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So many shops restaurants businesses banks are closing

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posted on Sep, 25 2023 @ 08:25 PM

originally posted by: TDDAgain
a reply to: Annee

In my Walmart they allow people to sell out of the trunk of their car.

Gross, this is not what cars are made for. Well, we say you are what and how you eat. People are pigs.

Or just silly people with silly political orientation doing silly things, giving other people food poisonings.

Why? Where you from? I think we need to bring back street vendors.

The burritos and tamales are, of course, in a container -- not literally in the trunk.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 12:58 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

We got lunch at a local sandwich place today. I'm still a little in shock how prices went up since Biden and Covid. I don't know if they're still trying to hang onto price increases from two years ago, but many prices have come back down at least slightly at the grocery store. Meat isn't insane like it was and eggs aren't worth their weight in gold any more. I can see people cutting back on expenses like eating out. Gas is still too high but Biden campaigned on insuring high energy prices.
Why did we let him steal the election again? he should be cooling his heels in a federal pen for the rest of his days which would be a kindness considering his acts of high treason. Many other countries would have sent him to the gallows.

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 04:16 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic
What the world is going on there's not going to be any places pretty soon to shop at. I don't have the link but Sun newspaper just reported a whole bunch more closings so I guess you can check the internet on that part. with who knows how many illegal immigrants not even illegal immigrants illegals have come into the country what turmoil and chaos is going to happen it's going to be a real sad day I really feel so. I've been saying those in the know have been trying to get out of America and well of course you know where I live and right now there's it's almost hitting 4 million foreigners in this country so something big is happening and probably not only in America but around the world and here in this country many many mom and pop stores have closed also it's just the sign of the times I guess.
Unprofitable businesses should close down.
There are way to many restaurants , boutiques , coffee shops , clothing stores etc to begin with.
The other reason for closures is staffing shortages.
Millennials on forward in America don’t want to work & that is why our Government is opening the border .

posted on Sep, 30 2023 @ 05:48 AM
a reply to: WolfPants

Millennials on forward in America don’t want to work & that is why our Government is opening the border

Okay, Boomer! Now back to your curated schedule on FOX-News, you might miss a few bits from the textbook whilst wasting time with us silly fools.

posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 03:36 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 05:04 AM
a reply to: Insurrectile

Nothing like calling names to admit you lost the argument!! A sign every time.

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