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We Probably Never Made it to the Moon

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posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 07:08 AM

originally posted by: Gothmog

Learn real science , not from YouTube .

"Plasma called “solar wind" flows continually from the Sun at a very high speed of 500km/sec."

From the Japanese Institute of Space and Astronautical Science link. 500km/sec is 111,000mph. I did all my own research regarding the plasma winds, and I got all the data from credible space institutions. Solar winds can reach up to 1,000,000 degrees Celsius source. There's no atmosphere or magnetic field to protect the moon from being constantly bombarded by these super hot, super fast plasma winds.

originally posted by: stelth2
a reply to: cooperton

If we can't get through the belt, how did we send satellites and rovers to Mars? I understand humans are fragile, but still, circuit boards made it through. If I remember right, the way that the astronauts made it through before was because there is a hole through the belt that they have to take at a certain angle.

That's why I showed that the Mars Rover was actually caught being on Devon Island on earth, it is at the end of the OP. If they're still faking stuff, there's no reason to believe anything they do really... Here's from the OP:

Many will argue we already have rovers on mars, which is further than the moon. But they actually got ratted out by a lemming located on Devon Island in Northern Canada:

The top photo is supposedly a picture from the Mars rover, but if you zoom in you can see there is clearly a rodent in the picture. These specific types of rodents are native to Devon Island in Northern Canada. But surely this must be a mistake? Nope... NASA is actually stationed in Devon Island:

"In addition to communications, equipment testing, and vehicular and extra-vehicular operations, Devon Island is the site of the Exploration program, which aims to develop new technologies, strategies, and operational protocols to support the future exploration of the moon, Mars, and other planets." -NASA

originally posted by: noonebutme

You have ZERO knowledge of science and technology.

How can you be so ignorant of tech and yet have the audacity to think we never landed on the moon when there is visual and PHYSICAL evidence that we have.

I would get an education on the basics of science and tech and THEN try to debunk them.

I don't need a degree in computer engineering to know that our scientific capabilities have increased exponentially since 1969, which was my point for even referencing the computer specs. If you know how to get us back to the moon, talk to Don Pettit at NASA they need your help

edit on 6-4-2022 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 07:54 AM

originally posted by: cooperton

The Van Allen Belts range from temperatures of 2,000-20,000 degrees Celsius. That's as much as 4x hotter than the surface of the sun.

Even though an individual molecule of material in the Van Allen Belt (or in the thermosphere, as another example) is at a high temperature, there are actually very few molecules. So the actual effect on a spacecraft will be virtually nothing.

An example of fewer molecules meaning less effect would be this: Heat your oven to 212 F (100 C). Also, heat a pot of water to 212 F/100 C. You can put your hand in the 212 F oven and leave it there for a short while with little effect on your hand. However, I would strongly advise you NOT to stick your hand in 212 F water, even for just a few seconds. Your hand would be scalded an you would suffer sever burns.

The oven air and the pot of water are the same temperature, but because the molecules in the pot are much more dense than in the oven, there is a huge difference in the effect on your hand.

edit on 6/4/2022 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 08:07 AM

originally posted by: Soylent Green Is People

Even though an individual molecule of material in the Van Allen Belt (or in the thermosphere, as another example) is at a high temperature, there are actually very few molecules. So the actual effect on a spacecraft will be virtually nothing.

An example of fewer molecules meaning less effect would be this: Heat your oven to 212 F (100 C). Also, heat a pot of water to 212 F/100 C. You can put your hand in the 212 F oven and leave it there for a short while with little effect on your hand. However, I would strongly advise you NOT to stick your hand in 212 F water, even for just a few seconds. Your hand would be scalded an you would suffer sever burns.

The oven air and the pot of water are the same temperature, but because the molecules in the pot are much more dense than in the oven, there is a huge difference in the effect on your hand.

Yeah thats a good point, but why do solid meteors incinerate in this layer then? Particles in the Van Allen Belts are going at speeds close to the speed of light, so very very fast. I think this speed is what compensates for the low density and allows this layer to destroy meteors to protect earth.
edit on 6-4-2022 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 08:26 AM
I can`t believe people still believe in the Apollo moon landings.
I watched it as a kid and believed everything but you`ve only got to google images of the Apollo moon lander to see that there`s no way that thing flew 238,000 miles and back at thousands of miles an hour.
It couldn`t fly on earth yet it could land on the moon and take off.
" A funny thing happened on the way to the Moon " shows they faked it.
So gullible ....

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: lambros56

The gravity on the moon is only 1/6th as powerful as on Earth hence the reason the lander could not take-off from Earth because it was never designed to do so. LoL

You do a lot of very clever and industrious people a disservice by labelling the Apollo moon landings as fake.

