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Can Ailens Manipulate Time?

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posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by backtoreality
I like the way you operate Teacher: scream out your beliefs and then close the discussion because you think you are right. However, I agree, we should get back to the topic of "Can Aliens Manipulate Time".

Let's get to the root of this question so we can know where to go from here.

1. What exactly can we hope to learn/prove by asking this question?

people will have different reasons. perhaps to speculate, think, open our minds in the same fashion that brought us about ..... well, all technology to date was first just some one's over imagination, but look where their imaginations got us. was it a waste of time?

2. What evidence is there to support any suggestions?


3. Is there really any way to debate clashes of opinion on the topic?

first off it should be a prerequisite to believe in both aliens and time in order to contribute to a healthy conversation in a thread entitled "CAN ALIENS MANIPULATE TIME?". some probably just think it rude to come into a thread, and especially a forum dedicated to aliens, just to debate their existance. the thread topic is not "do aliens exist", or "can you prove aliens exist", or "what evidence do you have to support aliens", or "why does every topic have to be about aliens".

4. What will constitute an acceptable response?

everything you've been complimented for, keep doing that. if you havn't contributed to a forward motion type of discussion, you are not contributing.
2 forces here:
1 force trying to grow and move forward,
1 force trying to shrink and move backward.

by shrink i mean take 1 word out of the title.
by move backward i mean looking at the title, and instead of contributing to the title, you start attacking the second word of it.

at least we have mathamatical probability, and at least 1 eye witness. (which is enough to get someone the death penalty in some states)

[edit on 20/6/05 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by backtoreality

Originally posted by soothsayer
To really screw you up...

Wow. To really screw US up? Things look a lot different from this side. Anyway, to answer your questions:

All this talk about PREVENTING an assassination, or PREVENTING a bombing... how come no one has considered the possibility that aliens, or even people, went back in time to ENSURE that those events happened?

Because the probability of that being the case is less than the probability that this post will change your mind.

Think about it... who was the one who sent us into outer space, the moon? Who was responsible for that? BAM! Get rid of the problem, and lo and behold, we haven't been back to the moon.

Simply put: NASA was.

Want to take control of the world? Create chaos and disorder... make allies into enemies... KA-POW! Destroy a symbol of unity, make people question everybody...

Well, following your line of logic, aren't you yourself guilty of that right now?

1. You are creating chaos and disorder by trying to convince people that sensitive events of the past are connected to enormous conspiracies.

2. I don't know about the ally part, but discussing said sensitive topics and attempting to alter the meaning will definitely land you some enemies.

3. Obviously, through the chaos that is created, everyone will begin to question everyone.

Thanks for the info. I'll be sure to add you to my "wants to take over the world" list.

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by backtoreality
I really don't see why this is such a big deal. I mean, when I was in college and the 12:00 midnight deadline would slip by, I'd just alter the time on my computer to make it look like the email was lost for an hour. It's easy to alter time. It's scarry, but try altering the time on your watch, or car clock.

So, if aliens can't even alter time....wait a minute!! Maybe that's why there is not definitive evidence of their visitations! Maybe they are still stuck on their planet trying to alter their clocks after alien daylight savings.

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 11:02 PM
at any rate, mankind has manipulated time.

if we are alone (
), what a perfectly good waste of everything.

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
everything you've been complimented for, keep doing that. if you havn't contributed to a forward motion type of discussion, you are not contributing.

E.T. ,

Didn't you just quote someone twice , only add a Smiley at the bottom?

Thanks for that contribution!

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 11:53 AM
sorry but there is no physical place that still exist in "time" that has already passed.

That physical place already exist and is the same whether now or in the past. As you can not physically remind all of the consequetive events that lead up to the present situation.

You can not rewind and make the twin towers stand again. Not now, not ever

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 04:03 AM

Originally posted by robertfenix
sorry but there is no physical place that still exist in "time" that has already passed.

That physical place already exist and is the same whether now or in the past. As you can not physically remind all of the consequetive events that lead up to the present situation.

You can not rewind and make the twin towers stand again. Not now, not ever

Sorry robertfenix, could you rephrase the question? I'm a little unclear as to what it is you are getting at. Thanks.

p.s. which one is you in your signature?

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 04:19 AM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher

2. What evidence is there to support any suggestions?

Hmm, I must be doing something wrong. Didn't find anything.

