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Who do you think killed J.F.K. ?

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posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 07:40 AM
come on you guys.
I cannot believe that there are still people underpinning the idea that JFK was killed by the mafia. I suppose everyone has seen Stone's film. I think it cannot be more revealing than that. Oswald was just a pawn nothing more. This person was decided to be temporarily blamed until he was shot. It doesn't matter if it was the CIA, NSA, FBI or whatever. The point is that he was killed because Kennedy was against their plans. Anyway, apart from some conspiracy message boards and similar websites, who else is still deiscussing the JFK issue? No one.

posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 07:08 PM
right? Yeah and I've got some lovely land for sale near Rachel Nevada you might like too!!!

So the bushcrimefamily gets its fingers into another dirty pie and they're gonna make a mint off of it.

And who gets to foot the bill? We the taxpayers thats who!!! This just infuriates me that the rich get richer and our country takes it in the arse to pay the bills to rebuild a country that is not ours again.

Once again the American people are expected to pay the bills while the elitist rake in the dough from the fat gift govt contracts they steal!!!

Start the revolution now!!! I'm ready!!!

As for JFK, it was the CIA using a mafia supplied European hitman named Carlos, thought to be French but may have been a Spaniard, died in a French prison of TB in the early 1980's while serving a life term for murdering a prostitute in Paris. He admitted to being the shooter in the curbside sewer drain. The shooter on the grassy knoll was a US Army marksman who was ordered to his task from Nam and disappeared soon after only to be reported as KIA in Nam. Many feel he may have been forced into an assumed identity but they just might have had him executed to ensure the secret remained undisclosed.
The JFK issue is a sort of hobby/obsession for me, my wife will attest to that.

[Edited on 6-8-2003 by USMC Harrier]

posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by USMC Harrier
right? Yeah and I've got some lovely land for sale near Rachel Nevada you might like too!!!

So the bushcrimefamily gets its fingers into another dirty pie and they're gonna make a mint off of it.

And who gets to foot the bill? We the taxpayers thats who!!! This just infuriates me that the rich get richer and our country takes it in the arse to pay the bills to rebuild a country that is not ours again.

Very good position Mr. Harrier. You are closer than most. Be carefull of your wife! She may love you but oh well!
God Bless and Watch Over You


posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 08:39 PM
USMC Harrier
You're real close, but miss the mark.
There were 3 shooters, all European (French), the Carlos you mention was not one of them, but just a hood that was seeking attention, which didn't work.
There was no Army marksman involved, that was disinformation spread to make the whole situation seem even more unbelievable. All three shooters were flown out of the area on a military transport, plane flew out of Texas to the southeast over the Gulf, all three (and their equipment) practiced skydiving and swimming wearing about 800 pounds of chain (plus 58 grams of lead). Transport left the area with 6 on board, arrived at Wright Patterson with 3 on board. No flight records ever existed, used to be records of the transport logged in at Texas in the AM and logged in at WP in the late PM, but have since dissappeared. The pilot and 2 other "crew" all died (???) within a short period of time after the incident. If you dig deep enough, you can find enough threads of information that when laid out will form a basic story line, of which you can then fill in the gaps with this and other info that I can supply or point you to. This may be a hobby for you, but I lived it, and for most of my life, wished I didn't.

posted on Aug, 6 2003 @ 10:52 PM
The DOD wanted Kennedy dead because he wanted to stop the war in Viatnam. DOD war = contracts. The DOD reports to the CIA.

The NWO wanted Kennedy dead because he wanted to combine the department of the treastury with other parts of the government and try and force a balanced budget. Note at this time the government budget was begninging to run away and we were building thousands of nukes. The US starts printing more money than they have. Killing Kennedy keeps us off the Gold standard.

The Communists wanted Kennedy dead for hardlining CUBA. At the time Russia and CHina were gettign ready to strike the US but JFK wanted no part of it. He treatend nuclear war.