Science is your friend lambros56, we went to the moon, beginning with Apollo 11 in July 1969, with a total of 24 astronauts having been there in person.
edit on 6-4-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: cooperton

in light of this and similar threads, one could also ask if we humans slowly turning back into apes. but on the other side it's fun. where would we be without our imagination?

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 08:53 AM

originally posted by: cooperton
First off, NASA astronaut Don Pettit admits that we "lost the technology (to get us to the moon) and it's a long and painful process to get it back"

Well it simply isn't as simple as rebuilding a SaturnV rocket, that is all what he says.

Next is a NASA engineer saying we still have yet to figure out how to get through the Van Allen Belts:

Talking about the Orion Spacecraft, taking a complete different pass throught the Van Allen belts as the Apollo project did.

The ISS touches the South Atlantic Anomaly part of the van Allen Belts on a daily basis.

Look^ the return module even had a window so if the astronauts wanted to they could look into the star-hot radiation that was violently permeating all around them. There's really no excuse for this

That answer is even on quora

Try to really look into what information is available about the Apollo project....

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 09:03 AM

originally posted by: cooperton

originally posted by: Soylent Green Is People

Even though an individual molecule of material in the Van Allen Belt (or in the thermosphere, as another example) is at a high temperature, there are actually very few molecules. So the actual effect on a spacecraft will be virtually nothing.

An example of fewer molecules meaning less effect would be this: Heat your oven to 212 F (100 C). Also, heat a pot of water to 212 F/100 C. You can put your hand in the 212 F oven and leave it there for a short while with little effect on your hand. However, I would strongly advise you NOT to stick your hand in 212 F water, even for just a few seconds. Your hand would be scalded an you would suffer sever burns.

The oven air and the pot of water are the same temperature, but because the molecules in the pot are much more dense than in the oven, there is a huge difference in the effect on your hand.

Yeah thats a good point, but why do solid meteors incinerate in this layer then? Particles in the Van Allen Belts are going at speeds close to the speed of light, so very very fast. I think this speed is what compensates for the low density and allows this layer to destroy meteors to protect earth.

The Van Allen belts are not where meteors burn up.

The inner belts are 620 to 7500 miles (1000 to 12,000 km) above the Earth. The outer belts are 8000 to 37,000 miles (13,000 to 60,000 km) above.

Meteors burn up much much closer to the Earth. A burning, glowing meteor is, on average, 50 to 75 miles (80 to 120 km) up, but sometimes can be higher or lower. The atmosphere begins to get much thicker at those altitudes closer to Earth. A meteor encountering the increasing thickness of the atmosphere at 75-ish miles up is what causes the meteor to burn up.

edit on 6/4/2022 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: cooperton

Originally posted by cooperton
I want to go over some recent developments that show we actually have no clue how to get to the moon. First off, NASA astronaut Don Pettit admits that we "lost the technology (to get us to the moon) and it's a long and painful process to get it back"

What if there’s another conspiracy…what if the real reason they’re stating they lost the tech to get to the moon…is because they don’t want us going back there…because insert (conspiracy theory here)…

Maybe those whistle blower accounts about what’s on the moon are true, and perhaps that’s the real reason they don’t want us going back there…This may even tie in with the Stanley Kubrick theories… not because they didn’t go to the moon, but because they wanted to cover up what was on the Moon…hence some of the anomalies in the photographs etc…

Plus, if the secret black projects are light years ahead…then the last thing they would want…is to waste time on out dated technology…

- JC

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: Joecroft

There is, in fact, a truly frightening and sinister conspiracy. A shadowy cabal is conspiring to make people more ignorant by posting messages to discussion forums promoting the contention that humans never went to the moon.

When will this nonsense end? Spoiler alert: It will never end.

Fight ignorance.

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 09:55 AM
You Forgot to Mention that the Original Footage of the Moon Landing
has been LOST.
I've always had my Doubts about what actually happened.
Did We or Didn't We Go to The Moon.
Don't Know because the US Government Lies Constantlly.
Good Post this is much better than Watching an Idiot Fake President.
Mumble and Talk out of his Ass.
a reply to: cooperton

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 10:49 AM

originally posted by: bluesman462002
You Forgot to Mention that the Original Footage of the Moon Landing
has been LOST.
I've always had my Doubts about what actually happened.
Did We or Didn't We Go to The Moon.
Don't Know because the US Government Lies Constantlly.
Good Post this is much better than Watching an Idiot Fake President.
Mumble and Talk out of his Ass.
a reply to: cooperton

