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Abortion? Again? My opinion? Im a man. I shouldnt have 1.

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posted on Jun, 26 2022 @ 06:55 PM
But, boy do I. I marched for this 50 years ago. Not again! Why not just slap women in the face and kick em as well? This is my take...albeit up-the-middle-ground. And ladies? God, y'all gotta know I love you all. No man can birth no watermelon.

Oh course expectant fathers and others are and should be part of any decisions within their circle. Affecting the lives, future and destiny of the "soul" (instead of the "unborn" for purposes here.) is imperative. These decisions or no decisions, happen and will continue to happen throughout the future. So, what do we think "life" is about? When is it, when is it not? And can it be "maybe", "sort-of"...kinda pregnant, now Im not?

Im not asking for your own explanation of womanhood, Im telling you. No one has any right to tell anyone, anything other than opine about what they may believe is right as opposed to wrong. At the end of the day...I cannot tell a woman anything about her decision making. Believe me. Ive been married 3 times...

I believe in the sanctity of life...and potential life. But no way in H-ll do I have any single right to even pretend to understand this decision, or should try to influence one.

I think God knows both sides. All things come from God. What may all the untold pressures of bringing a child into the world that a woman has to decide, care about, maintain...or refrain.

God bless you ladies. All of you. Let no one man, person, government sway your resolve and heart: whatever way you choose. It is a heavy burden for women, but Ill stay silently by any decision made...because Ive never met a man who could 'birth no baby.


posted on Jun, 26 2022 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

" because I've never met a man who could 'birth no baby. "

Did you Ever Meet a Man that Did Not Want his Genetic Prodigy to Follow Him and be Brought into this Life After He was Gone ? Hmm...

posted on Jun, 26 2022 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

topic came up at work last night around midnight in lieu of recent topics and events. I had casually stated I don't think the federal government should have say on the matter, as I'm a libertarian, I think at the very most, it should be in the states' hands. That pesky sovereignty and all.

Then one of the more opinionated coworkers I have, one that seems to want to argue the point every time I open my mouth whether she knows what the * she's talking about or not, chimes in with the tired "You really dont get an opinion, because you don't have a uterus."

Last week she chided me for referring to my wife and I's baby as "our" pregnancy, saying I had nothing to do with it.

Some people, man. The topic of pregnancy health and abortions makes people into black and white idiots.

posted on Jun, 26 2022 @ 07:29 PM
I have a very personal reason to not much care for abortion.

He would have been thirty-two this year.

Being young, and stupid, we didn't take proper precautions, and that was the result. A baby boy.

She, being young and stupid--like yours truly--and under the thumb of a domineering father, and thinking I would want nothing to do with it--not true, I'd have moved heaven and earth for that little boy--and his mother. But, I was in Alaska, she was...elsewhere.

Under pressure, and panic stricken, she aborted. I knew nothing of this until many years later. To say I was shocked, saddened, not to mention infuriated, would be an understatement.

So my views are biased, shall we say. But abortion as a method of birth

Having said that? This issue is deeply personal, and govt. should have absolutely no roll in it. None. This is between the parents, and if you believe such things, and their chosen deity. No one else, unless invited.

posted on Jun, 26 2022 @ 07:40 PM
The only choice should be between the 2 people involved. PERIOD.

posted on Jun, 26 2022 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

It takes 2 to make a in most cases it should be 2 people deciding. Saying you shouldn't have an opinion or a say in the matter because you're a min seems kind of silly...

posted on Jun, 26 2022 @ 08:15 PM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
But, boy do I. I marched for this 50 years ago. Not again! Why not just slap women in the face and kick em as well? This is my take...albeit up-the-middle-ground. And ladies? God, y'all gotta know I love you all. No man can birth no watermelon.

Oh course expectant fathers and others are and should be part of any decisions within their circle. Affecting the lives, future and destiny of the "soul" (instead of the "unborn" for purposes here.) is imperative. These decisions or no decisions, happen and will continue to happen throughout the future. So, what do we think "life" is about? When is it, when is it not? And can it be "maybe", "sort-of"...kinda pregnant, now Im not?

Im not asking for your own explanation of womanhood, Im telling you. No one has any right to tell anyone, anything other than opine about what they may believe is right as opposed to wrong. At the end of the day...I cannot tell a woman anything about her decision making. Believe me. Ive been married 3 times...

I believe in the sanctity of life...and potential life. But no way in H-ll do I have any single right to even pretend to understand this decision, or should try to influence one.

I think God knows both sides. All things come from God. What may all the untold pressures of bringing a child into the world that a woman has to decide, care about, maintain...or refrain.

