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Cloud covered spaceships

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posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by menguard

Hi Menguard,
thanks for posting the cloud ufo pictures i love them!

I have been mentally asking to be allowed to see a real ufo for a few months now with no success. However a couple of weeks ago we had some lovely weather with hardly a cloud in the sky. I happened to look out of the window and there was a perfect saucer shaped cloud! I couldn't take my eyes off it, it almost had me hypnotised.

I guess sometimes we do get what we ask for in unique ways

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 12:43 PM
so, if these are UFO "hiding" dont you think its a little obvious, that would be like an elephant trying to hide itself by covering itself with a blanket.
How do you explain when you can sit and watch these clouds eventually dissapate into nothing but clear sky? Dont tell me the ufo have the ability to be invisible cause if they did, why the need to play cloud.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 01:17 PM

Funny, i was thinking/fantasizing about the same thing a couple of months ago and keep returning on the same brainfart every now and then when the clouds break up and float about in the sky. Although i do have a lot of reservations about it to be honest. What is the added value having cloudships as big as that instead of having them cloacked in space? What about traveltime? Never seen a cloud going mach 5 throug the sky really, would be a funny sight
. And what about when those ships leave? A big cloud like that doesn't desolve like nothing happened. If they got big ships around like that it would be more likely those things are just invisible to our eyes and equipment, maybe even in a neighbouring dimensenional vibration or whatever sweet pimping technology they have then acting like a clumsy cloud.

But it is fun to let your fantasy run wild once in a while and the bottom line is; who knows?

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by ringing

The One I saw was in a black thundercloud, the air was electrically charged around us, smelt like burnt rubber. The hue around our car bluish purple. When you look up and see a cloud following you at sixty miles an hour somethings up.

The charcoal color inside the cloud was the craft. And yes the claims were substantiated by other people also that same following week.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 06:05 PM
Remember some ufos have the ability to appear as something else just because the mind will rule out the other realities out there. They can create 'perceptional field interference' around you.

But 'the soul' usually starts drumming When family is close.. Like a mild reverberation inside the solar plexus region, like a kid inside just waiting to come out, or aboard.

That's one of the number one ways too know, its like your soul-inner child knows you are going on a roller coaster ride.

The soul acknoledges the ride and accepts..

When I was picked up I was excited but full of adrenaline. Its hard to put those type of crafts inside someones brain, when your rational mind is use to seeing Linear Mechanics..

But my brain was able to handle (outside interference). I was always A highly sensitive to the Unknown. That's usually when the Unknown comes knocking when you can handle the ride consciously.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 06:06 PM
Remember some ufos have the ability to appear as something else just because the mind will rule out the other realities out there. They can create 'perceptional field interference' around you.

But 'the soul' usually starts drumming When family is close.. Like a mild reverberation inside the solar plexus region, like a kid inside just waiting to come out, or aboard.

That's one of the number one ways too know, its like your soul-inner child knows you are going on a roller coaster ride.

The soul acknoledges the ride and accepts..

When I was picked up I was excited but full of adrenaline. Its hard to put those type of crafts inside someones brain, when your rational mind is use to seeing Linear Mechanics..

But my brain was able to handle (outside interference). I was always A highly sensitive to the Unknown. That's usually when the Unknown comes knocking when you can handle the ride consciously.

This one was definately in a dark cloud, and the heavens really do open up.

I wanted a (close encounter) in the physical mode of operation and got one. It's always nice to see whats behind your curtain.

But I don't recall any physical beings just (balls of light) different colors. blue, green, pink, red. This is what I saw when I slipped out of my body.

I was pulled out through theTop of my head..

[edit on 28-2-2008 by menguard]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by Harman

The cloud itself was at least two to three football fields in length, it was ungodly huge, a lot of electricity seemed to be inside of it, it gave off a purple color from inside. Just picture driving by a 'lookout area' by a huge scout ship, and after I passed it, It started to follow, Now me driving away from the scene, should have brought me closure, it didn't, it followed.

Keep in mind the area I was driving in was close to pitch black, but not quite, from the scene of the Craft. The feeling you get when a scene or enviroment is darker then normal, and the stomache starts to be tugged on is a good indicator. I think if, "I wouldn't have noticed the cloud, I wouldn't have been conscious of the scene".

I found the right road to Unknown destination.


Another thing you might want to look out for which I have seen is an 'invisible craft' tends to bend the sun's rays, through REFRACTION.

-Encarta Dictionary-

re.frac.tion (noun)
ri fra'ksh'n

1.change of direction of wave
Physics the change in direction that occurs when a wave occures when a wave of energy such as light passes from one medium to another of a different density, e.g from air to water. of wave redirection
Physics the degree to which a wave of energy is refracted.

3.distortion of position of astronomical object
ASTRONOMY the degree to which the apparent position of an astronomical object is distorted by the redirection of its light as it passes through the Earth's atmosphere.

4.ability of eye to bend light
the ability of the eye to change the direction of light in order to it on the retina.

5.measuring refractive capacity of eye
the process of measuring the eye's ability to refract light

[edit on 29-2-2008 by menguard]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 04:13 PM
So if you see something in the sky above you and tends to bend the sun's light, but is invisible to the eye,, you know you have just spotted a craft. I would say look for shadows on the ground if it is close enough.