The originals were lost (likely recorded over). There are copies that still exist and reportedly contain everything that were on the originals, although are a lower video quality.

edit on 6/4/2022 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: Joecroft

What if there’s another conspiracy…what if the real reason they’re stating they lost the tech to get to the moon…is because they don’t want us going back there…because insert (conspiracy theory here)…

Maybe those whistle blower accounts about what’s on the moon are true, and perhaps that’s the real reason they don’t want us going back there…This may even tie in with the Stanley Kubrick theories… not because they didn’t go to the moon, but because they wanted to cover up what was on the Moon…hence some of the anomalies in the photographs etc…

Plus, if the secret black projects are light years ahead…then the last thing they would want…is to waste time on out dated technology…

- JC

Yeah that's what I wonder... if we did make it to the moon then where's the moon base? Perhaps its because the moon base is classified info.

Imagine after Christopher Columbus discovers America and then they're just like, 'ok yeah we're good, no reason to establish a base there or anything'. It was the opposite, everyone wanted land in America. At the very least the moon is a strategic location. It could probably survive a nuclear winter on earth, among other disasters.

originally posted by: Soylent Green Is People

The Van Allen belts are not where meteors burn up.

The inner belts are 620 to 7500 miles (1000 to 12,000 km) above the Earth. The outer belts are 8000 to 37,000 miles (13,000 to 60,000 km) above.

Meteors burn up much much closer to the Earth. A burning, glowing meteor is, on average, 50 to 75 miles (80 to 120 km) up, but sometimes can be higher or lower. The atmosphere begins to get much thicker at those altitudes closer to Earth. A meteor encountering the increasing thickness of the atmosphere at 75-ish miles up is what causes the meteor to burn up.

Oh good call, I missed that detail. So why does the NASA engineer say its a problem at all if we can just do the same thing we did in 1969?

(starts around 3:00 in the video)

I go back and forth on this so often its exhausting. Regardless, thanks for the cool-headed response.

edit on 6-4-2022 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 01:22 PM
The one piece of evidence that has always stuck out to me is the Apollo 16 astronaut getting up after falling over, and then when upright he scoots around 90° like there's no weight at all, almost like he's being pulled back a little bit.

Starting at 2:07 in the video. Come on, does that even look remotely believable? NO.

As for how the mirrors got up there, same way delicate instruments get to Mars or Venus? I imagine they were calibrated from earth, didn't need astronauts there.

It's supposed to be a serious and dangerous exploration mission, so why are you bringing a buggy to mess around in? Is weight not at a premium? I guess not as they packed a hammer for the hammer/feather 'test', and golf clubs. Being an American buggy from the 60s it probably had a V8, so where is it getting the air for the engine?? Totally fake!!

On the other hand, they certainly made things hard for themselves by going 6/7 times..
edit on 6-4-2022 by baggy7981 because: spacing

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 01:32 PM

originally posted by: baggy7981
The one piece of evidence that has always stuck out to me is the Apollo 16 astronaut getting up after falling over, and then when upright he scoots around 90° like there's no weight at all, almost like he's being pulled back a little bit.

Starting at 2:07 in the video. Come on, does that even look remotely believable? NO.

Yeah that shows he is being supported by a wire.

There's also footage from Apollo 14 of a camera man kicking his boot out.


search "3rd man on the moon" in the link above. I'm having trouble creating a direct link to the video.
edit on 6-4-2022 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 01:47 PM
So many things I remember reading. I remember reading that they didn't have enough bone loss when they got back to account for that amount of days. The calculations for reentry were so precise and that they never calculated for the stowage of moon rocks. The backgrounds were filmed at Mauna Kea, Hawaii. The film could never have survived the radiation of space.

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 02:02 PM

originally posted by: cooperton
Oh good call, I missed that detail. So why does the NASA engineer say its a problem at all if we can just do the same thing we did in 1969?

Apollo was on a trajectory for the moon, and was able to go through the thinnest portions of the Belts. They also did most of their calculations on the ground and most of the systems on the capsule weren't going to be hammered by radiation. Constellation, or whatever new capsule they end up using, will go to other places besides the moon, and will occasionally have to go through different parts of the Belts, and will be massive computers. Computers don't react well to radiation, and will have to be shielded, which will require pretty extensive testing going through the Belts.

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 02:04 PM
They did. Was crazy risky but they did it.

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: loufo

I've often posted my belief that we as a species are in fact least mentally.

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Fair enough, but your point about reflectometers doesn't prove men went to the moon, which is why i called you out on it.

I'm on the fence on this one personally, as with everything NASA there's so many holes and inconsistencies in the official story, then they go and lose all the telemetry data, which is the only real way to categorically prove they actually went.

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