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Where Are The Souls Going?

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posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: NautPsycho

We all go to the same dimension which is directly connected to this one, the world of Maya or the emotional plane. Each plane of existence is divided by seven sub frequencies. When we pass over we find ourselves in the frequency that matches our spiritual frequency.

There are many entities in the Astral regions that we would call demonic and these entities can and do control very low frequency human beings.

These lower realms, the Astral planes, are where the de-volved spirits reside. It’s not Hell, because those who occupy this region are the lost souls who are compelled to come to terms with any evil deeds that have committed .. To some, it will feel like an eternity of torment. Their personal frequency is what keeps them trapped in the Astral.

Demons can and do possess living people, particularly those who perform satanic rituals who invite the demons into themselves but can only fully possess those with very low frequency.

Demons can attach themselves to people who live low frequency lives, which leads them to ever lower depths of depravity, so as to feed on their energies.

Satanism is very well established in the world we live in today .. and low frequency people become entrapped in a life of self indulgence and physical wealth .. the price they ultimately pay will ensure that in some distant future when they get another shot at life, they will stay well clear of the dark vacuum that so many are drawn into through greed and selfishness .. it is all a part of the natural purification process.

The first four sub astral planes is where decent folk wouldn’t want to venture. The majority arrive in the Summer lands .. 5th sub frequency in Maya. We experience a period of cleansing of our spirits as we recreate those things we struggled with in life, some religions refer to this as purgatory.

The majority of people will move on to the mental plane over time. It is like a second death or death of the emotional body and it is this region that many would call Heaven

In our Heaven, everything we do goes as planned and everything is perfect and we exist in a state of constant bliss .. We can spend our existence here if we want to .. Eventually we will decide that for us to progress in the evolution of our conscious awareness, we willingly choose to have another life experience. We always arrive during the same time period with our soul mates and we always meet serendipitously in the next life in various relationships.

Each life we receive new bodies, we are always present in multiple dimensional forms but our consciousness can only ever be objectively aware of the plane we physically exist in. When we pass over, we physically exist in our emotional body and then when that dissolves our mental body.

Each life .. we are born as new people with a different personality .. we do benefit greatly from our previous lives in each subsequent life and our soul carries latent knowledge that accumulates over our many incarnations. Our latent talents re-emerge over time.

The process we are all involved in is eternal and is divinely perfect. There are no errors of judgement or mistakes made in the perfection of our existence. The divine process is set up to achieve the eternal, gathering and purifying of souls on our journey back to the source. and that journey is glorious everywhere beyond the Astral planes.

The duality we are experiencing in this world at the moment, is essential in our purification process, The chafe is separated from the wheat periodically, although I am unsure at this point if this is the ascension process or if separation will be achieved through attrition. Either way if things go south, then the chafe gets to experience it’s own evil and I personally don’t want to witness that.

There is something in the region of 60 billion incarnate souls in various dimensions, each having various experiences and many in a state of deeps sleep. Some won’t be woken for incarnation until conditions are right for that particular soul.

We are all immensely valuable within the creation process .. for us to occupy a human biological form, our consciousness has been manifest for millions of years. As humans, we are micro managed in a spiritual way .. so much love, care and attention is payed to every one of us.

When we are out of our body we become aware of what we are and why we are all so loved .. every one of us without exception .. It is why those who took a wrong turn suffer so badly in the Astral. Every single ray of consciousness will return to the source eventually.

Our existence is eternal .. only love and harmony can get you through eternity.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 08:14 AM

originally posted by: midicon

This life it seems is never enough for some. There always has to be more. Not just any old 'more' but something immortal and transcendent. God forbid we actually die lol.
Perhaps at the moment of death all of this will fall away as we realise nothing is important really. Even the idea of God, the universe, all the great glories and stories of mankind collectively and individually amount to nothing at all.
God, religion and souls are for the needy. We can find contentment, happiness and peace without any of that.

