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Martial Law; What would you do? Is it time to prepare?

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posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 10:32 AM

I think the fact that you think of growing weed as one of your priorities in the event of some kind of take over tells us everything we need to know about your level of maturity. Grow up.

It is used for rope, it the most abundent plant for producing oil/bio diesel, it is also a very good medicine for pain, before prohibition it was the number 2 most sold medicine in its extract form. It is the most durable material for making clothing, it is used for making paper. It can be pulped pressed together and used for wood. It is the paper the United States Constitution was written on. People like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin grew it and stated every patriotic American should grow this plant.

Deny Ignorance

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 01:44 PM
You know you don't exactly just weave a bunch of leaves together right?

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 01:50 PM
I live in a majopr meropolitan city, so if Martial Law is declared none of you will ever hear from me again. Having said that i think your list needs some revision. Unless you already have these things you're not going to be able to get them once everything hits the fan, you have to think more along the lines of the Romero Living Dead Series. There will be riots, rampant un-checked violence, your biggest problem will be keeping your head on straight, your priorities should be weapons, food, water, and multiple escape routes.

A "bug out kit" woud be your best bet. Mine is continually evolving but here's what I have:

1. A sturdy army surplus backpack
2. A first aid kit, including bandages, iodine, alcohol, gauze and painkillers.
3. Close range "melee" type weapons. I have a hand made bearded axe that will go through solid walls, a weldor's chipping hammer (nasty looking thing), bowie knife, and assorted pocket knives.
4. Long range weapons. You will need a rifle, not a sniper's rifle. Choose somthing that uses common ammunition, somthing you will not have a problem finding in looted sporting good stores, dead bodies and trashed houses. Choose somthing lite that you can strap to your back and above all MAKE SURE YOU KNOW HOW TO USE IT.
5. Clothing. At least one set each of hot weather and cold weather clothing, you can always ditch what you don't need.
6. Boots. A sturdy new pair of military combat boots, preferrably steel toes. Trust me on the steel toes, when you're stuck with no weapons you'll be glad you have them. Make sure they are comfortable and broken in. Water proof boots are good for woodland areas, for areas like bayous and such make sure you have vietnam era jungle boots.
7. Manuals. When you're on the run, starving, and out of water you won't be thinking clearly, manuals are a good way to ensure you will not forget important information. I currently have my improvised munitions handbook, an army wilderness survival handbook and a wilderness observation and tracking book.
8. Water. Make sure you have a canteen and get purification tablets to refill. I can't stress water enough
9. Rain gear. This one is obvious
10. A fire kit. When you're freezing in the woods you will not be able to rub two sticks together. Make sure all your matches and lighters are sealed in plastic. Bring kindling if you can. I have also included lighter fluid.
11. Light. Bring an army style red lensed flashlight. The red light will not ruin your night vision (your natural night vision) so you will not be left in the dark when you have to turn it off.
12. Medicine. Any important medication you may be on i.e. insulin, asthma medications.
13. Radios. If there are others in your group you will want to be able to communicate with them if you get lost
14. Hand signals. If you have others in your group you will need to be able to communicate with them silently, make sure everyone in the group understands the hand signals
15. Navigational equipment. Bring a compass and maps of the surrounding area. Good maps include road maps, hiking maps, and topographical maps. MAKE SURE you know how to use a compass and read a map.
16. Shelter. A tent if you can carry it, somthing that will keep you out of the wind and rain. If it's too big to carry in your bag and run at the same time leave it behind. You will then have to improvise.
17. A handcrank radio. You will want to keep updated on new reports and such.
18. Batteries. Lots of batteries
19. A watch
20. Cooking equipment. This includes a pot of some sort, eating utensils, and somthing to cut wood with. I'd suggest a "Commando Saw" which is like barbed piano wire and will fit in your pocket.
21. Fishing equipment. Maybe not a rod, but bring hooks, lots of line, and lures. LEARN TO FISH
22.. Knowledge. This is your absolute best weapon. Once you have chosen the place or area you will run to make sure you know it like the back of your hand. No doubt others have thought of the same location, it will be your knowledge of the area that makes your better. If there is a stream, know where it starts and where it goes. Know the hills, the mountains, the trails, the flora, fauna and climactic condiditons year around.

