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Reiki Attunement 1, 2 and 3

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posted on May, 9 2005 @ 01:42 PM
I am considering going for a Reiki attunement. I have read a lot about it and it seems to be optimistic and sounds genuine. However, I am still am finding it quite difficult to come to the terms with the fact, that people can attune you to their energy in a single sitting for a certain price. Almost like giving you powers. I am even more dubious about the claims of sending long distance Reiki.

Now, I've read a lot of testimonials from people who have received Reiki attunements, and how it has made them more sensive and psychic, or opened their third eye. It sounds compelling enough. I have no problem in believing in healing, because I do it all the time.

I was wondering if there is anyone here who has done Reiki or received an attunement. What is the experience like? Is there anyone here who has received Reiki healing? What was your experience like.

I am curious enough, that I have booked an appointment for a Reiki healing session. I really just want to see what it is all about.

[edit on 9-5-2005 by Indigo_Child]

posted on May, 9 2005 @ 03:03 PM
I have been attuned and trained in Reiki levels 1 and 2. The attunement isn't to the the person who attunes you, it is to a universal life energy and teaches you how to channel the energy without having to use your own energy during a treatment. The energy does work over distance and even time as well so you can Reiki an event in the future or in the past if it needs to be addressed.

You want to be careful who you learn Reiki from and typically Reiki 1 and 2 should take a weekend each, and some mastership programs take about a year. Research people in your area and see who they learned Reiki from, most can trace thier lineage back to Hawayo Takata, a Hawaiian woman who brought Reiki into the western world, then back to Dr. Usui.

If you are in the New England area I would suggest to look into training from John Harvey Gray, based out of New Hampshire. He is a Reiki master trained directly from Takata. The attunements can be very diverse from person to person and can cause interesting dreams or different feelings of energy.

Best wishes for your session.

posted on May, 9 2005 @ 05:50 PM
i have been attune to level 1 ,2 and the master level via distance attunement.To be honest to you i didnt really feel anything special during the attunement period since i didnt know exactly when the attunement started and ended.I was just doing my own things during the three days of the attunement.But i did feel a little lift in spirit and is slightly more positive after the attunements.And during the last day of the attunement,while i was bathing i suddenly had a vision in my mind eye of a very big ball of bright light surrounded by millions of tiny speck of white light.The tiny specks of lights are obiting around the big ball of bright light,It looks like a picture of some sort of an universe or something like that,but we all know how the universe looks like through Nasa,so i dont really know which it is,but is very beautiful.And i think its probably is my own imagination.

posted on May, 10 2005 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by Lenina
I have been attuned and trained in Reiki levels 1 and 2. The attunement isn't to the the person who attunes you, it is to a universal life energy and teaches you how to channel the energy without having to use your own energy during a treatment. The energy does work over distance and even time as well so you can Reiki an event in the future or in the past if it needs to be addressed.

You want to be careful who you learn Reiki from and typically Reiki 1 and 2 should take a weekend each, and some mastership programs take about a year. Research people in your area and see who they learned Reiki from, most can trace thier lineage back to Hawayo Takata, a Hawaiian woman who brought Reiki into the western world, then back to Dr. Usui.

If you are in the New England area I would suggest to look into training from John Harvey Gray, based out of New Hampshire. He is a Reiki master trained directly from Takata. The attunements can be very diverse from person to person and can cause interesting dreams or different feelings of energy.

Best wishes for your session.

not entirely true. during a reiki attunement the reiki master will put "data" into you so that you can use certain energies. people who recieved reiki think that they are the ones healing etc, but they're not entirely. you're third eye will open and you will become more aware of what is going on. but don't even think that you suddenly know all after becoming reiki master yourself to explain this. you're allowed to make a request to perform healing. you are NOT directly connected to the pool of reiki energy. there are guardians between you and the pool. you make a request and they channel/form bridges and deliver the energy for you to use. simply because you don't know how to handle/channel etc etc etc and many more reasons i wont mention here.

in the end. yes you can still heal minor wounds and increase the healing rates of such wounds. you will become more sensitive and aware of your surroundings. it is a good way to get started, but it's not the final station of personal development when it comes to both spirituality and paranormal events.