The Mafia wanted JFK dead. Brother Bobby Kennedy was holding hearings on the Communist Party and the Mafia. Which was bringing its liberal crap agenda to the American people and making us pay for it.

So what if all these people had a meeting. Like they do on James Bond movie. The DOD contractors, which probably have ties to the New World order and the Mafia meet with the Communist leaders or the KGB and order JFKs murder. They have a meeting and Get Oswald to play the patsy. Meawhile, people dressed as Cops, MIB and phony Camera Men meet on the grassy knoll. 7 people shoot at Kennedy. SO instead of one shot we have 7. One shoots from the bridge ahead of Kennedy knock him back and blowing out the back of his skull.

The Warren reports today remain 100s of pages of classified documents. Why because there is evidence in there incriminating the US government. 40 years later these documents are due to be released but remain sealed....

What does the government have to hide. If nothing that release the reports.

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 05:20 PM
I read as many replys as I could before I decided to reply to the question of who killed JFK. I must say, that I found that most of the replies seem to be somewhat limited and simplistic. I have, in the past, read about twenty different books on the subject and have not found one theory that comes close to what in my opinion is the answer to this question.

Just months before JFK was killed, he ordered the Treasury department to create some $6,000,000,000.00 in United States Treasury Notes. These notes would have been backed by the gold in Fort Knox. If these notes were ever created, they would have destroyed the Federal Reserve system. The financial dynastic families in the U.S. and Europe whose last names start with the letter "R" own and control not only the Federal Reserve System, but the Bank of England, the IMF, the World Bank and just about every other central bank in the world. If the U.S. Treasury notes that JFK wanted printed ever made it to the U.S. public and the rest of humanity, it would have destroyed the Federal Reserve and the IMF and the World Bank and would have had a cascading effect in the world and would have set back for probably another fifty years all the plans that were being developed for bringing about THE NEW WORLD ORDER. The fact that JFK made so many enemies in this country has only served to further confuse the isssue of who ordered his killing.

If there is someone among you who might also be able to shed some light on this theory, I would be very happy to know.

[Edited on 8-11-2003 by Eljay]

[Edited on 8-11-2003 by Eljay]

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by Eljay
Just months before JFK was killed, he ordered the Treasury department to create some $6,000,000,000.00 in United States Treasury Notes. These notes would have been backed by the gold in Fort Knox. If these notes were ever created, they would have destroyed the Federal Reserve system. [Edited on 8-11-2003 by Eljay]


I agree on this one...except they were Silver notes backed by silver.

I have a whole thread hitting on this (except the assasination) if you want to contribute.

Kennedy was assasinated, and one of the first things the new office did, was remove the silver notes from circulation...and completely rely on the Fed Reserve Corp again...even though the Executive Order still is in effect, to this day.

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 05:40 PM
I believe that it was the CIA along with the involvement
of George W Bush. The link has already been posted by
VOD that I woul offer up.

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by theshadowknows
I think the C.I.A. had somthing to do with it...but i don't know why.Please tell me what your opinion is on who did it and why

[Edited on 23-7-2003 by theshadowknows]

By the direction of LBJ, J. Edgar Hoover & Co. using a collection of rogue assassins from intelligence, the military and select organised crime figures.

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by Colonel
I think George Bush Sr. had something to do with it.

George H.W. Bush was known to have a close association with the Texas apparatus and certain government officials within Defense and intelligence. He just happened to be the only guy who - on record - could not recall his whereabouts on the day Kennedy was murdered. Official accounts have placed him in Texas. How could one forget his whereabouts on that day of days?

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 11:14 AM
i think it had something to do with the CIA and maybe the U.S. military because maybe he learned something that was supposed to be kept secret.

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by sftprez
i think it had something to do with the CIA and maybe the U.S. military because maybe he learned something that was supposed to be kept secret.

