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(the hill) 12 alien craft in us custody

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posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 08:11 PM

originally posted by: incoserv
a reply to: putnam6

Oops! Somebody asked us to tell what we thino so somebody answered what they thought ... but that wasn't actually the OP meant, I guess?

A distraction is just one possibility, certainly, I feel that way about how this is proceeding, because it's like a soft slow-motion disclosure. Respectfully Im not sure I have faith that all parts of our government know what it is doing or even have a consensus of opinion on what to do.

On some levels, it seems they are likely scrambling in the background to CTA on all the BS lies from the past.

It's going to be a hard sell if they disclosed they have an operating craft but know nothing about its origins and some of its secrets

In other words, I can easily see it opening a whole can of worms, worms that some departments and institutions don't want to discuss.

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

It's odd these super intelligent entities are not
using cloaking technology. Maybe the dumb
humans who do have that technology can show
them how?

I've yet to see any indication or evidence
of advanced tech.

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 10:01 PM

originally posted by: 0bserver1
a reply to: rickymouse

Ever thought that they'd have maybe the same evolutionary path as we tend to go simply because we don't know better and are keen on staying on top of our human adversaries to rule the planet?

I think they knew the risk entering Earth's atmosphere with sophisticated technology could someday lead to mistakes or technological failures whereby they could lose their lives or technology?

Knowing that it would take decades before we could figure out how the technology worked in the first place?

I am guessing that these craft, if they are real, are the creation of scientists that decided to get out of the war mongering countries centuries ago. Just think how advanced we would be if we had not been involved in wars over the last hundred years and concentrated on science and advancement for that two hundred years. It seems that these beings have been traveling around in craft for thousands of years...just think how advanced they would be now if they developed advanced technology already two thousand years ago.

They would have developed the technology to cloak an Island or big city a long time ago. It would not be impossible to make some sort of bubble that distorted the view from above or from nearby and to block detection by sensors we have. We are just starting to invent cloaking techology, just think of a race of beings that has been doing this for thousands of years. Their metalurgy and production could be way different than ours too if they learned to do things differently than the rest of the world.

I think they are more advanced than a group breaking away around WW11 could be, but then again some of our most intelligent people could have been recruited to go work with them if they were against the present war mongering and desire to dominate and enslave the world shared by many countries leaders.

Hopefully this society does exist and they intervene if there is going to be a nuclear world war. They would not want the whole world irradiated which would jeopardize their own survival. Even if they are actually extraterrestrial in origin they would not want us jeopardizing this world. It would be a long way back for them to go home.

Does our government know about these beings or superior race of Hominoids? I would not trust the people running Russia, or the west if I were them.

I would put my money on a very advanced race of people that got away from all the greed and desire to dominate the world by big countries that pride themselves on military strength. Just think of what kind of weapons and technology they could have invented in two hundred years if they could spend their money on science, robotics, and medicine instead of military. They may have had the ability to print what they want to make for hundreds of years already. Maybe that is where we got the idea from developing three D printers to produce things, maybe it was originally designed by these beings and we hacked some of their technology. Most humans are monkey see monkey do and cannot think out of the box that they were created in. We have been programmed for thousands of years to build our societies a certain way. Right now the people creating out of the box stuff seem to be miscalculating risk factors a lot. We are destroying the environment pretty badly with all the stuff that we invented over the years, and it is now close to being irreversible...within a few hundred years I feel this planet may be in jeopardy of losing it's ability to sustain life to any amount. It is not global warming we should be concerned about it is exploitation of concentrated chemicals dumped into the environment and the creation of genetically engineered microbes and unnatural chemistry we create and dump into the environment...Carbon is not the main culprit.

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 10:11 PM

originally posted by: MrBlaq
a reply to: rickymouse

It's odd these super intelligent entities are not
using cloaking technology. Maybe the dumb
humans who do have that technology can show
them how?

I've yet to see any indication or evidence
of advanced tech.

They were not picked up by radar or other detection technology years ago, maybe now our military has found a way to detect them. As far as being seen, they may have a problem in certain areas because of geomagnetic influence or they may need to shut off the cloaking for some reason that blocks visual cloaking. Spin something fast enough, even energy, and it cloaks what is behind it creating just a blur. But what if that technology has to be turned off to be able to do something or maybe it would cause problems with our electrical grid which would attract the attention of the military over a period of time if they are too close to power lines or between towers sending cell signals for too long. A five second scrambling would not seem to be anything other than a glitch, but a long pause of cell phone transmission would cause someone to investigate.

We do not know what could be effected, years ago all they had to do was detect power lines, now lots of things are wireless.

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: wrayth

Whenever I hear "The U.S. has aliens or alien craft, but they're so secret no photos of them exist",

I think, "OK what about other countries? There are hundreds of countries! Does the U.S. have a monopoly on finding alien craft? I don't think so!"

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 12:35 AM
whatever dude.

biden takes bribes.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 04:11 AM
a reply to: rickymouse
The fact that how advanced they are , or how long they've been around, with that and all folklore stories we have been fed with over all those years seems to get a conclusion and an ending script whoever those advanced probably superior technological entities are

we seem to get enough support from high ranked military personnel that seemingly worked with that technology and probably know a lot more about the entities that used that technology to spill those beans or they do this in fear of exclusion to whatever program is initiated?

