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NEWS: Friend or Foe? What Russians think of Americans

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posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 10:58 PM
This is ahrdly shocking. Condi needs to pull her head out of her butt and think.

The cold war has only been over for 15 years. It took people longer than that to stop hating the Germans for WW2.

Im not surprised. Theres people here in the states still fearing a Communist invasion.

The funny thing about the US and Russia, and the Irony, is the fact we were at each others throats for about 40 something years, yet when you examine each other, we really mirror images of ourselves.

1. Both the US and Russia are really big.
2. Both have violent histories of warfare, tribal abuse, and expansion by guts, ruthlessness, and sheer brute force.
3. Both have huge nuclear arsenals.
4. Both have populations of people who are proud, but naive, arrogant, and paranoid.
5. Both have fought and lost embarassing mini wars (Nam and Afghanistan, in which both countries secretly funded the opposition)
6. Both countries have high divorce rates.
7. Both countries tend to have a cowboy/self sufficency mentality.
8. Both countries tend to be pretty religous (Yup, even during the communist years, alot of Russians still practiced Christianity, though limited)
9. Both societies are very patriotic
10. Both societies are imbued with propoganda against the other.

When you get down to it, both America and Russia are big, strong, paranoid and sometimes irrational countries, but when you get down to it, perhaps thats why we wanted to kick one anothers asses for so long. We were simply too much alike.

With all the Russians here who have immigrated, I really doubt there is much to this animosity, other than a layover from the cold war years. Youll find mirrored statistics here, with people still paranoid and distrustful of Russia.

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 11:08 PM
Humm, so the US and Russia are too much alike?... Really?.... How much aid has Russia been sending to the US Skadi? and of course, the US has been puting our own people on prison camps and killing them by the hundreds of thousands to the millions because the government just wanted to....

Right skadi, where do you get your information from?

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib
Humm, so the US and Russia are too much alike?... Really?.... How much aid has Russia been sending to the US Skadi? and of course, the US has been puting our own people on prison camps and killing them by the hundreds of thousands to the millions because the government just wanted to....

Right skadi, where do you get your information from?

No, weve just been experimenting on them, injecting them with radiation, exposing them to mind control projects, and gassing cities with biologicals to see what they do. Oh yeah, we also killed millions of Indians too, and infected em with small pox. And we imprison millions for the only crime of smoking a plant that is considered a medicinal shrub elsewhere.

See, we are not so different after all!

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 11:21 PM
"We" implies who and what time in history, Skadi, when applied to your mention of:

Oh yeah, we also killed millions of Indians too, and infected em with small pox.

Before "we" became the United States of America or you simply referencing the European act of genocide?


posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

No, weve just been experimenting on them, injecting them with radiation, exposing them to mind control projects, and gassing cities with biologicals to see what they do. Oh yeah, we also killed millions of Indians too, and infected em with small pox. And we imprison millions for the only crime of smoking a plant that is considered a medicinal shrub elsewhere.

See, we are not so different after all!

Riiight, and you don't happen to be on that same medicinal shrub, as you call it, right now are you?

Hey, you can always go to China and see what they do to people that use, grow and sell that "medicinal shrub."

Or, how about Australia?

[edit on 3-6-2005 by Muaddib]

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

No, weve just been experimenting on them, injecting them with radiation, exposing them to mind control projects, and gassing cities with biologicals to see what they do. Oh yeah, we also killed millions of Indians too, and infected em with small pox. And we imprison millions for the only crime of smoking a plant that is considered a medicinal shrub elsewhere.

See, we are not so different after all!

Riiight, and you don't happen to be on that same medicinal shrub, as you call it, right now are you?

Hey, you can always go to China and see what they do to people that use, grow and sell that "medicinal shrub."

Or, how about Australia?

[edit on 3-6-2005 by Muaddib]

Nah, how bout Alaska? Can own a whole plant up there, and I never have to leave the good ol US of A.

Seekeroff, I am talking about the genocide committed By the United States Governemnt. The Hundred years of war we waged on the indians. We were a nation that offically existaed, and our goverments policy of removal, marginalization, and extermination of the Indian problem is well documented. The Trail of Tears and the small pox infected blankets we passed on to the Cherokees as we sent them packing to that godforsaken dump called Oklahoma. And this occurred well after the US was an established country, and enforced by the US army at the time.