What you just described and said is the biggest deception of all. After this life has ended, whatever you have been in life will be sealed that way forever, continuing the way you let yourself, and made yourself to be. A killer will continue with the same hate they had in life towards others, etc..

Too late to repent of evil ways after death of the physical.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: NautPsycho

I don't believe most people have a soul.

They never consider they have to GROW one themselves.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

Fortunately I'm not evil. In fact I'm very kind.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: livinglight108

I am a 5th Gen Maternal and Paternal "sensitive"...both sides back to 1850.

I believe, suspect, and "feel"...Im this lifetime, and next, the past.

God bless..MS

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: Rapha

"that Jesus Christ died on the Cross for humans only. He is the ONLY "Green Card" back into Heaven".

Jesus is my Savior ...but even I know there are many paths. the Lord, Lords, He, She,They, Them, Those. Whatever...

You'll not understand, but Jesus did. We have choice. That does not equate to meaning believe or die.

Jesus Saves..for me, for sure...others it may be Mohammed...Krishna...Hell, even SATAN (see how I worked that in!)...

Jesus has the Place, the Way and the Means to all. But don't forget...He also owns all, each and every path and pathway.

Souls? Over n over, ad infinitum...I don't think it matters how you get there...because...really? Youre there/here, now, again!

edit on 11223530America/ChicagoTue, 29 Nov 2022 09:16:35 -060016202200000035 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 09:15 AM
Where do the souls go, as well as where do these souls come from? Good questions.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: NautPsycho

With all of this talk of depopulation and low birth rates around the World, it makes one who subscribes to reincarnation wonder, where are the souls going?

More like "Where are all the souls coming from?" There are a lot more people on Planet Earth today than there were 100 years ago.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 10:47 AM
Multiple reincarnations in my mind spoils the individuality of our soul. The supposed seers and mystics who hypothesize about their other lives are perhaps just tapping into the Akashic records and getting visions of the lives of other souls. This then causes them to mistakenly assume it is their past life. In actuality it is probably just a life that took a similar trajectory to their own that allows them to momentarily tap into its remembrance.

If we had multiple incarnations then we wouldn't have a distinct identity in the ensuing conscious realms...
edit on 29-11-2022 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: NautPsycho

Well, I'm proud to say I'm one of those weirdos who has a deep & enduring interest in metaphysical & spiritual concepts, constructs & phenomena, and I see where you're coming from on this topic.

I saw a video clip of Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus speaking in a closed meeting (the footage was from an undercover whistleblower, taken stealthily by smartphone while he was presenting his monologue to the attendees). His premise for the talk was that the depopulation effort of the vaccines conspiracy was absolutely necessary, and that he, and the others at a certain level of seniority within the marble halls of the conspiracy overlords, had convinced themselves that what they were doing was morally justifiable. His direct quote regarding those who would die from their efforts was as follows:

"[We are doing this for a dream of a better world], and those who suffer & die will benefit from the peace of the grave"

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

The video was shared on a Telegram group, but unfortunately I forgot to download it, it was indeed one of the most damning confessions I've ever witnessed, so utterly brazen & arrogant, a superiority complex horrifying in its magnitude. I remember that my visceral reaction led me to consider - if I could, I'd execute every last one of the people responsible for this demonic conspiracy.

Back to the 'peace of the grave' comment, and to your question in the OP as to where the souls are going to, I would suggest that they are being housed in the heavenly dimensions, awaiting the Great White Throne Judgment, when the Books shall be opened, and all souls who ever lived will be gathered together to hear the judgments being passed against each one of us.

I don't believe in a Hell which is eternal conscious torment, but I do believe that there is proportional punishment in a sort of purgatory, or banishment to a dark realm of shadows, separate from the presence of God. As to whther this is eternal, I do not believe it is in many, many cases. I have seen plenty of evidence that people who pass away & find themselves in a hellish realm, are encouraged by angels, or by the direct intervention of God, to reach out to God for forgiveness & salvation - He accepts us, even the worst of us, if we are sincerely penitent. And those who are neither hot or cold may experience a realm of difficulty where lessons & wisdom can be learned before they find themselves ascending into the higher heavens. I don't believe God abandons anyone, and especially those who have lived well, with His laws in their hearts, living moral & righteous lives, even if they have had no specific religious faith - such people are accepted into the spiritual heavens of the Almighty. Thos who decry others who are not Christian, who scream about people going to Hell forever for not accepting Jesus, are very, very twisted, and they have the message all wrong.

