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Do you ever just get "bored" of everything?

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posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 02:44 PM
Now, I'm not depressed nor am I feeling suicidal...
So, I'll get that out of the way...

I you ever just get fed up of everything?
You do what you do, you work hard, you pay your bills etc.
Do you ever just think "whatever!"
Now, here's a random thought....
What if you knew that the life you are experiencing is just that! experience! And no matter how hard you tried to change or better yourself it will always result in the same thing...
You will fail, there will be a random chain of events that you never thought of would take you back to the life you are supposed to be living.
Strange? Nope!!!
I've put this to the test on a number of occasions.
I have an above average IQ and it's been tested and verified.
I have tried numerous things to better myself.
However, there will always be a complete random event that will always take me back down.
When I say "random" I mean completely random....
The randomness of these events are pure comical..
I can almost predict the events lmao.
For example....I get a new car, I'm driving down the road and sure enough my windscreen gets hit by an eagle, that is not native to Northern Ireland and I crash my car a write it off! I know it's not native because it was stuck in the windscreen!!!
No tag no nothing.. no one could trace it.
This is just a small example..
Am I the only one that feels like this?
Again...I'm not depressed or anything I'm just finding it funny now.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: chelsealad

All the time, i have very minimal interactions with "friends", maybe once a year, parents..meh.. Sister, i dont want nothing to do with that drug fiend. All i have is my significant other and a dog.

I am happy with that, as soon as i have to deal with work or anything else in the "real world" i get bored, sometimes angry. i just want to do my own things, bury myself in my hobbies.

But i know why i am here, I am writing a report about my experience here, i am going ahead and add you to it. Good feedback right there.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: chelsealad

What's funny? You started both beginning and last sentence..both...that you're not depressed? Interesting..


posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: XipeTotex
Mate, you do not realise how similar we are...
I have no time for social engagements, I work with people and we get on great but I will not socialise with them.
I have my wife and two dogs... an Alsatian who is 7 months old and already, on his hind legs stands over 5 feet tall, I also have a miniature Yorkshire Terrier., both are rescue pups.
I just have no time for BS that our society throws my way..
If I could move to Canada/Alaska and build a homestead I'd be happy.
However, I think my point is....
We are here to serve a purpose on an individual scale and we are unable to move from our purpose.
Although our "soul" says stretch out and be who you want to be, an external force says "No!" You're in your place and that's it!
Odd, maybe!

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger
Because when someone says they are bored with the world people often assume you are either suicidal or depressed

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: chelsealad

Only boring people get bored.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: chelsealad

I don't have your bad luck. I have some crazy unreasonably good luck actually. I should be dead or in prison like 20x over by now.

But I do get bored with most things pretty quickly. I think it's more to do with being compulsive about things I get interested in until they lose appeal.

I was fortunate to spend 20 years in the military where I got to go somewhere completely new meet all new people and do something completely different every 2 or 3 years. So once I started getting bored it was off to the next thing.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: watchitburn
First of all.. Thank you very much for your service!
Without people like you our world would be very different and I applaud you sir..
In a way I would also be like you. I get very bored, very quickly but that is why I have my issue.
Once I learn something and master it I become bored and need to learn something else.
That is my issue though.... I have multiple qualifications in various different fields but not matter what I do, something will always go wrong. It goes wrong in such a way that I am aware of it and it's just comical.
It gets to a point why I have to stand back and say "what the actual f..."
On a secondary note... when I was a child I wanted to be a Policeman in the Royal Air Force...a "Snowdrop"

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: nerbot

TV bores me.
Radio bores me.
Conversation bores me.
People bore me.
Why? Because they do not stimulate me enough.
To you, you maybe happy enough talking with people about the latest "reality TV show" and that's fine.
Each to their own...
To me I need to speak with someone who can challenge me mentally or stimulate my senses...
I cannot find that....
I also find this world predictable...hence my post.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 03:39 PM
It's just the way Life is -
I don't get bored, sometimes wish I was doing something else, but right now I'm busy taking care of my husband and his mobility issues. He's been gone for four months after two serious surgeries, and I'm just grateful he's still around and hopefully will keep improving.
So be happy if you have the time to be bored or dwell on things, it could always be worse!

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: RonnieJersey
What you are doing is fantastic!
You are what the human spirit is all about.
You have given your everything to your Husband, and you deserve a medal.
You have no time to get bored, I understand that.
However, judging by your post you need to have time to yourself without feeling guilty. There is respite care...
Do not feel guilty about needing time to yourself!
If you do not have time to yourself to recharge you are not in the capacity to give 100% to your Husband.
I have a wife that has a lot of health issues and I am her primary carer. If you need to talk just send me a pm.
You're an inspiration and the best of us..just remember that x

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: chelsealad

I nearly skipped this thread because I don't do getting bored. However I think I recognize the phenomenon/pattern you describe. I can also relate to the very limited socializing. My wife and me are basically a recluse couple. From personal experience I would say that certain obstacles are more of a test of your resolve or determination. Your current situation pulls at you like gravity. You have to overcome that pull or you will just fall back to how things are.

