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The New World Order Depopulation Agenda versus USA Cancer Cure Moonshot

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posted on Jul, 1 2023 @ 09:25 AM
I get that many here suffer from various medical conditions. Many of which are serious. Some inherited at birth, some self inflicted and some by others whom push their products, ideologies and agendas on us. Its ongoing right now with respect to the WHO, WEF, USA-MSM and Social Media along with the other actors as in China, Russia , North Korea, Iran and Turkey.

I do consider that living is the USA isn't a God given right as our government considers us all expendable and that we can disappear anytime. That includes everyone up to the level of President. The primary role of the USA is to protect The National Security of the USA at any cost. So how is that Waterglass as we look at our MSM, Hollywood and the Leftist Progressive Woakees who want to push everything up our derrier.

Well, there are many factions among all of us here on earth. Some want to have sex with children. Some want to enslave others. Some want to mooch aka sponge off your hard work while they get a free ride all costs paid so they can get a liberal Arts degree in a progressive something so they can join forces and push things like the minority guys in girls bathroom agenda. Idiots. Does anyone here know where that this going. IMO it will lead to rape, degradation of a natural born woman and why they are pushing it in pre K on up is so as to normalize it. Sooner rather than later so its accepted. Plus since I am a guy who doesn't need a blue pill at my advanced age that junk about any guy who wants to identify as a woman so he can use the woman's bathroom while said individual still continues to own male GENITALIA is nothing more than a fooking ruse to use it for sexual means on women. That along with back hair so thick it needs to be mowed via a lawn mower.

Then we have those evil fools in government, education and the medical community are all in for this. Why? Because they sold out to evil and perversion and at the end of the day for power and money. All at the expense of your son or daughter.

Unfortunately many of you here have a really tough time discerning as to what's real, imagined, a psyop or an agenda to conquer all along with those conspiracy theory's. Because of all of the above I get it and wish to float one example that may raise your bunny ears.

FYI I have a disability. However, I work through it and worked on "W2" payrolls my entire life as I am NOT disabled Since as since birth I have had Mitochrondial Myopathy. I also had a major stroke in 2009. To see me in person you would never know. I am athletic and wanted to play in the NFL or NHL. I played rough, thus the 7 separate sports concussions finally caught up to me. But I don't complain, do drugs or blame others as my father was a tough dude. I have unseen stroke related physical issues that my brain blocks out. So be it.

I also went to college and university. My father paid for my AAS degree. Beyond that I paid for my BS in Engineering. My MBA was a 50/50 split as my employer paid for half however I still had to work full time, go to school and maintain a family. That really sucked. I also began working on my grandparents farm fields during summer "vacation" at age 8 along side the migrant workers. I still cant speak Spanish. I was liberated from the fields at 16 as I obtained working papers and worked as a bag boy at a supermarket. The air conditioning was a treat. Today I am married and have a net worth into 7 figures. I also invest into the stock market and yes its treacherous. I hope you know that "experts" in that sector are legally allowed to lie to push a stock either up or down. That's our world so understand it and play them like they play us.

So, getting back to the New World Order "agenda" that Covid-19 vaccines were to depopulate the world. Conspiracy? Yes, possibly as which faction was running with it? Initially it was China with WHO backing. Now that narrative seems to be changing doesn't it. Why? CIA got's its MOJO back? Then some 4th Reich creep over at the WEF says we will own nothing and love it along with eating bugs. So Mr. WEF, will those bugs be pasteurized or laden with bacteria and disease? Again which faction is running that agenda.

OK, so what about cancer? So read this along with those other links and decide for yourself. I hate Biden but read on and decide as to whether the USA is on a mission for the WEF, at least in regard to cancer. I don't think so.

The Cancer Moonshot

The President and First Lady reignited the White House Cancer Moonshot to mobilize a national effort to end cancer as we know it.

We’re building a world where the word ‘cancer’ loses its power, a diagnosis isn’t a death sentence, we prevent cancer before it starts, we catch cancer early so people live longer and healthier lives, and patients and families don’t have to navigate their cancer journey alone.

Cancer touches every American in some way, and is still the second leading cause of death in America despite the progress we’ve made in recent decades. By bringing together the federal government, health care providers, researchers, patients, caregivers, advocates, and the public and private sectors, the Cancer Moonshot is dramatically accelerating progress in the fight against cancer.

The Cancer Moonshot is mobilizing efforts toward achieving two clear goals that the President and First Lady set: To prevent more than 4 million cancer deaths by 2047 and to improve the experience of people who are touched by cancer.

What about Pfizer [Pfizer Invests $43 Billion to Battle Cancer]

Pfizer Invests $43 Billion to Battle Cancer

Please read all the links and decide for yourself. Plus don't use the "out" ruse that they are greedy, money grabbing POS. The world is a money driven society well before Jesus walked the earth.


edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: typos

edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: add

posted on Jul, 1 2023 @ 10:29 AM
The thread title should be renamed “aging man upset about change and lack of control”.

I think you could expand upon why there’s and sort of “vs” between cancer moon shot programs and depopulation agendas.

a reply to: Waterglass

posted on Jul, 1 2023 @ 12:24 PM
in 25 years earth's population will be halved. So Biden could be right is he says cancer cases will be halved too ...

posted on Jul, 1 2023 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

sorry to hear about your medical conditions, thankfully for you, unlike most Americans, you can afford decent health care
Why you chose to include that in this thread is beyond me as it seems irrelevant to the topic you suggest, but i digress...

***NOT financial advice***i am not a financial advisor
ONCY is one of my long term investments, and i do dabble in derivatives occasionally. since then it has been one of my only profitable investments to date, to note i have not been trading long, and yes i am an APE...
The institutional investments in this company give me faith to retain my shares beyond the increase in recent days and weeks

With that said, as you point out, the system is rigged.
I am positive that this company and others in the field have "inside information" and access to such cures.
Not to mention the recent news in regards to genotoxic and carcinogenic artificial sweeteners, show me a change in the paradigm.

Perhaps the weight of public care and insurance is overburdening the fiat government system and this will help them "right the ship" so to speak.

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 06:59 AM
a reply to: datguy

the system is rigged

It is to a point as even the experts get played by the other experts. Oh day trading. They had AI live and running us non experts off back in 2014 unless you used professional level sofware.

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 07:00 AM
a reply to: ITSALIVE

I think you could expand upon why there’s and sort of “vs” between cancer moon shot programs and depopulation agendas.

Nah, I wrote this for those already up the curve. You will have to go down the rabbit hole yourself to see what's going on.

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 11:01 AM
The scientific community has been trying to perfect mRNA treatments for a wide range of applications with very slow progress. Covid gave them the opportunity to vastly broaden the testing field, and since it became FDA approved can now be used in any form they choose.

If it turns out to kill cancer patients at a higher rate, who's to say it wasn't a more 'aggressive' cancer that's to blame?

Medical science has morphed into Mengele's wet dream with unlimited subjects and funding via Cancer Moonshot.

posted on Jul, 3 2023 @ 08:12 AM
my thoughts? Big pharma is not in business to cure anyone. they will lose revenue. they bank on people needing their products. just like they did with the covid shot that caused myocarditis, they now have new life long customers. what's a few dead when it creates more profit from those who survived with complications that will need treatment for life?

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