reiki does not take weekend courses. those courses are just ment so that you can spend time, in a more focussed environment, on it. you can do the very same attunement in less then 2 hours at home if you know someone who is a reiki master in your family. a lot of what reiki teaches is also bull, such as not being allowed to show the symbols to outsiders. you can show it to everyone, just tell them that just because they know the symbols doesn't mean they know reiki. i went from reiki 1 to 2 in less then a 3 weeks and each attunement took less then 2 hours. also best directions to choose are either Terra Mai, Seichem, Shambala and 1 other which i forgot.

you're right though, be carefull who you choose as master and attuner. a lot are people who make you do useless stuff and pay a lot. just keep everything, including life and in the astral planes and working with energy as simple as possible.

after the attunements your "guardians" will spend a lot less time to shield and protect you. so be sure to learn to be "grounded to the earth" as well as putting up shields so that entities won't start eating your energy.

[edit on 10-5-2005 by Enyalius]

posted on May, 19 2005 @ 03:49 AM
I'm not sure why it's charged for iether... but it does work. I too was not so sure about the distance attunements, but after using Reiki for years, doing alot of distant treatment - I can't see why an attunement wouldn't work distance as well. You just have to find a good master.

I am the same intuitively or psychic - whatever you wnat to call it, as I was before the attunements. Reiki attunement is not your key to psychic stuffs. LOL

The attuenment is like recieving a treatment only stronger in sensation. Each person feels/precieves the energy differently, some feel nothing. After an attunement there can be some happenings though. You can look up those things in a search though (I'm a bit hurried right now).

posted on May, 19 2005 @ 03:57 AM
You said: during a reiki attunement the reiki master will put "data" into you so that you can use certain energies. people who recieved reiki think that they are the ones healing etc, but they're not entirely.

We do not use energy nor do we heal anyone. We are merely tools. I think of myself like a garden hose. I am not the water, and I am not the one getting the ground wet. I am merly a tool used that alows the water to get from one place to the next.

It's important not to let ego and self pride take away what could be a good thing.
I only have to see or hear the word 'power' or 'me' to instantly think there is an ego problem. I work on keeping pride out of this daily. It feels good to see that you have been able to serve and that it concludes in someone feeling better or being healthier - but I am very careful to remind myself that "I" didn't do it. I instead give my thanks.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 03:51 PM
Sorry to bump up a really old thread, but I recently (like 3 weeks ago) got into Reiki.

I'm too busy with 2 jobs and a little kid at home to take a weekend class that costs too much for me to afford, in order to be attuned to Reiki. I came across this book "The Reiki Magic Guide to Self-Attunement" by Brett Bevell and it's amazing!

The author set up an attunment for every Degree over space and time, so when you say the chant, you're attuned. I highly recommend it. The book is very fascinating, in addition to the attunements.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 03:48 PM
The original reiki idea (the power of healing and 4 daily guidelines) is what made me choose to receive 3 initiations, though I had no idea about the differences in systems and origins. In retrospect I disagree with both.

The guidelines are something like this:
1 Just for today, I will let go of anger

I'm not saying (holding on to) anger is a good thing but sometimes it has a function like any other emotion.

2 Just for today, I will let go of worry

Again, even worry has it's function. It might not solve anything but might prevent it. If humans were perfect we wouldn't have to worry at all, but sadly humans are not perfect.

3 Today, I will count my blessings

While being happy with what you got is a good thing, it will not get you ahead in life.

4 Today, I will be kind to every living creature

Very noble but let's face it; nature created animals to eat eachother. Humanity could have been different, more peaceful, harmonious and kind but that is not the case. Only by becoming a vegetarian could I live with this rule and even then I would have a hard time justifying all those indirect deaths of animals as a result of how we humans live.

Other critique I have on reiki is that in many cases it caters to the need of (spiritual) instant gratification many people in the west have. No need to spend a lot of time learning anything, just attune yourself and open up and the rest will explain itself. Most often the information presented is very thought provoking and spectacular but lacks real insight and depth.

As a final note, I believe there is some truth to reiki in that it actually does something. But I am unsure of where that energy comes from and doubt it is from some foreign/divine like source. Rather the initiation connects people as a kind of psychic mind-hyve (by lack of better words and to remain brief) and when one individual in the hyve requests energy, it draws it from someone who (at that time) has a surplus or maybe a little from several individuals. Which isn't a bad system in itself (and is kind of true in the sense the soul or spirit of a human is divine) but is not how reiki practicioners would like it to be.

[edit on 6-1-2009 by Dragonfly79]


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