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My cousin was abducted last night

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posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 09:37 PM
Thank you too, freddieb. A little support goes all the way.

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 11:07 PM
Sorry, but I do not view most extraterrestrials as benevolent, especially the Greys.

All the races that visit Earth are "much" further evolved and advanced than we are and all work together for the same efforts here. They are long past the atrocities in our own nature at this primitive age of our evolution.

I'm afraid not. They have not outgrown it even though they are more evolved than we are. Most of them set up religions so people can sit there worshipping spooks in the sky and superstitions rather than evolve and advance. They also view us as an abomination to the Universe as we are not naturally evolved like everything else.

[edit on 23-4-2005 by Centrixinal]

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 06:07 AM
HOW QUICK WE ARE TO JUDGE. give the guy a chance ,after all he could be telling the truth.Ask the important questions ,sift out the answers before you make a choice in truth or falsehood.


posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 08:14 AM
I'm not saying that his story isn't true and I'm not saying it is true. I have no idea. BUT, I do find it very odd that he started a thread yesterday about the Pope and NWO BEFORE he started this thread. Witnessing an abduction is a very rare event. If it DID happen it seems very strange that he was thinking about Pope related conspiricies after seeing his cousin float off into space.

Strange strange strange. I hope he comes back and let's us know what's going on.


posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by EarthSister

Originally posted by Hal9000
This is the only thing that doesn't make sense about the Travis Walton case. If they treated him so bad, why all of a sudden the they find it in their heart to bring him back?

Travis Walton admitted publicly during his talk show circuit that he was unconscious for those five days and recalled only minutes on the craft as he awoke to be let go, and that Hollywood made up all the gore in his movie just for sensation.

Your right about Hollywood, I am referencing the movie, and I should know better. I was under the impression that the movie was accurate. I see Travis has a website, with the events in his own words. I will have to read it when I have more time.

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by Centrixinal
Sorry, but I do not view most extraterrestrials as benevolent, especially the Greys.

All the races that visit Earth are "much" further evolved and advanced than we are and all work together for the same efforts here. They are long past the atrocities in our own nature at this primitive age of our evolution.

I'm afraid not. They have not outgrown it even though they are more evolved than we are. Most of them set up religions so people can sit there worshipping spooks in the sky and superstitions rather than evolve and advance. They also view us as an abomination to the Universe as we are not naturally evolved like everything else.


What does benevolent mean in the context you use it? Perfect? Holy? Above reproach? Never have done anything wrong or something like that? If so, then none of our visiting races, or any races of people anywhere are benevolent. The Angels are real, but the races of people living and evolving on their worlds are not the Angels.

"The Greys" is a made up name and a catch-all phrase that carries mostly propaganda and little true knowledge with it, that is used by assumption against any of the hundreds of races that humans may encounter. I am curious to know if all the things you think and believe are based on all the different things you have heard, or from any personal experience with the alien races.

From what I understand from the organization of races is that The Greys (two races of) were who the US Govt made criminal trade agreements with to "sell" what the aliens desperately needed, which was physical courses of personal contact with particular humans, whether the humans wanted to be part of them or not. This was alien abduction and the govt wanted full control and benefits from it. What the govt wanted in return was advanced technologies, but not even to use for things WE would have them used for, but instead for weaponry, world dominance and space travel. The agreements were never to work out though, because the alien races would NEVER give humanity technologies to be used for those things in our current state of world circumstances.

Biding time running out and working feverishly on their hybrid programs, the two distinct races of "The Greys" were THE alien races who all the propaganda being generated by the govt was against. The govt wanted no human to befriend The Greys or find out from the aliens what was really going on. Although hundreds of thousands of humans have experiences with their own related races visiting Earth, the humans who were found to be working with "The Greys" were in the most danger of govt harassment. The size of this endeavor by the govt is out of my range of knowledge.

The govt was tracking the aliens by tracking the humans who report to have alien encounters, by setting up and infiltrating ufo abduction support groups, and threatening the aliens with blackmail by threatening these humans with various harm and even abduction. The govt did not even know much at all about the other races or how many there are. The other races' contact with their humans was not on a reproductive schedule or necessarily as physical as The Greys' and could not even be traced as well. Also, because of the physical aspects of the hybrid programs, many humans involved in it were more consciously aware of their alien contact happening, than many others who have contact with other races.

It was the organization of visiting races that ended the hybrid programs and helped "The Greys" break those ties with govt. It took a period of time over about 10 years to solve. Many humans who work with alien life also helped work out the differences and speak up for humans to end the programs. The two races who were using humans to run their hybrid programs were given an ultimatum by the organization, to change or leave. The organization offered these two races help to get what they needed for their survival without the use of humans. One complied and one did not. The one that did not comply was dismissed from visiting Earth. The other is now working within the organization and its guidelines of contact, taking full benefit and respect as all of our other visiting races.