But those who have gone along with the organisation of the vaccine cull, the dehumanisation of the masses, the degradation of moral standards all over the world - they will find the rough end of justice if they don't change their ways. Indeed, those who have been murdered by these evil bastards will find the peace of the grave, rather the joys of Heaven - those who are sending us to the grave by the use of these vaccine bioweapons, will suffer justice, there will be no peace, until there is oblivion. They will not find their names written in the Book of Life.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: Thrumbo

Souls are created at the moment of conception, in a divine act of providence - God creates souls when the body required to house that spark of His life is generated in the material realm, when the egg is fertilised. True that sometimes, souls who have lived before come back, and again, this occurs at the moment of conception. It was discovered in recent years that at the exact moment when the sperm enters the egg & pairs with it to form the embryo, there is a flash of light, with actual photons released from the conjoining of the sperm & egg cell, a literal spark of Creation. This is a miraculous sign - light, within the darkness of the womb, at the moment when the spirit is engendered within the new embryonic development. Where does that light come from? It is a sort of bioluminescence, but it is very real, and has been documented many times in controlled experiments. Light in the darkness - that is what we are supposed to become in this world, and at the moment of conception each one of us generates a spark of pure light, a sign of what is supposed to be accomplished in one's life as a human being.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: NautPsycho

I have come to the conclusion that if life cannot be defined neither can death, Existence is where your consciousness is focused on at the present time. When we sleep we enter the other state, which is quickly forgotten when in the waking state.It has to be like that to maintain the illusion of waking reality. The so-called dead independently also exist in the other state. If it were not so when someone dies all records of their existence would be erased. So we are already dead or alive with the illusion of life in linear time to make it appear rational. When you look at your life a moment or an eternity has passed since it began. because it was never there you just thought it was.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 07:14 PM

originally posted by: midicon
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

Fortunately I'm not evil. In fact I'm very kind.

Other steps are also required, but I'm glad you aren't evil.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 09:31 PM
to fill the treasury, we hope.

the last soul/

When the last soul has descended and the Guf is empty, the first infant to be born without a soul, born dead as such an infant must be, will herald the death of the world and so is called the final sign. Then all of the sparrows will grow silent, and the

the movie, the seventh sign i can't link but it's in the article.

edit on 03/22/2022 by sarahvital because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 09:40 PM

originally posted by: NautPsycho
With all of this talk of depopulation and low birth rates around the World, it makes one who subscribes to reincarnation wonder, where are the souls going?

This is a pure collection of random thoughts but what if there is a deeper meaning behind the conspiracies currently at play? It is quite obvious that the quality of the Soul is attempting to be downgraded through various techniques here on Earth. What karmic future awaits a certain Soul after living through these social cultural constructs that we accept as normal?

Is it taking us away from another human experience onto something somewhat below human alignment? Is there a force that can capture and harvest the Souls of those who are deemed unworthy to return or progress past the Earthly lessons? For those who believe in reincarnation and have their eyes on the current trends and statistics on birth and death, where do you believe the Souls are going if not able to be reborn at the rate of the past?

If true and there is an agenda being fulfilled, what kind of esoteric bullsheet is going on behind the scenes in a hidden realm? Once again, just random thoughts that probably belong in a different category. Some weirdos out there have got to ponder the same

growing up catholic,
we had 3 choices, heaven, hell or limbo.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 10:16 PM
a reply to: NautPsycho

Ask the Archons .

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 11:48 PM

originally posted by: Thrumbo
a reply to: NautPsycho

Consider how many human beings are spawning versus how many are passing away. I say passing away because not sure if its dieing or dying.

