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the real Stargate-SG1

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posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 01:51 PM
So sorry but have to mention this for a certain :> resentedhalo
You stated that you doubt Iraq jointly had an IQ of 58 or something along those lines.....
Well and IQ of 58 is still and IQ of 58 more than the president of the USA has, And as you all know he runs the so called most powerfull nation in the world..Sorry for the reply.

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 10:09 AM
To say iraq has an IQ of 58 is ridiculous., LOL how can a country have an IQ, people have IQ's but I'm sure you can average out a nations IQ only if everyone had participated in an IQ test, Iraq has scientists, doctors and dignitaries , cmon thats an insult to the eastern hemisphere to say that with no fact to back it up, You are just being silly now.

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 10:40 AM
I was told by a channeler once (I know I know HAHAHAHAH)...that stargates do exist on our planet but that they are in the sky................that you must fly to get to them and you must be doing a certain speed to go through.....

I was told these gates are above California...........Egypt........... Iran.......and either Japan or China I dont recall wich.....

I was told this is HOW the UFOs get here, and that the more techno Goverments on our planet know about these things, and are making attempts at utilising them.

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 10:43 AM
problem is that too many people base facts with TV. Its a great concept but is it real will we ever know. Probably not but there is certain facts from the egyptian era that could suggest somthing of this kind.

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 10:44 AM
There's tons of stargates in CA...they're mostly in Hollywood. They have long driveways attached to them that lead up to huge mansions and you have to drive thru them.

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 11:36 AM
I must say I'm a little surprised that so many are so anxious, desperate even, for something to believe in.

Stargates would revolutionize our whole planet, within weeks. Build polluting factories on other worlds, store weapons there, too. In fact, whole armies billeted on other planets, awaiting emergency recall. (Hmmm. anyone have a list of battalions in Iraq? Maybe there are some "extra" ultra-terrestial units in Iraq????)

It's just galling that you're so bored you'll pretend with each other that a friggin TV series holds ultimate truth.

If you are so hungry for the fantastic, check out the fortean website.

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 11:58 AM
What if back in the times of antiquity, earth really was visted by "aliens" although your preception of what an alien "is" might be off. An alien could be a normal looking human, with great wisdom, knowledge and insight. There might have been someway for them to arrive on this planet other then travelling in a space ship for thousands of light years. They purposly supressed certain knowledge to keep mankind docile, while they were here. Such as the use of electricty for mechanical devices, that would further their ability to build war machines. Like withholding combustion power, steam power, etc. The chinese built fireworks way before cars were created. In fact we had firearms, that could propel a bullet and cannons that could lobe a twenty pound ball many meters, yet no engines... not one design to use this ability to do mechanical work. Doesn't this seem odd to anyone ??? When was the first gun made ? 1600's ? earlier ? Yet amazingly they used horses and sails to get around, but they had weapons that could kill each other from across a field ??????

They had no need to get anywhere faster, but they had a need to kill each other. So no one focused on how to utilize COMBUSTION for something other then killing people. Same thing for what we know of our current technology. We use them for what we need to use them for RIGHT NOW, until such a time comes that we need to use them in a new way to achieve a new goal that up until now was not required.

So many forces in the world around us, so ignorant man is of the world around him.

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 12:14 PM
Oh well someone has to say it so i might as well be the one:

If things go wrong we always got Colonel Jack O'niell to save us.

This is BS sorry but ive seen it all on this site now and i consider myself one of the more open minded ones.

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
I was told by a channeler once (I know I know HAHAHAHAH)...that stargates do exist on our planet but that they are in the sky................that you must fly to get to them and you must be doing a certain speed to go through.....

I was told these gates are above California...........Egypt........... Iran.......and either Japan or China I dont recall wich.....

I was told this is HOW the UFOs get here, and that the more techno Goverments on our planet know about these things, and are making attempts at utilising them.

That would really suck and be upsetting to hear that their in the sky. First of all we would have to find where the heck they are and next of all we have to build something to go at that speed, which we probably dont have.

I hope theres a stargate in the Ruins of Uruk in Iraq. That would be an exciting story.

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 12:19 PM
Your right. Iraq Is just like every other country.

Just a little more American now.

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 01:04 PM
Just because a concept or an idea is presented as fiction in a movie, television show, or novel does not automatically mean that they have absolutely no basis in reality. There is more truth being presented as 'fiction' or 'entertainment' these days than most people realize. Why? To condition us, to prepare us mentally for the future that the Illuminati is helping and hoping to bring about. And to reveal certain things to those who have "eyes to see, and ears to hear".

Do stargates exist? I cannot say for certain, but I am prepared to accept the possibility.

Personally, I believe that there will be an alien invasion/contact here on Earth in the very near future. These aliens will proclaim themselves to be our gods and creators by virture of cloning our ancestors from their own DNA. The Illuminati is already working with them to help bring this plan into fruition. But their supposed 'revelations' will be nothing more than Satanic lies. The aliens are fallen angels who have been cast down from their former places of power and now seek to rule over the earth. The Third Heaven is where Yahweh God dwells, and the Second Heaven is Space. The First Heaven is the sky. The Abyss, or bottomless pit, out of which the Beast will rise, is also located in space.