And usually there is that sound of a large 'Humining Bird' above making that weoweoweoweow,weow, sound, when you hear that, that's usually when the (Humining Bird) is over your house.

Or the wujew wujew wujew sound, real low, but audible to the ear especially at night, Less distraction at night for the human brain to categorize, less sight and more sound.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 04:56 PM
What really scares me are the number of alien species that disguise themselves as trees. It's really freaking me out!!!

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 08:18 PM
I have seen those tree aliens before also, that second picture, the one where i can see what resembles a face! that one is really creepy. What really concerns me is I have gotten that "stomach" feeling as described before while riding my motorcycle, everything seem to move in slow motion....possibly an altering of time as well, should I be concerned my motorcycle is really a spacecraft in hiding? acting like a motorcycle.
I also remember the feeling as a child while on a swingset, possibly another hidden spacecraft.......oh, man its really freaking me out now, there everywhere.

[edit on 2-3-2008 by ringing]

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by ringing

Ah hem, I was camping at lake Pomme de Terre a couple of years ago, right after a pretty intense thunder storm I saw and took an entire roll of film of a ship so close I could throw a rock at it. It was between me and the bridge on the dam. It was playfully gliding along at the base of the clouds, big puffy ones. It was broad daylight , I was straight in every way, it was amazing.

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 08:38 PM
Another sheriff came out today relaying his take on his Stephensville siting.
Some of which caught on dashcam.
He said was transclucent spouting different colors enveloped 'in a fog, or cloud'.
My 2006 siting was a massive craft at nite enveloped in a yellow fog illuminated at center by white light.
Crafy little buggers aint they?
See coast to coast am for story.
Stop it Nohup!!!
You just made me choke on my coffee dang you.

[edit on 2-3-2008 by jpm1602]

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by antar
reply to post by ringing

Ah hem, I was camping at lake Pomme de Terre a couple of years ago, right after a pretty intense thunder storm I saw and took an entire roll of film of a ship so close I could throw a rock at it.

cool, I would love for you to post the pics so I can see these cloud ships.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 04:46 AM
I'm really sorry to burst your bubble guys, but those photos are just standard Lenticular Clouds
As a pilot I have seen many of these, and as a Glider Pilot, I have flown into many of these, And amazingly, I've never actually hit an Alien Ship

I've even sat on Mauna Loa(Where one of those was taken) and watched them form.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by jpm1602

I would like to point this out, usually when I pierce the veil of perception,, Seperative Dimensions, there is a fog I see between this world and the next.

I can see energy as it flows through us. And how energy interacts with the body.

These Seperative Dimensions are the physical and non-physical worlds intertwoven. But what is in this (other world) is more real and energetically alert then what is in our 'Common Perception' of our world.

These crafts that penetrate into our reality our interfacing with our speed of reality. My speed of reality happens to run a bit different then the average joe, so my alignment with the world around me would also be different.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by ScepticBeliver
I'm really sorry to burst your bubble guys, but those photos are just standard Lenticular Clouds
As a pilot I have seen many of these, and as a Glider Pilot, I have flown into many of these, And amazingly, I've never actually hit an Alien Ship

I've even sat on Mauna Loa(Where one of those was taken) and watched them form.

I would agree not all clouds are Lightships, but the one's that are you will know about it from your bodies CENTER of gravity.

A lot of it deals with our alignment within the Universe at large, the aligment will either help point out "ordinary" and 'non-ordinary' items in our daily world.

Now I would like to point out that the 'Paolo Verde Tree' I merged with in the California desert also had a Purple aura around it, and their was a being of white light ORB inside of it.

The more you disect your world the weirder it gets and more the Unimpossible becomes possible.

[edit on 3-3-2008 by menguard]

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 08:42 PM
Here's is more links:

These are two of the same stories of The o' hare airport incident which had ufo in cloudcover.

Yes they can alter what they want to appear in, no different then what some of their occupants can do. I believe some are more of the metaphysical and some more of the physical type. Some may create the clouds through precipitation, some may just hide in clouds and some may just be clouds through refraction, and some create 'Perceptional field Interference.'

Some crafts are (alive beings) holding other occupants from a more physical world.

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by antar
reply to post by ringing

Ah hem, I was camping at lake Pomme de Terre a couple of years ago, right after a pretty intense thunder storm I saw and took an entire roll of film of a ship so close I could throw a rock at it. It was between me and the bridge on the dam. It was playfully gliding along at the base of the clouds, big puffy ones. It was broad daylight , I was straight in every way, it was amazing.

hey, I am still waiting to see some those pictures you claim to have taken of the thing so close you could rocks at.........well, I didnt actually expect you would show us these "photos" but I thought I would ask again, packed away and cant find them right?

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 05:51 PM
some of the pictures are interesting and hard to explain, others are easy to explain. But the site is overall very interesting and worth the read.

Especially about underwater bases and subterranean civilizations (a theory I am deeply interested in)

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 12:43 PM
I thought I would bump this old thread because there are some pretty cool pictures of cloud covered ufos.

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