1. He was going to smash the Federal Reserve System

2. He was going to "downsize" the CIA

3. Signed an Executive Order to begin troop withdrawel from Vietnam.

4. He just wouldn't play ball...

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 05:55 PM
The Kennedy's were anti-semitic. This was a well known fact. JFK didn't care for the state of Israel. There are several well researched books and articles that claim that the Israelis killed JFK. I don't suppose we'll ever find out the truth. The powers that be have covered their tracks too well.

posted on Nov, 19 2003 @ 07:12 PM

Addison's disease was ravaging his body, he was tired of concealing and increasingly unable to conceal his pain and debilitation.

He dies a martyr and American hero after a largely failed presidency. Bobby is positioned to receive the sympathy nomination whenever Johnson is sufficiently marginalized.

Perfect plan.

posted on Nov, 19 2003 @ 07:16 PM
I agree, it was the CIA . They killed JFK because they couldn't control him, and everyone knows the Elitists always win

posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 04:49 PM
My bet is that the CIA assassinated Kennedy ( for reasons best known to themselves ) and tried to put the blame on the Mafia. If I am wrong, it is clear that both were involved in any case.

Forensic evidence shows that the fatal shot came from the grassy knoll, as the exit wound was on the back of Kennedy's head. This theory has been backed up by credible sources, such as TV documentaries, namely one which I saw on Discovery some time ago, and another I saw in history class at school. The exit wound is usually much larger and more destructive than the entry wound in a gunshot victim, and the larger wound was present on the side of the President's head which would have been facing towards the book depository.

Oswald may have taken the first shot, but he was in my opinion definitely the fall guy. Jack Ruby killed him before he stood trial so that he could not explain this. Who put him up to it is another matter, it may have been the mafia or the CIA.

The most prominent theory fearured on the ATS main page involving the CIA is that William Greer fired the fatal shot, and that this frame was removed from the Zapruder film.
I don't buy it, whoever did it had enough gunmen on the scene and wouldn't need to rely on the driver.

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 08:10 AM
Homer: I got it! Lee Harvey Oswald wanted to steal the Jack Ruby!
Marge: Jack Ruby was a man.
Homer: Okay we're back to square 1.

If Homer can't figure it out I don't know who can!

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 12:16 AM

I think this topic needs some discussion AGAIN. There are tons of theories, (Cubans, Soviets, CIA). But something i stumbled upon while researching this was that it may have been the CIA, but to go one stop deeper than that, it was the FREEMASONS. At the time the CIA Director was a 33rd degree, Mason Lyndon Johnson. JFK was killed in Dealey Plaza, the site of the first Masonic Temple. Dallas is just south of the 33rd degree of Longitute. A 33rd Degree Mason is the highest one can achieve. The New Orleans CIA (who provided security) station's headquarters were in a Masonic temple.

Last but not least, Mason Lyndon Johnson appointed Mason Earl Warren to investigate Kennedy's death. Seeing the pattern yet. 33rd degree Mason, Gerald Ford was instrumental in suppressing what little evidence of a conspiratorial nature reached the commission.

Now people may believe this is unplausible, but if the Freemasons are as powerful as many think they are, they can make you believe otherwise.

There's more on this site. Tell what you think

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 04:52 PM
Also, Oswald could not have the lone man, or perhaps even the man.

2 reasons for this. To calculate a percise shot like that, would need careful planning and intelligent thinking. However, we police found Oswald's diary's, it was obvious he wasnt of the intelligent nature.

The second reason is why would Oswald state he didnt do it? People who kill president's are not exactly the most shy. This is something they believed in, and would proclaim to the world their guilt. They would have no shame. Examples are modern day terrorists. They always will claim responsibility to terrorist acts.

Just some points to ponder.

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 05:18 PM
The C.I.A were the fellas responsible and Oswald rots in hell for something he didnt do! i heard that Bush Jnr played his part when he was top daddy in the cia
found this movie yesterday - aint watched it myself - hope its

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