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hearing analysis

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posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 03:53 AM
and so it looks like we'll be playing the ambiguity game forever, people say dr sean says aaro hasnt seen aliens or advanced physics but of course later in his presentation he included extraterriestials as a possibility still, he told us there were 24 whistleblower individuals but didnt tell us what was spoken about i wonder why? like why was there a classified session? what is being said in those hearings that we public is not allowed to be heard? he says theres no advanced physics? not according to the uap reports they released over the last few years, what should we believe? thats ambiguity, thats muddying the waters, we been playing this game for decades, he even pointed out this has been going on for decades but that he wants to solve it with science and that hes going to put his name on it, do you know what hes put his name on recently? alien motherships releasing probes to earth, once again ambiguity

so he tells us half of the anomalys are metal balls or orbs 3 to 12 feet in diameter? such as the video he brought and i guess as well as the mosul orb, the splash ball, the puerto rican display, the go fast, and back in the 90s (yes im going old school) the pensacola balls, alot of balls going on but anywaywhos making these balls? or orbs? what are its purpose? and why are they considered anomalous? and why are they considered unidentified? are these the things the motherships are releasing? maybe for surveilence? who knows right, also the military is still seeing saucers, triangles, cigars, and tic tacs just so you know those things havent gone away either

one thing about the ufo topic is each day is just a moment in time, it never goes away, they have yet to explain it away, tomorrow is a new day and new information, i feel like maybe more hearings, more questions, more leaks, etc., people say its just balloons and drones, if it was wed know about it, our planes can catch up to balloons and drones and shoot them down, theres no doubt we have gaps in our situational awareness but to ignore the anomalous anomalys is not smart even if its not nhi isnt anybody curious what exactly is it that we havent figured it out in almost 8 decades?

anyway those are some of my quick thoughts on the hearing, now i can go back to my real life for a little while, so what were the pros and cons you guys seen at the hearing?

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 04:05 AM
a reply to: saskwatch

You may wish to include a link to the hearing.

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 04:46 AM
a reply to: saskwatch

Are you on speed or something?

alien motherships releasing probes to earth

that is the most likely approach. No ambiguity.

balls? or orbs? what are its purpose? and why are they considered anomalous?

Their purpose = probes. Anomalous = not normal

I don't even watch that stuff anymore, but I kind of loved how the Spaceforce guy the other day talked about 'Cosmos' in regards to UAP.
That gave me hope.

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 04:49 AM
a reply to: saskwatch

Just read this in JPost about the Reaper capturing a metallic type orb over the Middle East. The Pentagon are seemingly pushing for answers these days rather than covering up. Interesting times especially when you've had CE's with the orbs yourself and would like answers too

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 05:23 AM
Metallic spheres are most def real and are here to take measurements of everything. Rivers, mountains the whole planet Earth

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 05:28 AM
In the film, The Matrix, they never really got out. The "real world" and Zion were merely another area of the simulation to satisfy people who wanted to fight back. That's whay the government is doing now with UFO's, it's all a show to satisfy people while slowly stalling until you forget all about it. Hey the government is trying after all, right.

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 05:46 AM
a reply to: Jeremiah33three

The problem being the notion of what constitutes modern-day sightings of UFOs goes all the way back to the 1950s.

Or even the second world war with the likes of reported foo fighters following and harassing the allied bombers.

Far as i can determine people are not forgetting about UFOs, given the reports that materialise from all over the globe, nor seem likely to do so anytime soon.

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: saskwatch
It seems that the "program" has "gotcha!"
Your're an example of exactly what they want the public to be, "confused, excited, and patiently waiting for some real answers."

UFOsaliens have been in the sidelines of news stories since 1947. If by now anyone has not come to terms with that reality, well, there are efforts, programs, to help ease them into acceptance. You seems to be a perfect recruit for the piecemeal, slow, laying it out program of having the general public coming to terms with the unthinkable. You seem to be begging for what you obviously cannot fully accept.

The ETs, our old gods of several religions, are here and we must pay the price for our failure to heed what should be our true, inner nature.

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

See, I'm of the view that Roswel was a Soviet probe. And we (americans) know that China has launched spycraft over our nation, and we can assume that Russia would too. I believe there are unidentified flying objects, and I believe that God created life elsewhere in the universe, I just don't believe those two points are connected. The UFOs in my belief are either Russian or Chinease. And I'm sure UFO's in Russia and China are likely made in the USA.

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: Jeremiah33three

See, I'm of the view that Roswel was a Soviet probe. And we (americans) know that China has launched spycraft over our nation, and we can assume that Russia would too.

Considering the "Roswell" incident centered on the recovery of metallic and rubber debris from what was allegedly a military balloon there may be some merit to the belief.

I believe there are unidentified flying objects, and I believe that God created life elsewhere in the universe, I just don't believe those two points are connected.

Ile certainly entertain the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe given the size and scale of the place, kind of rather arrogant and shortsighted to assume otherwise.

As to god being responsible, I'm on the fence with that notion, but i suppose its a possibility keeping in mind it that it takes just 26 fundamental constants to give us our universe, but they still don't tell us everything.

The UFOs in my belief are either Russian or Chinease. And I'm sure UFO's in Russia and China are likely made in the USA.

What makes you so sure Russian or "Chinese" UFOs are likely made in America?

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 10:49 AM
The Roswell incident took the heat off of what was being created at area 51 and gave us a new belief system to focus on and argue over.
What if these 'orbs' are the latest tech, replacing traditional drones? They'd need to convince the masses that it was something else to keep attention diverted away from what they're doing.

People 'want to believe', and so it doesn't take much convincing. Fewer and fewer people are willing to even consider other possibilities as the propaganda/brainwashing/social engineering machine moves forward and programs our minds for a belief system that benefits the MIC and political realm.

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: saskwatch

American Association of Retired Orphans?

Can you link to info on such things as:
'Mosul Orb'
'Splash Ball'
'Pensacola Balls' ?

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 11:42 AM
Have these hearings ever considered asking Travis Walton? The Hills, Cash/Landrum, and many many other abductees for their input?
Maybe all the abductees should gather en masse and demand to be heard and taken seriously. But hey, those mentioned above and the thousands of others don't have a science degree so what they have to say will be meaningless.

If thousands came forward and said they had been abducted and medically examined and tortured by say, a group of US citizens, a cult, Mexican cartels, or Russian or Chinese Mafia, the Police or alphabet agencies would be inclined to investigate, Right?

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 12:04 PM

originally posted by: chris_stibrany
a reply to: saskwatch

American Association of Retired Orphans?

Can you link to info on such things as:
'Mosul Orb'
'Splash Ball'
'Pensacola Balls' ?

Here’s the vid of the Mosul Orb, I believe… least. Perhaps the Mosul orb is the same as the Middle East UAP (orb)…or separate parts of the same footage.

Middle East UAP (Orb)

The Government Slide associated with the vid….

edit on 20-4-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1


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