nukes. I fear that some poor sad Russian colonel or major in the army will sell a mobile nuclear bomb to anyone who is willing to pay the right price. You have to remember that the Red Army is not what it was 20 years ago. Today their military is poor, demoralised, and full of soldiers who hate their work and resent their own government. They would sell their mothers for money.

I also think Russians who converted to Islam during their 8 years in Afghanistan are the biggest threat to the west right now. They can easily smuggle WMD: nuclear, chemical or biological out of Russia and into Europe and America.

I mean they are muslim converts and they would certainly be tempted to help their fellow "brothers and sisters" in chechnya or wherever.

WAKE UP CIA. You are suppose to be ******* intelligent.

We pay you to THINK. Dumb asses !!

[edit on 25-8-2005 by mr conspiracy]

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 08:45 PM
I live in the US, and I think the greatest threat to the US is itself.

We have a military noone on the planet can match, or for that matter is seriously even trying to. We have an economy strong enough to sustain this level of spending for the forseeable future.

There is no country on the planet that, by itself, represents a truly serious conventional military threat to the US. Sure, there are several countries that could send dozens of ICBMs/SLBMs this way, but then what? They'd get the same (at the very least) in return.

The biggest near-term risk the US faces is it's own hubris.

That we get so full of the idea of our own power, that not one, but many nations decide they need to take us out, simply to preserve themselves from US domination. That's the whole problem with being King of the Hill: everybody else wants to knock you off

[edit on 8/25/05 by xmotex]

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 08:52 PM
Being that the timeframe is a given and stated next 10 years:

North Korea

Threat within the next 10 years:
The United States of America.

Reasoning, nearly the identical reasoning given by xmotex:

I live in the US, and I think the greatest threat to the US is itself.

We have a military noone on the planet can match, or for that matter is seriously even trying to. We have an economy strong enough to sustain this level of spending for the forseeable future.

There is no country on the planet that, by itself, represents a truly serious conventional military threat to the US. Sure, there are several countries that could send dozens of ICBMs/SLBMs this way, but then what? They'd get the same (at the very least) in return.

The biggest near-term risk the US faces is it's own hubris.


[edit on 25-8-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 09:12 PM
The United States of America is the grestest threat for the next 10 years, then I suspect China will become an equal superpower which will curtail some of the world dominance.

America is losing it's people, or should I say the people are paranoid of those in power in America. A paranoid people in fear of government often leads men to untold horrors.

The world will have to unite against America if we as a race are to continue.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 09:33 PM
I believe the threats to the United States will not come from a single nation, but the collective firepower of those who disagree.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 09:46 PM

America is losing it's people, or should I say the people are paranoid of those in power in America. A paranoid people in fear of government often leads men to untold horrors.

The world will have to unite against America if we as a race are to continue.

Are you an American? Surely if you were, you would know that nothing that is going on now in the political spectrum of the USA hasn't happened before. Would you explain why the world has to unite against America? I find that somewhat of an inflammatory statement, but that does not mean there is not some reasoning behind it.


Threat: China

Reason: Mostly stated above. I would fear a war with Iran much less than a war with China over Taiwan, although I believe the cause would be much more clearer in a war over Taiwan.

[edit on 8/25/2005 by Wiley_Wonka]

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 10:02 PM
Russia and China

These two countries are the only ones that can pose a truly credible threat to the US over the next 10 years, either by exporting weapons and/or nukes that end up getting used on the US, and/or attacking each other or their neighbors and drawing the US into it. I doubt they would attack or fire nukes at the US directly, I think there will be a massive conventional war and the US will get drawn in, or be in the middle of it from the start due to international commitments.

End times philosophy states something like the great bear (Russia) will come down from the north and be defeated in its quest to control the mideast oilfields, followed by 200 million Red Chinese marching west across Asia to be defeated in the final battle at Armageddon. At least thats what Pastor Hagee keeps saying. He also says your last breath here is your first breath there, so I'm not sure he has it right.

I keep holding onto my last bit of hope that the human race will transcend itself and put aside violence. Am I a sap, or what?

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 02:24 AM
Threat: Russia

First off. Its pretty well known that Russia had a lot of nukes. Its also well known that Russa is not a nation of wealth and would do pretty much anything for a profit if it benifited them. Iran obviously doesn't have the capabilities right out of the box to make their own nukes so they buy some from Russia and use their "urainium for electricity" excuse will tying up the U.N. to gain time. China is just sitting back and waiting for the fire works to happen. When things between Iran and the rest of the middle east start heating up and more U.S. military are tied up, is when China will push its limits with the U.S.

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 02:59 AM
Threat: Pakistan

Reason: An Islamic Democratic State that has been under Military Dictatorship for most of its existance. A military leadership that is known to lean towards Islamic Fundamentalists. Vast experience in running and maitaining of terrorist campaigns focused on neighbouring countries, namely in Punjab and now Kashmir. Vocal supporters (pre 9/11) of one of the most oppressive Islamic Regimes the world has seen in recent times. Forget the madarasas, a large public school system with a very obvious islamic extremist tilt. Well trained services, which are pro-jihad. and last but not the least Nuclear Weapons. Need i say more

And the saddest part is that the fate of this nation is, as always has been, governed by a few extremists, while a vast majority of moderates (and i know from personal experience) who want nothin but to live their lives in peace and contentment, jus like anyone else in the world, who do not want war, who love their rights and liberties, and finally who are sensible and not fundamentalist in their view, are mere spectators.

Pakistan has a lot of things to sort out, and it must do so soon. The Pakistani people do not deserve what they are getting right now. They could have so much better. But if nothing is done, then there will be trouble, not only for their neighbours but the whole world.

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 03:10 AM
Location: Cincinnati, OH USA

Threat: America

Timeline: 6mo-2years


We've already proven in WWII that we're capable of horiffic acts (asian concentration camps). There are **MAJOR** correlations between what happened as the nazi party took power in germany and the agenda that the neo-conservatives have been pushing through presidential canidates for the past 30 years. With so many questions left unanswered about 9/11 (its pretty obvious at this point, we attacked ourselves), aswell as so many questions about 7/7 (again, it doesnt look like a real terror attack.), the russian prime minister gets attacked by a car bomb with the classic "islamic extremist style". .. It's pretty obvious at this point, regardless of where you are it isnt safe.

Divide the religions and ethnicities and conquer.

It's a very fine line that america has chose to walk and it will only take 1 wrong step to push us into a nazi germany type scenario. My only fear is, instead of singling out one specific race to attack (which is horrific enough).. All races will be attacked indiscriminately and we'll have a huge population reduction. The UN and a few US officials have called for the reduction of population by 3 billion.

Everyone always says.. "If you don't like america then get out". My response at this point is.. I'd like to, but i can't go anywhere because people have so much hate for americans that i'll probably be killed or kidnapped. Im leaving for columbia this fall for a few weeks, i don't know how to feel about that. Going to get a deep tan and say im from spain. But for some reason i dont think that'll help.

[edit on 26-8-2005 by senseless04]

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