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Another Plausibility on the State of the Union

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posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 12:23 AM
So, how yall doin? Anything interesting happening lately?

Anyway, I think I've been rather vocal lately about highlighting the hypocrisy and double standards being applied in manner of prosecution, standards, media sentiment and public sentiment. Thats to say how no one has been held to the same standard as Trump.

Not before, and certainly not since.

Even though we have evidence that what the current POTUS has done far exceeds what Trump was impeached and charged for. It's aggravating to see the blatant unethical and unfairness of the full weight of the US taxpayer applied as so and I just may perhaps have an answer.

Like Clinton, if Biden goes down, so does our nation, completely. Let me explain.

Lets take a step back, or as the forum area dictates, above the politics and bias. What is it that Biden and Clinton were actually doing? Well, selling influence of course. While illegal, let us not pretend that this isn't common. Lets not pretend that this doesn't happen in every state house across the nation on a daily basis.

A few caveats however. Biden, like Clinton, knows where some of the bodies are buried (although I doubt he can remember where!). In a literal sense, probably but certainly in a figurative sense. Think of chains of command and "favors" and kickbacks and on and on as the cronyism adds up. For instance look at how the political hack, Dan Goldman (D-NY) was the first one out of the gate to handwave all of Archer's testimony away even before the ink on the transcript was dry. We saw this with Schiff as well.

They are being protected. They hold the cards...and they know it. DC, the swamp as it were, was built upon this. Only recently with things like the internet and forums and means of communication are we able to actually put pieces together that we were historically blind to. Local legends and myths, conspiracies and allegations turned to fact.

"But Trump!"

I hear you, i do, like a raging gnat that will not get out of the cartilage of my ear.

Lets play a game. Trump is guilty...of all of it. the 37 charges in FL, the 34 in NYC, the 4 in DC and whatever comes out of GA, all of it!

Who will be next? And when you read that question, Id like you to remember the above comment about knowing all the illegality that happens from plotiticians on a daily basis.

So, how does it get fixed? Well, that answer is tough, because I think it starts with Trump getting a guilty verdict. Be it a plea or a jury conviction. Now before you crucify me, let me add that if there were a legitimate justice system in this country, that would have to be the beginning, as of now.

Not Clinton and not Biden, although they should certainly be right up there with Obama as next in line.

However I don't see any of that happening. I only see the downfall of our nation because the chickens have come home to roost.

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 01:18 AM

Only recently with things like the internet and forums and means of communication are we able to actually put pieces together that we were historically blind to.

I think about this frequently. One can only imagine what they were able to get away with back in the day.

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 01:20 AM
I have said this before, once very powerful people feel the squeeze of Biden and the DNC's thrust to take total control, they will begin to say, well screw this... Once they do, some high level and probably most mid level military people will be contacted by people in power that oppose this and asked if they are willing to depose the current regime. If they agree then there will probably be an attempt to call for martial law via the military and once that happens all # will go to # until one side or the other wins.

Me, obviously I hope for that to not happen, but it seems that the USA has finally gotten to the point of no return. If no charges are filed offically against Biden, then there will be some sort of scenario like that. Alot of us will die. Our country will be fragmented.

This is not a fantasy of mine, I am saying this out of reading quite a bit of history. I am not sure how or if Trump even matters anymore. What I am sure is that there are plenty of very powerful people that are seeing an opportunity and they will take it.

If the USA devolves into civil war, it will not be like our last one, it will be more like the Spanish civil war. Instead of starting out completely territorial, there will be islands of different political thoughts that will fight eachother to destroy eachother.

I hope I am wrong, but reading the pro-Biden peops messages here it seems like there is no political or possibility of litigation solving this dilema. I never thought I would see this. And to be honest with you I hope I never do. Hopefully the DNC can see reason and cut Biden loose and attempt to make change via the 3 legs of our beautiful constitution. For now it does not seem that is possible. It seems they are all in love with trendy marxist garbage that always fails and always will fail, but since the universities of our upper echolon have suckeled at that teet their entire existance that is what nourishes them, as it kills all of us and in the end kill them and their families as well.

Once again DNC guys and gals, your leader is insanely corrupt, it is obvious. Tell him to step down.
edit on 2-8-2023 by greendust because: ...

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 01:36 AM
a reply to: greendust

Me, obviously I hope for that to not happen, but it seems that the USA has finally gotten to the point of no return. If no charges are filed offically against Biden, then there will be some sort of scenario like that. Alot of us will die. Our country will be fragmented.

This actually makes all the words worth it. To know that there are people out there who see the direct link to a nation of laws to the viability of that nation. It used to be common sense, now I'm not so sure.

If the USA devolves into civil war, it will not be like our last one, it will be more like the Spanish civil war. Instead of starting out completely territorial, there will be islands of different political thoughts that will fight eachother to destroy eachother.