I suppose that's it for now, I'm sure you can think of other things to include. Make sure you customize your bug out kit for your area. If you plan to run to a cabin then make sure it is filled with what you need. The serious chances are that all this will only prolong your inevitable death, but at least you died trying right? Personally, if society crumbles I plan on eating the rich people.

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by sebatwerk
I think the fact that you think of growing weed as one of your priorities in the event of some kind of take over tells us everything we need to know about your level of maturity. Grow up.

Deny Ignorance my friend, hemp is not marijuanna, there is a difference. Hemp was used by the founding fathers and it was stated that every patriotic should grow it. Hemp is easily grown and may be used to produce diesel, medicine, textiles, rope, and food. This plant takes a very short period of time to grow, Its seeds are the most nutritious food in the world, and you could easily live off hemp and water alone (many have lived decades just eating the seeds).

Now, when I said a group of people I didn't mean hundreds I meant 10-30. I plan on going to the most humid place where my air~water machine can be used efficiently. I am also concidering to map out the missile silos in my location, an abandoned missile silo would make an excellent place to set camp (I can break in using C4 charges and napalm).

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 02:23 PM
Shadowflux has a good list there, I have a feeling I am going to zone and this is going to be a long we go....

A bug out kit or 72 hour kit is your best bet for short term survival.
(I honestly can't list what's in mine as I'm at work, but needless to say it's everything I could possibly need to keep me alive for 72 hours as well as some other long term things I add here and there.) I also add cold weather clothing to it in the fall/winter.

And just so everyone is on the same page :

martial law
Temporary rule by military authorities, imposed on a civilian population especially in time of war or when civil authority has broken down.
The law imposed on an occupied territory by occupying military forces.

Basically, the military takes over for the police.
Now...for a plan... a few things you should know....
If you plan on going anywhere...remember that everyone else probably has the same idea. You think rush hour traffic is bad at 5pm? you ain't seen nothing.

As far as the nuke thing. If you have warning, best bet is to drive toward the biggest city around so you get it quick. The emp before the blast is going to kill all cars, radios, electronics...everything. So if your not planning on dying in the blast, I'd recomend a bike. Now, after you get that bike and are riding through a million people that are walking...someone is probably going to want your bike.
So I recomend a gun. Shotgun or something for close quarters. (Mine is a mossberg 590)

If you spend 2200 bucks on an incinerating toilet to throw in back of your truck...your a loon. If you had a cabin in the woods and it was already established. maybe.

What you need to look into (Everyone make faces and say "gross" now.)

HUMANURE. (Human compost)

because god knows if you plan on living any length of time, you better know how to grow food and can it for long term storage. I'd also recommend learning about solar drying and preserving other foods without a freezer.

Now, If for whatever reason, they really declared martial law....I'd be heading home. All my gear is at home and I'm not moving anything. I'd fill up everything...jacuzzi, tub, barrels with water in case the plumbing goes.. (I usually keep about 15 gallons on hand anyways, but I'd surplus it.) I'd make as much Ice as I could (If the power goes out...everything in your fridge is going to go bad quick. (A quick point here, you can get water from your water heater (Make sure it's off!) and also out of the top of your toilet bowl in an emergency. Eat the fresh meats and perishables first, leave the canned food for last. NEVER flaunt what you have. NEVER give out anything to anyone. (Now this may seem mean here, but here's a fact. I chose to prepare. Whoever wants what I have did not.) So I either split my supplies, thus lessening my chance of survival or I turn them away.

The only way I would change this is if they had something to offer the survival group as a whole. (Like maybe they brought some vegetable plants in pots that we will be abe to plant and live off later, but they need some short term food/supplies.)