3. Is there really any way to debate clashes of opinion on the topic
first off it should be a prerequisite to believe in both aliens and time in order to contribute to a healthy conversation in a thread entitled "CAN ALIENS MANIPULATE TIME?". some probably just think it rude to come into a thread, and especially a forum dedicated to aliens, just to debate their existance. the thread topic is not "do aliens exist", or "can you prove aliens exist", or "what evidence do you have to support aliens", or "why does every topic have to be about aliens".

I think this is my favorite of your replies up until now. There should be no prerequisites of any sort. What is this, the NWO?

Now, how is it "rude" to come into a tread about aliens and ask for proof? If everyone here is all up on the UFO scene, then they should be able to show me what they base their belief/interest on. Isn't this how the scene spreads?

4. What will constitute an acceptable response?
everything you've been complimented for, keep doing that. if you havn't contributed to a forward motion type of discussion, you are not contributing.

Thanks for the advice. I have been complimented for questioning the lack of hard evidence, the seriousness of post titles, and other non-alien related statements. I'll be sure to keep doing that.

2 forces here:
1 force trying to grow and move forward,
1 force trying to shrink and move backward.

Difference of opinion: 1 force frantically looking for evidence of any kind, 1 force holding them accountable.

Deny Ignorance, right?

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 12:14 PM
backtoreality, I was not possing a question but rather making a statement about time travel not being possible. Since there is no "past" that you can return to, as the physical presence of the past already exists now. The dirt where the dino's ran over is still here, maybe the surface is now under many feet of top soil, or now covered in snow or water etc.

if time travel is possible then every state of time and being and existence must already exist there by allowing you to return or move forward into "time".

This has huge ramifications that everything has already happend. Then this life is just a static walk one slice at a time, whose script has already been written many eons ago. Every consequence every action every reaction every accident every birth every marriage every death already prescripted.

Sorry but life right now is just that right now, the next second is not something that has already happend, but IS GOING TO HAPPEN. And will happen depending on an almost infinite number of variables. So vast that it could not already exist and be pre-scripted.

Therefore the past does not exist, the future does not exist. The only thing that exist is THIS VERY MOMENT, THIS VERY FRACTION OF OUR LIFE SPAN, whose ending is not pre-planned.

You can not return in "time" because there is no such thing. You can not reverse life, just as you can not reverse those that have died. Or return in time to see things that no longer exist in the NOW.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by soothsayer

Time holds different meanings...

Even galactic-ly, what is a day? Our planetary rotation of 24 hours? Or Jupiters 11 hours? Mercury's year long day? My god, what about a year? What should be the standard? Earth's orbit, or Pluto's?

first, let me say the entirety of your statement was worth reading twice, nice satements and retorical questions that i enjoy pondering.
interesting point about time as witnessed by other planets. if the speed at which you are travelling (einstein's relativity) dictates how time effects you, then is it not possible that life on other planets may view linear time in a fashion inconsistant with our observations about time?

that is to say, obviously a planet or solar system or galaxy for that matter that is moving faster or slower may view us (earthly organisms) as moving at variant speeds relative to their original timescale?

People are affected by time differently... ..... If our minds are able to transend time, how soon will our bodies be able to do the same?

a thought, perhaps there would have to be some level of cellular adaptation to counter possible side effects.
however, (just a theory) i find it believable that a great deal of things in the human experience have possibly become learned behaviors over generations.
for instance: dolphins do not really sleep. they must stay conscious enough to surface to breath. there for their "sleep" habits include thier full brain being awake for about 8 hours, then half (one hemisphere) shuting down for 8 hours while the other half sleeps, and then the other half waking while the hemisphere that was asleep runs the show for 8 hours.

considering that we also have more than 1 hemishere and i've personally witnessed and experienced military members being awake weeks at a time, is it possible our limits are no longer tested to even know the scope of our own abilities and limits?

Scientists already know the concept of time, and how it differs from spacecraft and people planet-side. Time slowed down for astronaughts. It is widelt accepted that, if traveling the speed of light, the traveler would remain the same age while everyone he knew groes old and dies. "Time" as a concept doesn't change for the individual, it is merely altered to our perception.

i strongly agree that a persons perception or "state of mind" dictates what they truly can integrate consciously as true.

considering that all stimulis from all senses first travel through the automatic subconscious processes to be processed, recorded, and integrated, before we were even conscious of what we have experienced, then it goes to reason that if you are objective or judgemental to what you are witnessing, then you deny yourself the entirety of the full experience, because you choose not to consciously integrate it.

Can aliens travel or alter time?