The races who are visiting Earth ARE our neighboring races. They each make up our local group who we will one day ally with. Now that humans have a mature, intelligent voice and opinion, we should be able to start openly meeting our visiting races and building the relationship that is going to permit our race to truly advance.

No alien race set up any of our religions. Humans do that ideally based on God, but also unfortunately based on human greed and control. We are evolving past our primitive ways of thinking and are right about on time where we should be. There are a few other primitive races in the Universe too, but most other life in our area is hundreds of thousands to millions to billions of years ahead of us. They do not disrespect us because they too had to get past their own beginnings. All the races here now are here to assist as we naturally evolve, as all races have the help of other races through every stage.

Any race that has no legitimate reason to be here can be here.

[edit on 4/24/2005 by EarthSister]

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 09:43 AM

From what I understand from the organization of races is that The Greys (two races of) were who the US Govt made criminal trade agreements with to "sell" what the aliens desperately needed, which was physical courses of personal contact with particular humans, whether the humans wanted to be part of them or not.

Do you know when the Greys and our Government first had contact and how it came about? Who contacted who? Did they ever have a face to face meeting?

I think you should start a new thread on this. It's fascinating! If you already have one I would love to have a link so I can catch up!


posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 10:04 AM

I was not told by the aliens when alien/govt contact began, but I think Gazrok would be able to tell you that from the history of evidence. I also do not know how the trade agreements came about, but many of the visiting races have offered our leading govts their assistance to help work out our world problems and the govts have always refused their help. There may have been a line of communication open ever since the aliens made our govts realize they are visiting.

Face to face meetings between any different races are virtually impossible. But our govt has been working with the science of spiritual aspects of life for some time and has humans working for them who can communicate and meet with alien life non-physically. I do not know when that started either, but Gazrok may have some information on it.

If you start a thread on a topic, I will post if I know anything about it. You can also read my back posts and my website and write to my email any time.

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 10:04 AM

Last night my cousin Cliff was hanging out at my house with some friends and we were playing cards. He went outside to have a cigarette and all of a sudden we all noticed an intense blue light outside. When we looked out, we saw Cliff floating up into the sky and he quickly disappeared along with the light. We haven't seen or heard from him since.

We're very concerned. Will he come back or is he going to be taken for good? I've heard of abductions but never expected something like this to happen. Will he be....probed?? What can we expect?

Any helpm would be greatly appreciated!!

Oh come on man,

Looks like you've already decided to be banned. Dont you want to leave with a good prank? You put no thought into this one.

You're friend is missing and all you do is come to ATS and post "is he gone for good? Any help will be greatly appreciated"

And of course, like most other abduction stories ive heard. Alcohol was involved.

You should have done it like this

Last night my cousin Cliff was hanging out at my house with some friends and we were playing cards. He went outside to call his wife and smoke a cigarette. We all heard a noise and saw an intense blue light. We went outside to check on Cliff but noticed that he was floating in mid-air and disappeared with the light.

Naturally, we're very concerned. We've filed a missing persons report the next day and we know what we saw. We fear that he may have been abducted by aliens. I've never really believed abductions were real, but now that I've seen this I would like your input on this. How long will he be gone? What do most abduction stories involve?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 02:45 PM
I hope this is a genuine case. Because if it's not, it's gonna be bad for our community and ufology a little more again

Because i know than abductions are real, and some cases even more unbelievable really happened. Too much evidence.

If this is a hoax, then i really would like to know why some people are doing this ? to confuse people ? to see their reaction ? for fun ? for what ?
Or maybe they think that making more stories will help people believe, but this is totally stupid. We have plenty of real evidence already.

If they really look for truth, they should understand this is the worst thing to do.

Zabilgy, please just realize what i say, and tell us if this is the truth, or if this is not. Be honest with us and most importantly with yourself. Thank you.

[edit on 24/4/2005 by Musclor]

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 04:51 PM
seems like they abducted Zabilgy too, poor fellow. or might there be another reason he is silence!?

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 05:16 PM

seems like they abducted Zabilgy too, poor fellow. or might there be another reason he is silence!?

Either he was abducted too or maybe when he filled out the missing persons report they thought maybe he should stick around for questioning. His location says Boston ... anyone there read anything in the paper or see anything on the local news about a man claiming that his cousin Cliff was abducted?

The thing that bugs me is that normally when someone makes up a whopper of a story they are new to the board and don't really care if they get banned or not. This guy was new but had a lot of posts behind him and it seems odd that he would suddenly just make up a story and then disappear.


posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 08:13 PM
My beliefs come from my experiences and experiences of others. Those races known as "Greys" and "Reptilians" are devoid of emotion. And yes, these entities are behind most of the World's Religions including Christianity. They have a parasitical nature that are devoid of emotion and they thrive on the energy of souls. These creatures have tampered with genetic engineering and alteration to where they no longer have any genitals, sexual procreation, emotions or physical strength.