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 11:59 PM
You are partly right Skadi, that happened about 200 years ago, but you are also exagerating. Are we having those same policies towards the native americans at this moment?....

Should we perhaps then put blame on Spain, France, and every other country that has done these same things, even on their own people about 40-300 years ago? 40 years ago, in the case of Spain.

How much has Russia changed Skadi?....and for what reason exactly where millions of Russians sent to either gulags or killed? Do you even know? They were not smoking marijuana, or braking any other laws, nor trying to violently overthrow the Russian government skadi...

My questions still stand much aid has Russia sent to the US?....

[edit on 4-6-2005 by Muaddib]

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by Muaddib
You are partly right Skadi, that happened about 200 years ago, but you are also exagerating. Are we having those same policies towards the native americans at this moment?....

Should we perhaps then put blame on Spain, France, and every other country that has done these same things, even on their own people about 40-300 years ago? 40 years ago, in the case of Spain.

How much has Russia changed Skadi?....and for what reason exactly where millions of Russians sent to either gulags or killed? Do you even know? They were not smoking marijuana, or braking any other laws, nor trying to violently overthrow the Russian government skadi...

My questions still stand much aid has Russia sent to the US?....

[edit on 4-6-2005 by Muaddib]

How much aid has Russia sent us? None. That would be like giving welfare money to Bill Gates. We do not need their aid, we dont need anyones aid. last time I checked, we were pretty filthy stinking rich as a country. Rich countries dont need handouts.

200 years ago? We were kicking the # out of the Indians until the turn of the last century, and herding them like cattle onto #ty reservations.

Why did Russia send millions to gulags? I dunno. Why did the US goverment spread toxins and germs into American cities, test chemicals on its soldiers, perform mind control experiments of the unwitting, test nukes in Nevada and knowingly expose people who lived downwind to deadly radiation? Maybe for the same reasons?

Because niether government really had much regard for its citizens. Another commonality. Both considered national defense a priority above the rights and health of their citizens. The prisoners who the Russians sent to camps were probably who they used to do their "defense testing". Our gov just used the population as a whole.

While were on the subject, lets talk about recent events. Until 40 years ago, blacks were treated like dirt. Made to attend different schools. Drink from different fountains. Couldnt even stay in nice hotels. So its not ancient history, tis quite recent.

Stop throwing stones, both we and the Russians live in houses of glass.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by ncbrian211
46% of 6,000 callers believed the U.S.A. to be Russia's adversary, 54% said they were allies. Though a majority believe to be allies, the percentage was still a surprise to the American government.

Obviously we need to have more vodka parties and invite lots of Russian ladies to improve this percentage. I could go for that plan.

I'm curious, do the Russians hold us in higher regard than other foreign countries? I respect the Russians and think we have more in common than not.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

How much aid has Russia sent us? None. That would be like giving welfare money to Bill Gates. We do not need their aid, we dont need anyones aid. last time I checked, we were pretty filthy stinking rich as a country. Rich countries dont need handouts.

I guess the US was rich and fine during the depression, the US was not always "a filthy rich country" skadi, again you are exagerating, and ignoring history. In 1987, on "Black Monday" the market crashed, yet what aid was sent to the US when this happened? when the US is in trouble noone does anything for the US.

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
200 years ago? We were kicking the # out of the Indians until the turn of the last century, and herding them like cattle onto #ty reservations.

And the Europeans were doing the same thing to African nations around the same time Skadi... Are we doing that now? Well, the french have been killing black people in the Ivory coast even though they were disarmed as of last year under the banner of the UN. Right now, not much is being said as to what is happening in the Ivory Coast.

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Why did Russia send millions to gulags? I dunno. Why did the US goverment spread toxins and germs into American cities, test chemicals on its soldiers, perform mind control experiments of the unwitting, test nukes in Nevada and knowingly expose people who lived downwind to deadly radiation? Maybe for the same reasons?

I think a great part of those allegations are alongside the other "theories" that the US never went to the Moon, that president JFK was killed by the government etc, etc.... just because some people write things in a book it doesn't make them true. There might be some truth in those allegations, but I also think they are greatly exagerated.