Bartering stuff. In a long term survival situation, money is going to be useless. Most people arn't going to store gold, but some good stuff would be alchohol, cigarettes, lighters (You'd be surprised how many people have no idea how to make a fire)

now, a big problem that I actually read a paper on is going to be ...believe it or not....DOGS.

Now, we all love mans best friend, but to be honest, If I have no food and can't bring myself to kill my best friend.....he's going to be set free in the world to go it alone. The problem is there are literally millions of dogs and they are pack animals. They will band together to find what food they can and when that runs out, you can bet man's best friend is going to be looking at us as lunch. (I'll see if I can find this amazing article some time)

But just to recap :
Start with a 72 hour kit and get a gun.
Expand that to 2 weeks if you can.
I could probably survive with my current gear in my house for about 6 months if I had enough water.
Learn to be without a freezer. (Dehydrating/canning)
Read Read read....
knowlege is power.


posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 02:35 PM
If there was a nuclear attack I would just move towards it and die an instant death, rather then suffer a painful death from radiation poisoning.

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 02:53 PM
I really would like to throw up a list of things in my bob (Bug out bag) or 72 hour kit whatever you want to call it, so I'll ammend this when I get home.
I'm just going to elaborate on Shadow's a little.

1. A sturdy army surplus backpack
I Have 2 small duffle bags, 1 is my 72 hour kit, the other is my extended kit including ammo, CBN gear and some other "Not too common items to
2. A first aid kit, including bandages, iodine, alcohol, gauze and painkillers.
This is a must, I started with a basic kit and added things I deemed I would need more.
3. Close range "melee" type weapons. I have a hand made bearded axe that will go through solid walls, a weldor's chipping hammer (nasty looking thing), bowie knife, and assorted pocket knives.
I as well have multiple knives for different chores, but no axes or hammers.
4. Long range weapons. You will need a rifle, not a sniper's rifle. Choose somthing that uses common ammunition, somthing you will not have a problem finding in looted sporting good stores, dead bodies and trashed houses. Choose somthing lite that you can strap to your back and above all MAKE SURE YOU KNOW HOW TO USE IT.
I own a mossberg 590 with 00 buck as well as birdshot for hunting. I suppliment that with my Chinese type 56 sks Rifle (In the works is a glock 21 as well.) The second part of this is MUST. If you don't know your weapon, your going to die.
5. Clothing. At least one set each of hot weather and cold weather clothing, you can always ditch what you don't need.
If your not moving anywhere, this shouldn't be a problem
6. Boots. A sturdy new pair of military combat boots, preferrably steel toes. Trust me on the steel toes, when you're stuck with no weapons you'll be glad you have them. Make sure they are comfortable and broken in. Water proof boots are good for woodland areas, for areas like bayous and such make sure you have vietnam era jungle boots.
And take care of your feet!
7. Manuals. When you're on the run, starving, and out of water you won't be thinking clearly, manuals are a good way to ensure you will not forget important information. I currently have my improvised munitions handbook, an army wilderness survival handbook and a wilderness observation and tracking book.
This is a great Idea not only for the "not thinking clear", but also to get your mind off of the situation. I keep an SAS survival guide as well as local fauna and plant guides (Waterproofed)
8. Water. Make sure you have a canteen and get purification tablets to refill. I can't stress water enough
Water is the number 1 thing your going to need and alot of it. When you actually realize that every time you flush your toilet at home over a gallon of water goes down the drain....eek
9. Rain gear. This one is obvious
Again, if your not going anywhere, not a big deal. I keep a poncho in my bob
10. A fire kit. When you're freezing in the woods you will not be able to rub two sticks together. Make sure all your matches and lighters are sealed in plastic. Bring kindling if you can. I have also included lighter fluid.
I have a flint and steel, lighters, steel wool (Can be used with vaseline and cotton with a battery to make a fire, this even works with a AA battery)
11. Light. Bring an army style red lensed flashlight. The red light will not ruin your night vision (your natural night vision) so you will not be left in the dark when you have to turn it off.
I have a regular flashlight with a red lense
12. Medicine. Any important medication you may be on i.e. insulin, asthma medications.
I just keep the basics and swap out with new stuff I buy asperin, ant-acid etc...
13. Radios. If there are others in your group you will want to be able to communicate with them if you get lost
I keep a wind up radio in my bag, but it's for news, not a walkie talkie type thing
14. Hand signals. If you have others in your group you will need to be able to communicate with them silently, make sure everyone in the group understands the hand signals
I don't see this as a big priority
15. Navigational equipment. Bring a compass and maps of the surrounding area. Good maps include road maps, hiking maps, and topographical maps. MAKE SURE you know how to use a compass and read a map.
This is a good idea, but I'd also make some trips to wherever and know the area.
16. Shelter. A tent if you can carry it, somthing that will keep you out of the wind and rain. If it's too big to carry in your bag and run at the same time leave it behind. You will then have to improvise.
A poncho will make a fast tent if need be.
17. A handcrank radio. You will want to keep updated on new reports and such.
Touched on this earlier.
18. Batteries. Lots of batteries
I keep a couple and check em each year, not only for my flashlight and few battery required items I have, but also will make a fire in a pinch.
19. A watch
I don't really see the need for this
20. Cooking equipment. This includes a pot of some sort, eating utensils, and somthing to cut wood with. I'd suggest a "Commando Saw" which is like barbed piano wire and will fit in your pocket.
definatly some kind of pot, though you can usually break dead wood for a fire with your boot. (How many times have you actually used a saw while camping?) I Would suggest a saw only if you plan on building shelter or other items from wood.
21. Fishing equipment. Maybe not a rod, but bring hooks, lots of line, and lures. LEARN TO FISH
In the survival knife
22.. Knowledge. This is your absolute best weapon. Once you have chosen the place or area you will run to make sure you know it like the back of your hand. No doubt others have thought of the same location, it will be your knowledge of the area that makes your better. If there is a stream, know where it starts and where it goes. Know the hills, the mountains, the trails, the flora, fauna and climactic condiditons year around.
This last one is the best one...there are people who can go out into the woods with nothing on their backs and live forever!.....