Now my experience could be completely anecdotal but in those cases where I noticed this pattern I usually would face multiple tests. Nothing outrageous but say 2 to 5, probably averaging around 3. Guess you have to prove to the universe that you mean it or something. On a hunch I'd say that the attitude expressed through words like boredom and whatever may be part of the problem here?

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: chelsealad

Yeah...especially when Im doin nothin...

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: chelsealad

I like Nerbots answer below!

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 08:53 PM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: chelsealad

I like Nerbots answer below!


posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 09:55 PM
a reply to: chelsealad

I wouldn’t say “bored”, but maybe “boxed in”. Perfect example. I started lifting weights almost exactly a year ago. I made a workout plan and was diligent in keeping with it. I even surprised myself. One day about a month ago, out of clear blue sky, I simply couldn’t get myself to the gym. Brisk walks around the neighborhood notwithstanding, I haven’t worked out this month.

I’ve experienced this pattern time and time again in various pursuits. Used to be that I’d beat myself up and make myself feel bad for being lazy. Nowadays, I try to go with the flow. It feels better, but it’s sometimes easier said than done.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 10:43 PM
I am convinced that the world is out to get me, and you, everybody.

Reality works diligently to mess up everything you try to do, it's a struggle, a war.

I must expend a lot of thought, energy, time, and physical actions to realize even the simplest of goals. Now, I am happy when I can take a dump, wipe my ass and flush the toilet without interruption or a problem of some kind.

It's most often things I don't even want to do, just stuff I have to get done, and life, the whole universe, conspires to thwart my plans. The worst is doing something extra that you know is good or right, that screws you the hardest. Mostly it pisses me off big time when I have to push it to the end and accomplish my goal, whatever that may be.

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 03:41 AM
a reply to: chelsealad

"When one tries to Change the Universe, the Universe Resists".

I have had similar experiences with, shall we call it "luck"? In fact, I spent most of the 1980's having such "run-ins".

Naturally, at first I despaired, deeply, at what seemed to have become "my lot in life". But, after a while, after soo many instances of otherwise inexplicable "setbacks", I, too, began to recognize the incongruity of the situation.

And that is when, hopefully like you, I began to recognize how funny my situation was.

It got to a point that I could almost predict when Fate was setting me up for a metaphysical "Atomic Wedgie". And then I found that I could prepare, and even plan to thwart, Fate's plans.

Soon thereafter, the tables turned (or Fate grew bored!), and my life settled into what it is today, albeit a far more "situationally aware" existence.

Perhaps "Life" (or your Muse) is suggesting that you pay less attention to "bettering yourself", and more attention to being better in the moment.

Focus outward, not inward.

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 06:05 AM
a reply to: chelsealad

Hey, don't fret. You're just going through a stage where you might feel a bit meh about things, but you'll get back into a groove soon enough. It kind of sounds like you're feeling a bit jaded or disenchanted. Try to think about happy and good things. Read a book, play a game, create art.

You mention having an ill wife: God bless you guys. That sounds difficult. Talk to each other about this. I think your emotions are very normal for the situation. You're dealing with stress and sometimes shutting down is how the mind copes. I think you should be kind to yourself and not fret about not wanting to do this or that. Take it easy and relax. As a caregiver, the process can be traumatic. I hope your wife recovers and I know she appreciates you helping her and sticking by her side. I sure don't know what I'd do without my husband! What you're doing isn't easy, good sir.

Again, I hope you chat with your wife about things like this. Support each other emotionally, too! The human brain is magnificent and complex. Don't be so hard on yourself, chelsealad.

Have a good weekend

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 10:46 PM
I rarely get bored, I try to make everything interesting even if it is boring to others. I try to make a game of it, but do get frustrated, frustration is not the same as being bored. It is mental conditioning, making everything you do seem interesting by trying to improve your doing it. Challenge yourself to try to make it interesting, focus on trying to do it better or in less time to make it interesting.

I have read or scanned a couple of hundred thousand medical, pharmaceuical, bio-science, agricultural practices, and food treatment articles along with reading definitions of how to apply what I learned over the years. I know how to make things interesting enough to keep going. My wife reads novels every night, that would be boring to me, but she thinks what I read is boring and not worth doing. Sure I may be a little nuts....OCD...but I have trained myself over decades to make things interesting so I can learn new things. I did this with many different kinds of work, and I asked other professionals for help learning to do things...they are usually very willing to share their experience and knowledge if you ask it right.
edit on 16-9-2023 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

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