"I was not told by the aliens when alien/govt contact began, but I think Gazrok would be able to tell you that from the history of evidence. I also do not know how the trade agreements came about, but many of the visiting races have offered our leading govts their assistance to help work out our world problems and the govts have always refused their help. There may have been a line of communication open ever since the aliens made our govts realize they are visiting."

Yes, the Gov't aren't stupid. They know what these beings are capable of. These aliens have kept our defense systems under surveillance to see where we are at and just how vulnerable we are to a mass invasion.

"Face to face meetings between any different races are virtually impossible. But our govt has been working with the science of spiritual aspects of life for some time and has humans working for them who can communicate and meet with alien life non-physically. I do not know when that started either, but Gazrok may have some information on it. "

You can do this through a process called Astral Projection. You create a duplicate energy body of the soul and you can travel to the 4th dimension, where most intelligent life are at. Those that are adapts at the Occult can experience these beings called "Greys" and other lifeforms out in the Universe. These extraterrestrials aren't just "extraterrestrial", they are extra-dimensional beings. They know how to travel between the dimensions unlike us who are stuck in the material 3rd dimensional.

"seems like they abducted Zabilgy too, poor fellow. or might there be another reason he is silence!?"

LOL!! He isn't comming back. He just made a fool out of himself here.
He's probablly in their space ship being abducted right now as we speak

[edit on 24-4-2005 by Centrixinal]

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 08:29 PM
posted in wrong thread sorry.


[edit on 24-4-2005 by Dulcimer]

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 08:31 PM
Yup. They basically destroyed themselves and want to do the same to Humanity as I think their planet is dying out and they want Earth for it's resources. All I know is that they are abominable.

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 08:45 PM

My beliefs come from my experiences and experiences of others.

What exactly is your personal experience with The Greys or any other races visiting Earth?

[edit on 4/24/2005 by EarthSister]

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 09:09 PM
I haven't read past the first page yet, so no doubt you have already been proevn to be the unintelligent fraud you obviously are.

Can I ask why, if your cousin is missing, you are not doing something more productive, or spending time with your family and his immediate family who would (like you should be) be terrified and going through hell? Seems strange that you would choose to spend your time messing about on the internet instead of doing every single thing in your power that may help him or those close to him. And, son't tell me you are only posting here to get advice, firstly I did a little checking up and noticed you have replied to other threads, seemingly without a care in the world and even trying to be funny in one or two (failing miserably though). You just seem very cool considering the huge event which supposedly happened to you last night. Even if your cousin had dissapeared and it had nothing to do with fairy tale lights and childlike stories, surely any normal person would be acting in complete opposites to how you are acting.

You answered someones question, when he/she asked your age with the reply "41". 41? You sure?You are 41 and you thought intrepid was suggesting the police would think you were blaming them for this "abduction" if you mentioned blue lights! Sounds like the words of a bored school kid to me, or is it just because you are not very bright? I suppose if you are quite a dim 41 year old that would explain your moronic post.

There were a couple more things I wanted to bring up but I think I will save my energy, I am actually disrespecting my own intelligence by replying to you.

Verdict: Bored school kid or moronic 41 year old, slow (poss learning difficulties) and no imagination.

(hehehe, #ing hell, imagine if this was true though? I would absolutely hate myself

EDIT: Lanotom. I see we have had the exact same thought process here and gone about things identically! Oh well, I knew I should have read till the end of the thread before replying, I should have just left it to you mate
. I have only read up to your second post, so hopefully you have ruined the little 41 year old imbecile by now, I am sure it won't take much, he is hardly Brain WWW 2005, is he?

[edit on 24-4-2005 by triplesod]

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by timoothy


Go on then Timoothy, give it a go, I dare you! It's always worth trying something once mate.

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by Jemison

Strange strange strange. I hope he comes back and let's us know what's going on.


I hope he comes back too! Don't want to read anything he has to say (although, it can be quite funny in a schadenfeudic kind of way) though. I just want to see INtrepid tell him to "get to #!" and slap a ban on the thick git.


Quoting Jemison "
The thing that bugs me is that normally when someone makes up a whopper of a story they are new to the board and don't really care if they get banned or not."

This is what proves to me that Zabwhatever is about as unintelligent as they come. Poor guy, I would hate to be that stupid. You do have to be pretty thick to think this was a good story and to actually think anyone would believe it.

[edit on 24-4-2005 by triplesod]

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 07:35 AM
Apparently there was a meteor shower seen in Boston that had people all freaked out and calling authorities reporting plane crashes and strange lights in the sky. Maybe the original poster did see some strange light .... though I highly doubt "Cliff" floated away because of it.

The bright lights apparently came from the Lyrid meteor shower, which was scheduled to be visible to the naked eye between April 20 and April 25, said Peter Judge, spokesman for the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency.

"We're getting various descriptions of lights in the sky," he said. "Everything from green lights to planes going down."


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