France began nuclear detonations in the Sahara in the 1950's. France was still detonating atomic bombs in french Polynesia, until 1996. India began it's nuclear detonation experiments in 1998, and so did Pakistan, none of them had any regards towards their population. Even underground nuclear detonations affect people. Radiation has been seeping out from the volcanoes where the French were conducting these experiments....

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
While were on the subject, lets talk about recent events. Until 40 years ago, blacks were treated like dirt. Made to attend different schools. Drink from different fountains. Couldnt even stay in nice hotels. So its not ancient history, tis quite recent.

And there is still racism in the world, and "latinos" are still discriminated against in different parts of the world, including in the US, and so are blacks even thou many of those countries' policies are against discrimination....

What's your point skadi?.... Many white power organizations, which were/are just criminals in disguise did many things to blacks, and to hispanics, and they still is not the government doing these things...

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Stop throwing stones, both we and the Russians live in houses of glass.

No, many of the things you are claiming are allegations which I believe have been greatly exagerated. What happened in Russia is different, over 20 million people have died in Russia because of communism, and the number is still rising. But now they are not called communists, even though the power is still in the hands of the same old Kremlim/kgb/Russian mafia.

Skadi, you have never lived under a communist nation, you don't know what an oppressive regime is, because you have never lived in one. I find it rather strange that you would go through so much length in trying to claim the US is the same as Russia, yet you have more rights in this nation than any right every communist state ever gave to it's people.

Who is throwing stones at glass houses is yourself. If you believe all of what you have said above, and what other members claim of the US, you still have the right and the oportunity to leave this country, when many people in other countries are not able to do this, or even die trying to get out of communist regimes and other dictatorships.

You really have no idea how lucky you are of living in the states, and if you prefer not being here, I can give you the address of relatives of mine in Cuba, they'l be more than happy to trade places with you, and I am sure many Russian women would like to also trade places with you Skadi.

---edited for errors---

[edit on 4-6-2005 by Muaddib]

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 02:46 AM
Allegations? I dont think so. I think you better do your research better. Congress investigated and the CIA was forced to admit the existance of MK-Ultra. And the government has admitted to everything above I just posted to.

Mk-Ultra Documents Declassified

Mk-Ultra Wikipedia Entry

Radiation experiments. From the Department of Energy's own site:

Human Radiation Experiments

And another doc from the DOE fully admitting their crimes against the people.

And here we have information that the government has indeed admitted to spraying biological weapons over US cities.

As I said before, this is hardly a conspiracy secret, its a well known fact that the US government has showed a disturbing disregard for the lives of its citizens.

Just ask these nice folks in Nevada how they feel about being unwitting guina pigs in US government nuke experiments.

Anyone with any sense and some time to look will find a plethora of reliable information on the wonderful things this government has done in the name of national security.

Now, lets talk about the depression. Well, I got some news for you. The depression wasn't limited to the US, believe it or not, it was WORLDWIDE. The only people who were having any luck were the Nazis, and we know their methods. And while the depression was depressing, it wasnt like this country was in dire danger of collapse. Even if there were friendly countries to help us out, we certainly were capable of doing it ourselves. As for the crash in 87, please tell me you jest. A stock market crash? last time I checked, while it certainly was not a nice thing, it was hardly a crisis in which we needed to be bailed out from. I was alive and remeber it, and well, though some rich guys lost some cash, society as we know it was hardly in danger from ending. people werent starving in masses, the unemployment rate did not reach levels seen in Eastern Europe. People still ate, there were still jobs, and our economy was not in danger of spiralling into oblivion. Like America always does, we bounced back. We did not need aid. Why would we need aid from foreigners when we were more than capable of fixing our follies ourselves? Its quite unamerican to ask for help, you know.

As for the genocides, the racial abuses, ect, no, we dont do that anymore. So? The Russians arent herding millions of Ukranians into slave camps anymore either. Stalin is dead, the purges are over. We both have a history of doing bad things to large groups of people.

And i could care less what the Europeans did 400 years ago, let them sweat it out if they so wish. I am simply pointing out that the US and Russia have more things in common than they dont.

And by the way, the Russians aided us during the Civil War. When the European aristocrats and bankers wanted to jump in, intervene, and tear this country up for themselves, it was the threat of Russian blocades on their shipping if they interfered that kept them from meddling in our own private hell. Had they not, thinsg would have turned out VERY different. Oh yeah, and Russia was kind enough to sell us our largest oil field, Alaska, at the bargain price of two cents an acre. So...........yes, Russia has come to our aid in the past, thank you kindly.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by Hajduk
Russian policies are in fact very similar to American.