Demons are not fallen angels, they are the spirits of hybrid, half-angel, half-human giants who wander the earth, seeking after sin-landen human bodies to possess. The idea that angels are all a bunch of men with with bird wings on their backs flying in the clouds with harps is a fairy tale. The only supernatural beings mentioned in the Bible who have wings are the Cherubim and the Seraphim. All other angels are said to resemble men. But most of the fallen angels have been transformed into hideous looking beings. They are the Draconians, the Mothmen, the Grays, and the Reptillians. But many of them can shapeshift and appear human as well. Satan himself is a Red Dragon, a winged Draconian. (And just so you know, the Bible never says anything about him ruling over hell. It says that Satan wanders the earth and he is "the prince of the power of the air". The giant Nordic-types are those referred to in the Book of Enoch as the Watchers.

I have read that they only use conventional spacecraft for short distance travel, as between the earth and the moon, while stargates (extra-dimensional folding, hyperspace gateways) are used for interplanetary missions.

If you desire to read more info of this nature, I suggest the following websites:

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 01:12 PM
Well, I must say there is nothing new there in that claim, and of course not a shred of evidence to be found in that claim either. Yawn....

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by Ischyros

Demons are not fallen angels, they are the spirits of hybrid, half-angel, half-human giants who wander the earth, seeking after sin-landen human bodies to possess.

Yeah. I know what you mean. I wouldn't mind 'possessing' a few of the 'sin-laden human bodies' I saw at the beach yesterday.

Yes. Anything is possible. I am quite the open-minded Fortean, here. But possibility is no reason for putting so much effort into this conversation. So I guess it's my fault for helping the thread along.

Seriously. There are a lot of 'what-if' scenarios that could be much more entertaining. Practically anything from the Neuromancer novels.

TV shows are conditioning us for the future?
I suppose "Who wants to be a millionaire is getting us ready for the aliens to ask us life-or-death trivia questions like the guardian of the bridge of death in Monty Python's Holy Grail...

Or "Will & Grace" is getting us ready for the future when all us men will be gay, but living with a pert redhead hottie who worships us, yet knows better than to try and 'straighten us out.'

Or "Monk," in which our hypochondriacal urges will revolutionize society, and no one will ever touch anything, ever again.

There. I believe I have just contributed the funniest AND the most interesting thread so far, without once saying "stargate."

OOPS! damn! I just said "stargate."

OOHH! I did it again! Oww!.

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 04:20 PM
Go ahead. Make fun. Few people ever imagined that something like an atomic bomb was possible until the United States dropped a couple of them on Japan in August 1945. And how many people believed we'd be sending men into space less than sixty years after the Wright Brothers invented the airplane? Very little is impossible in this reality in which we presently exist. And absolutely nothing is impossible for Yahweh God.

Also, mpeake, which claim exactly are you referring to?

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 04:26 PM
So far I've seen a lot of claims and bashing of the people of Iraq, but what I'd really like to see is something credible to indiicate the stargate is something more than TV set prop.

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by Tassadar
Sorry, but I have to remain highly skepical on this topic.

Why would the governmet allow for a movie, and six seasons of a TV series (one of the best) to show on Sci-Fi, that's a little risky.


Plausible deniability--"plausible deniability�the ability of the president to disavow any U.S. knowledge of involvement in the action. The legal basis for covert actions is derived from the National Security Act of 1947, which states that as part of its role the agency will perform "other functions and duties related to intelligence�"

As for there really being one......maybe...perhaps....but then that would mean...could it be???We are not alone!!!
Not making fun of it....just would have to walk through one to believe it, and yes I would be first in line if offered the chance to step through a controlled event horizon

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 07:51 PM
Iraq is the cradle of civilization, they knew more about astronomy and Mathematics until the Mayan and Toltecs 3500 years later. Saying the iraqis are stupid is truly naive.

Hypatia was an inventor, lived several thousand years ago. She created electrical devices, calculated advanced math principles, was killed because she was far too smart for her time, she was thought a Witch.
Hero invented the steam engine over 2000 years ago. Nobody knew what to do with it, until the mid 1700's.
Archemides invented the cylindrical screw, a mechanical crane powerfull enough to lift Roman warships and drop them, created a "death ray" powered by the sun that could set fire to a ship over a mile away. Archemides lived thousands of years ago.

Aliens did not visit them, didnt come to them in dreams, or mix their DNA sequence. These were brilliant people, gifted by Nature just like Albert Einstein. Stargate..? Cmon now, its a TV show, its entertainment. Enjoy it, watch it, but dont confuse reality.

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 08:17 PM
omg - has deny ignorance sunk this low ?
Stargate was a movie - thats all - if Saddam had had it dont you think hhe would have used it ? - but he was found in a hole in the ground - stargate is good tv franchise - the is no factual basis that such devices exist

enough already

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by Silk
omg - has deny ignorance sunk this low ?
Stargate was a movie - thats all - if Saddam had had it dont you think hhe would have used it ? - but he was found in a hole in the ground - stargate is good tv franchise - the is no factual basis that such devices exist

enough already

LOL not saying there IS a Stargate, but then again, the creatures in Jules Vernes novels were fantasy..until they found some....

but there is supposedly a Stargate (or several depending on what you believe)

Now...take a deeeeep breath...It will be's good to let the imagination loose everyonce in a while...

Have a funny day

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 10:28 AM
I posted that at the bottom of page 2 on this thread. Just go back and take the link to the thread on it.

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