While I agree that there will be territorial sects or lets call them states, I don't think it will be a fight to the death but a fight to the bottom of stomachs. Even the reddest states have blue cities and those blue cities are far from self sustaining. An accord will be met on the merits of hunger alone.

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 01:41 AM
a reply to: JinMI

I'm doing alright, thanks for asking. Not much is new around my parts besides being blasted every night by field workers getting boracho and listening to their Top 10 accordian songs!!

Aside from that, the real fix is the one no one wants to face.

If your elections are compromised, if your judicial system is rigged, if your economy is being purposely shutdown, if your government poisoned more than two thirds of the country, if your kids are under assault by absolute monsters, if you're corralled into a CBDC based on a social credit score point system (coming), if the legislative body of the country has been pillaging the treasury for decades, if the Bill of Rights are under constant attack, if your borders are purposely open to allow your enemies in, WHAT IS THE FIX??

It's either on your knees or standing up now. PERIOD.

That's it. People will make excuses and deflect vigorously in order to not face the facts of our predicament. We've had numerous chances to nip this decades ago but we got lazy, fat and arrogant.

Now we're just incredibly dumb and rudderless hoping that this next election cycle will give us a much needed pivot...

Yeah, okay sure.

edit on 8/2/2023 by EternalShadow because: eta

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 02:15 AM
Let's just hope that the military steps in.

I said this before, why didn't they shoot down the Chinese balloon.

There is a reason why the top brass at the Pentagon is quite. It's called military pension.

I will keep quiet but what lurcks in the shadows of truth will be disclosed after JB is out.

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 02:22 AM
"Joe Biden was elected due to fraud and deceit"

Thankfully, we ALL have the freedom to express that observation-based opinion.

ALL OF US...Including the U.S. President:

A Pennsylvania state judge ruled Monday that a county election worker cannot sue former President Donald Trump for statements he made while in office questioning the integrity of the 2020 election.

James Savage, a voting machine supervisor in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, outside of Philadelphia, filed two lawsuits against Trump arguing statements Trump made via Twitter in November 2020 regarding the election’s integrity defamed him and subjected him to “hatred” and death threats, resulting in him experiencing two heart attacks.

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 02:32 AM
a reply to: JinMI

Trump has already said he would continue to run for President even if he were in jail. As long as he does not get the special Epstein treatment or given a drug that make him a vegetable can you imagine the possibilities if he were able to win from jail ?????????????????? With the rigged elections (not how you vote but who counts the vote) I doubt he stands a chance against the entrenched swamp machine which seems to grow stronger month by month; but still what an entertainment show that would be if he could win ! Anything would be better than the bought and paid for CCP/WEF cronies running the show at present IMO.

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 02:59 AM
I recently told my inlaws that the united states is holding american citizens in prison without trial in Washington DC for J6. They both told me I was a liar and to prove it. I sent them links to show them that was a reality. They quickly told me that I was reading nazi propaganda and that it was not true.

I am not sure what to do at this point. The best I can hope is that the people running us into the ground without knowing because they trust abc/cbs/nbc/cnn are too old to really do anything and that the antifa youth weirdos are too drugged out to fight.

I know this much, the one time I confronted an antifa type in public they were more afraid of me than I was of them. However, because they seemed so drugged out I was happy they didnt have a weapon.

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 05:38 AM
a reply to: JinMI

Even though we have evidence that what the current POTUS has done far exceeds what Trump was impeached and charged for.

Do you have evidence? Where is it? Show me and show the judge. You have zero evidence. That is a complete lie. NOBODY has evidence enough for what you accuse of.

There is a difference with threatening a coup with violence the way Hitler Trump did and just having a son who can't control his you know what.

Trump is a rotten egg. He is what we need to escape from in the West. I am a Christian. I think Trump is a nasty piece of work and ugly as sin. There is nothing Christian about any of his behaviour.

I want to see Trump answer to the charge he is up for. He destroyed America as much as WTC 1 and 2 did in terms of the vibe the right put out these days. You can't even handle a few trans people without wanting to lynch them. He has raised something very ugly. It is as much of a turn off as Netanyahu's junta in Israel.

Justice is coming for Trump. It will get him because he did a bad thing that day. It is the worst thing he did and he sure has done a lot of really bad things.

I now need you to show me all the evidence and charges against Biden. It is you who said this here in front of other human beings to try and influence them into supporting Trump by scapegoating Biden with your "evidence". Let us compare these men. My family are the same as Biden's. My Mum and Dad used to bathe naked all the time with my niece when she was little. So did my brother and his wife who was not her mother. Loads of the middle classes do it and their kids have a healthy understanding of sex. It is normal liberal behaviour, dudes. You all need to get out more and experience the world, not just your "hick" yard. I am a hick too. I am a total hillbilly out in the country, but I am not ignorant and I know when somebody is trying to pull the wool over.