Good list shadow!

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 02:55 PM
I live in a rural town, so if the worst ever happens I will have time to escape. Below is my "bug out kit" that is already made.

1. A sturdy army surplus backpack
2. A first aid kit.
3. Machety(sp) and Pocket Knives (my brother will supply the knifes).
4. Silenced M16 with a box of 20,000 bullets (hopefully I don't need to use them)
5. I live in Fort McMurray so im use to the cold (walk in -25 with t-shirt and jeens). I will likely take military clothes bought from the second hand store. I also have a ghuille suit to mask my heat signiture.
6. I have a new pair of steel toes which can be camoflauged.
7. I currently have the Anarchists Cookbook, an Army Survival Book which was downloaded through a P2P. I will need to get an improvised munitions handbook, and a wilderness observation and tracking book.
8. I have an AW 120 Commercial machine which collects water from air, It isn't small enough to carry but it may fit in a truck.
9. My truck can serve as shelter from the rain.
10. I have plenty of lighter fuel and zippo lighters.
11. I have a flashlight but I think I might search around for that red lensed flash light talked of here just a post or so ago.
12. I currently have flares for extremely long ranged communication.
13. I also have a set of radios and plan on writing acode.
14. I currently don't know any hand signals but I believe my group will learn
15. I have a compass, road maps, and topographical maps. I learnt how to read this after reading a snipers manual online.