Um, assuming for a minute that the entire Asiatic-Turkic Siberian-Alaskan ice-age land bridge and/or kayak migration theory is at least partly correct (look at a globe)-

And noting North America was later re-peopled by other persons of known Scandinavian ancestry (English)-

Um- the Russians and the Americans are blood relatives. Twins. Brothers.

What can you expect?

[edit on 4-6-2005 by Chakotay]

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
As I said before, this is hardly a conspiracy secret, its a well known fact that the US government has showed a disturbing disregard for the lives of its citizens.

First of all, the US government, or military had disturbing disregard towards many American people. Reading the dates from those sites it was done in the 1940s-1970s. Second of all reading some of those documents we can see that they were released by the US government, and in one of your links it appears that what they released was Serrata marcescens bacteria, which was a simulant bacteria but from which one person did die and there were several who got sick.

The military shouldn't have done that, but that is hardly even similar to what the Russian government did, and is still doing to it's people. There is still a war going on in Russia, and the Russian government is still committing atrocities. How many millions of Americans have died because of the US government?

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Just ask these nice folks in Nevada how they feel about being unwitting guina pigs in US government nuke experiments.

Yes, it seems that most of the world has been radiated with the experiments everyone have been doing, some of which even carried out such experiments even in the 1990s, such as France, Pakistan, and India. Those are only the ones we know about.

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Anyone with any sense and some time to look will find a plethora of reliable information on the wonderful things this government has done in the name of national security.

Past tense Skadi, still you have no idea what other governments have been doing also, and are still doing to their own people, and what the US did, although it shouldn't have even tried it, does not compare it to what has been happening in many other places.

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Now, lets talk about the depression. Well, I got some news for you. The depression wasn't limited to the US, believe it or not, it was WORLDWIDE.

The depression began in the US, and it did hit Europe in 1931 to countries such as Germany, Austria and Scandinavia who had a lot of investment in the US market. If the US would have recieved any help in 1930, the depression would have not reached those European countries. Instead they waited and then the Europeans withdrew their investments from the US which made things worse.

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
As for the crash in 87, please tell me you jest. A stock market crash? last time I checked, while it certainly was not a nice thing, it was hardly a crisis in which we needed to be bailed out from.

At no time when the US is down is any help recieved from other countries, that was the point of my response. But you are right, I was not here in 1987, so i do not know the extend to the 1987 crash, i was still living in Europe and i don't remember hearing anything about it on the news.

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
As for the genocides, the racial abuses, ect, no, we dont do that anymore. So? The Russians arent herding millions of Ukranians into slave camps anymore either. Stalin is dead, the purges are over. We both have a history of doing bad things to large groups of people.

That I know about there are still conflicts (war) with former Russian states, and Russia is still fighting and committing attrocities against other former Russian people.

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
And i could care less what the Europeans did 400 years ago, let them sweat it out if they so wish. I am simply pointing out that the US and Russia have more things in common than they dont.

They do not have more things in common Skadi....

I hate entering into arguments of who killed the most, but when you are trying to put the US in the same light as communist Russia i think a line has to be drawn.

4. 61,911,000 Murdered: The Soviet Gulag State
5. 35,236,000 Murdered: The Communist Chinese Ant Hill
6. 20,946,000 Murdered: The Nazi Genocide State
7. 10,214,000 Murdered: The Depraved Nationalist Regime

Excerpted from.

How many millions of Americans did the US government directly murdered?

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
And by the way, the Russians aided us during the Civil War. When the European aristocrats and bankers wanted to jump in, intervene, and tear this country up for themselves, it was the threat of Russian blocades on their shipping if they interfered that kept them from meddling in our own private hell. Had they not, thinsg would have turned out VERY different.

I do not know exactly what are you talking about with the above, but I am sure the U.S.S.R. was thinking of itself and not on trying to help the US.

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Oh yeah, and Russia was kind enough to sell us our largest oil field, Alaska, at the bargain price of two cents an acre. So...........yes, Russia has come to our aid in the past, thank you kindly.