God bless you ladies. All of you. Let no one man, person, government sway your resolve and heart: whatever way you choose. It is a heavy burden for women, but Ill stay silently by any decision made...because Ive never met a man who could 'birth no baby.


Whats a woman? I'm not a biologist.

posted on Jun, 26 2022 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger
Why not look into technology that could remove the unwanted fetus from the womb, incubate it, and have the baby adopted. We certainly could look into it. People are on adoption lists for long periods of time.

The problem would come when supply would over come the demand. So it is a very temporary solution.

posted on Jun, 26 2022 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

Touche". Thnx

posted on Jun, 26 2022 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: Iconic

All Ive ever said...was its theirs. It always was their. Its between a woman and God and I dont wanna preach cause I dont mean too.

Its just we have to...respect woman whatever. What? You think we MEN know?

posted on Jun, 26 2022 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: Iconic

I agree its not black and white, which so many people lean to.

However, i think it should be something for women to decide. Men aren't the ones carrying the children and shouldn't dictate abortion laws.

posted on Jun, 26 2022 @ 08:52 PM
The media is hyping this for all it's worth and ramping people into a frenzy over what Ruth Ginzberg said was a poorly written constitutional amendment that should never have been passed in the first place.

Now it's been kicked back to where it was fifty years ago- the states- to be addressed properly. Just like the border issue, and the gun issue- they'll keep playing with it to polarize everybody every time an election comes up, yet never address it where laws are made.

They did it wrong the first time, got years of campaign arguments out of it, and now-rather than regroup and fix their mistakes- they're acting like the sky is falling.

When political parties call for hitting the streets in mass protest (and we all KNOW violence and protests go hand-in-hand) they are advocating for total chaos, civil unrest and illegal activity. Hold the POLITICIANS who can't do their job right accountable, and MAKE THEM FIX the problems they create.

posted on Jun, 26 2022 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: seagull

I am so sorry. For whatever reasons in your life, God showed you Grace somehow, someway in all this. How do any of us know...or think we know...whats right with this? We cant. Whereas, youve been there.

50 years back I marched this crap for my wife. My Sister. My nieces. My neighbors. For Life. Choices? No choices? Religion? Morality? Legality? All of it. Woman. Period. And Im not joking there.

It is and always has the hands of the woman. However-she-perceives it. Right or wrong. Not my choice, no man's choice. government ban...or mandate. Im sticking up for the right: the Right for woman to choose their destinies for themselves.

posted on Jun, 26 2022 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

Youre right.

posted on Jun, 26 2022 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: RickyD

Hey Ricky! Nope. I did stress the point.

"Oh course expectant fathers and others are and should be part of any decisions within their circle. Affecting the lives, future and destiny of the "soul" (instead of the "unborn" for purposes here.) is imperative."

posted on Jun, 26 2022 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

It's an incredibly nuanced subject where I can appreciate all sides of the debate.

I can see why people so vehemently oppose it strictly based off the subject matter of babies and their lives.

And I can see how women need options with all the implications of becoming a mother. Also, so we want people to be parents if they don't want to be? Who suffers in that scenario. To get darker and more crass, it's typically those in poverty who are weighing the options of abortion, and this would have economic snowballs thay could be much larger later on. People are welcome to grill me for viewing it that way, it's deserved as it's quite insensitive to think of dollars when we're discussing potential babies.

This debate isn't likely to be settled anytime soon. And the biggest disappointment to me is the timing. Abortion isn't something that most adults are going to interact with in their lives, yet we face many issues that effect every single citizen. My guess is both sides go for the low hanging fruit and make this a primary issue for the elections to come.

Energy, inflation, the housing crisis, jobs, food shortages, supply chain issues all be damned. Now we're talking about an issue that most Americans deemed settled long ago. I say they just put a ban past 3 months barring a medical emergency and be done with it for now. Put it on the back burner. But we all damn well know nothing of the sorts will happen. And while I don't mind this remaining a state issue, today's society won't allow that.

posted on Jun, 26 2022 @ 09:01 PM
a reply to: Brotherman

Brotherman...I gotta an answer but Im gonna hold on to it for now.

posted on Jun, 26 2022 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: CptGreenTea

Amen. Thnx

posted on Jun, 26 2022 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: RickyD
a reply to: mysterioustranger

It takes 2 to make a in most cases it should be 2 people deciding. Saying you shouldn't have an opinion or a say in the matter because you're a min seems kind of silly...

As a man it's your duty to pick women right. Your pick should be someone who is going to value your opinion and part in decision making process.

That said, as a man, I don't view consent to sex as consent to bear my children. I understand the very implication of the act, but it's just my opinion and how I go about my thought process.

(post by WakeUpBeer removed for political trolling and baiting)

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