Sure, why not? Is it any different then breaking the sound barrier? Is it any different then splitting the atom and harnessing the power of the sun? The problem WE have to solve, though, is TIME is NOT a physical barrier; since time does not exist, there can be no device created to break it. Time is not real. It is our perception that makes it real... ANY race, human or otherwise, would have to learn that, would only be able to alter their own perception and understanding; THAT is the key to altering time.

Our minds.

eliquently stated.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by SpookyVince

Originally posted by soothsayer
if traveling the speed of light, the traveler would remain the same age while everyone he knew groes old and dies.

Makes me think of this one...

The light photons always travel the speed of light, very obviously. So light itself is ageless then. How come then that when we can look at light emitted some time ago? Hemm...

well, thats a tough sentence to read, but I'll try to answer it. The universe is very very big. Light travels very fast, but not instantaneously. Light from the sun takes something like 8 minutes to reach earth. Light from stars across the galaxy take years (as in light year) to reach earth. The light hits your eyes, and you see it. Just curious, were you educated in the US ?

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 04:20 PM
Time is relative.......

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 04:23 PM
brain food about quantum physics and the importance of the observer's mind that is observing "matter" and "time".

One characteristic of the emerging postmodern science is its stress on nonlinearity and discontinuity: this is evident, for example, in chaos theory and the theory of phase transitions as well as in quantum gravity.81 At the same time, feminist thinkers have pointed out the need for an adequate analysis of fluidity, in particular turbulent fluidity.82 These two themes are not as contradictory as it might at first appear: turbulence connects with strong nonlinearity, and smoothness/fluidity is sometimes associated with discontinuity (e.g. in catastrophe theory83); so a synthesis is by no means out of the question.

Secondly, the postmodern sciences deconstruct and transcend the Cartesian metaphysical distinctions between humankind and Nature, observer and observed, Subject and Object. Already quantum mechanics, earlier in this century, shattered the ingenuous Newtonian faith in an objective, pre-linguistic world of material objects ``out there''; no longer could we ask, as Heisenberg put it, whether ``particles exist in space and time objectively''. But Heisenberg's formulation still presupposes the objective existence of space and time as the neutral, unproblematic arena in which quantized particle-waves interact (albeit indeterministically); and it is precisely this would-be arena that quantum gravity problematizes. Just as quantum mechanics informs us that the position and momentum of a particle are brought into being only by the act of observation, so quantum gravity informs us that space and time themselves are contextual, their meaning defined only relative to the mode of observation.84

curious: no one seems to be able to point to any single part of the brain or body for that matter and say "Here is the observer".

sure they can say "We know this part of the brain does this and this part does that ...", but it seems we are unfamiliar with what part is actually the observer.

therefore it stands to reason "if you have a logical mind": "How can you the observer continue to view this reality as real when the self determining to be real is intangible?" -Ramtha-

if matter is nothing but condensed energy, and in fact not the static source of "matter" as we have thought, and the observer within all of us is in fact a "ghost in the machine", then it would seem that neither the matter that makes us up, nor the self we believe we are is real or tangible.

and if it is impossible for modern science to prove we exist ......

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 04:48 PM
another good site about what matter is / isn't, and time relativity.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 07:14 PM
Thanks for the added comments and compliments!

I must admit, though, that alot of my understanding of time comes from various sources... with my two favorites being the movie Somewhere in Time when Christopher Reeves went back using his mind, and the finale of STNG. That's not to say I haven't read other things...

But all in all, time as a concept is a theory. In a galaxy where quantum physics seems to dictate any eventuality, then anything is possible.

**EDIT- Indian proverb - "Tomorrow never comes, and yesterday was never here" **

[edit on 22-6-2005 by soothsayer]

posted on Jun, 23 2005 @ 12:36 AM
I'm Back. Had to use the Ignore button for the first time here but at least we can return to an interesting discussion.

I have reviewed the latest threads but not all the links. I was wondering if anyone has anything about this idea that new Theory that says 'well we could travel back in time but we could not make any changes'.

Every so often Science comes up with something that seems familiar, and this is one of those times. What I see is Destiny in sort of a reverse form. Destiny says that what will happen cannot be changed because it has already happened. To say I violently disagree would be putting it mildly.

This theory says that if you know what happened you cannot change it. So what if you do not know? I fail to see how this makes any sense at all, except in the abstract, in-the-lab, sort of sense.

To accept this would be to deny that events are driven by the actions of all life.


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