It was 1867 when Russia sold Alaska to the US for $7.2 million. Back then noone knew that there was oil in Alaska, and the Russian government was the least to even suspect there was oil in Alaska. They thought they were getting a good price for land which had no interest for them.

[edit on 4-6-2005 by Muaddib]


posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 04:02 PM
Well, first I reply to the topic and then comment some statements

Most Russians seem not to have much knowledge on the United States and its policies. So today there are Americans trying to fill the gap and educate the people of Russia about the United States of America.

Try to educate yourself, ok?

Now, about "Friend or Foe? What Russians think of Americans"

What I think of Americans? They are good people in general, maybe with too narrow views, and naive in some ways. I can't apply terms Friend or Foe to the whole nation, as for the country I'd say that the US is more foe than a friend to Russia. Am I need to say why? Ok, US currently act as a rogue country that break UN decisions, invade other countries that can't protect themselfs for the oil, finance banana revolutions in old Soviet States, destabilize situation in the Middle East and alienate Muslims, I guess that enough for the beginning. In addition your rethoric about "undemocratic" media and government movements, when someone tries to stick their nose in our business, it's only generates hostility.

Now for personal things, I was born in 1985 in Soviet Union, it was pretty good country(of course it was far from ideal and had some stupid policies), not as usually portrayed, lived during fall of the Empire. Russians are always proud of their country and it's very hard for us to forget about our defeat in a Cold War. All this affects on my generation, we have revanchist feelings, we want to return our status of superpower that Russia holds through the centuries, that's why we have so uneasy feelings towards you.

If you think that such viewpoint created by propaganda(lol, maybe you'll show me where you see propaganda in russian media), you are wrong, it's our mentality.

Well I tried to be sincere above.

Now about some posts

Most Russians are living below the poverty line, some Russians have made vast fortunes by being corrupt . I think they view the USA as a place to go to for a better life , most Russian women want to go there. To me i think that Russia is ruled by Gangsters now and that they will never know what Democracy is.

Oh, someone said about propaganda in Russia? Oh, we now see clear propaganda in US. Maybe you shoud check reality sometimes.

Various Muaddib posts (it seems that we have Russophobe here)

for what reason exactly where millions of Russians sent to either gulags or killed

Oh maybe reason that Russia had Civil War after revolution and paranoid dictator helps you to understand why.

That I know about there are still conflicts (war) with former Russian states, and Russia is still fighting and committing attrocities against other former Russian people.

Did you mean Chechnya? Russia fighting with terrorists not with normal people. And rebuild this republic.

There aren't many negative things that can be said of the Russian people, the problem is the government anti-american propaganda, which still exists today, and many Russian people not knowing any better, believe them.

The Russian government still tells the people that the blame is on the US for the state that Russia is in now, they have always blamed the US for the conditions they have been in since the communists took power.

Maybe you'll give us some examples of "government anti-american propaganda", because all I've seen from your posts in various topics on this forum was your fantasies without any confirmations and with a style like:
"Russians did this, that, that, and after that they did that, that and that, they are very bad, corrupt, and they created all evils in this world bla bla bla".


posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 04:18 PM
ExD, Privet!

Kak vash dela?
Im Assuming you're Russian?

My Russian is poor now..Im learning though


[edit on 4/6/2005 by SportyMB]

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 09:02 PM

You have voted Skadi_the_Evil_Elf for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

Brilliant posts, well done

You have voted ExD for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

Oh what the hell I'll use most of my WATS votes on one thread. It was deserved here. I dont know much Russian but the words I do work here and you spoke the truth (pravda!).

"Russophobe" hello my new favourite word.
I'll also make up "Sinophobe" to go with it

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 09:51 PM

That I know about there are still conflicts (war) with former Russian states, and Russia is still fighting and committing attrocities against other former Russian people

Can you define "former Russian states"? please.
Russia is Russia....Ukraine is Ukraine, Georgia is Georgia and always has been. None of these countries have ever been RUSSIA and/or former Russian States. ok. They were once part of the Soviet Union until the break up in hmm 1991 I think. Two Different things.

Russia is still fighting and committing attrocities against other former Russian people

Who? you got proof?