16. I do not have a tent, I do not plan to sleep untell I get to my destination by truck
17. I have a solarpanel to power my air~water machine and incinerating toilet.
19. I have a watch and intened to get around to buying enough batteries to last many years.
20. I have a pot and eating utinsels, I also have an axe.
21. I have a rod, hooks, lots of line, and lures. I commonly fish, I lived on the east coast when I was a child.
23. I have a deck of cards to keep me sane.
24. I have a "Uber" laptop and I know a computer technician who designed the security systems and computer network for syncrude.
23. Radiation suit (I need to get one)

I have a group of twenty friends who all have or are getting the same supplies as me. I got the air~water machine and solar panel a while ago as im attempting to write my own book of my own ecohome. I plan on finding a silo near a humid place where my air~water machine can operate. I do have a blueprint of my silo of choice and I am picking my location as I type. I plan on configuring the silo to be secure, and I will learn its alternative exits. I will likely spend time in the silo growing the hemp for food and maybe as a good to sell if I ever meet nonhostile people.

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 03:42 PM
Replace #23 (umm...the first #23) with
"A woman" then you're all set williell

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 03:45 PM
Ok, made it home....Some notes before the list.
Silenced weapons are 100% illegal in all areas of the US last I checked. So watch yourself.
And 20k rounds of 5.56 must weigh a ton, hope your not going anywhere.

The list :
1. First Aid kit. It's a generic kit with a couple items added like temporary tooth fillings, oragel, toothbrush, chapstick etc...)
2. Duct Tape (has 1000 uses from a fast emergency dressing to stop bleeding to fixing a hole in a radiator hose or a tent)
3. Flash Light (Red lense)
4. water treatment tablets
5. vaseline.
6. 500 yards of paracord. Not only is rope usefull for anything, paracord comes apart and you can use the inside layers as fishing line.
7. Crank Radio
8. Heavy leather gloves
9. Poncho
10. Leatherman, utility and skinning knives
11. A Whetstone
12. Emergency Solar heated blanket
13. A lockpick set
14. SAS Survival Manual, Cards on local plants and the Enyclopedia of Country living (Amazing book!)
15. Many Zip lock bags. (These have 5000 uses from keeping things dry, to collecting rain from trees..)
16. An empty peanut butter jar containing Waterproof matches, Thread and needles, Compass, A roll of rawhide cord, A pack of Razor blades and 2 snares.
17. Small pair of binoculars. (my big pair are on my desk, though usually in here instead of the small ones, I was usuing them)
18. Insta meals like trail mix, grain bars and other long lasting high energy items. Enough for about 5 days, though I only expect them to last 72 hours.)
18. 2 bandanas. These have 1000 uses as well, one of which is tying them around your ankles....running through the grass in the morning and collecting due to drink...instant water)
19. Gerber Strike force flint and steel, fire sticks and a fire starting keychain block. (I forget what it is called, but you shave off some metal and strike the other end with your knife to make fire)
20. A salsa jar containing steel wool. Some people question the jars as a weight thing, but a jar can be used for many things in my eyes.
21. To the outside of my bag is tied my canteen.
22. Batteries

Always adding to it as I find things I may need, but that's the 72 hour kit for now.


posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 04:15 PM

If there was a nuclear attack I would just move towards it and die an instant death, rather then suffer a painful death from radiation poisoning.

Although it's a good's for the wrong reason. 3 days after detenation, 90% of most radiation is subdued. 2 weeks and it's 99%.

Once fallout settles, you can actually dig down 2 inches of topsoil and grow non-contaminated food.

Here's a good read for you though :

Radiation Effects

The three basic modes of radioactive decay are the emission of alpha, beta and gamma radiation:

Alpha--Unstable nuclei frequently emit alpha particles, actually helium nuclei consisting of two protons and two neutrons. By far the most massive of the decay particles, it is also the slowest, rarely exceeding one-tenth the velocity of light. As a result, its penetrating power is weak, and it can usually be stopped by a piece of paper. But if alpha emitters like plutonium are incorporated in the body, they pose a serious cancer threat.