It is all suiting my needs anyway. The left have gone too far and the right are putting the brakes on a little. That is correct and healthy democratic behaviour. The right went WAY TOO FAR and Trump committed a heinous crime against American democracy and political freedom. That requires more than just braking on the blind corner. It shouldn't be how Trump wanted it with just one man calling all the shots who never hits the target, but the posteriors of his own helpers, many of whom had to go to jail for him. It shouldn't be having no brakes at all and sending the whole bus-load of the elecorate over the ciff into the deep blue yonder.

edit on 2-8-2023 by Merman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 06:05 AM
a reply to: Merman

One last thing as I have to get on now:

President Biden can take comfort in the fact that King David himself had a fool for a son. Absalom tried to have David killed which is a lot worse than Hunter just causing his Dad embarrassment before the whole of the world as the Commader-in-Chief. Hunter doesn't deserve Joe for a Dad the same way as Absolom certainly did not deserve to have David.

Should we blame David for Absalom's behaviour? Now, as you hold stones in your hands, think about that first.

Absalom turned the people against David and tried to overthrow him in a plan that was poorly conceived and poorly executed. David fled Jerusalem, but in the end he triumphed because he was the one God had chosen. So David's family was brought to ruination with the loss of his two sons.”

Strangely, Joe has also lost two sons in terms of being there for him as Preseident. That makes me feel very sad for Joe. If I had been his son I would have been well proud of him, by his side and would never have shamed him with my behaviour. I would have been more caring about my Dad and my nation than that. This is a sign of liberal disintegration. You are not holding generational integrity and that is a huge issue. Take note. liberals, mend your ways, so you are fit to survive in evolution or you will be joining the dinosaurs too.

edit on 2-8-2023 by Merman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 06:29 AM
whatever dude, joe takes bribes.

retribution will be swift and brutal.

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: JinMI

Politicians cover for each other. Even if Trump is convicted. Someone will Pardon him for his crimes. Probably with the stipulation to not get involved in ever again.

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: JinMI

This actually makes all the words worth it. To know that there are people out there who see the direct link to a nation of laws to the viability of that nation. It used to be common sense, now I'm not so sure.

Any student of history seen this coming afar off. Jefferson and others wrote about it, and as usual, no one listened. At least no one who was able or willing to do something about it, with the exception of a few who also went unheeded or were made out to be enemies of the state, and therefore the people. I'll let those with a bit of imagination figure out who those brave souls were.

I don't see this 250 year old experiment ending well. There will be no revolution, and for those who keep talking about a civil war, we are already in a civil war, and we are LOSING. This isn't your great-grandpa's civil war. This is 21st century war. One side understands that, the other side is only beginning to get a clue, but they don't have the fortitude to win against an enemy that has little to no scruples or mercy.
edit on 8/2/2023 by Klassified because: JinMi and Augustus keep talking in my ear.

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 09:03 AM
This is how democracy dies; not in silence, but drowned in thunderous applause.


posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: JinMI

I would agree with you if you throw in some sacrificial flesh from both teams, not just Trump.

Otherwise, no division will ever be healed.

Justice applies to both parties or we are just as lost.

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: Merman



Welcome to ATS.

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 10:05 AM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: JinMI

Politicians cover for each other. Even if Trump is convicted. Someone will Pardon him for his crimes. Probably with the stipulation to not get involved in ever again.

Well, there are two sides to this and only time will tell.

Either you are correct and this 7 years long show is just that, a show to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money in production in which Trump is what, pardoned?


You are wrong and this 7 years long show is the product of a corrupt gov especially the DoJ.

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: JinMI

Nice OP. Good to see you about.

Yes, what we're experiencing is government riddled with corruption from top to bottom. It's the product of One Party rule much as is seen in China. And there's no reason to believe the 2024 election will be more free of corruption than was 2020.

As we watch this unfold, in the background other things are happening which, IMHO, hint to a slow but sure takeover of the US by foreign interests. The borders are open, non-citizens allowed to be cops, non-citizens doubtless voting, China buying up great swathes of land, the currency being devalued, the ending of the US Dollar as the world's reserve currency, the collapse of the cities and their being taken over by foreign criminal organizations, etc.

I think the US is rapidly approaching the point of no return.

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: Merman

When I discovered my sons stepmother was parading around the house naked around him at 12 years old, I made a BIG STINK about it. He came home from visiting and told me it was making him uncomfortable and embarrassed. Courts saw it my way.

That stuff isn't right... I don't care how many pervs there are.

And low and behold, years later, we find that her side of the family had a molestor in it that violated my sons half brother.

So go ahead and tell me again how normal it is.

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