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Are ATS Members All Democrats ?

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posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 04:54 PM
I am a trekkie, so all these fascisto-capitalists (republicans and democrats) can kiss my *censored*

Viva la revolution!!

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by paperclip
I am a trekkie

i.e. paperclip is a NWO/Illuminati agent bent on uniting the Earth under one world government.

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77

i.e. paperclip is a NWO/Illuminati agent bent on uniting the Earth under one world government.

Well, you got me there, no point in hiding it... I am a NWO agent

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 05:20 PM

Well, you got me there, no point in hiding it... I am a NWO agent

Why does everyone else get to have all the fun?

I never get invited to join the illuminati. I never get invited to join the NWO. No Masons knock on my door to intimidate or abuse me. The skull and crossbones society is still too thrilled with the idea of Bush as President to ever think about me ... Even the cops don't pull me over to give me tickets because I drive like grandma!

Heck, the only fun I get to have - according to another thread - is get interviewed by the goverment for posting on ATS! Well heck and darn, THEY haven't showed up either!


posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 05:38 PM
Hell no! I'm a proud Conservative Republican. That doesn't mean I vote strictly along party lines, however. I've voted for some democrats in local elections, such as Rob Andrews (D) for Congress. I'm also somewhat pro-choice, although I'm against partial-birth abortions and against sluts having 12 abortions in 5 years, etc.

But we're not all democrats on ATS... some of us have brains, ya know!

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 11:02 PM
I am a Republican. A Bush-Supporter. I can defend my views, as well. Unlike most of the bandwagon, media-brainwashed opponents. However, I will admit that there are those on here who can defend themselves as to their opposition. But I love the debating. The differences between us make us all stronger.


posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 11:51 PM
Are all ATS members Democrats? Of course not by asking that very question you seek to label some one as as left wing or right wing nutcase.
I am one of the non american members who finds it rather amusing that that the american right suffers from such small mindness.
For the record Im a econmic consertive who holds liberal views on most social issues.

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 12:21 AM
I am a Constitutionalist. I believe that the two major parties are in cahoots to destroy the nation, they just wear two decidedly different masks while striving for the same, shared goal.

Being one who enjoys studying the constitution, the history around it and the brilliant Founding Fathers, I understand that this country was to be a Constitutional Republic, and not some tyranny By Mob Rule Democracy.

In short, some of us are in neither camp. I just hope that more of you brainwashed folks go through detox and come out of those parties!

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 12:42 AM
There are many different political parties here, the majorities being democrat and republican.

I my self am a Liberal Socialist.

:EDIT: to add
And I believe in uniting the world in a one world government.

[edit on 6/27/2005 by iori_komei]

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 12:43 AM
TC makes the only good post I've read in this thread. Bravo on that.

Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and all those other old school revolutionary era masons were the guys who had it right. Enlightened men who not only loved humanity, but were also selfless enough to give their all towards creating a land where freedom was protected and preserved.

Now exactly when and how we lost our way and stumbled off this path is something I cannot answer.

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 12:44 AM
Wasn't that a tad redundant?

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Wasn't that a tad redundant?

Not nearly as redundant as a mod who picked Judge Dredd as his avatar.

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 02:26 AM
Not really, there are liberal capitalists.

And the liberals I know are capitalists.

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 02:49 AM
as a foreigner i have no love of either parties though I do appreciate many politicians and the democrats are in line with a lot of my values.

My major problem with any major political party is that they are supported by the rich and corporate interests. You'll find that many people here hold the same values as democrats however do not approve of their affiliation with corporations and lobby groups.

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
I believe that the two major parties are in cahoots to destroy the nation, they just wear two decidedly different masks while striving for the same, shared goal.

Being one who enjoys studying the constitution, the history around it and the brilliant Founding Fathers, I understand that this country was to be a Constitutional Republic, and not some tyranny By Mob Rule Democracy.

I tend to lean toward this belief also. I don't really see much difference in the long range goals of either major party just that they have decided that dividing the populace through hatred and mistrust distract them so they don't notice.

It cracks me up how each party can claim the other is trying to take away rights and liberties and then support the efforts their own party makes because "well thats okay, we don't really need the right to talk in private or the right to own a weapon. Only people with bad intentions would require thatm so its okay to give up that one."

Those that supported Clinton's banning of self defense weapons while allowing the people who commit crimes with them to walk free to do it again now criticize Bush for much the same principles.

The only way to avoid hypocrisy is to avoid backing either party.

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 08:19 AM
I see more Eurocrats than Democrats.

It's hard to find a true Democrat these days.
Many of them have become Eurocrats .. dems who
have decided that America should be just like France.

Bring back the REAL democrats of old!!

I have voted Dem, Green, Lib., and Republican.
This last pres. election I was VERY against John Kerry.
It was Anyone But Kerry (ABK).
I lean 'conservative' in defense, space exploration, pro-life, but break
with the republicans in issues like the Death Penalty, min. wage, oil
companies and the proposed 'save' of Social Security. It needs
saving, but not the way it is being proposed. I also don't think
we need a constitutional amendment about marriage .. but that's
solely a 'Bush' thing not a 'republican' thing I think. Even Cheney
rolls his eyes at that one.

[edit on 6/27/2005 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
have decided that America should be just like France.

[edit on 6/27/2005 by FlyersFan]

What's wrong with France?

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by Odium

Originally posted by FlyersFan
have decided that America should be just like France.

What's wrong with France?

I'm curious about this comment as well... Why don't you elaborate on it, FlyersFan?

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
I see more Eurocrats than Democrats.

It's hard to find a true Democrat these days.
Many of them have become Eurocrats .. dems who
have decided that America should be just like France.

Just a quick reminder, there are some 40+ very different countries in Europe, so a Eurocrat could be someone who likes any of those countries (many of those countries are always in the top ten of any statistic measuring how good people have it: education, health care, jobs, security, economy etc, etc, mainly nordic countries... hell, everyone wants to be like them

If you are refering only to France (btw, I too want to know what exactly do you mean by your vague comment), you should maybe use an artificial label "france-crat" or something like that.

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 12:44 PM
You guys are funny.
I didn't make the term up.
You are right - France-crat, or something, would better fit,
but the term is what it is ...

Eurocrat, if I understand the slang, is for those who
claim to be democrat but really want America run like
the extreme socialist countries of Europe. Not like
Germany but more like France. There is a difference
between Democrats and Eurocrats. Democrats still
think Washington DC and the States should run
America. Eurocrats think the UN should run America.

That's all IF I understand the slang correctly.

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