Beta--Another form of radioactive decay is the emission of a beta particle, or electron. The beta particle has only about one seven-thousandth the mass of the alpha particle, but its velocity is very much greater, as much as eight-tenths the velocity of light. As a result, beta particles can penetrate far more deeply into bodily tissue and external doses of beta

radiation represent a significantly greater threat than the slower, heavier alpha particles. Beta-emitting isotopes are as harmful as alpha emitters if taken up by the body.

Gamma--In some decay processes, the emission is a photon having no mass at all and traveling at the speed of light. Radio waves, visible light, radiant heat, and X-rays are all photons, differing only in the energy level each carries. The gamma ray is similar to the X-ray photon, but far more penetrating (it can traverse several inches of concrete). It is capable of doing great damage in the body.

Common to all three types of nuclear decay radiation is their ability to ionize (i.e., unbalance electrically) the neutral atoms through which they pass, that is, give them a net electrical charge. The alpha particle, carrying a positive electrical charge, pulls electrons from the atoms through which it passes, while negatively charged beta particles can push electrons out of neutral atoms. If energetic betas pass sufficiently close to atomic nuclei, they can produce X-rays which themselves can ionize additional neutral atoms. Massless but energetic gamma rays can knock electrons out of neutral atoms in the same fashion as X-rays, leaving them ionized. A single particle of radiation can ionize hundreds of neutral atoms in the tissue in multiple collisions before all its energy is absorbed. This disrupts the chemical bonds for critically important cell structures like the cytoplasm, which carries the cell's genetic blueprints, and also produces chemical constituents which can cause as much damage as the original ionizing radiation.

For convenience, a unit of radiation dose called the "rad" has been adopted. It measures the amount of ionization produced per unit volume by the particles from radioactive decay.


posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by Derek Trance

12. Emergency Solar heated blanket

.... for those cold nights

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by Derek Trance
Ok, made it home....Some notes before the list.
Silenced weapons are 100% illegal in all areas of the US last I checked. So watch yourself.
And 20k rounds of 5.56 must weigh a ton, hope your not going anywhere.

The Anarchist Cook Book teaches you how to make a silencer and as I stated before, I plan to travel by truck upon the alley roads to my silo of choice so I will be able to carry all the rounds of 5.56 that I could ever need. Once im at the silo I will likely move all my equipment inside, then I will, if I can, move my truck inside.

Now, does anyone know what they would do with the live missile in the Atlas F? Would you fire it? If so, at who or what? I read that you can convert a vehicle to run on water, I will attempt to find the article for everyone here to read because It would be wonderful to have a truck which could run on such an abundant fuel.

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 04:28 PM
quote: Originally posted by Derek Trance

12. Emergency Solar heated blanket

.... for those cold nights

I'm in massachusetts. We had one of the worst winters in recent history last year. If a nuke goes off or I'm stuck in my car for whatever reason. I'd be real glad I have it. Not to meantion it can be used as an emergency poncho or rain collector.


posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 04:32 PM
I wasn't bashing you man. I had the Anarchist Cookbook when I was a kid, and while it tells you how to make a silencer, they are still illegal.

It also tells you how to make '___' in your kitchen.....

Anyways, what are you doing for food near the silo?

I didn't understand the last part....who's firing what missiles at who now?


A car that runs on water? if we could figure out how to split H2O and use the hydrogen, it'd be on the market already and someone would be won't be doing that in your garage.

[Edited to add the H2O car thing]

[edit on 12-8-2005 by Derek Trance]

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 04:57 PM
I understand that you weren't bashing me, I was just trying to make sense of what I said here. Again, read my post of my "bug out kit" I said that I was going to take along hemp and grow the plant for its seeds which are the most nutritious food in the world. Many people have lived decades just eating the hemp seed and water, and the plant can also be used to make soap and textiles.

Also, just to let you know, my silo of choice will be the Atlas-F. I can break into it using some explosives and napalm (bless the cookbook).