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 10:44 AM
Nice little bullet point list, as well as the point Grush, just wants this investigated by persons with the clearance to do so, to ascertain the validity or not.< br />

A Continually Updated Bullet Point List of the David Grusch Interview
Information Discussed: (If I miss anything, forgive me and please write a comment down below; I'll be sure to edit/append)

There are branches of the Pentagon/USG which are responsible for retrieving crashed or "landed" craft. They have been kept secret from oversight committees, congress, and other officials who should be in-the-know

Downed aircraft sometimes come with "dead pilots"

He was denied access to these programs, and was faced with reprisals, pushback, and retribution for his investigations

Reported these to the Inspector General, who deemed his claims to be "credible and urgent"

He testified to congress for 11 hours, has spoken to the DNI, and welcomes anyone with enough clearance to come speak with him so he can spill everything to them

Gave congress the dates, times, locations, names (people and branches), etc.

Aknowledges that he has even more security clearance than most in congress, oversaw 2000+ special access programs

They are extraterrestrial, or he more accurately describes them as "Non-Human Entities/Intelligence"

Speaks on how they use the "4th or 5th dimensions" for their travel, and how beings who live there could be able to traverse time like we do in 3D space

Mussoloni apparently had a downed craft in the 1930's, which was the first instance that he discussed

There were drawings from his assistants at the time of this craft

The US later took the craft after the war

He confirms the Roswell Incident as a true crash retrieval

also discussed the Air Force's coverups and final official story they released in the 2000's 1994

The Vatican and the Catholic Church know about NHI and have since at least the Italy craft

The Phenomenon is not just within the United States

There is a cold war for reverse engineering the craft

Don't want to destabalize society by releasing the truth about the phenomenon, as well as give adversaries an advantage

States that this technology should be brought to the public. Could help with energy issues, societal issues, etc

Claims that there have been malevolant encounters with NHI, resulting in deaths

Also claims that people who have interacted with downed UAP material have suffered physical illnesses/injuries from being in proximity of the material which is "radioactive"

While there have been malevolent actions, the NHI is mostly neutral, and has been for a while. It does not regularly interfere with humans

There are methods to which humans have been able to bring down UAP, as well as mentions that while UAP are advanced, they are not immune to errors like crashes.

Within a nuclear treaty with russia in an addendum, it states that unidentified objects should not be assumed to be the other party

Also mentions the Malstrom Airforce Base incident, where 10 ICBMs were deactivated in Montana

Alludes to the fact that the USG have made an agreement with the NHI, which he is quoted saying they are "agreements that risk putting our future in jeopardy" (thanks u/BananaSundaeBlues and u/damagedink)

Congressmen/women have stated that there will be hearings about this specific whistleblower incident, and that they are investigating the matter

He responds to the fact that AARO says they have not found any evidence of ET, and says that Kirpatrick is able to do the same amount of research and investigation that he did

Claims that people have died to keep this secret, and that people have potentially been murdered to keep this secret as well.

He has not seen anything in-person, but has been shown "interesting photos and documents".

Cannot show them to the public, but can show them to properly cleared officials (congress)

Overall, there was a lot he could NOT say to the general public, but can say to officials in congress in order to investigate

"Wants people to be skeptical", "wants an investigation", "wants confirmation"

Again, if I missed anything, please leave a comment and I will append/edit it.

EDIT: To respond to the seemingly common comment of "what a nothing burger, this is the same stuff we've heard over and over, yada yada", here's my take:

It's less of a rehash, and more of a confirmation considering Grusch's credentials and how the IG said his claims were "credible and urgent". I think it's good to go back to the basics, especially when trying to convey this subject and its weight to the general public who don't know much about the subject. On top of this, the interview ended with Courthalt saying that Grusch WANTS his claims to be tested. He wants people to investigate this and get to the bottom of it. Just because there aren't pictures of aliens here does not mean this was nothing or non-impactful.

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: incoserv

That's EXACTLY what is going on! I don't believe this BS for a minute.

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 10:57 AM
As a rule of thumb, if someone says they have a secret they are revealing to you, they really don't.

First off, if we really had these craft, it would be way above top secret. The level that would get you taken out permanently for revealing.

Whistleblowers don't have protection from revealing classified. Whistleblowers are protected when the reveal govt malfeasance. Something like 12 alien craft SHOULD be classified.

A person with a clearance can lie to you legally all day long tho'. Can make all kinds of wild claims about secret stuff.

As long as it isn't true.

I believe this above all else.
edit on 6/12/2023 by CoyoteAngels because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: putnam6
I hear you loud and clear. Which is why I only now come to ATS to read. A while back I had shared an experience of mine, a personal one, because I thought this was a safe space. If I knew I was going to be "fact checked" I would have kept it to myself. But because I didn't have video or picture proof from something that happened in 2005 or 06, I was not believed. While I was sharing an experience and not trying to prove anything, it still made me not want to share anymore.

But I agree. If something is questionable, we should post anything here so the community can check it out. Nobody should be saying to "stop posting" stories of any kind.

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 11:10 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
It's all blah, blah, blah, blah. It's all talk. Anybody can say anything about anything, it's proof of nothing, they're just stories. When they have got something actual to show they shouldn't be given a minutes airtime. Till then please stop posting these "stories".

This is the type of typical reaction from people who have never taken the time to research the subject and follow the years of credible people who have shared similar experiences and stories. The revelations of Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper come to mind. For people who can't absorb the reality of the subject they find ways to blurp out words such as the posted above. This is the reaction from closed minded and uneducated (on the subject) people.
edit on 13-6-2023 by Majorsetback because: (no reason given)

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