Then, look at how many times humans have multiplied in numbers compared to even 100 years ago, then 1k years ago, 10k etc.

Where are all the souls coming from? I think that's a better question. If souls are a real thing and humans have existed for as long as they have, where did all these souls come from recently? They've been waiting in the wings? They were animal souls that graduated?

Furthermore, on that note.. when did humans start having souls in evolution? Did cro-magnon have souls? Neanderthals? Homo this and homo that? Florensis? Isn't one called heiderbergensis or something?

Your post makes actual, fundamental sense. If there are new souls coming from animals or insects or whatever. Look at body dysphoria going on right now. The "person" inside you doesn't agree with your mortal body? That doesn't make any sense to an "old soul".

I never even thought about this aspect before. Some of us have been here for many incarnations. What happens when we have an influx of new souls? Maybe some of them were insects or reptiles. They would behave in a very different way from mammels.


posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

at the moment of conception each one of us generates a spark of pure light, a sign of what is supposed to be accomplished in one's life as a human being.

"In a study published in Scientific Reports, Northwestern researchers have discovered that when the human egg is activated by a sperm enzyme, an explosion of zinc sparks erupt. The size of the eruption is directly related to the health of the egg and its ability to develop into a viable embryo."

The zinc release creates a barrier at the edge of the egg which prevents other sperm entering the egg. It isn't a sign of anything other than that.

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 03:46 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: NautPsycho

With all of this talk of depopulation and low birth rates around the World, it makes one who subscribes to reincarnation wonder, where are the souls going?

More like "Where are all the souls coming from?" There are a lot more people on Planet Earth today than there were 100 years ago.

Good question.

The graph of 'Accelerating Growth In Technology" is almost identical to the one above.

I found one online, but doubts about copyright permission means just a link The promise of accelerating growth . . .

Population growth is said to mirror technological adoption, and is explained by 'better health care' and so on.

Back to the question: Where are all the souls coming from?

My own theory is technology has enabled industrialised killing on an unprecedented scale. Which in turn has traumatised so many people, in life and as they died. The subsequent creation of trauma based 'alters' being born should account for the population growth. Even if there are a finite number of 'human souls'.

What are dissociative disorders?

Dissociative disorders are mental health conditions that involve feelings of being detached from reality, being outside of your own body or experiencing memory loss (amnesia).

The word “dissociation” means to be disconnected from others, from the world around you or from yourself.

Dissociative disorders typically develop after short-term or long-term trauma.

Types of dissociative disorders

The three types of dissociative disorders include:

Dissociative identity disorder (DID): People with DID have two or more separate identities. These identities (called “alters”) control their behavior at various times. Each alter has its own personal history, traits, likes and dislikes.

Dissociative amnesia: This condition happens when you can’t remember essential information about your life. The forgetting may be limited to specific aspects of your life or may include much of your life history and/or identity.

Depersonalization/derealization disorder: This is a condition in which you feel detached from your thoughts, feelings and body (depersonalization), and/or disconnected from your environment (derealization).

From: Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder)

The number of people, including children who die with trauma induced multiple personality disorders can probably account for the explosion in population numbers if we think in terms of the DID alters being born.

Keep in mind the colonial period when the new world was plundered and native populations almost wiped out. The western church's inquisitions, two world wars along with countless other conflicts. The great political and social purges, and so on.

I think the growth in population (souls) is generated by trauma.

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 04:51 PM

originally posted by: beyondknowledge
a reply to: NautPsycho

If you believe in reincarnation and believe that time is irrelevant for whatever supreme being you believe in, then why would souls be limited to only one existence at a time?

Have you considered the possibility that there is only one soul and it is everybody but each individual is not allowed know this? Just something I read once.

I do believe in reincarnation and I have a feeling the universe is big enough that we probably move around to different planets. I do wonder about timeline though or maybe we incarnate on different earths and live different histories? I hope we are the software that gets uploaded to new hardware for new challenges.

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