Now, here is a link showing a gasoline engine running on hydrogen which was made by spliting water.
This site use to give the blueprints away for free but now they are selling the information, I actually had all the blueprints and schematics but after my computer crashed they were lost during the reinstallation of my opperating system. Anyways, I'll try and find the blueprints again for free and write a paper of how it scientifically works.

[edit on 12-8-2005 by williell]

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 05:00 PM
lemme see if I have this straight.
Your going to throw 20,000 rounds of ammo in your converted water fueled truck, drive to a manned nuclear silo and blow it open with explosives and napalm, Kill everyone inside I presume and possibly launch an ICBM (If it's still there) at something?


posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 05:03 PM
Lol, no, im going to take all my supplies listed above, go to an ABANDONED Atlas F missile silo, and set camp their, killing no one. Im not going to launch a missile just to kill people, I asked how I could use it for the good of the country we are fighting against (maybe it will be our own).

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 05:10 PM
link, I thought you were going wacky on me....

Anyways, most abandoned silo's have had their missiles removed, you can actually buy them if you want.

I still don't know about the water truck thing though. what the heck are you going to need a truck for anyways?

Things you should worry about are : Food, Water, Security.


(Yes I know we are straying way off topic and all over the place....)

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 06:33 PM
We aren't really straying from the topic, we are talking of how we would survive. I've already stated how I would survive, and I really don't think I can actually find a reason to use a missile, It would only attract unwanted attention. I thought it would be good to have a truck running on water because I might one day want to go back out into the world and see whats left of it (after its all over) and I need something other then gas to be dependent on. Again, here is my list of supplies.

I live in a rural town, so if the worst ever happens I will have time to escape. Below is my "bug out kit" that is already made.

1. A sturdy army surplus backpack
2. A first aid kit.
3. Machety(sp) and Pocket Knives (my brother will supply the knifes).
4. Silenced M16 with a box of 20,000 bullets (hopefully I don't need to use them)
5. I will likely take military clothes bought from the second hand store. I also have a ghuille suit to mask my heat signiture.
6. I have a new pair of steel toes which can be camoflauged.
7. I currently have the Anarchists Cookbook, an Army Survival Book which was downloaded through a P2P. I will need to get an improvised munitions handbook, and a wilderness observation and tracking book.
8. I have an AW 120 Commercial machine which collects water from air, It isn't small enough to carry but it may fit in a truck.
9. My truck can serve as shelter from the rain.
10. I have plenty of lighter fuel and zippo lighters.
11. I have a flashlight but I think I might search around for that red lensed flash light talked of here just a post or so ago.
12. I currently have flares for extremely long ranged communication.
13. I also have a set of radios and plan on writing acode.
14. I currently don't know any hand signals but I believe my group will learn
15. I have a compass, road maps, and topographical maps. I learnt how to read this after reading a snipers manual online.
16. I do not have a tent, I do not plan to sleep untell I get to my destination by truck
17. I have a solarpanel to power my air~water machine and incinerating toilet.
19. I have a watch and intened to get around to buying enough batteries to last many years.
20. I have a pot and eating utinsels, I also have an axe.
21. I have a rod, hooks, lots of line, and lures. I commonly fish, I lived on the east coast when I was a child.
23. I have a deck of cards to keep me sane.
24. I have a "Uber" laptop and I know a computer technician who designed the security systems and computer network for syncrude.
23. Radiation suit (I need to get one)

I have a group of twenty friends who all have or are getting the same supplies as me. I got the air~water machine and solar panel a while ago as im attempting to write my own book of my own ecohome. I am currently scouting out Atlas F silos near a humid place where my air~water machine can operate. I do have a blueprint of my silo of choice and I am picking my location as I type. I plan on configuring the silo to be secure, and I will learn its alternative exits. I will likely spend the time in which we are at war in the silo growing the hemp for food and entertaining myself and girlfriend untell everything blows over. If there are nonmilitary people who already occupy the silo I will persuade them to let me take control of the place (possibly with the use of a weapon; better them then me).

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