Yes there are still "conflicts/war" (and thats an over statement) Between former soviet states. Armenia and Georgia is one example.
And yes there is still political differences between Russia and Former Soviet states...but not any "war" or atrocities being commited by Russia.

former Russian people

The people of the former "Russian States" (as you call it) were never Russian either..they are Ukraine, Uzbecky, Georgian, Armenian, Azery, etc...etc..... They never were Russian. still Russia. So the people are still they are not "former Russian People" and that's an internal battle.

[edit on 4/6/2005 by SportyMB]

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by ExD
If you think that such viewpoint created by propaganda(lol, maybe you'll show me where you see propaganda in russian media), you are wrong, it's our mentality.

Well I tried to be sincere above.

You must be new around here, if you were not you will know that i have given a lot of evidence to back up what I said.

Anyways, welcome.

I will give you one of the many examples of anti-american propaganda provided by your government.

We know that your government was against the US going to war with Iraq, and we found one of the reasons why they didn't want this war. Russian officials were benefitting from the sanctions in Iraq, and were selling banned materials and weaponry which was against the agreements set forth by the UN. But it doesn't end there.

At least since 911 president Putin was giving us evidence and telling the US government that Saddam was working on making terrorist attacks in US soil. The public only became aware of this since last year.

But how come Putin was also claming that there was no reason for the US to go to war with Iraq, yet at the same time he provides evidence to the US government and tells them that Saddam was planning on making terrorist attacks on US soil and US interests?

Let's see what Putin has been telling the world, and what he was secretly telling the US government at least since 911.

Published on Tuesday, December 18, 2001 in the Washington Post
Putin Warns U.S. Against Expanding War to Iraq

MOSCOW -- President Vladimir Putin cautioned the United States against attacking Iraq once the war in Afghanistan draws to close, saying in an interview published today that he expects to be consulted before the U.S. anti-terrorism campaign is expanded to other nations.

The following is an interesting part.

Although Bush administration officials have openly discussed the possibility that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein may be the next target in the war on terrorism, Putin said he has seen no evidence that Iraq finances terrorists. He also said in the interview, with London's Financial Times newspaper, he does not believe that previous U.S. strikes have destroyed any sites where Iraq might be producing nuclear or biological weapons.

Excerpted from.

Let's see another of the warnings president Putin was giving the US in not attacking Iraq. This report is from 2003.

Speaking about the fight against international terrorism, Putin said a defeat of the United States in its war on international terrorism is not in the interests of Russia, "because we are partners with the United States in this fight."

Putin reiterated Russia's criticism of the United States over the war in Iraq, saying the war was unfair and unjustified because it was not sanctioned by the United Nations Security Council.

"Iraq is a different matter. There were no international terrorists in Iraq under the (Saddam) Hussein regime," the Russian president stressed.

Excerpted from.

Now let's see what else has president Putin been saying to the US government while claming a different story to the world.

Putin says Iraq planned US attack

Russian President Vladimir Putin says that after the 9/11 attacks Moscow warned Washington that Saddam Hussein was planning attacks on the US.

After the events of 11 September 2001, and before the start of the military operation in Iraq, Russian special services several times received such information and passed it on to their American colleagues," he told reporters.

He said the information received by Russian intelligence suggested Iraq was planning attacks in the United States, "and beyond its borders on American military and civilian targets".

Excerpted from.

So, no anti-US propaganda by the Russian government?

We have also covered in these forums what has been happening to oposition leaders of the Kremlim and Putin in Russia and some of it's former states, for example, the poisoning of Yushenko. There have been many other similar cases, in which politicians and other prominent people who were pro-american and were killed, or there were attemps at killing them.

There is also what has been happening to the press in Russia, and the deaths of many journalists.

Skadi, I do not deny that there have been some people in the military and probably even in the government who have done heinous deeds against Americans, but with time, we find who has done these deeds and in this country something is done about it. In Russia, that never really happens, and neither does it happen in other communist regimes.

[edit on 4-6-2005 by Muaddib]

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by subz
"Russophobe" hello my new favourite word.
I'll also make up "Sinophobe" to go with it

Well, I guess i have more reasons for being what you call a Communistphobe, that's the right word you are looking for..., since i was born in a communsit country and still have family there, so I am familiar with the communists tactics, you on the otherhand Subz are an "Americanophobe" for no reason at all.

[edit on 5-6-2005 by Muaddib]

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 12:12 AM
From what Iv'e read Russians dislike Americans. Thanks to Bushky.


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